TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

It was liberty haze 4 plants in that tent yielded just over 24oz dry
Yes, I remember now, I had a feeling you had tolde before. Lovely, I reckon you will see Improvements for sure with the extra power what are you trying this time?
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Ahh fair play, I get you. Yeah I think delivering 3x smaller feeds a day instead of 1x big feed is superior because it delivers fresh o2 to the roots at every feed and doesn't leave the medium as saturated. We're then treating coco much more like hydro which in return will give us explosive growth results. I defintley think it's beneficial in veg and flower. You just need to start on smaller feeds though veg and slowly build your way up to much bigger feeds in flower, this allow the roots to spread out through the whole pot. I wish I'd have got round to getting mine set up a week or two earlier, it really does seem to make plants grow faster.
I was disappointed with the amount of growth during the early veg stages, it may be due to my eagerness though. Might try multiple feeds early, I was scared of letting the Coco get too dry and having root issues. Your not having any drain when you feed are you?
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I was disappointed with the amount of growth during the early veg stages, it may be due to my eagerness though. Might try multiple feeds early, I was scared of letting the Coco get too dry and having root issues. Your not having any drain when you feed are you?

Yeah growth is a little slower in the early stages, their be busy putting out a root base first. My first grow was in a hydro system and it was a little bit quicker early on but the coco plants defintley pick up speed once they're a bit more established. The multiple feeds will help speed things up too, they love the drip system feeds pal. You won't let it get to dry dont worry, just split that big feed up into 3 smaller feeds and your be sweet. Just remember to slowly build up the feed lengths, when you get into early flowering their really be able to drink some. Yes pal that is correct. I don't feed to any run off until I start my flush as per Cultivators instructions, it worked a treat last time. Although watering to run off once the roots are well established isn't a problem.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 21/08/17

Just a small update, got some photos for you of the defoliation and lst I carried out last night.

The girls took their hair cut well and all shoots which were tied down are back up facing towards the light. I opened up the middle quite a bit and exposed all those small side shoots so they can grow up towards the light. Once they grow a little more I'm going to get the first layer of scrog up and start weaving branches into the squares.

Today is Monday so they get their extra weekly treats. Just as lights turn out I give all girls a good spray of Plant Magic Evolution. I also took out 10l mix from the reservoir and mixed in 2 scoops of Great White Mycorrhizae and 20ml Advanced Nutrients Voodoo Juice and top fed all plants 1l each. Their normal drip feeding schedule will start again from the next scheduled feed.

Group shots from straight after lst and defoliation, sorry didn't get individual ones I was knackered after.


Group shots today


Individual shots today










Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hey TommyGunnz and welcome glad to have you here. Thanks pal, I'm rather happy with how they're looking too.

I haven't tried fimming yet so I can't comment to much on that, although I would assume fimming causes less stress than topping. I topped again this time so I could compare to last time. I'm pretty sure I prefer not topping. If you start lst early enough the stems will be easy to bend and you can slowly adjust them to where you want them. I think not topping gives faster growth as I've noticed a slow down in growth compared to last time with out topping. I also don't think there is a need to top if you bend your plants enough as all side shoots will grow towards the light once they're exposed to it. At Scooby says, them stems can get thick and hard to bend pretty quickly so the earlier you start the better.

As for defoliation I started off a little less aggressive until I had a bit more experience with it. When lights come on later I'll put some photos up of the lst and defoliation I carried out last night so you can have a look at the finished result. With defoliation I would suggest starting slower and don't take to much until you have more of a feel for it. You could potentially stunt growth if you took to much. What I'm looking for when removing fan leaves is anything that will be blocking either side shoots or bud sites, depending on when it's being done.

Last night I removed a lot of the fan leaves covering the middle area of the plants. I did this as I want all the side shoots to grow up and fill in the middle area, while the branches I've been training down with lst will fill the outer edges of the pot. I also tuck, bend and secure some leaves out of the way where I can . But like you first time round, I found it quite daunting as you think you will be damaging your babies. These plants are bloody resilient though and they can take a beating so don't sweat it to much you got to start somewhere.

Thanks pal, good luck with yours as well.
The way I do it is exactly as you, but some strains(my bubba's gift is one) will yield best if none or very little defoil. is done. The more leaves I take, the smaller the colas. So now, I pretty much leave her whole. I'm also finding that the 8 plants I grow, no matter how poorly I treat them, are more than enough for wife , friends, and me. so I'm thinking why worry about it !! I'm trying to figure out how to replace some of these expensive nutrients & additives, with something less expensive. You got them very healthy TK !! I use the Complete brand nutes. & although they are cheaper than AN, but they are not cheap. One 1000ml bottle of boost is $100 !! And one bottle is not enough for one grow !! Every harvest, I have to relinquish a couple ozs, just to resupply nutrients. Very good products, but the price of weed is dropping every day, and hoping same happens with fertilizers !! LOL !:420:
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

