Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Tead, what line of nutes are you using? I just switched from GH to dry nutes to make my own concentrates and I too am loving this line. I can adjust individual elements as needed and have found a stable PPM range of macros and secondaries to build out my own feed charts using Hydro Buddy.

I'm in the process of also building a 3rd sealed room, but to control odors, now as I haven't yet gotten into CO2. A new process I'll be trying to glue thin wall board panels to panda film. I'll first try contact cement to hopefully turn the Panda film into wall paper and stick it to the panels, hopefully with no bubbles. Once it sets, I figure I can just cut the panels as needed and I'll have a nice lightweight waterproof wall panel, and I can just tape up the seams to make the room capable of being filled with water. My other 2 blooms hold spilled water pretty well now, but I expect that to fail soon as the plastic isn't glued down so things can slide around and poke tiny holes that will eventually let water leak out.

I'd research the Bunson burner to see which fuel is used to burn. Some fuels may emit more CO after being burned and may not be safe for indoor use. CO is combustible, so IDK why it doesn't burn when passing through the flame. Still, even if bottles are a pain, I'd think it would still be better than risking burning the house down.
Keep in mind that I'll have three flowering tents squeezed into my bedroom.

No. I have no room for such silliness in my world these days. We all know damn well that you will quickly fill every available space. The fact that you have a human at hand (a.k.a. me) that knows one end of a hammer from another just scares the holy shit right outta me.
I draw the line at an outdoor grow shed. Been there... done that. That's why we're here godammit. But I see it coming.... "Oh Tead... can you hang this....."
Killin me already.
The Mrs. wants an island in the kitchen... ugh.

Oh I hear you. That business the girlie and I were running a couple years ago, which you may recall I mentioned on my journal at the time when it got bought out by the mafia goon, or wannabee mafia goon/shitbag, whatever he was.
Girlie wanted an island in the kitchen sooo badly. It went on and on. Normally that would be something I’d be happy to build, but I was developing mixed feelings about the whole operation at that point. Then one day... what do you know... I stumbled across an island for sale at the local thrift store. Hurray!

I bought it and brought it back and installed it in the kitchen.
Sadly, she wasn’t nearly as happy with it as I was...

Just in case the peanut gallery doesn't realize...

Islands are often left over lava from a volcano.
The volcano that spewed forth Weas's island was just a touch different-y.


An island of goo.... so fun Weas!
I wonder.... can I cover it with tile like the Mrs. wants? Can I put some cabinets underneath of it? What about power.... got any outlets on your island?
Never as simple as it seems.

By the way... ya'll note how Weas is even too lazy to hold the drill in place personally. He's got it clamped in place with tape holding the trigger down. Damn Jack-leg engineers... I suspect his vehicle is held together with duct tape and super glue. Hell... I think he duct taped his eyeball back in when it fell out the other day!
Now that I'm done bad-mouthing his setup... I've got a different clamp, but just as effective and there's tape residue on my drill trigger too.
Tead, what line of nutes are you using? I just switched from GH to dry nutes to make my own concentrates and I too am loving this line. I can adjust individual elements as needed and have found a stable PPM range of macros and secondaries to build out my own feed charts using Hydro Buddy.

I'm in the process of also building a 3rd sealed room, but to control odors, now as I haven't yet gotten into CO2. A new process I'll be trying to glue thin wall board panels to panda film. I'll first try contact cement to hopefully turn the Panda film into wall paper and stick it to the panels, hopefully with no bubbles. Once it sets, I figure I can just cut the panels as needed and I'll have a nice lightweight waterproof wall panel, and I can just tape up the seams to make the room capable of being filled with water. My other 2 blooms hold spilled water pretty well now, but I expect that to fail soon as the plastic isn't glued down so things can slide around and poke tiny holes that will eventually let water leak out.

I'd research the Bunson burner to see which fuel is used to burn. Some fuels may emit more CO after being burned and may not be safe for indoor use. CO is combustible, so IDK why it doesn't burn when passing through the flame. Still, even if bottles are a pain, I'd think it would still be better than risking burning the house down.

I got the MegaCrop sample bag and it's been blowing me away. Of course, you have to keep in mind that I've been a fixed-feeding level Osmo grower from many moons, so an adjustable feeding routine of any variety probably would have had the same effect on my viewpoint. The magic is really just that I'm boosting the feeding rates as the plant grows.

