Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I picked up the Titan 4 burner (natural gas) and a monitor/controller. Fans and filters were in that order too.
I've got a big can of Kilz (mildew resistant) paint for the surfaces. The floor is a tan tile... I'm considering painting the floor, but that'll mean a LOT of work at some future point.... so, a strategic decision may make for a slightly less than perfect grow space.
What kind of thermostat do you have for your fan? I'm in the market for one

Sorry man, I really dropped the ball re your question (internet died and since then I’ve been trying to catch up with my 420 biz like a man swimming up a waterfall) and probably that ship has sailed already, but here is a link along with my metaphor gumbo. SUNNE Thermostat

I have one in veg and one in flowering, both similar if not identical. They are listed as heating/cooling thermostats but can only be set up for one of those option at a time. As I recall, with at least one of them I had to peer at some instructions and connect wires in order to set it up for which option I wanted. Cooling, obviously, in my case.
Otherwise no problems to report. Old school tech. I’ve abused them and dropped them multiple times, etc, without a hitch. The older one I’ve had for ten years. They just sit there and work.
I picked up the Titan 4 burner (natural gas) and a monitor/controller. Fans and filters were in that order too.
I've got a big can of Kilz (mildew resistant) paint for the surfaces. The floor is a tan tile... I'm considering painting the floor, but that'll mean a LOT of work at some future point.... so, a strategic decision may make for a slightly less than perfect grow space.
Just think a head... Would you ever look at the result, all the good work you did, and say... D**n, should have painted the floor....
If answer is no, then by all means, leave it.
But, I think you are the other type. ;)
I picked up the Titan 4 burner (natural gas) and a monitor/controller. Fans and filters were in that order too.
I've got a big can of Kilz (mildew resistant) paint for the surfaces. The floor is a tan tile... I'm considering painting the floor, but that'll mean a LOT of work at some future point.... so, a strategic decision may make for a slightly less than perfect grow space.

Moving right along. :slide: Wish I was already there to be helping out. I make a good assistant. :battingeyelashes:!
Just think a head... Would you ever look at the result, all the good work you did, and say... D**n, should have painted the floor....
If answer is no, then by all means, leave it.
But, I think you are the other type. ;)

He may be the other type, but he’s also lazy and wants to get the job done last week. Lol!

I found myself wondering how the painted floor would be more advantageous to say, linoleum?
Well... she didn't really trash it personally... but I think she's been in there for at least 10yrs.... so wear and tear are generally extreme. Walls, flooring, paint... should be fine soon 'nuff.

As I read that I looked around at the way I’ve maintained my own unit for the past 12 years. We painted, repaired any damage, added a new 30 amp circuit, and paid all of my utility bills during that time.

I’ve been there in the past. I feel better about the state of my current abode than I did about leaving the house behind.

You won’t have to worry about this tenant. :battingeyelashes:
You painting the walls in the grow rooms flat Ultra-white? Best thing ever. :battingeyelashes:
I think AB is on the right track here. You're spot on baby... regret would have killed me here. I'm painting the tile. I can strip it off the tile pretty easily, but the grout will have to be re-coated.... probably needs it anyway.
Wall will be flat white.
Ceiling is already white, but needs a new coat.

Off to da races baby! Busy busy.
So tired.
I learned today that 1 bag of Viagrow does 10 of my pots. Never ran thru a whole bag in one sitting before.
Plastic on the floor seems problematic. I chatted with the boss about the issue. Were gonna find a roll of white linoleum but just not glue it down very much.
Dumped 1500 outta my wallet at Home Depot... got a few of those trips in mind. 3 carts! Loaded the pickup to the gills.
The Mrs. wants an island in the kitchen... more ugh.
Dude I don't have mine glued.. You can take a piece of anything and tack it around the edges and the weight of the pots and what nots will hold it down in the center anyways..... I'd imagine you got hardwood floors? Just a tack strip and acouple small nails close to the baseboards.. Sure makes it easy to clean up spills and reflects tons of light.
BTW nice score with the CO2 burner........... Them damn bottles become a pain in the ass.. And they don't last all that long, ''speaking of which,, I need to run to the liquor store,, JK NOT'' when you got a larger garden........ I don't eveny the amount of work and monies it takes to be up and going... GL
Tile on the ground now. Trim and walls are getting replaced, so I can seal all that up air tight. White on the walls. The trim replacement will allow me to run the linoleum under the trim with a bead of caulk at the joint.

I've been pondering my whole burner purchase. Why can't I just run a bunsen burner 24/7 in the corner of the room somewhere? Some sort of shade to control the light. Did I just waste a bunch of money?
Tile on the ground now. Trim and walls are getting replaced, so I can seal all that up air tight. White on the walls. The trim replacement will allow me to run the linoleum under the trim with a bead of caulk at the joint.

I've been pondering my whole burner purchase. Why can't I just run a bunsen burner 24/7 in the corner of the room somewhere? Some sort of shade to control the light. Did I just waste a bunch of money?

Can it be returned if you decide it's a waste? You got me thinking. What would be the concern with a Bunson Burner? Seems to me they'd do the same thing.
Hey..... nice work. :hug::hug::hug:

Oops! 38 seconds too soon, and I edited three times first. Lol! This platform can't keep up with me. :rofl:
Man.... we're gonna have a monster on our hands Sue.
The new nutrient regime is just completely amazing me. I really have become very entrenched in the Osmo routine and I forgot what real nutrients and an adjustable system can do. For the record, I'm currently doing 6.5g/gal which exceeds the finish bloom top end of the published feeding schedule.... might bump it to 7 today. She's still in veg.
Co2 should top things off with an additional 10-20 percent production with increased temperature and RH resilience (my real goal).
Working on ventilation and power plans now. Both still gelling some. Between all the fans and wiring, it's getting tricky. Not to mention a 200amp 30spot circuit breaker panel and a new 80amp 220 run up to the attic for the lights.

Geez... WTF have I gotten myself into here?!?!
Haha! Sounds delicious. We are going to get this running so smoothly you'll shake your head in amazement.

Keep in mind that I'll have three flowering tents squeezed into my bedroom. They're all 27" x 27" x 5.5' H, and I'll need some sort of ventilation too. I'm giving my queen-sized mattress to the daughter for extra room in my bedroom, and I'll sleep on my air mattress until I can afford a decent smaller one. I'm thinking a double will do and leave room for my grow.
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