The way I do it is exactly as you, but some strains(my bubba's gift is one) will yield best if none or very little defoil. is done. The more leaves I take, the smaller the colas. So now, I pretty much leave her whole. I'm also finding that the 8 plants I grow, no matter how poorly I treat them, are more than enough for wife , friends, and me. so I'm thinking why worry about it !! I'm trying to figure out how to replace some of these expensive nutrients & additives, with something less expensive. You got them very healthy TK !! I use the Complete brand nutes. & although they are cheaper than AN, but they are not cheap. One 1000ml bottle of boost is $100 !! And one bottle is not enough for one grow !! Every harvest, I have to relinquish a couple ozs, just to resupply nutrients. Very good products, but the price of weed is dropping every day, and hoping same happens with fertilizers !! LOL !:420:

Nice, I think it works well. I remember seeing in your journal some photos of younger plants being bent from an early age with lst. I love this technique. Ahh really, I did think there would be strains that don't like it as much. Luckily I know this strain doesn't mind it. I'll have to watch out for then I come to try a different strain.

Yeah tell me about it mate so bloody expensive. Going to the hydro shop recently, when I had to rebuy all my veg stuff again it cost me an arm and a leg. The money racks up so quickly when your buying a bunch of nutrients it's bloody insane. Don't matsrbwhat brand you buy it's all expensive in that shop lol. Thanks very much pal, they're looking great, I know cultivators recipe works wonders so do my best to stick to it. Although haven't tried the plagron green sensation yet, intrigued about that. He uses it for the last couple weeks of flower before flush. Your still feeding like the same as cult aren't you, water to no run off? Killerbuds was asking about that earlier. It works wonder right? Just have to make sure pots get light but coco never fully dries out. Waste less nutrients that's for sure!

I take it legalisation is driving all the prices down now as so many states are jumping on board? Yeah wouldn't that be nice I wish the prices of the stuff needed to grow them would drop lol. I was thinking to myself hydro shops and nutrient companies must be making a bloody fortune out of us. I'm also hoping to that, haha!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Yes, I remember now, I had a feeling you had tolde before. Lovely, I reckon you will see Improvements for sure with the extra power what are you trying this time?
I've got some critical, critical impact, and strAwberry cookies for this time indica Doms this time
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I take that back the strawberry cookie is in a bag chopped up, it only hermied on me! I was looking forward to that too
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I take that back the strawberry cookie is in a bag chopped up, it only hermied on me! I was looking forward to that too
Ahh man, no way. Good thing you caught it I suppose, but what a nightmare. Unlucky man, when I just read that strain name I was like yummy. I scroll down and see it's hermie :(.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I know bro sounded mouth watering to me lol it looked a beautiful plant around 4ft with a good thick stem. Never mind I keep telling myself it was a little crowded in there lol
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Nice, I think it works well. I remember seeing in your journal some photos of younger plants being bent from an early age with lst. I love this technique. Ahh really, I did think there would be strains that don't like it as much. Luckily I know this strain doesn't mind it. I'll have to watch out for then I come to try a different strain.

Yeah tell me about it mate so bloody expensive. Going to the hydro shop recently, when I had to rebuy all my veg stuff again it cost me an arm and a leg. The money racks up so quickly when your buying a bunch of nutrients it's bloody insane. Don't matsrbwhat brand you buy it's all expensive in that shop lol. Thanks very much pal, they're looking great, I know cultivators recipe works wonders so do my best to stick to it. Although haven't tried the plagron green sensation yet, intrigued about that. He uses it for the last couple weeks of flower before flush. Your still feeding like the same as cult aren't you, water to no run off? Killerbuds was asking about that earlier. It works wonder right? Just have to make sure pots get light but coco never fully dries out. Waste less nutrients that's for sure!

