TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Why don't USA company's ship to UK ? Doesn't seem like good business
?? Must be some company there, producing similar product . and blocking us Yankees from selling there ? Ha !!
I didn't actually look at any USA sites pal if I'm honest, but most of the time they wouldn't ship to the UK either, even if you were willing to pay postage. Yeah that's what I was thinking pal, I didn't want to settle for a different brand tho, got to get me that z7 haha!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 20/09/17 - Day 10 flowering.

The second layer of net is up! Now to watch the girls blitz past it lol!

Here's some photos.

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Im sure someone sells it in the UK
Yeah I managed to find one supplier, says they still have in stock, so fingers crossed. That was the only place I could find tho!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Haha, why thank you pal! It's really not looking to bad at all! Awesome, hoping so! I mean they haven't died yet anyway lol. God knows how they're doing it pal. I bet some strain root easier than others as well. Hopefully one day we can join the one week crew lol.

I'd be happy if I could do it in under 2 week every time lol put some in last night my few plants should be ready by next week than about a week drying so 2 week would be spot on for me but I have a feeling I'll be waiting abit lol
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Awesome as always the jungle is rising! I notice you are getting better and better at this great hobby!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I'd be happy if I could do it in under 2 week every time lol put some in last night my few plants should be ready by next week than about a week drying so 2 week would be spot on for me but I have a feeling I'll be waiting abit lol
Tell me about it, I'd be well happy as well if I could achieve that as well. Lovely jubbly, fingers crossed for quick roots for you. I'm still waiting for roots, still just the one so far. Haha, welcome to the waiting club pal!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Awesome as always the jungle is rising! I notice you are getting better and better at this great hobby!!
The jungle is on its way pal! Thanks Pino, appreciate your kind words! You and me both, practice makes perfect ;)! It's defintley a great hobby, it's the best!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 23/09/17 - Day 13 flowering.

Girls are growing like weeds, they're starting to leave that second layer of net behind. They don't look to bad, even if I do say so myself. Some of the plants are getting slightly taller than the others, it's still a pretty even canopy tho, it's looking like it will be packed full of buds in there. I snapped some photos for you just under the D-Papillon for a better photo when lights came on.

I did however notice one could be problem today which I need some help with. I was hand watering around the edges of the pots to make sure the edges stay nice and moist as I only have one dripper in each pot and I noticed these tiny little white things crawling around in a couple of the pots. They like to stay under the coco. There less than 1mm big, I have no idea what they're yet. They seem to have 6 legs and 2 antennas when I looked under a jewelers loup, was hard to catch one and then to try and keep it still. I probably noticed about 20/30 and I don't even know how I managed to notice them they're that small. Plants seem to look really healthy so they don't seem to be affecting things yet but I'd rather they were not there. Not quite sure what to do about it.

This is the first time I've ever seen any bugs inside my grow room and I'm a little puzzled to how they got there in the first place as Im all about the clean environment. I snapped some photos of them to see if someone can help me identify them and what would be the best way to eliminate them or at least slow them down or something. I took the best photos I could, it was hard to get a good photo. I had a good look through the leaves and stems in the canopy and can't find any of them on the actual plant, seems to be isolated to the pots. The leaves also look healthy and not like they're being eaten.

I would appreciate the help from some of you in the know how about bugs and what to do about them.



Heres some photos of the girls first.


And now the little bastard bugs pics.

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Oh no. Critters. I hope someone comes along to chime in on wtf they are and how to get rid of the damn things. Apart from the bugs, the plants are coming along terp
Tell me about it, my jaw dropped when I saw one of the little fuckers crawling around for the first time. They're so small you can barely see them, like a grain of salt or smaller. Me too, I'm hoping they're nothing bad. Thanks pal, girls are looking great and well on ther way, I haven't noticed any damage to my girls so far, they seem to be growing great.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Looks like thrips
Uh oh, does that mean I'm fooked? They're so small, I can't see any damage to leaves PW they seem to only be in the coco.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Had to pull pull out the bible terp

Hey swag, I had a problem with some bugs last grow. I suggest you buy some neem oil and some insecticidal soap, just make up a spray that will kill them off and also repel them and others in the future. Neem oil is organic too which makes it better.

I mix 4ml neem oil, 1.5ml insecticidal soap and 1L of warm water and put it in a spray bottle works a treat.

I actually had fungus gnats on my current grow on the 1st day of surface, gave a good spray of the neem oil and there all gone by day 3. There could be some under the soil which I doubt but more sprays throughout the week will clear it up. I also put up some fly catchers too and it got a lot of them so the sticky traps might not be a bad idea either.

Hope you get it fixed soon I feel for you I lost my last lady because of root aphids .
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