Morning Krissi beautiful sea of green and the budding girls
Happy to here everyone is doing good except for headache . Just walked outside for some fresh air and the blue northern wind bought blue me away. The Veterans parade is going to be a cold one . I’m redropping seeds today so will start a thread very soon. Later Sweetheart :love:
Morning Krissi beautiful sea of green and the budding girls
Happy to here everyone is doing good except for headache . Just walked outside for some fresh air and the blue northern wind bought blue me away. The Veterans parade is going to be a cold one . I’m redropping seeds today so will start a thread very soon. Later Sweetheart :love:
Wow these guys are up early the Veterans Day parade canceled due to the rain and wind . Guess I’ll be starting the seeds this morning :love:
Morning Krissi beautiful sea of green and the budding girls
Morning West! Thank you!! They're doing so great!
Happy to here everyone is doing good except for headache .
Definitely on the mends and getting back to shape now
Just walked outside for some fresh air and the blue northern wind bought blue me away. The Veterans parade is going to be a cold one . I’m redropping seeds today so will start a thread very soon. Later Sweetheart :love:
A new thread from you??!! Yaaaaay!! :party::woohoo:
Wow these guys are up early the Veterans Day parade canceled due to the rain and wind . Guess I’ll be starting the seeds this morning :love:
Oh no, how sad about the parade but hurray for the seeds! Rain is coming in soon here, supposed to storm pretty bad tonight and overnight. Hoping the winds don't get too bad cause we have some big old trees back here by the house!
Tag me when you do your thread, please!!
Everyone is OK. I'm so tired from doing everything 150% since the day I tested negative, TK has been absent trying to not get sick so everything has been on me. Feel pulled in so many directions.

MIL is fully vaccinated just has a cough now and runny nose, baby had no symptoms, tested negative this morning.

Thanks for checking in on me, Bill. You're the bestest!

Can you believe tomorrow is DAY 40?


By the looks of the size of my plants and the stage of development over in my 3 x 3 tent with these Super Silver Crack and Deelite girls, I'm thinking we are gonna a flip real soon. Maybe this weekend in fact. Remember once they move out,these 3 move to the @Mars Hydro SP3000 and will finish up in that tent. Giving the other 5 space I'm the 4 x 4.

They are looking so fabulous and healthy after their trim. Just so much more bounce and their color is so beautiful today, I'm more than proud of them and more than pleased with the effect the @Cultiuana CT-720 has on its plants that shine beneath it.

Today is 3 days since they were fed. Absolutely noticing how the @DYNOMYCO has affected the root structure and how easily my @Prescription Blend nutrients are uptaked throughout each and every one of these vivacious plants.

Blueberry, 44 inches and counting. You kidding me Smalls?! I had to raise the light, AGAIN. She was like a half and inch from hitting it this morning. I'm so impressed with her size and her seemingly perfect structure. Just did that all on her own. She is spread out enough through her center line thst there's no need for me to do anything to her minus chip off some far bottom buds that are just not going to do much. I'll get to that as time goes on and I see how far up to re direct energy.

Simon is gorgeous! Oh my little Simon! What color what uumph! Wow! My last Big Bull grew the same way, had a lot of nasty silly unnecessary bottom scragglies and middle squgglies that impinged on mid veg growth as Maestro got bigger and was getting flower ready. These two, Alvin and Simon, both followed suit. I cleaned them up and as of today, booming with new energy, new shoots, and a vibrant color scheme!

I'll be back and around updating the other Cultiuana journal and my SSC girls also. Going to make some final changes on a @Prescription Blend review I'm finishing up and that'll get me caught up.

Still battling the 'long covid headache' as it is called, I'll carry thus with me for a few months. Just stinks guys this constant pressure giving me thus whoosh whoosh always all day. Mucinex kinda helps but it is what it is, damn Vid!

Check in with you all later! Have a great day!
Prioritize things Krissi.
Seriously you need to get some rest.
I'm sure ther are things you can leave until later , tomorrow or never.
Don't let TK off the hook either.
Give him a list Daily, get him helping.
He can work around not getting sick, but lazy isn't cutting it.
If you burnt out what happens?
Get some rest. :Namaste:

Stay Healthy ;)
Prioritize things Krissi.
Seriously you need to get some rest.
I'm sure ther are things you can leave until later , tomorrow or never.
Don't let TK off the hook either.
Give him a list Daily, get him helping.
He can work around not getting sick, but lazy isn't cutting it.
If you burnt out what happens?
Get some rest. :Namaste:

Stay Healthy ;)

He took a nap when he came home from work yesterday. I took care of the baby as usual, bathed him got him to bed. Same thing happened day before when he came home from work. Today I guess they called off work because of the rain coming in and he slept on the couch last night. I woke him up this morning at 645. He went out smoked a cigarette and then this is where he went.

This is my day every day. Vid or not. Just a hands off guy. Still has to ask me where to put clean dishes sometimes. True story.

I don't know what else to do Bill. I have asked for help and for attention and he just continues to focus solely on work. That's what he tells me, I go to work every day. Yea well, I don't get a day off and my days are 15 hours long every day. He doesn't get it. He did carry me to my bed last night when I passed out from exhaustion at like 9 last night on the couch. Didn't even smoke the joint I had rolled, I was so tired. But he thinks a move like carrying me to bed, makes up for all the stuff he doesn't do...

