Highya Krissi,

Very nice looking ladies. Big Bull #1 is ahead of the class! She's basking in all that light and loving it. I'm still rootin' for ggslh (spicoli ?). She's trying to catch up. Very nice work all around! They're all responding well to that light!! Hope you're having a great day! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

Very nice looking ladies. Big Bull #1 is ahead of the class! She's basking in all that light and loving it.
Amazing cause she was the smallest of the bunch in my last grow! I think maybe it could be Alvin that is something different and not just Simon. Maybe they are both going to surprise us in multiple ways!
I'm still rootin' for ggslh (spicoli ?). She's trying to catch up.
Me too. We know how much my love for Gigi made me swoon. She is the 2nd biggest if that makes you feel better!
Very nice work all around! They're all responding well to that light!! Hope you're having a great day! Happy Smokin'
I think they like the light, too. I was concerned bumping them at first but now I'm really feeling as if they are getting the very best. I don't anticipate needing to move the light around some anymore as they will just continue to grow into it.

Topping is coming Friday, too. Idk why I just thought Friday seemed like a good day. They are node ready for the clip.
Oh hey again guys and gals...

So I know that I am ALWAYS go @Prescription Blend go! And I am like this all the time for good reasons.

I do understand however, that there has been recent difficulty in getting in contact with Matt, our direct contact for these nutrients.

I don't want him or the line to get a poor reputation because of this absence and wanted to take a minute and vouche for his efforts and his commitment to us and the 420 community.

Amongst personal issues that he has had over the last nearly a year, he most recently lost his business partner so he has been working overtime and then some trying to keep up but unfortunately, this cannabis business and running your own within it, is demanding.

He is sorry for the lack of communication and for his absence as of late but it is his full intention to answer all messages and update his @Prescription Blend page within the next few days.

He appreciates each and every one of us and he apologizes wholeheartedly for the disconnect.

Let's just send him over some good juju and it shouldn't be long before all those that have been waiting, can finally enjoy the show using these nutrients.

It is my hope that we can all continue to support Matt and his nutrient line, as we have all been through challenging times before and can empathize with the burdens of carrying a lot of unnecessary or unexpected weight on our shoulders.

:thanks: :green_heart::passitleft:
Oh hey again guys and gals...

So I know that I am ALWAYS go @Prescription Blend go! And I am like this all the time for good reasons.

I do understand however, that there has been recent difficulty in getting in contact with Matt, our direct contact for these nutrients.

I don't want him or the line to get a poor reputation because of this absence and wanted to take a minute and vouche for his efforts and his commitment to us and the 420 community.

Amongst personal issues that he has had over the last nearly a year, he most recently lost his business partner so he has been working overtime and then some trying to keep up but unfortunately, this cannabis business and running your own within it, is demanding.

He is sorry for the lack of communication and for his absence as of late but it is his full intention to answer all messages and update his @Prescription Blend page within the next few days.

He appreciates each and every one of us and he apologizes wholeheartedly for the disconnect.

Let's just send him over some good juju and it shouldn't be long before all those that have been waiting, can finally enjoy the show using these nutrients.

It is my hope that we can all continue to support Matt and his nutrient line, as we have all been through challenging times before and can empathize with the burdens of carrying a lot of unnecessary or unexpected weight on our shoulders.

:thanks: :green_heart::passitleft:
I appreciate your post giving us an idea of what's going on. But at the same time.... It's been 2 months since the contest & I have never even heard a word from them. They should at least notify us if there is going to be a delay so we aren't watching for a delivery for 2 months & wondering what's going on. They're giving their selves a bad name by not doing so. Hope they get things straightened out soon & back to business as usual.
I appreciate your post giving us an idea of what's going on. But at the same time.... It's been 2 months since the contest & I have never even heard a word from them. They should at least notify us if there is going to be a delay so we aren't watching for a delivery for 2 months & wondering what's going on. They're giving their selves a bad name by not doing so. Hope they get things straightened out soon & back to business as usual.
I understand Buds. I have yet to speak to Matt @Prescription Blend personally. I am passing down information that was given to me, so I don't want you or anyone to think that he chooses who he reaches out to. He has literally had so much going on from what I have been told, he hasn't even made it onto the site, nonetheless any notifications on prize winnings.

