Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

So Tead, it's happening to you, too? When I first did the math and saw that I was getting higher yield from fewer watts, I thought - hey, cool.

But then I did the math on how much more yield I was getting and it took me months to believe it. Yield is up 30+% and wattage is down 30+%.

That's revolutionary,

I know my buds under the qb were chunkier than those under the COBs.
So Tead, it's happening to you, too? When I first did the math and saw that I was getting higher yield from fewer watts, I thought - hey, cool.

But then I did the math on how much more yield I was getting and it took me months to believe it. Yield is up 30+% and wattage is down 30+%.

That's revolutionary,


I've not tracked anything... kind of ever.... but, if I were to guesstimate, I'd say your numbers seem pretty realistic.
I was running both LED and HPS previously in the bloom room.... mostly one or the other depending on temps... so I'm actually able to give an opinion on the upgrade from both. These LEDs are just plain superior in all ways to the previous 350w LED. It's much more spread out and powers the buds from all sides... the HPS doesn't do that much even with a good reflector going.
My 2cents.
One more comment...
I've noticed that I can host about 30% less plants in the very squeezed bloom room.
This has thrown my whole flow for a bit of a loop.... veg plants spending longer in veg due to the reduced plant count in bloom. Of course, now the girls are hitting bloom bigger to begin with.
It's a loop man... an evil loop.
Plus, I cut 27 clones earlier today.
A delightful evil loop. :battingeyelashes:
There's a name for that - the same thing that happens in freeway traffic - bunching and releasing like a spring. Inflation/recession. It's a force of existence.

I had too many in veg, now I can't get seeds to sprout. C'est live.
Hit the garden with the water bucket and a camera this morning.
This will be the last shots of this space. Turnin the page baby!
As such, let's do a full on tour of my little world.

My outdoor tin shed sitting in my crazy cluttered world.

Looks innocent enough-ish. As innocent as it can look.

Geez... what a slob!!!
Note all the water storage action, nutrient workstation on the right, watering stand in the back, grow boxes on the left.

A look out the other way.

The top of both boxes with the drivers, dimmers, and fans.

A small space between. Note the white PVC run between for AC input into the veg box.

Let's open some doors.



A look at the workspaces.

Random plants and clones everywhere in my house.

Parting shots of it all. I might miss it, but I'm having a hard time imagining it at the moment.
You’ll miss being able to walk into the rooms with your morning coffee, but then you’ll have that access just a short jump away. :hug:

I make very strong coffee. :battingeyelashes:
Very good use of your space Tead! I wish I lived in a climate that was workable year round. Where do you inlet your air from? Does it just draw from inside the shed or external? I bet you get better access to atmospheric CO2 than indoor grows get.
workable year round

Workable.... hmmm.... not sure I would have made that word choice. Seems quite generous. Yes.... when you apply large wattages of AC and settle for an 85f garden, one could use the phrase "workable", but I've been hunting for the word that says "I kicked Mother Nature's ass but she sure didn't go down without a fight and every second of every day is an ongoing battle trying to keep her evil ass in check".
I checked with Webster... no joy.

Thanks baby! It really is an ongoing piece of work. It's been many different forms over the years. Currently, I pull air into the bloom box from the shed. The veg box gets an AC feed from the bloom box via a 6" flex tube feeding the white PVC tube between the boxes. There's an output vent at the top of the veg box going outside the shed.

There have been many nuances of this over the years. It gets shifted a bit when/if I turn off the AC and the feed going to veg is just fan fed rather than AC air.
I'll be the judge of that.
Tead once snorted MRE coffee. Snorted. Up the nose baby!
This taught Tead a couple of lessons. 1... don't do that! 2... never let your boys get bored.

I think the word you’re looking for is “monsantead”. :rofl:


What I meant by workable isn't that far from how you took it. Something you can use year round. Here in the upper right, we get mild to moderate winters and temps avg from single digits to teens, way too cold to even think about a shed. I think I may have suggested this last year about your shed to bury vent pipes in the ground to precool the inlet air, but I've lost all track of my journals and all the details kinda get mixed up one to the next. At any rate, ya gotta use your available resources and the ground can help you regulate your air temps. Even a simple U pipe buried a few feet down will help.
We have a touch of a crazy world locally. The groundwater is very nearby. Life below sea level baby!
Can't really dig much without pumps and other insanity. Plus, the first few feet of ground are not at all cool... might even be mostly warmer.
Imagine replacing all the sand at your local seashore with dirt. Now go dig a 6ft hole. I think you'll quickly become familiar with my local configuration. Of course, at the sea shore you might hit cold water instead of our swamp waters... but you get the idea.
But we've been here before... nice ideas... just not so functional locally.

Would an external grow area work as a veg space for you with 24/7 lighting warming the shed?
Most likely, but the shed would require a LOT of insulation as 6º days would creep in without active heating. I am fortunate enough to have an entire bedroom to dedicate to the grow and am almost finished building my 3rd 4x4 space for bloom. I will be moving my veg to a space about twice it's current size so my frequency of harvests will change to about every 3 weeks versus my current 4-5 week turnout.

I'm guessing you're down near the gulf. I can't even imagine trying to grow in those conditions with high temps and RH all the time. Though if you grew up there, and it's all you know, necessity would likely give you the inspiration you need to overcome the elements you have to deal with, like we all do. Up in the northeast, aside from the cold winters, it's not too difficult to overcome the remaining factors and for that I'm grateful because I am definitely one to over complicate a situation and if things are already complex, I'd likely fail 11 out of 10 times.
'Course! Dat's how we do baby!
Welcome along. It's a different world down in da swamps. I do crazy things. Disclaimer delivered.

Ahhh.... the luxury of time, resources, talent, and love are just makin me vibrate. The things we'll try....
Crazy aint nuts where I come from. Wait something like that.
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