TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Looking amazing that's going to be jam packed . I've just been thinking my temps got pretty high for around two days I'm wondering if that specific strain doesn't like to much heat? I've had my temps go above 90 before and never had a problem I've decided to leave it as long as I can but keep an eye on the nanners plucking... grrrr lol yeah I read right into cloning thinking it was a hard task it's pretty easy really just best to take extra than you need. my bottom leaves turn yellow and around that time is when I start to get roots I'd say it takes me anyway from 12-18 days I recon you'll do well seeing how organised and on the ball you are. If I could get roots in a week that would be amazing I'd be able to time things better and know when to start them off so I'd have space to veg them out. I've got space for clones but my veg and flower space is the same
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Cults done a few videos on cloning worth looking at
I'd just add a bit of the roots ex and great white to the water next time they need it for a long while my cutting always seemed to yellow off an not look that healthy and it was all because I had to much light on them They only need a weak light (I believe that to much light makes them wanna grow more so there not focusing on rooting )

How fast roots come is defo strain dependant I always like to see roots around 10-12 days but I've had some take 3weeks Dialled Environment has lot to do with it aswell to be fair terp should be a cloning machine how professional he is lol

Wounded for ya on the seeds dandare I've just got a few coming 5 weeks in

Cheers scooby it's a shame but never mind at least now I can say I've experience in hermies lol did you say you've got the same seeds coming? If so I hope you better luck than I've had .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Thanks pal, it's defintley going to be jam packed, your right about that lol. Ahh, I wonder if that could be the problem then. Some strains I know can be very finicky from reading I've done. I'm always a bit picky with the temps, I get panicky when it gets much over 27c lol. Ahh good call, got my fingers crossed for you, going to have to keep a vigilant eye on it pal. Yeah I've done quite a bit of reading and watched loads of YouTube videos too. I think that's some good advice to take more than you need lol. I'm thinking if any aren't looking that great in a couple of days I may quickly take another clone off each plant. Should be OK as it's only in the first week of flowering, I've got quite a few tops on each plant to. What you think? Thanks pal I do try, fingers crossed. I can live with waiting if they manage to root lol. Yeah I did think about the timing and how to get clones rooted and vegged in time for your flowering plants coming down. that's not an easy task.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Doing big things my friend!! The jungle is coming back agin n this time looks better then last!! Keep up the vreat work pal!! I been quiet in the corner jus learning from a pro!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

You must spend hours trying to get that canopy so even and pretty lol. "Tis but a flesh wound"
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Doing big things my friend!! The jungle is coming back agin n this time looks better then last!! Keep up the vreat work pal!! I been quiet in the corner jus learning from a pro!!
Hey Pino, thanks very much pal. Appreciate those kind words. The jungle is definitely on its way back, thanks :). Haha Ahh Pino, you're too kind bro, just can't wait to learn more ;)!!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

You must spend hours trying to get that canopy so even and pretty lol. "Tis but a flesh wound"
I'll tell you what, you're defintley correct on that one, let's see what it looks like when they start to stretch lol. ;)
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Yeah you'll be totally fine taking clones early in flower I've took them upto 2 weeks and all rooted took 3 week though I believe it's called monster cropping and you supposedly get more branching I never really noticed a difference though .
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Yeah you'll be totally fine taking clones early in flower I've took them upto 2 weeks and all rooted took 3 week though I believe it's called monster cropping and you supposedly get more branching I never really noticed a difference though .

Nice one pal, cheers for info. I've seen people taking them at 3rd week of flower when they do their defoliation as well. Yeah I think you're correct I remember watching a YouTube video on that some time ago now. I went ahead and took a couple extra ones tonight, I thought fuck it. Some of the others ones were looking a tad wilted so I'd rather have more than enough just incase so I can hopefully at least get one of each number to root. I got some in the aero cloner and some in another smaller humidity dome. I had to put my t5 in the tent now as the other small light wasn't enough to cover all 3 domes, I've got it lifted a fair way above all the domes tho. Got the vents all the way open on the original ones today, think that's when some started to get the wilting.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

i have a blue dream strain, and if you take cuttings even at like 3-4 days into bloom cycle, they will root, but never revert back to veg. And personally, i will never take another clone in bloom.