When he had a hiccup arise in the past, he ended up giving the past winners the larger size containers as a means of showing how bad he felt for the delay. It would not surprise me if he did the same this time around.

Again, of course I understand your frustration, I just think when someone is down it's best for us to focus on the bigger picture and just hope that in the grand scheme of things in this world, that he is able to find balance.

I know we all need to do that in order to exist, find that balance. I'm sure that he just had to prioritize during these rough times to make sure he could come back to the community and provide what he needs to provide when the universe aligned again for him.

Self preservation while running a business is a difficult thing to ascertain and manage.

The one thing I know is that none of his absence was done without bearing the guilt of leaving us up in the air and for that, he is extremely apologetic, remorseful and wants to make things right.

We can always fall, right? It's how we get back up that matters. I have faith in him.
The big problem I see with a long delay (not for me, for Matt) is that people are going to think that if it took this long to get my prizes.... Then how long is it going to take if I was to order it ? Do I really want to wait that long ? You know what I'm saying. It makes you leery of ordering their product. Maybe it's just me as I'm strictly a Business before pleasure / My word is my bond type person who would fire a slacker in a heartbeat. Some say I'm wound up a little too tight.... lol.
I think it's OCD. I can't stand for anything to be out of place.
Oh hey again guys and gals...

So I know that I am ALWAYS go @Prescription Blend go! And I am like this all the time for good reasons.

I do understand however, that there has been recent difficulty in getting in contact with Matt, our direct contact for these nutrients.

I don't want him or the line to get a poor reputation because of this absence and wanted to take a minute and vouche for his efforts and his commitment to us and the 420 community.

Amongst personal issues that he has had over the last nearly a year, he most recently lost his business partner so he has been working overtime and then some trying to keep up but unfortunately, this cannabis business and running your own within it, is demanding.

He is sorry for the lack of communication and for his absence as of late but it is his full intention to answer all messages and update his @Prescription Blend page within the next few days.

He appreciates each and every one of us and he apologizes wholeheartedly for the disconnect.

Let's just send him over some good juju and it shouldn't be long before all those that have been waiting, can finally enjoy the show using these nutrients.

It is my hope that we can all continue to support Matt and his nutrient line, as we have all been through challenging times before and can empathize with the burdens of carrying a lot of unnecessary or unexpected weight on our shoulders.

:thanks: :green_heart::passitleft:
He contacted me on a PM today nice guy
You must have posted this as I was posting my update for today! I'm sorry I missed it in my previous post.......
My baby plant!!! Omg she has gotten so big! I love her coloring, you're doing such a great job with this grow my buddy!! I'm beyond happy for you and still so honored I have a little Krissi growing in your home. Makes me smile ear to ear!! :green_heart: thank you so much for sharing her with me and the rest of the community! Flip day happened, yes?
Yes ma'am I flipped a week ago..
Thank you kindly

Oh you guys.....I've got one of those, too ya know lol

For real...those darn Larry's or is it Larries?

That he does and then some


It's the empathy in me. I'm always worried about others as I know in some way we are all connected so what one person does affects another in ways we can't even to begin to understand. That red string effect....

Mo money mo problems?

Absolutely Papa, 100%

She has been the best looking vegger to date I think!

I am curious to see what happens now with an increase in PPFD-I got the @Cultiuana CT-720 up to 80% and raised the light some again. PPFD is now at 400-420

Bulls are doing their thing! Alvin is a champion talk about big for day 20. That's a Big Bull. And little Simon, well she is just coming into her own and growing like a mini bush!

Thats awesome! Always such a nice feeling when we get to smoke after all the effort we put in. How does that Apollo taste? I dont think we have talked about it before, just the SSH and Mobstah!

Saving those for a snowy day! I see! Perfect! What is your favorite thing to do when smoking?

This is why we all get along, Keith...same soul space

So guys here I am late in the game today. It is Days 19 and 20 already for these kids! I'm so impressed with them so far!