Ugh...Anyway sorry just frustrated and I know you listen to me lol

My body won't let me go too far anymore, it tells me slow down wait til later. My head though fights me and says no no no go go go. It's a battle, that's why I smoke Indica. And why I'm about to smoke this joint from last night now because I'm going to feel like I need to do everything before noon.


Have a good day, my friend. Try not to worry about me, I'm a tough cookie.

He took a nap when he came home from work yesterday. I took care of the baby as usual, bathed him got him to bed. Same thing happened day before when he came home from work. Today I guess they called off work because of the rain coming in and he slept on the couch last night. I woke him up this morning at 645. He went out smoked a cigarette and then this is where he went.

This is my day every day. Vid or not. Just a hands off guy. Still has to ask me where to put clean dishes sometimes. True story.

I don't know what else to do Bill. I have asked for help and for attention and he just continues to focus solely on work. That's what he tells me, I go to work every day. Yea well, I don't get a day off and my days are 15 hours long every day. He doesn't get it. He did carry me to my bed last night when I passed out from exhaustion at like 9 last night on the couch. Didn't even smoke the joint I had rolled, I was so tired. But he thinks a move like carrying me to bed, makes up for all the stuff he doesn't do...

Ugh...Anyway sorry just frustrated and I know you listen to me lol

My body won't let me go too far anymore, it tells me slow down wait til later. My head though fights me and says no no no go go go. It's a battle, that's why I smoke Indica. And why I'm about to smoke this joint from last night now because I'm going to feel like I need to do everything before noon.


Have a good day, my friend. Try not to worry about me, I'm a tough cookie.
I do worry though.
Tell him this is his list for the day.
Start simple.
Put a couple things on paper so he can check them off.
But get him used to it slowly, hopefully eventually he will pull his weight.
Just a thought.
If I'm bugging you just say so. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 ;)
I do worry though.
Tell him this is his list for the day.
Start simple.
Put a couple things on paper so he can check them off.
But get him used to it slowly, hopefully eventually he will pull his weight.
Just a thought.
If I'm bugging you just say so. :Namaste:

Stay safe
Bill284 ;)
Nothing I don't hear from my friends, my parents, his parents or from my own head. Not bothering me at all. Maybe I should get a nice note pack that says 'Honey-Do List' it will seem sweeter. He is not good at balancing, it's something I am really good at. We are just not even at all on this scale is all. Need to find a happy way to balance it out some.
Nothing I don't hear from my friends, my parents, his parents or from my own head. Not bothering me at all. Maybe I should get a nice note pack that says 'Honey-Do List' it will seem sweeter. He is not good at balancing, it's something I am really good at. We are just not even at all on this scale is all. Need to find a happy way to balance it out some.
Honey do list sounds perfect.
Start slow.
Simple stuff that will make him feel comfortable working with a daily list.
Then gradually build it up to be a helpful part of your day.
You have to start somewhere.
Take care, got to run.
Going to get a door.
Then I have 4 cords of wood to haul and stack, yeiks. :rolleyes:
I'll be crippled for a couple days but it has to be done. Right!
Honey do list sounds perfect.
Start slow.
Simple stuff that will make him feel comfortable working with a daily list.
Then gradually build it up to be a helpful part of your day.
You have to start somewhere.
Take care, got to run.
Going to get a door.
Then I have 4 cords of wood to haul and stack, yeiks. :rolleyes:
I'll be crippled for a couple days but it has to be done. Right!
Will do. Thanks for taking some of the little time you have for me friend. You go easy on yourself, start preaching to the choir!
Krissi, you appear to have a lot of experience with Covid. I have it now for the first time and my mouth tastes like crap and nothing makes it taste better. Please tell me you have a cure for this because I'm thinking about staying asleep until it's gone.

Hope you're having a good day.
Krissi, you appear to have a lot of experience with Covid. I have it now for the first time and my mouth tastes like crap and nothing makes it taste better. Please tell me you have a cure for this because I'm thinking about staying asleep until it's gone.

Hope you're having a good day.
Oh HG. I'm so sorry. I do know that taste and you could try sucking on some lozenges, that helps but it stays there snd it lingers the first week after you have it also. I feel for you girl. I really do. Sending you so much positive juju girlfriend
Oh HG. I'm so sorry. I do know that taste and you could try sucking on some lozenges, that helps but it stays there snd it lingers the first week after you have it also. I feel for you girl. I really do. Sending you so much positive juju girlfriend
Hash lozenges Feel better HG
Hi friends, @HashGirl, I hope you are not in the Vid badly, thinking of you champ.

The plants are definitely not sick and very much alive today at DAYS 39/40.

We will be transitioning the photos to 12 hours of light come Friday and who knows maybe that will stop Theodore from growing any taller! Sheesh, what a climber I have, 45 inches today.

I need to give her a little center defol and she will be good to go through harvest

All these girls were fed today along with their SSC and Deelite sisters in the 3 x 3.