So... it kinda sounds from your words that you believe Co2 is an odor control technique. Assuming I'm correct, I'll toss out some words.
Plants are really just engines. They use the sunlight as their fuel. The engine uses that fuel to convert chemicals into plant mass. Some of the chemistry needed to run the engine includes the intake and incorporation of Co2... I assume the main source of Carbon since they exhale the o2 part of the Co2 they inhale.
Plants as a whole developed during a time on the earth that had much more Co2 in the atmosphere and a bit more heat. If you bring the plant back to that early environment by boosting Co2 and running hotter, you can see a 20% rise in production. I already have the heat in place just because of my local weather, so adding Co2 just lets me use less AC and get more output. Pretty sweet ehh?
I'm handling the odor control with fat-ass carbon filters.

Now... let's look at your wall covering ideas... there might be problems in that arena that you're not recognizing.
Walls breathe a touch. If you block that, you're going to end up with a wall full of mold under that plastic.
Me... I've got this horrid cardboard based wall covering going with a nice insulation layer underneath, plastic sheeting, then brick exterior. I'll be pulling the cardboard wall, replacing with sheetrock, then sealing up every little crack and crevice with caulk and painting it all flat white.
The panda film has many uses, but sealing up your walls with a layer of plastic on the inside would seem like some pretty strong mold makin ju-ju to me. I'd sure hate to see that happen!

Geez... all that advice sure means I got a shitload of work ahead. Fortunately, only 1 room has that craptastic wallboard. It was a garage conversion and was really done on the cheap... as so many things seem to be 'round this neck of the construction world.
I got the MegaCrop sample bag and it's been blowing me away. Of course, you have to keep in mind that I've been a fixed-feeding level Osmo grower from many moons, so an adjustable feeding routine of any variety probably would have had the same effect on my viewpoint. The magic is really just that I'm boosting the feeding rates as the plant grows.

So... it kinda sounds from your words that you believe Co2 is an odor control technique.
I'm handling the odor control with fat-ass carbon filters.

I should have clarified better. The reason I made my bloom rooms sealed was to contain odors, not because I wanted to add CO2. Well actually, I do want to add CO2, just can't afford to open that can of worms yet, but will someday.

As to my rooms, they both breath well, 6" inlets and outlets to carbon filtration. I realize walls breath, and mine do, but I just wanted to create something of a waterproof area, but also have the plastic adhered to the floor walls and ceiling as if the panels were made of plastic. This will prevent possible future tears or pokes. My 2 rooms both are unglued and the extraction system keeps the plastic always trying to implode away from the walls. Being glued would remedy that.

I'm using Jack's Hydroponics 5-12-26 which I saw being compared to MegaCrop on their site. My concern is that they put calcium in the bag which can easily bond with sulfur to become gypsum or P and cancel both out, so be alert for any Ca or P defs. I recorded the composition into HydroBuddy and I'd like to produce the feed charts so I can compare NPK/Micro/Trace comps to Jack's and other lines, try to reverse engineer many lines we commonly use and learn what the ranges are. As it is now, along with Jack's, I use 5 other products and with these 6 I can pretty much alter the ratios as I see fit, but I'm still learning and want to learn a lot more, but it seems this information isn't as readily available as I'd like for canna, so I want to condense as much as I can for the next growers to start with. All of that said, can you link me to or show me what the MegaCrop feed chart is?

MEGA CROP – Greenleaf Nutrients
All of that said, can you link me to or show me what the MegaCrop feed chart is?

Not really a chart. It's an active calculator. I use the grams/1gal settings and get numbers way lower than I'm currently feeding. I started with their settings and then just kept ramping up looking for signs of overfeeding. Instead of overfeeding signs, the test plant just exploded and blew past it's Osmo brethren like an Olympic runner vs me.
So happy.

Feeding Calculator

Good to hear you're on track. Sorry to bore everyone with a lecture on Co2 and wall designs.
Oh I hear you. That business the girlie and I were running a couple years ago, which you may recall I mentioned on my journal at the time when it got bought out by the mafia goon, or wannabee mafia goon/shitbag, whatever he was.
Girlie wanted an island in the kitchen sooo badly. It went on and on. Normally that would be something I’d be happy to build, but I was developing mixed feelings about the whole operation at that point. Then one day... what do you know... I stumbled across an island for sale at the local thrift store. Hurray!

I bought it and brought it back and installed it in the kitchen.
Sadly, she wasn’t nearly as happy with it as I was...

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
As soon as I get unpacked and have the tents up I'll be ordering the Texas Tomato organic nutrients and give them a go. Organic hempy has been a goal from the start, and this may be the ticket. We have enough Mega Crop to keep things going for a while if you find it acceptable. Doob and I are really impressed with Mega's veg mode, and that Red Diesel I'm smoking is superior in fragrance and taste to the first one I grew in soil, with the kit.