I didn't go ham on the group pics since we see them enough in the other journal.

I did get a couple shots of each girl tonight as I wanted to see the progress overnight with the PPFD increase and feed.

As noted, the girls got another round of weeks 1/2 @Prescription Blend for veggies. This was their 2nd overall full feed since birth and it has now been exactly one week since transplant.

I expect by next weekend or the following week, I'll be re-homing them into their 5gl pots. I did realize that I never had a need for so many 5gl water reserves at one time so I'll need to run to or have TK run to Home Depot to grab me some more this week.

Other than that, nothing else to note on these girls today. The layout is going to look different as I took the group photos from the side of the tent, just an FYI.

Have a great night, it's a non cooking night for me so I'm just going to roll up a fatty and enjoy my Chinese food that's on its way.

Salute friends
So the plant that was self-topped she's going to be a beauty I can't wait to see the outcome she going to be big I bet.
The big problem I see with a long delay (not for me, for Matt) is that people are going to think that if it took this long to get my prizes.... Then how long is it going to take if I was to order it ? Do I really want to wait that long ? You know what I'm saying.
I got you, longevity and consistency is super important...if it means anything, I started using this line last October and you know how much I grow, and I have yet to be without product in hand
It makes you leery of ordering their product. Maybe it's just me as I'm strictly a Business before pleasure / My word is my bond type person who would fire a slacker in a heartbeat. Some say I'm wound up a little too tight.... lol.
I think it's OCD. I can't stand for anything to be out of place.
Buds, you had me at OCD :rofl: I have similar control issues. I used to manage restaurants and believe me I know the need for perfection. Over the years though, I think I've grown to understand that flaws come up, even in business. It's not always like this and hasn't always been like this, so I'm doing the softie thing and taking one for the team here.
He contacted me on a PM today nice guy
He really is!
Yes ma'am I flipped a week ago..
Awesome...magic is coming now!
So the plant that was self-topped she's going to be a beauty I can't wait to see the outcome she going to be big I bet.
You know me. Always rooting for the weird ones. I think she is going to surprise us with something, idk what yet. Maybe it'll be how big she gets...still dunno about topping her again...she may get skipped Friday when I do the clip rounds
That is Simon I think.
Winner!! Man I wish I had a prize bucket like back at the dentist in the 90s with those cheap fake plastic spider rings
Hi all, it is Days 22/23 for these 3 ladies.
I kind of did a slight focus on both strains today, in different ways.

Today we are loving on our Madame Blueberry Autoflower, Theodore, as our Plant of the Day.

She has a nice deep green to her that I find to be very lovely to look at.

Her new growth comes up praying to the @Cultiuana CT-720 sun. Really, really seems to like this light spectrum during veg. I'm sure we will see the same happiness come flower.

She is the tallest of the bunch as is expected and that will be added to once the others get topped tomorrow after a nice big feed tonight or in the morning.

No, I don't top my autos. I had a bad experience with a hermie that hermied my two other autos and although I ended up making freezer hash with the plants, I don't like a hermie.

I've never had a hermie up until I topped a Big Jack Widow auto and then it hermied my 2 Gelato Autos too and nearly my photos who were just about to enter flower. Luckily, my photos were not quite ready for pollen and I saved the 5.

Since then, however, no more topping for me on these short to finish plants.

Blueberry is a favorite of so many and our girl here is no exception to the rule! Her sister yielded 4.25 OZ before her, I expect to see this number go up by about an oz using 5gl pot, starting off under this light and finishing up under the @Mars Hydro SP3000-a light that has been shown in my current grow, to emit some killer flowering rays.

My Big Bull, Alvin, is a super big plant already. I'm actually surprised at this as her sister before her was not nearly this size at this age. Contrasting, Simon, is much smaller but a mutant as we know. She seems to have a different set of genes prominent than her sister. The last Bull was a very fat plant with super dense, sweet smelling nuggets. Starting off in vegetation in the back corner of the tent, Maestro was more than happy taking over the whole front of the tent by mid-flower through harvest.

