TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I crush 4-6 cloves of garlic, with a couple small pieces of the hotest peppers available, Usually habanero, but any hot pepper will work. Mix in gal of water and bring to boil for 2 minutes. Let cool and strain to get rid of chunks, I use a paper coffee filter. . I put one qt. of it in each 5 gal. pot, every two weeks, as a preventive. Don't cost me nothing as garlic & peppers come from garden. It's also used as a foliar spray on my garden veggies. Put a little on the tip on your tongue and right away, you'll understand why bugs hate it.:morenutes:
Thanks. I'm gonna try this out. I don't have peppers here but we've always got garlic. I have an extra flower pot maybe I might just decide to grow some
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

If you use h202 to kill the critters, then It'll also kill the good bacteria in the medium. So, you'd flood the pots with the h202, then immediately feed with your regular nutes. if they're not on the leaves and stems, then don't spray anything on the plants. I used Azamax once as a root drench, and it did stunt growth & neem oil is main ingredient in Azamax. I wish you could get at the top of the pots, so you could spray the top of the coco, instead of drenching. You got one of those little garden sprayers, with the wand type sprayer ? The other thing, be careful with those sticky traps, as some of them will can give off fumes, that can damage plants. I'm using garlic, and I haven't seen no critters for awhile now. Knock on wood !!

Yeah I did think that would happen, don't want to be wiping those out. Cost me money to put them there haha! Nah I couldn't notice anything on any leaves and plants lol pretty healthy and happy atmo. Will have another look through the plants tonight and see if I can see anything else. Yeah I got one of those wand type sprayers mate. I can actually get to the back of the tent pretty easy anyway I can open it from both sides. I can get to the top of the pots easily enough. So I only spray the neem oil on the top layer the pot yeah, not a full drench? Do I need to mix it with the insecticideal soap? Will be careful with the sticky traps, thanks for info pal. First time I've seen some, wondering how the little bastards got there. First time for everything tho. That's how we like it pal, pest free. Keep it that wayI need to eradicate these little fookers. Day 14 today so I need to keep this at bay till harvest.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I've had thrips before mainly spring summer time though and I wouldn't say they look like thrips! When I was in search of help on wondering what thrips look like and I came across something called grey tails or was it spring tails!? From your description sounds just like what you have encountered I'm pretty sure they don't do any harm but love the moisture of the coco? I'll see if I can find any information pal
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

It's spring tails don't know where I got grey tails from lol if it is spring tails you have nothing to worry about I've just had a little scan through and seen something mentioning they can be beneficial. Also I wouldn't say thrips was that much of a big problem I used sticky traps and sprayed with canna cure didn't see any after a week I had the odd chew marks on some leaves but didn't effect my harvest in anyway so good luck not that you need it lol
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I've had thrips before mainly spring summer time though and I wouldn't say they look like thrips! When I was in search of help on wondering what thrips look like and I came across something called grey tails or was it spring tails!? From your description sounds just like what you have encountered I'm pretty sure they don't do any harm but love the moisture of the coco? I'll see if I can find any information pal

It's spring tails don't know where I got grey tails from lol if it is spring tails you have nothing to worry about I've just had a little scan through and seen something mentioning they can be beneficial. Also I wouldn't say thrips was that much of a big problem I used sticky traps and sprayed with canna cure didn't see any after a week I had the odd chew marks on some leaves but didn't effect my harvest in anyway so good luck not that you need it lol

Hey buddy, thanks for chiming in with some help. I don't think they look like thrips either. Their body's don't seem long enough at the back, even though I haven't seen any in real life. It's good to have a second opinion from someone that's had them and actually seen them. Also good to hear they didn't cause much damage to your harvest pal. None of us need that. Yes I did see about spring tails, I searched Google for little white bugs in my coco lol. Yeah some people said they're beneficial and only eat fungi, dead leaf and root matter unless their population gets out of hand. Hopefully its spring tails and they aren't causing any damage pal, got my fingers crossed. Gonna order neem oil tonight for delivery beginning next week and see if that helps spraying that on them. Was horrified to see bugs man as I'm so far ocd about the cleaning side of things. Thanks for the confidence pal don't feel as bad as I first did when I first noticed them.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I can imagine how you felt when you noticed the critters makes you're heart sink and panic sets in for a few seconds lol I feel has I've got better at growing I've started to come across more and more problems first couple of grows I never had a single problem must of fluked it apart from the few hermies on this run everything is looking good I've got me some huge dense buds and I'm seeing a few amber trics so the finish line is near and I can start to prepare for the next adventure
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I can imagine how you felt when you noticed the critters makes you're heart sink and panic sets in for a few seconds lol I feel has I've got better at growing I've started to come across more and more problems first couple of grows I never had a single problem must of fluked it apart from the few hermies on this run everything is looking good I've got me some huge dense buds and I'm seeing a few amber trics so the finish line is near and I can start to prepare for the next adventure
Happy times real soon for u. I can't wait till I get there.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