Hmm.....that's the first time one of my hempy plants significantly outperformed my kit version. Interesting.
Here's my 1gal feeding chart...

I'm still in veg and at 6.5g/gal with no signs of problems... other than the leaf the cat munched on.

Here are the results of 6.5g/Gal of MegaCrop in elemental ppm and has an EC of 1.2ms/cm.

N (NO3-)----------171.712
Si ----------------------1.717
N (NH4+)-------------0

From my studies, mostly talking to a grower on RIU, I got something of a list of ranges for the macros and secondaries. Note:, this is not to say that MegaCrop's results are at all incorrect, and TBH, when I ran the numbers for GH, they too were very high, and I suspect other brands to be the same. I modified the BeJesus out of Jack's line to bring my overall numbers closer to the "safe ranges" as depicted in my notes, but much added testing will be needed to personally verify those numbers, but no other growers on that thread have disagreed with them, so we'll see. I just wanted to share the info is all.

Veg Ranges
N 110 - 120
P 30 - 40
K 120 - 130
Ca 80 - 90
Mg 40 - 50
Fe 1.3 - 2

Bloom Ranges
N 65 - 90 (never less than half of K)
P 40 - 65
K 130 - 150 (130 max for coco)
Ca 65 - 90
Mg 40 - 50
Fe 1.5 - 2
Sue, I’ve been running Tappin Roots for nutes, which is an organic line. Been working well for me. I bought a bunch of small bottles on clearance at a Home Depot in Denver last Christmas. I may keep going with it after these bottles are done. Works for me, but then I’m not worried too much about quantity from each plant.
Sue, I’ve been running Tappin Roots for nutes, which is an organic line. Been working well for me. I bought a bunch of small bottles on clearance at a Home Depot in Denver last Christmas. I may keep going with it after these bottles are done. Works for me, but then I’m not worried too much about quantity from each plant.

I want frosty and potent. Lol! Yield is a matter of manipulation of the process, for the most part, when you’re working with excellent genetics.
Here are the results of 6.5g/Gal of MegaCrop in elemental ppm and has an EC of 1.2ms/cm.

N (NO3-)----------171.712
Si ----------------------1.717
N (NH4+)-------------0

From my studies, mostly talking to a grower on RIU, I got something of a list of ranges for the macros and secondaries. Note:, this is not to say that MegaCrop's results are at all incorrect, and TBH, when I ran the numbers for GH, they too were very high, and I suspect other brands to be the same. I modified the BeJesus out of Jack's line to bring my overall numbers closer to the "safe ranges" as depicted in my notes, but much added testing will be needed to personally verify those numbers, but no other growers on that thread have disagreed with them, so we'll see. I just wanted to share the info is all.

Veg Ranges
N 110 - 120
P 30 - 40
K 120 - 130
Ca 80 - 90
Mg 40 - 50
Fe 1.3 - 2

Bloom Ranges
N 65 - 90 (never less than half of K)
P 40 - 65
K 130 - 150 (130 max for coco)
Ca 65 - 90
Mg 40 - 50
Fe 1.5 - 2

I can't even begin to digest all that at the moment. Not even gonna take a swing at it now... I'll have to come back to it.
Generally, I don't think of my nutrient regime to that level. I'm more the plant watcher kinda grower... becoming familiar with my strains and spotting problems when the occur by observing the plants.
Now... got some walls to rip down today... off to da races!
That's more math than this hillbillie ever learnt.......... GL over that way Tead...
Flyin low... so low I had to lean out the door and hose her base with my handy-dandy little M134 (you know.... those hose-like machine guns sticking out the door of a Huey helicopter... fun times baby!) as I passed.
Hmmm.... I see... insanity has actually set in... I can no longer tell a pair of scissors from a M134.... sad.
Oh well... job done, no matter the tool.

She's kinda mostly a foxtail plant. We'll see what we get when dry. She got split into 2 by a snail early in life.
The fact that she made it to harvest really speaks well of Neem and Spinosad.
Trichs were all cloudy and about %10 amber.
Washed her up post harvest and found a few caterpillars trying, but failing. I hadn't applied anything to her in at least 2 weeks, so I'm not surprised to see a few trying.

That is a textbook example of foxtailing. It needs to be tagged and put in an FAQ somewhere. I see a lot of folks here talk about foxtailing on their buds, but when I zoom into the pic, I think “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” Lol
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