Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

That is rather extreme. I hate it when I get that result. Sometimes from too much heat or too much humidity or too close to the COBs. Trimming those is a nightmare!
That is a textbook example of foxtailing. It needs to be tagged and put in an FAQ somewhere. I see a lot of folks here talk about foxtailing on their buds, but when I zoom into the pic, I think “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” Lol

Oh man... it's just never good to find yourself as a definition of anything.
If it's for good reasons, you're in the spotlight.
If it's for bad reasons, well... it's just bad.
But yeah... I can see that plant as a photo under 'foxtail'.

That is rather extreme. I hate it when I get that result. Sometimes from too much heat or too much humidity or too close to the COBs. Trimming those is a nightmare!

Too much heat... check.
Too much humidity.... check.
Outdoors, so not too close.... no check.
Still, you can easily see what 2 outta 3 gets ya.

Some additional forensics this morning leads to more of her challenges.
Here's her root mass....

There was no mass of feeder roots below. Some roots have fallen off the ball, but that's mostly it. It might have penetrated 1/4 of the depth of the 5gal round.
There were small bugs just below my visual perception that were carrying tiny white masses of some sort... I assume young ones. If I were to guess, I might go with termites.... but it might have just been small ants.
That pot had been sitting there for at least 5 years now. Sometimes I stuff branches and fan leaves down into it. Apparently it was time for some new dirt.

I hope she smokes nice.
So... lots of new toys lately. One is a light meter.
I took my new cheap light meter and measured the LUX of the sun. 90k.
Next, I measured LUX at plant top in the bloom room. 82k
Hmmm... need more.


And my yields are still coming in 30% higher ... :slide:
LUX of the sun. 90k.
Next, I measured LUX at plant top in the bloom room. 82k

And my yields are still coming in 30% higher

Yeah, yeah... flaunt it guys. Jealousy is starting to push me down the road to different lighting.
At least you’ve got nothing on my foxtails Tead. Tails so foxy they’d drive a fox crazy. Just lucky there’s no foxes here, I shudder to visualize what they’d do to her.
Yeah, yeah... flaunt it guys. Jealousy is starting to push me down the road to different lighting.
At least you’ve got nothing on my foxtails Tead. Tails so foxy they’d drive a fox crazy. Just lucky there’s no foxes here, I shudder to visualize what they’d do to her.

That's an easy one in my world. If you don't cob it turn it into oil and dose appropriately. Cobbing means you have no need to do more than trim off the fans. FHO means you need only do the same.

Just my two cent's worth. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Ha ha. The thing only had about 9 leaves on it. I cobbed some, jarred a little, and decarbed the rest to make a batch of canna-wine with.

Well there ya go! Lol!
Ha ha. The thing only had about 9 leaves on it. I cobbed some, jarred a little, and decarbed the rest to make a batch of canna-wine with.
There is always a solution ahead when a misfortune rises:goodjob:
Let's get our lab coats on kids. Tead got experimental a while back. @TorturedSoul suggested I kick the tires on a bubble hempy. I decided to throw in a pea-gravel grow as well.
4 plants. 2 control. 1 gravel. 1 bubble.... respectively.
Clones cut 7/6. Veg pot on 7/17. Bloom pot on 9/10.
Ox (OGKxUltraDog). Grown under lower lighting levels during the 1st half of their lives. Leaf tips got burned during a dew episode and some new strong lights.

The photo is slightly misleading. The bubble hempy looks thicker. It's not, just the angle.
The gravel grow is the clear looser. The others were mostly identical. I saw no difference between the bubble hempy and the 2 control plants.

Some closeups.

Clippy Clippy!
I'd imagine some gravel in the bottoms of the pots will increase stability alot... Man I can only imagine what your going to be spending on grow medium? If I was looking at growing a larger scale operation,,, that will come into play? Following you, I see you can reuse it awhile,, but hard to clean out the fertilizers. I think if it was me,, I'd try some expanded clay pellets.. They are easy to clean and last for a long ass time? A cement mixer and a screen and you can clean it easily?

The first hydro I ever seen was back in the 70's was all river gravel. Worked,, but damn was it heavy.

GL and Keepem Green
I'd imagine some gravel in the bottoms of the pots will increase stability alot... Man I can only imagine what your going to be spending on grow medium? If I was looking at growing a larger scale operation,,, that will come into play? Following you, I see you can reuse it awhile,, but hard to clean out the fertilizers. I think if it was me,, I'd try some expanded clay pellets.. They are easy to clean and last for a long ass time? A cement mixer and a screen and you can clean it easily?

The first hydro I ever seen was back in the 70's was all river gravel. Worked,, but damn was it heavy.

GL and Keepem Green

The thing blocking re-use is my feeding regime. I simply can't get the little balls of Osmo out of the small perlite.
I have larger perlite on hand, but additionally, I'm moving towards the MegaCrop line and have discovered that a good bleaching followed by plenty of rinsing works well for cleaning the perlite medium.
Man, the 1.5gallon pea gravel pot (with about 3in of perlite on top) was so friggin heavy. Between the reduced growth and the weight, I can certainly understand why folks don't use it anymore. A 5gal would require a handcart. It did drain really well... but that seems to be the only plus for gravel growing. Oh! And if you don't keep it well flushed, it smells like a fishtank.
Ohh wowzers look who s “Moven on up to the east side” where’s the George Jefferson emoji when you need it!? Man o man I m super excited for ya man, now that’s gonna be a game changer hey and with the guidance of the sweetest of sweet sues on your side you ll be dialed in in no time, woohoo. Think I ll be here for the big show if ya don’t mind?! I ll roll....
Florida... hangin in the kitchen with a fatty hangin out the corner of her mouth and a hand on a pot.
Good Times... not The Jeffersons, but connected and I like the picture of Florida better than Weezy.

The show should be interesting. I might even be getting near lighting the wick on some of those new 'candles'.
Great job on the comparison grows. Gotta love real world testing to see the truth behind claims.

I was wondering if the last picture was K deficiency. I've had some plants coming out like that recently and I've been trying to figure out the cause. The Kit runs really low on K naturally and I think my second run soil tipped over the line into deficiency levels.
Great job on the comparison grows. Gotta love real world testing to see the truth behind claims.

I was wondering if the last picture was K deficiency. I've had some plants coming out like that recently and I've been trying to figure out the cause. The Kit runs really low on K naturally and I think my second run soil tipped over the line into deficiency levels.

Thanks baby!
The leaves are 100% water lensing burn from an issue I had right as I cranked on the big lights... oops.
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