TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hey Terp sound like things are going good. Hey bout the clones my first run i took clones of every plant i had and used clonex precise cut yadda uadda yadda n it took forever to root. Then the second time i just took a solo cup cut drain holes and put in coco kept coco moist and got roots on every clone pretty fast. The only way m doing it at the moment and having very high survival rate. Jus thought i would share. But will say heard great things bout the aero cloner!! Good luck stick wit them n u will have great numbers of clones!! Many ways to skin a cat!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hey Terp sound like things are going good. Hey bout the clones my first run i took clones of every plant i had and used clonex precise cut yadda uadda yadda n it took forever to root. Then the second time i just took a solo cup cut drain holes and put in coco kept coco moist and got roots on every clone pretty fast. The only way m doing it at the moment and having very high survival rate. Jus thought i would share. But will say heard great things bout the aero cloner!! Good luck stick wit them n u will have great numbers of clones!! Many ways to skin a cat!!
If I have only 1 tent, is it realistic that I'll be able to cut clones and have them survive till after the mommas are all done? Or would I have to have another space for them.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

If I have only 1 tent, is it realistic that I'll be able to cut clones and have them survive till after the mommas are all done? Or would I have to have another space for them.
I would suggest another place but doesnt have to b the best place. I do them on a shelf in my closet wit a cheap t5 florescent light. Does me well but clones dont need the intense lights that vegging or flowering plants need. M sure some pros will chime in with some help.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Sorry thonk i didnt answer ur question yes after they pop roots u need a veg area to keep them alive n lush n ready to move into bloom after mother finishes hope i answered right this time!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Sorry thonk i didnt answer ur question yes after they pop roots u need a veg area to keep them alive n lush n ready to move into bloom after mother finishes hope i answered right this time!!
So there's no point for me really then by the sounds of it. Unless a new space falls into my lap. Maybe a light too lol. We'll see
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Have it mailed to me & I will send it to you ?:surf:
Puffer you hero, I really appreciate it pal. You could well be a serious life saver, but I think the website I found online still has it in stock, only found one place tho. If that fails and I can't get it that would be an absolute massive favour for you to do that, you're a gentleman my friend! . .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hey Terp sound like things are going good. Hey bout the clones my first run i took clones of every plant i had and used clonex precise cut yadda uadda yadda n it took forever to root. Then the second time i just took a solo cup cut drain holes and put in coco kept coco moist and got roots on every clone pretty fast. The only way m doing it at the moment and having very high survival rate. Jus thought i would share. But will say heard great things bout the aero cloner!! Good luck stick wit them n u will have great numbers of clones!! Many ways to skin a cat!!

Hey hey Pino, how's it going brother? Things are not going to bad at all pal, thanks :). Just noticed some calyxs and pistils starting to form in my flowering girls, full steam ahead, can't wait to see some buds and watch that scrog fill up! You still kept them pesky bugs away from your grow pal?

Amazing, thank you for your input pal, I really appreciate it. I've only managed to get one clone to root so far from the original bunch, but it's only been 11 days, they look hungry tho some are really yellowing. I've read that's natural tho when they root as they're using up stored energy. I've also used clonex, wonder if mine are also just gonna be slow as well, ha!? The aero clones are on day 5 today. I've also heard great things about them, got my fingers crossed. Wicked, that solo cup idea sounds good pal. I actually read somewhere about someone else getting fantastic results while doing the same way you're doing it and planting straight into coco. Did you just literally stick the cut straight into the coco no rooting hormones? I've read a few things on internet and people have said Kosher Kush and Holy grail kush can be hard to clone lol, hope that's not true, haha. Definitely be sticking with it, practice makes perfect, that's for sure. I'm just hoping I can get one of each to root :)!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

So there's no point for me really then by the sounds of it. Unless a new space falls into my lap. Maybe a light too lol. We'll see
Once you got your clones rooted it would be good to have some space to veg them out ready for when your flowering plants are done, would be kinda pointless taking them with no where to put them once rooted. I'm going to have to find some more space for a veg tent soon, I know the feeling lol. I wouldn't mind a light falling into my lap also, haha!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 19/09/17 - Day 9 flowering

Going to get the second layer of net up this week, girls have grown a fair bit. Still feeding the same mix of nutrients as last week. Still only got one clone with roots so far. 14 days today on the original clones now. The aeroponic clones are 7 days today. Got some photos for you to have a look at.

Flowering tent


Clone tent

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Thats an awesome tent full of colas. .
Thanks PW. Really excited to see some buds start forming .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Tent looks gorgeous tk!! Clones look excellent! They yellow when they root but will come back. One thing that helped my root time was making sure it wasnt too wet. Just moist so the plants search for water by making roots. Im sure youll get a lot more soon enough. Coco was my go to method for cloning before i went aero. Works very well!

