TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/HPS

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Just a small update. 11/07/17

The babies are defintley looking happier and their leaves have perked back up. I managed to top all the babies and start some LST. Here's some photos of the finished result.

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Just a small update. 11/07/17

The babies are defintley looking happier and their leaves have perked back up. I managed to top all the babies and start some LST. Here's some photos of the finished result.

Looking good !! 10 more days and you wont be able to see the floor !!! How much the co2 meter set you back ??:surf:
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Looking good !! 10 more days and you wont be able to see the floor !!! How much the co2 meter set you back ??:surf:
Thanks pal, much happier with how they're looking now. Haha, you know pal. They soon grow quick. Will mean the other two will have to go :(. The co2 meter cost me more than it will cost you. I couldn't seem to find a good one here in the UK so I ended up ordering one from amazon USA. They delivered it to lol. Said would take 2 weeks but it came a week early. It was 100 bucks. I had to pay postage and customs charges on top of that tho. It has a cool chart on it so you can see the co2 over hours, days, months etc.

Here it is.

Autopilot Desktop CO2 Monitor & Data Logger

Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

It's surprising how much co2 we breathe out. It doesn't take long for the numbers to start going up once in the room with it. With multiple people even quicker. Played around with it a bit before putting it in tent. Once you leave the room numbers start to fall. Pretty cool to have a rough idea of what the co2 levels are. I'm not sure how accurate it really is, but got great reviews on amazon.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Looking mint pal should be well on your way now .
Thanks pal, the babies really are looking much better now. Defintley on the way now, exciting times :)
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Looking good, great job on the lst also...️
Thanks pal, I do love a bit of lst. It's a great way to bush out a plant.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Glad the girls have perked back up. Never heard of a plant being roo bound in Coco but they look happier in new pots.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Glad the girls have perked back up. Never heard of a plant being roo bound in Coco but they look happier in new pots.
Thanks pal, me too. They look far happier now. To be fair, the two still left in little pots are doing much, much better now. I think it was my fault, I wasn't giving them enough nutrients, but they were showing me signs of over watering, which others also agreed with. So I obviously backed off on the nutrients for almost a week, which didn't help. I t was definitely under watering, once I picked up the feeds to 3 a day and much more nutrients the two still in small pots really perked up. If I would have had them on the drip system earlier I dont think I would have run into that problem. Still we live and learn.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Thanks pal, me too. They look far happier now. To be fair, the two still left in little pots are doing much, much better now. I think it was my fault, I wasn't giving them enough nutrients, but they were showing me signs of over watering, which others also agreed with. So I obviously backed off on the nutrients for almost a week, which didn't help. I t was definitely under watering, once I picked up the feeds to 3 a day and much more nutrients the two still in small pots really perked up. If I would have had them on the drip system earlier I dont think I would have run into that problem. Still we live and learn.
Thought it looked pretty dry when you transplanted, but live and learn. At least there wasn't any long lasting damage done!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Thought it looked pretty dry when you transplanted, but live and learn. At least there wasn't any long lasting damage done!
Yeah they were a bit dry, I had backed off the amount I was feeding which let them get even dryer over the week, but when you think it's over watering what are you supposed to do? Lol. They did however come out of those pots really easy for transplant being a bit dryer. Exactly that pal, learned a valuable lesson for next time. Still it's good to have these things happen from time to time because you will never learn otherwise. Exactly, always good when no lasting damage. With in a day a of transplant a few had picked up and within a day or two the rest had too.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Loving your feed. I looked at a data sheet of you strain. It's seems to have a moderate yeild compared to the other higher yeilding plants, however your previous results are of quantities I can only hope for. As a first time grower I am unsure if plants average yeild will be my limiting factor. You wouldn't happen to have an opinion on this? Should I be worried about the strains yeilding characteristics? Cheers, H S
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Yeah they were a bit dry, I had backed off the amount I was feeding which let them get even dryer over the week, but when you think it's over watering what are you supposed to do? Lol. They did however come out of those pots really easy for transplant being a bit dryer. Exactly that pal, learned a valuable lesson for next time. Still it's good to have these things happen from time to time because you will never learn otherwise. Exactly, always good when no lasting damage. With in a day a of transplant a few had picked up and within a day or two the rest had too.
I started to get a little worried about the dropping myself. I started to see one of my girls droop immediately after watering it. I'm running Coco as well and never had this happen, but the next day she perked right up. I dunno what the cause was maybe was increase in humidity, but haven't seen it again.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Loving your feed. I looked at a data sheet of you strain. It's seems to have a moderate yeild compared to the other higher yeilding plants, however your previous results are of quantities I can only hope for. As a first time grower I am unsure if plants average yeild will be my limiting factor. You wouldn't happen to have an opinion on this? Should I be worried about the strains yeilding characteristics? Cheers, H S

Hello, thank you very much and welcome to my journal HedoneSpirit. Yeah, it's not the biggest yielding strain, although for a kush it's pretty bloody decent. Ahh thank you, I was rather happy with the result, although I know it can be improved. That's why I will be taking clones this time and picking the best phenos out of the bunch for the next run.

I would say it's defintley a factor in final yield as some plants just produce more than others. I personally think quality over quantity though, but who doesn't want more yield lol? Your main limiting factors will be light, co2, water, nutrients and environment in no particular order. Your only going to be as good as your weakest link. Best advice I can give you is to keep on top of those factors as best you can and once you've got them dialed in and under control your be pulling off some great harvests. PH control is also very important. What strains are you growing and what is the yield suggested?