Alvin and Simon were on Silica water feeds while Theodore received her last week of Week 2 Flower @Prescription Blend. She will move onto weeks 3/4 after her next feed which will be the initial implementation of Humboldt's Flower Stacker at 2ml p gl. We will steadily increase this by 2ml each water feed until we reach the maximum allowance of 8ml p gl.

Have a great grow day, I'll check in with you all soon!

He took a nap when he came home from work yesterday. I took care of the baby as usual, bathed him got him to bed. Same thing happened day before when he came home from work. Today I guess they called off work because of the rain coming in and he slept on the couch last night. I woke him up this morning at 645. He went out smoked a cigarette and then this is where he went.

This is my day every day. Vid or not. Just a hands off guy. Still has to ask me where to put clean dishes sometimes. True story.

I don't know what else to do Bill. I have asked for help and for attention and he just continues to focus solely on work. That's what he tells me, I go to work every day. Yea well, I don't get a day off and my days are 15 hours long every day. He doesn't get it. He did carry me to my bed last night when I passed out from exhaustion at like 9 last night on the couch. Didn't even smoke the joint I had rolled, I was so tired. But he thinks a move like carrying me to bed, makes up for all the stuff he doesn't do...

Ugh...Anyway sorry just frustrated and I know you listen to me lol

My body won't let me go too far anymore, it tells me slow down wait til later. My head though fights me and says no no no go go go. It's a battle, that's why I smoke Indica. And why I'm about to smoke this joint from last night now because I'm going to feel like I need to do everything before noon.


Have a good day, my friend. Try not to worry about me, I'm a tough cookie.
Even tough cookies need a break so they don’t crumble. You can’t take care of anything if you don’t take care of yourself first. That’s just the way I see it but I have been known to be wrong sometimes. CL🍀
Even tough cookies need a break so they don’t crumble. You can’t take care of anything if you don’t take care of yourself first. That’s just the way I see it but I have been known to be wrong sometimes. CL🍀
They do. I used forceful words this morning lol seemed to work cause I didn't yell I just said my piece and ignored him til he figured out I needed a flipping minute to myself for once. I'm convinced something I will say or do will eventually stick and I'll be able to relax some.

Until then, have you ever seen an Italian's resting bitch face? Imagine that but in non resting bitch face and you'll find 🙋‍♀️
Nothing I don't hear from my friends, my parents, his parents or from my own head. Not bothering me at all. Maybe I should get a nice note pack that says 'Honey-Do List' it will seem sweeter. He is not good at balancing, it's something I am really good at. We are just not even at all on this scale is all. Need to find a happy way to balance it out some.
My suggestion for the first item on the list:

Take your friggin' shoes off before you get in the bed. :straightface:
My suggestion for the first item on the list:

Take your friggin' shoes off before you get in the bed. :straightface:
I later pulled them off him....

For f's sake, right?! I told him yesterday while he had his feet up on the couch working hard, "Get your damn shoes off the flipping pillows we put our faces on". He even takes Cheeze Its to the couch takes them out of the bag and puts them on the couch to eat them and then brushes his crumbs on the carpet.

I swear to you I usually look like one of those cartoons with the steam coming out of their ears and their eyes bright flipping red from smoking so much so they wouldn't try to commit a felony
Aloha and welcome to DAYS 40/41
The 2 Big Bull photoperiods will be flipped to flower this week. In anticipation of a very full tent(s), I decided to do a nice lollipop to all the photoperiod girls. I want to push as much energy up to the top as I can to make sure I can manipulate this lights power the way I intended to while running extra plants in the tent than I normally would.

I'm looking to always one up the last grow. I've never done such meticulous work underneath these plants as I did yesterday. Theodore, our Blueberry Autoflower, also got a little clean up in the middle but nothing major. Her leaves are sparse and her branches are set wide and she has plenty of light making its way to her, even on her lengthy frame.

I'll give you guys some nice undercarriage shots tomorrow, I was trying to get some quick pics this morning as I wanted to get to a total of 5 places this morning with pics and posts.

Don't worry, I didn't leave you short handed with photos.

You will see just how hungry Theodore was yesterday, she is blowing through 2 gl within 3 days every feed. Her leaves were showing her disappointment in waiting for the group feed yesterday but today, she's back to praying.

Have a great grow day!

You're hired. Wait 10 days thought I am under quarantine for the Vid and TK1 is at MILS with the baby for the next few days until I test negative

Thanks buddy. You're awesome. Glad you're back on here

Just passing through guys letting you know I'm alive with the Vid.

Bestie has it too and came over, she knows it aucks missing out on the services and my family. Plus she needs to be isolated too so why not us together.

Next post when I'm feeling better, I'll give you a better one.

Until now just documenting the massive stretch of Theodore the Blueberry Auto and letting you know best pics will be with bestie and I teaming up to get the veg girls all on pots and the light moved to compensate her and balance out the tent under the @Cultiuana CT-720-a light clearly doing AMAZING things for ALL of these girls.

Here's how we looked 3.5 days ago at transplant

And now DAYS 32/33

beautifully grown plants . doest it hurt to have so close to light? or supercrop that tall top?
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