Thanks for the info SP. There is defintley some fincky strains out there that for sure. Hoping this isn't one of them when it comes to rooting. Mad how it won't revert back to veg even with the different light schedule. Yeah I didn't really want to take any, I was just a bit nervous incase any of my originals didn't take and get roots. A couple started to get a bit wilt today so I just want to be sure I can get one of each number rooted as it's my first go at this.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Yeah wilting is usually humidity shock I get that all the time they usually pull through in a day or two I've also had clones stay green and healthy for over 3 week they took the longest to root I think I was spoiling them to much so I cut back on the spraying and they took not long after
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Yeah wilting is usually humidity shock I get that all the time they usually pull through in a day or two I've also had clones stay green and healthy for over 3 week they took the longest to root I think I was spoiling them to much so I cut back on the spraying and they took not long after

Ahh nice, had a feeling it was to do with that, well I've got the dome right off now on the original clones. I think some of them are going to root and some I'm not so sure about lol. Some leaves are yellowing and some are plain drying out dying off, some of the plants a bit droopy too but nothing is dead yet lol. We will see. This is why I thought I wanted to take more than enough as it's my first go so anything could go wrong. The ones in the aero cloner I took last night are looking amazing today, I'm so surprised by the difference. I've started opening the vents to get them out the humidity dome already as I don't think they really need it with aerocloners. My one just happens to come with a lid so I thought I'd use it to limit the shock to begin with. Only thing is I have to keep adding ice packs to the reservoir, say every 6 hours to keep it cool. I did a test run with no plants in before I used it and the water gets warm quick if you don't keep an eye on it. Yeah you're definitely right, I've heard if you keep spraying them they won't go looking for roots. Treat em with to much and they won't want to work.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Ahh nice, had a feeling it was to do with that, well I've got the dome right off now on the original clones. I think some of them are going to root and some I'm not so sure about lol. Some leaves are yellowing and some are plain drying out dying off, some of the plants a bit droopy too but nothing is dead yet lol. We will see. This is why I thought I wanted to take more than enough as it's my first go so anything could go wrong. The ones in the aero cloner I took last night are looking amazing today, I'm so surprised by the difference. I've started opening the vents to get them out the humidity dome already as I don't think they really need it with aerocloners. My one just happens to come with a lid so I thought I'd use it to limit the shock to begin with. Only thing is I have to keep adding ice packs to the reservoir, say every 6 hours to keep it cool. I did a test run with no plants in before I used it and the water gets warm quick if you don't keep an eye on it. Yeah you're definitely right, I've heard if you keep spraying them they won't go looking for roots. Treat em with to much and they won't want to work.
Sorta like kids !!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Don't give up on the ones that look bad just yet it's still early doors it's surprising what they can come back from also you'll probably find you'll be seeing roots at different times even though they've had the same treatment . good luck pal
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Don't give up on the ones that look bad just yet it's still early doors it's surprising what they can come back from also you'll probably find you'll be seeing roots at different times even though they've had the same treatment . good luck pal

Thanks pal, defintley wasn't going to give up on them that's for sure. I just wanted to make sure I get at least one successful clone of each plant so decided it was best to have more than enough than not enough lol. Thanks for all the helpful info, really appreciate it!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

That's exactly how I do it, If I need 1, then I take 4 cuttings, just to make sure. I'm getting ready to do a batch myself soon. I have a hard time trashing healthy cuttings, so I end up with free clones for neighborhood. is the aero cloner rooting? i got roots within about 6 days with mine, Last time I use it, I got the slime. But now I'm using z7 and I know not to put Great white in the water. ha
But I'll also start some in rockwool, just as a back up !!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

That's exactly how I do it, If I need 1, then I take 4 cuttings, just to make sure. I'm getting ready to do a batch myself soon. I have a hard time trashing healthy cuttings, so I end up with free clones for neighborhood. is the aero cloner rooting? i got roots within about 6 days with mine, Last time I use it, I got the slime. But now I'm using z7 and I know not to put Great white in the water. ha
But I'll also start some in rockwool, just as a back up !!

Haha it just makes sense doesn't it? Why not have more than enough, anything could go wrong, especially on a first go. Lovely jubbly, can't ever have enough clones. Was just thinking the saving on seeds too. Huge. Yeah I'd be the same, I wouldn't want to just throw out healthy clones. We need more room to grow puffer! Still no roots in the aero cloner just yet, it's only been about 3 and half days so far. Wow 6 days is so quick, can't moan about that. No slime for me so far, been keeping an eye on the water in the reservoir. Wondering if it's worth just swapping the water out for a fresh batch once every 5/7 days just to be sure it's super clean. Yeah great white definitely going to clog up the res lol. I couldn't get any of that z7, phoned my hydro shop and they don't have it. Wondering if it's an American thing? I'll have to see of there is an alternative product? For now I've just been using a 50/50 mix of plain tap water / R/O water. EC comes out the tap at 0.6 so I wanted to knock it down to 0.3/0.4. That's a good idea pal, I started the original ones in rapid rooters and have my back ups in the aero cloner :). Will you be us my the aero cloner too?
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