I take it legalisation is driving all the prices down now as so many states are jumping on board? Yeah wouldn't that be nice I wish the prices of the stuff needed to grow them would drop lol. I was thinking to myself hydro shops and nutrient companies must be making a bloody fortune out of us. I'm also hoping to that, haha!
Hydro stores will only make $$, as long as Wal-mart doesn't open up a hydroponics section ??:rofl: so far i don't see that happening ?? They just recently started hiring people, who can't pass a piss test for weed.
Yes, I've adopted cults methods, but I still feed by hand. Just ran out of b+, wonder what ill effect that will have ? My veggies get fed twice per day, while my blooming plants get fed once per day. And everything is growing like weeds !! Also stopped using the boost, as it's just to expensive. I'm experimenting with other additives such as beastie bloom & chi chang, from FF. I know that they're not organic, but I'm beginning to question the wisdom of having to grow with organics. they sat that boost is as close to organic as possible. What the hell does that mean ?? Actually , after you get the ppm built up to a certain point, I believe pure water would do the same Oxygen transferr as a feeding ? I'm experimenting with the test seed plants. Feed, water, water, feed, water, water and so far, I see no difference in growth, So we'll see? I'll continue feeding every 3rd. day. No runoff, and I see no ill effects? They are 5 wks. into bloom. Also, no hermies yet !! So I've probably got about 70 seeds left, you want some, just let me know? I don't think they will hermie now ? Lights come on in 30 mins. and as usual, I'm excited to see them. Gotta go turn the air conditioner on, and let the room cool down before light comes on. Later !!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hey awesome grow Terp. I use fox farms soil and nutes and have stopped flushing until the end of the flower period and I think since I water till 10% runoff the ppm of the soil stays high and I save nutes. So far it's been pretty good to my girls bt I'm also in soil so it might be a little different. Either way I think if your girls are healthy why give them more than they need
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I know bro sounded mouth watering to me lol it looked a beautiful plant around 4ft with a good thick stem. Never mind I keep telling myself it was a little crowded in there lol
Such a disappointment pal, have to get it again for next time. Haha, yeah that sounds like a plan, let's hope these remaining girls turn out to be something real special!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hydro stores will only make $$, as long as Wal-mart doesn't open up a hydroponics section ??:rofl: so far i don't see that happening ?? They just recently started hiring people, who can't pass a piss test for weed.
Yes, I've adopted cults methods, but I still feed by hand. Just ran out of b+, wonder what ill effect that will have ? My veggies get fed twice per day, while my blooming plants get fed once per day. And everything is growing like weeds !! Also stopped using the boost, as it's just to expensive. I'm experimenting with other additives such as beastie bloom & chi chang, from FF. I know that they're not organic, but I'm beginning to question the wisdom of having to grow with organics. they sat that boost is as close to organic as possible. What the hell does that mean ?? Actually , after you get the ppm built up to a certain point, I believe pure water would do the same Oxygen transferr as a feeding ? I'm experimenting with the test seed plants. Feed, water, water, feed, water, water and so far, I see no difference in growth, So we'll see? I'll continue feeding every 3rd. day. No runoff, and I see no ill effects? They are 5 wks. into bloom. Also, no hermies yet !! So I've probably got about 70 seeds left, you want some, just let me know? I don't think they will hermie now ? Lights come on in 30 mins. and as usual, I'm excited to see them. Gotta go turn the air conditioner on, and let the room cool down before light comes on. Later !!

Yeah thats wicked they're letting people fail for weed and still get a job, about fucking time! Yeah I'm surprised they haven't started selling that sort of stuff already actually. Glad everything is growing like weeds pal. The way your feeding sounds interesting. Would be able to save a hell of a lot of money on nutrients if you only fed every 3rd feed. I got a feeling a lot of the stuff sold isn't needed to grow them pal. It's just all sold to us as a must have to take more or our money. Once I'm a little bit wiser with some more experience I would like to try making my own nutrients from salts. I don't use organic stuff and my stuff has been turning out lovely. Awesome, can't wait to see how your seeds turn out. Wouldn't say no once we know if they're good, we could do a swap or someyhing :). Always excited to see my plants too, I know how you feel. This is the best hobby ever, nothing better than getting to smoke all that hard work and effort at the end!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hey awesome grow Terp. I use fox farms soil and nutes and have stopped flushing until the end of the flower period and I think since I water till 10% runoff the ppm of the soil stays high and I save nutes. So far it's been pretty good to my girls bt I'm also in soil so it might be a little different. Either way I think if your girls are healthy why give them more than they need

Hey pal, thanks! Welcome to my journal! I'm not sure about growing in soil, I've not tried that yet so I wouldnt be able to comment. Someone here may know tho :)? You defintley save nutrients feeding this way. I had all faith in cult when he told me not to feed till run off and I've been getting good results following exactly as he himself does. That's the way I see it too, why give more if its not necessary.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Update time - 24/08/17

Just got done doing a little bit more lst this evening. Pulled the branches around the sides of pots much lower and now really opened up the middle. Amazing how quickly they start growing back towards the light again after you hold them down. Hopefully won't take the middle to long now to catch up with the sides and I'll then be able to get first layer of scrog up and see how full its looking.

Here's a few pictures of the finished result.

Group shots first.

Individual shots.










Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Vex likey the training!! Kudos, bro!
Thanks vex, appreciate it. Time consuming but it'll be worth it in the end ;)!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

What is that ur using to train? Is that electrical wire? It looks really nice.
I'm using two different types of garden wire, medium and hard. The medium one is great for bending around branches and directing them where you want them to go as it's strong but very flexible. The hard one is great for securing branches in place, it's still a little flexible which makes it great to work with. I use safety pins around sides of fabric pots to hold the garden wire in place. Some branches I hold down by pushing the garden wire down into the coco. Just depends where I want them to end up.
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