Today we look back a little on my last Big Bull run, too as we shift focus now over to our second Indica strain in the tent.

I'm excited to see what these 2 bring us come flower along with our known to be beautiful, Blueberry Auto. Both Indicas. Both purplish coloring. Both sweet smelling. Both fantastic smoke. It's a win-win-win-win for me!

Happy growing day!
Highya Krissi,

They all look gorgeous!! So crisp, vibrant looking! Very happy! I like your blueberry auto, but I think she's starting a phosphorus deficiency. You could put a little bonemeal on the topsoil. That would supplement her some. Phosphorus is an important nutrient for making and storing energy within her. Your Big Bull looks huge! She's putting on a great show! Yeah, she'll give you some massive colas!! Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,
Hiya Bode!
They all look gorgeous!! So crisp, vibrant looking! Very happy! I like your blueberry auto, but I think she's starting a phosphorus deficiency. You could put a little bonemeal on the topsoil. That would supplement her some. Phosphorus is an important nutrient for making and storing energy within her.
Done! I found some from the same company I buy my seabird guano.

Screenshot_20221027-214549_Amazon Shopping.jpg

Your Big Bull looks huge! She's putting on a great show! Yeah, she'll give you some massive colas!! Happy Smokin'
Me thinks the same!! So impressed with this girl, excited to top her tomorrow! Still up in the air about Simon. Thoughts for a secondary topping?
Nitrogen makes them grow bigger (with silicon making them stronger), but if given to close to flowering, it may delay flowering. For nitrogen, I use bloodmeal. I think inside, I'd use kelp, or nettles tea, or something with single nitrogen number (hopefully organic). I'm sure someone will have a better answer soon! Happy Smokin'

Edit: But, her size could be genetic as well. If so, Nitrogen won't help much.
Nitrogen makes them grow bigger (with silicon making them stronger), but if given to close to flowering, it may delay flowering. For nitrogen, I use bloodmeal. I think inside, I'd use kelp, or nettles tea, or something with single nitrogen number (hopefully organic). I'm sure someone will have a better answer soon! Happy Smokin'

Edit: But, her size could be genetic as well. If so, Nitrogen won't help much.
Well maybe I'll make up a jug of Kelpful just for Theodore and see if that helps, has with my big girls in the past....I'll look for some of the items you suggested and run them by you! I found one that is a 4-15-0 bone meal, I may grab that one if you approve!

And because sharing is caring for all of my tented and greenhouse house friends our lovely sponsor has a great deal going on right now!

Thread 'Cultiuana Flash Sale Of This Week Save $170!' Cultiuana Flash Sale Of This Week Save $170!
Highya KRissi,

I'm sure the bonemeal you found will work fine! And kelpful sounds like it will work very nicely. Happy Smokin'
Highya Krissi,

They all look gorgeous!! So crisp, vibrant looking! Very happy! I like your blueberry auto, but I think she's starting a phosphorus deficiency. You could put a little bonemeal on the topsoil. That would supplement her some. Phosphorus is an important nutrient for making and storing energy within her. Your Big Bull looks huge! She's putting on a great show! Yeah, she'll give you some massive colas!! Happy Smokin'
What do you see that makes you say that Bode?
What do you see that makes you say that Bode?
The blueish tint she has on the edges of her leaves and the slight purple on the petioles I think is what sounded his alarm. I could be wrong but I've been trying to listen to Bode as he has mentioned seeing this possible def to me before on other plants. I had no idea those were red flaggers. Now I know.
DAYS 23/24

So I wanted to take a brief minute to show you how I tell when to feed and how I can tell they are happy.

This first pic was last night right when I fed this bunch of girls. You can see they just seem a little deflated. They were saying Mama, feed us!

So they got 4 gallons of silica water and 1 gallon of their last @Prescription Blend Weeks 1/2 veg for a total of 5 gallons between the 8 plants.

This morning, we can now see the turgidness in the leaves coming back and the girls just look more alive.

I'm a big person on letting them tell me and this is what I mean by that whenever you hear me utter that phrase.

I'll be back with some more in depth stuff after a little while! Happy Friday!
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