Ahh, that was dandares plants pal, he posted it on my journal to show me his nugs. They had nanas, nightmare. I know, they looked so tasty too! My girls are on their 5th day of flowering now tho BF, they starting their stretch that's for sure. Hopefully we be seeing some pistils soon :)! Some good news on my original clones, I just noticed one of the originals has its first little tap root sticking out of the bottom of the rapid rooters. Woop woop!

Aw man bananas! Ohhh! Cant wait to see your tent turn into a bed of buds again. Seriously man you need to take a panoramic picture of your sea of buds and make a bed sheet out of it. Id buy one! To lay on a bed of buds would be a dream! Hey congrats on the clone!! Always great when you see little roots trail off the plant.

Holy shit, that's high on the tap ! Mine usually runs about 120-150ppm, but then there's periods when it'll jump to 250 ppm for a week, sometimes two. I'm sure I would increase my yield, if I mixed in RO water, but that's another expense !! Lol !!
And yes, I'm bringing the aero cloner out of moth balls, as soon as I buy new inserts. You say you're changing your ice pak every few hours, well that's the main reason I stopped using it. the other thing to remember is when you take the lid off to r & r the pac, do it in the dark. It's a pain in the ass. but I'm hoping that the z7 lets me run it at a little higher temp, because I'm so not going to be changing ice pacs every few hrs.
Been raining all day, we're getting remnants of hurricane Irma.:peacetwo:

Hey there you go! Bring it out sp! The z7 will be the difference for you no need for ice. As far as doing rez maintnence i see no reason for having to do anything in the dark. I do everything at lights on, the roots dont seem to mind. I think it would be an issue if light continuously came into the rez but i dont think its a direct issue for roots. The issue is algea blooms when light shines through. Ive grown in clear containers. They say its not great for roots but i dont notice a diff between a solo cup and the clear cup when starting seeds. Thinking about it im positive light comes through those plastic solo cups that i use to start seeds.

Hmmm not sure if it would benefit in coco, BF might know.

I use z7 in anything that holds water. So my cloner, my dewey tote, and yes my drip irrigation rez! Actually! Ill be using that with docs kit too come flower. It keeps algea blooms down and water smelling clean. I use it every 3-4 days. In a pinch i have used a few drops of bleach per gal some habe used a type of pool shock but then your running a sterile system.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Thanks BF, rather happy with how things are looking. Ahh lovely, thanks for the input BF, makes me feel much more at ease about them. Yeah I've been trying not to keep the rooter plugs to wet. Fingers crossed BF, hoping to get at least one of each. I've read about clones taking 3 weeks or so before so hoping the rest are just slow starters. Yeah I'm excited to see how my aero girls come out. After seeing the roots you get in yours pal, absolutley beautiful.

Me neither, I can't wait to see a tent full of buds again pal, it's going to be a beautiful sight indeed. Haha I'm going to try and take a panoramic picture for you once there is buds BF, I've not actually played around with those before. My phone def does it tho, it's a new model. Thanks pal, I was well excited when I noticed a tiny tap root poking through the rooter plug.

Yeah really looking forward to getting the z7, just waiting on pay day and going to order it. Really wanted to get the same product you guys were using. Thanks for the input on the lights BF, got loads to learn with cloning, it's good to have your expertise to help pal.

Thanks for all the info on z7, can't wait to have the protection of that hiding in the background, sounds like such a great product. SP, PW & yourself have really sold this one too me, the results speak for themselves.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hmmm not sure if it would benefit in coco, BF might know.
I'm using it in coco, but probably just wasting it. BF told me that it's probably not necessary in coco. It's made for a reservoir type hydroponics. Works well in any cloner. 2 little 8 oz bottles last a long time, at 1/2 ml per gal of solution.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Did you use a spirit level to keep that canopy level lol looks rammed pal nice work. I'd say you should start to see roots in the next few days that's about the same time I get roots like I said before people that can clone in a week or less must be pretty amazing or just lucky lol
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Puffer you hero, I really appreciate it pal. You could well be a serious life saver, but I think the website I found online still has it in stock, only found one place tho. If that fails and I can't get it that would be an absolute massive favour for you to do that, you're a gentleman my friend! . .
Why don't USA company's ship to UK ? Doesn't seem like good business
?? Must be some company there, producing similar product . and blocking us Yankees from selling there ? Ha !!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Did you use a spirit level to keep that canopy level lol looks rammed pal nice work. I'd say you should start to see roots in the next few days that's about the same time I get roots like I said before people that can clone in a week or less must be pretty amazing or just lucky lol

Haha, why thank you pal! It's really not looking to bad at all! Awesome, hoping so! I mean they haven't died yet anyway lol. God knows how they're doing it pal. I bet some strain root easier than others as well. Hopefully one day we can join the one week crew lol.
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