It'll soon fly pal are you growing an indica Dom? Some of them sativas take for ever to finish up I try stay away from growing them now I'm to impatient .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I think ya right terp looks like spring tails I've only ever had them in wilma system but they don't do any harm
I actually have thrips in few places and I've never had them before fooking bugs
Ya can't beat a sulphur burner for bugs
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I can imagine how you felt when you noticed the critters makes you're heart sink and panic sets in for a few seconds lol I feel has I've got better at growing I've started to come across more and more problems first couple of grows I never had a single problem must of fluked it apart from the few hermies on this run everything is looking good I've got me some huge dense buds and I'm seeing a few amber trics so the finish line is near and I can start to prepare for the next adventure

Haha, nailed it to a t. That's the exact emotions. Yeah it's strange how things work out sometimes pal, it's all good practice for us anyway. We can't get better unless we encounter some problems to learn from. Yeah you've had a bit of bad luck with the hermes, reckon could just be bad genetics because others girls are doing great?Mmm lovely, have to show me some pics pal. Them buds sounding lovely. Not long now, got to love seeing the finish line. Man tell me about it, I'm already thinking about the grow after this one lol. My neem oil turned up yesterday, just waiting on the gentle insecticide soap to mix it with, hopefully that will be here tomorrow. Have you had any experience with neem oil. Not sure if I should just mix some with nutrient and hand feed each pot?
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I think ya right terp looks like spring tails I've only ever had them in wilma system but they don't do any harm
I actually have thrips in few places and I've never had them before fooking bugs
Ya can't beat a sulphur burner for bugs

Hey Scooby, you good pal? I hope they're spring tails lol, the little bastards don't seem to be causing me any problems yet, the girls are looking fantastic. Do they look similar to what you had in the wilma system? I think they must have come in the coco I can't spot them in every pot just a few. I'd still rather have never of had them or seen them. Neem oil turned up yesterday, just waiting on the gentle insecticideal soap to mix it with. Hopefully it will piss the buggers off. Apparently it absolutley stinks. Have you ever used it? Ahh man, you got some thrips? They're horrible looking things man, I checked out their life cycle and every stage is vile lol. What will you do to get them under control? Sulphur burner sounds interesting, I'll have to check those out haven't read to much into those.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 26/09/17 - Day 16 flowering.

Girls are looking fantastic, looking really happy and growing like weeds. Really happy with how the canopy is looking, seeing loads of bud sites can't wait to see these start to fill in. This is going to be an epic jungle of buds by the looks of things.

I mixed up a new batch of nutrients on Monday for the start of week 3 of flowering.

Starting with 85litres R/O water - 0 PPM

Bio Green X Force Silica - 12.75ml
Plant Magic Magne/Cal - 45ml 0.3 EC
Growth Technology Ionic Coco Bloom - 750ml 1.6 EC
Buddha's Tree Flower Burst - 0.25ml litre 1.7EC
Advanced Nutrients Sensizym - 2ml litre

Final PH 5.8 EC 1.7

I took out 20 litres of water from the reservoir for the usual Monday night top feeding of bennies. I mixed in 4 scoops of Great White Mycorrhizae, 2ml litre Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice and top fed all plants 2 litres each.

My organic neem oil turned up yesterday I'm just waiting on the gentle insecticideal soap to mix it with then I'm going to treat the plants with it, hopefully it will piss off the few bugs I do have lurking about. I'm thinking they must have come in the coco because I can't spot them in every pot and I've had a really good look at all the pots when looking for them, I've been slightly obbsessed with thinking about eradicating them since I first spotted one lol.

The original clones are looking good and nearly all of them are showing roots now, only a couple to go. It took them a little while but they got there in the end, pretty chuffed with that. I'm sure I'll get better with practice. The aero clones are also starting to show where some roots are going to start forming now, seeing lots of little white root nubs on some of the stems now.

I got some photos for you all to look at.

Flowering tent first.


Clone tent.



Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Still looking good, hope you get your bugs knocked down
Thanks PW, me too, I've been having a good look and not seeing to many thank God. Hoping the neem oil will piss them off. It's weird I can't spot them in every pot only in some, hoping they're not causing much damage to my babies, doesn't seem like it atmo.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

They did a lot of damage on Snaggletooth but barely touched Abbie just 10 inches away.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Were those thrips you had pal? Wonder why they pick some plants instead of others. Really hoping the little bastards I've got aren't gonna cause me problems cause things are looking like they could turn out fantastic.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Haven't heard of those, I'll check out what they're. I hate all form of bugs, I've decided I've got absolutely no time for them what's so ever lol.
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