Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Florida... hangin in the kitchen with a fatty hangin out the corner of her mouth and a hand on a pot.
Good Times... not The Jeffersons, but connected and I like the picture of Florida better than Weezy.

The show should be interesting. I might even be getting near lighting the wick on some of those new 'candles'.

That is a huge change but all sound just amazing, especially with such wonderful help, congrats! Can’t wait for the big reveal!!
Perlite works so well for this process because it wicks the nutrient-filled water so the roots are continually feeding. Nothing else is quite as efficient, and perlite allows you to shuttle huge-ass plants dripping with goo all over the place with one hand.

Any of the liquid or powder nutrients will be reclaimable. Osmo is easy, but OMG Tead, the growth and essential oils possible with Mega Crop and RX Green begs for the switch. That Texas Tomato product may be the game-changer.
Hey Tead Nice place you got here. Mind if I pop in now and then?

I’ve been meaning to tell you how much I admire the new avatar stoneotter. Good morning, by the way. :hug:
Hey Tead Nice place you got here. Mind if I pop in now and then?

'Course! Dat's how we do baby!
Welcome along. It's a different world down in da swamps. I do crazy things. Disclaimer delivered.

Perlite works so well for this process because it wicks the nutrient-filled water so the roots are continually feeding. Nothing else is quite as efficient, and perlite allows you to shuttle huge-ass plants dripping with goo all over the place with one hand.

Any of the liquid or powder nutrients will be reclaimable. Osmo is easy, but OMG Tead, the growth and essential oils possible with Mega Crop and RX Green begs for the switch. That Texas Tomato product may be the game-changer.

Ahhh.... the luxury of time, resources, talent, and love are just makin me vibrate. The things we'll try....
Wow.... a thumbs up from LA.... I'll have to go diggin and see what he's up to these days.
Hang on folks... busy morning.

Here's a base roots shot. This is an Ox (OGKxUD). It's exactly like a long line of identically cloned plants over a long time. It's also identical to a twin I just harvested. A different twin was aerated. This was a 4 plant test grow with 2 control plants, the aerated plant, and a gravel plant. The gravel plant I let go in the garden... it's a touch behind.

Here are the comparison shots....

The aerated plant weighed 177g after harvest. The non-aerated plants both (there were 2 control plants) both weighed in the 150's.
Not huge, but noticeable and I can see the need for a better aeration method.

Oh.... and yet one more entry into the jackleg engineering category.....

I just figured that the Samsungs were the conclusion of the q-dot design.

A few years ago, I won a prize panel from a company with hundreds of small white LEDs on panels. They had patented a couple of phosphors to get the correct spectrum and I just loved 'em! They couldn't finance the ramp-up though, and then HLG appeared a couple years later with their Samsung kit panels.

And SmokeSara just announced that Mars-Hydro is going to start marketing them. They've been manufacturing for another vendor for awhile and are ready for retail now. :slide:It's on!
Nice. I've been surprised that @SmokeSara 's company had not moved into the QB market.
Quantum dots are different. Kind of an epoxy with magic dots mixed in. Poured, dried, and powered by passing current from one end to the other. Crazy.

On another note... I meant to give @TorturedSoul a shout out when I did the comparison including the bubbler. Hooking an airstone up was at his prompting.
Hey all. So yep a while back quantum dot lighting tech was being developed by my pals at budmaster. This tech seemed the next big step in led tech. Unfortunately this all got shelved due to companies like Samsung moving from outsourced quantum dots to producing their own. This in turn made the cost of sourcing the tech for smaller firms a non starter.
Ive still got a quantum dot propagation light at the mo and im sad i never got to see the evolution of this line of led tech.
I looks like the Q-dots are the phosphors. They're able to finely tune the spectrum they want from the diodes.
So quantum boards use normal led diodes on a quantum board (just a way of running multiple diodes off one large board like a massive cob chip setup)
Quantum dots are crystals grown in a lab. A quantum dot may only be 10-20 atoms in size. This is what decides the light frequency given off from the q dot. They can produce these to set atom numbers and therefore corresponding lighting frequencies. Giving the most accurate lighting available at the moment. These dots are layered between a plastic laminate and then agitated by a secondary light source such as a normal led bank of diodes. The laminate is only 1 mill thick, so hence the very thin tv's now about.
Haha, I know HLG is really somethings moving forward in LED grow lights market, but for a company with 6 warehouses, stocking so many items, and many of are still hot sellings, to add another light is a hard choice. At least for my boss at the very beginning. :D But now, she move forward as well. Hopefully the new light will be releasing before Chirstmas. :D :Namaste:
Haha, I know HLG is really somethings moving forward in LED grow lights market, but for a company with 6 warehouses, stocking so many items, and many of are still hot sellings, to add another light is a hard choice. At least for my boss at the very beginning. :D But now, she move forward as well. Hopefully the new light will be releasing before Chirstmas. :D:Namaste:

You let me know if you need someone to kick some tires on a large model.... just sayin.
I've seen such huge bonuses from quantum board lighting. Buds are thick. Plants got so wild I gotta tie the Sativas down.
Your customers will love them. I know I do.
I've got 8ea dual board 600w setups. Been runnin 2 of them (veg/bloom). I'll be quite familiar with any gotcha's soon enough.
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