You're definitely in the right place to learn though pal. I've learned so much from here and continue to learn more all the time. I pulled off a fantastic result with my first ever grow so there is no reason you can't either. Knowledge and practice is key :).
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

I started to get a little worried about the dropping myself. I started to see one of my girls droop immediately after watering it. I'm running Coco as well and never had this happen, but the next day she perked right up. I dunno what the cause was maybe was increase in humidity, but haven't seen it again.

Tell me about it, I know that feeling all to well. I was shocked when I opened the tent up and saw a bunch of droopy plants, almost shit myself, haha. I just wasn't expecting to see that when I checked in on them. I hadn't experienced anything like that yet and was pretty worried also. I'm glad yours perked back up quickly pal. It's strange isn't it, I hadn't either. I was watering exactly the same as I did last time and didn't run into any problems, but this time I did. Very strange. How are you finding coco? I absolutley love the stuff!
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Tell me about it, I know that feeling all to well. I was shocked when I opened the tent up and saw a bunch of droopy plants, almost shit myself, haha. I just wasn't expecting to see that when I checked in on them. I hadn't experienced anything like that yet and was pretty worried also. I'm glad yours perked back up quickly pal. It's strange isn't it, I hadn't either. I was watering exactly the same as I did last time and didn't run into any problems, but this time I did. Very strange. How are you finding coco? I absolutley love the stuff!
So far I love Coco, haven't really had any problems with it at all. It's a very forgiving growing medium and I'm excited to get hydro results! I was hoping to do a quick run of autos then change to photos, but it looks like these autos may run close to 100 days. Ugh oh well guess it's a good problem to have since they are healthy lol.
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Hello, thank you very much and welcome to my journal HedoneSpirit. Yeah, it's not the biggest yielding strain, although for a kush it's pretty bloody decent. Ahh thank you, I was rather happy with the result, although I know it can be improved. That's why I will be taking clones this time and picking the best phenos out of the bunch for the next run.

I would say it's defintley a factor in final yield as some plants just produce more than others. I personally think quality over quantity though, but who doesn't want more yield lol? Your main limiting factors will be light, co2, water, nutrients and environment in no particular order. Your only going to be as good as your weakest link. Best advice I can give you is to keep on top of those factors as best you can and once you've got them dialed in and under control your be pulling off some great harvests. PH control is also very important. What strains are you growing and what is the yield suggested?

You're definitely in the right place to learn though pal. I've learned so much from here and continue to learn more all the time. I pulled off a fantastic result with my first ever grow so there is no reason you can't either. Knowledge and practice is key :).
Your right about this site being an amazing source of information. Being able to see people grow well and badly with similar setups, has been eye opening. I'm reading as many journals as I can before late September.

I think my strain in mind is agent orange, mainly for the flavour. The apparent yeild isn't as high as others. I'll be trying to also grow bubba's gift (another medium yeilding plant) and chocolate OG. I'm thinking that I'm not going to be able to get maximum yeild from my plants due to only having 600w and not controling CO2 (apart from a good extraction kit), so if I get a lower yeilding plant I may end up with similar results as if I got high yeilding plants.

Keep up with the good work Terp.

I think I'll spread the karma and blog my journal.

Kind regards
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

So far I love Coco, haven't really had any problems with it at all. It's a very forgiving growing medium and I'm excited to get hydro results! I was hoping to do a quick run of autos then change to photos, but it looks like these autos may run close to 100 days. Ugh oh well guess it's a good problem to have since they are healthy lol.

Me too, it's a fantastic medium and yes, very forgiving. Tbh, the first problem I had was the droopy plants, last run went perfectly to plan. At least the problem was minimal and the girls are really starting to look great now. Man you really do get hydro results, you just have to be patient until the roots take hold then they absolutley take off, even more when they're being drop fed 3x a day. Defintley not the worst problem you could have lol, glad they're healthy. I've not tried autos, only photoperiod so far. How have you found autos?
Re: TerpKing - Third Grow - Holy Grail Kush DNA Genetics - Coco Smart Pots - 600W MH/

Your right about this site being an amazing source of information. Being able to see people grow well and badly with similar setups, has been eye opening. I'm reading as many journals as I can before late September.

I think my strain in mind is agent orange, mainly for the flavour. The apparent yeild isn't as high as others. I'll be trying to also grow bubba's gift (another medium yeilding plant) and chocolate OG. I'm thinking that I'm not going to be able to get maximum yeild from my plants due to only having 600w and not controling CO2 (apart from a good extraction kit), so if I get a lower yeilding plant I may end up with similar results as if I got high yeilding plants.

Keep up with the good work Terp.

I think I'll spread the karma and blog my journal.

Kind regards

Good man, I read so many journals, keep reading pal. I'm still always looking through more when I can. This place is a crazy wealth of knowledge. If you're going to grow in coco, check out Cultivator if you get a chance, that guy is a true boss. He lead me to a fantastic first harvest, he really showed me the ropes. His feeding schedule is on point too! Also check out ledrf. They both have different styles but both get fantastic results and I like to use a bit of knowledge from both of these fantastic growers.

Agent Orange certainly sounds tasty, what breeder is that by? Yeah it always seem to be that way, the better the quality the less the yield. But I'd rather have that flavour all day long. How big is your grow area, I'm using 2x 600w hortilux with a 315w D-papillon in the middle when I flip to flower. 600w should give you good results pal. I've only just started to get into co2, my first two grows I just made sure plenty of fresh air was entering the room and still got good result so I wouldn't worry to much about that just yet. Good extraction kit will recirculate the air so quickly all you need to make sure is plenty of fresh air to be sucked in supplying fresh co2.

Thanks pal and you too, will you be starting a journal when you get going? If so drop me a message with a link. It's a great way to feel more confident, keep track of what you're doing and receive help from experienced growers.

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