Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Here's the plant the trich shot came from. UltraDog. Slightly different one. I topped it early on. It still gave me a central spike, but there's a challenger in the mix. Without topping, I get a single central spike with a very even 'tabletop' of secondary branches. Super lemony... like the most I've ever smelled. I smell "Mr. Clean". The Mrs. and @Tead'ssmokingbuddy don't agree.

Those frozen logs won’t burn! :rofl:

I just threw two full trash bags of perlite in the trash... it felt both wasteful and satisfying to just get rid of it at the same time.


Do you have community gardens in your world? They seem to appreciate such donations. Perhaps a local member will even swing by and grab them.
I just realised.. Teadssmokingbuddy...
Now you have one next door lol

Well... next door would be a serious improvement, she's a bit in the burbs, but we'll see if we can improve that situation in the future. I see her as bit more of an uban-ite, but we'll see... the future's wide open baby!
Nice work, man. You got an OG pheno on your hands. Stretchier but lemony af :)
So lemony. It's like crazy lemony and super sticky. All wonderful attributes in Tead's eye!

Speaking of sticky UltraDogs.... here's some shots from one.
I'm a little confused by the photos. There are some super dark amber ones that I've never seen before. I'm wondering if darker amber on plants is a symptom of increased lighting. Dunno... but I think I'll run with that theory none the less.

That's what I do with my old dirt when the neighbors don't have use of it.. Always acouple community gardens around somewhere.
Little USB microscope hooked to my computer.
Easy, chemp ($15 Amz), fairly good. The software it comes with kinda sucks.... I use the Windows camera app. They make an adapter to use it on your cell phone too.

I've been using an app called AmScope for my USB scope. It always crashes at startup, but when I restart, it works fine. Sadly the phone app doesn't work at all. Are you saying Windows has a builtin app that can run these scopes? I'm definitely down to try something else and hopefully better than AmScope. I would kill to not have to snip a bud to bring back to the PC to magnify and just bring the scope to the living bud.

Edit - I forgot to mention that my phone is a Droid. Know of any scope apps for Droid?
Little USB microscope hooked to my computer.
Easy, chemp ($15 Amz), fairly good. The software it comes with kinda sucks.... I use the Windows camera app. They make an adapter to use it on your cell phone too.

Nice, I just looked em up here on amz.ca and they start around 30.... amz.com is half the price but we get charged at the border and it gets marked back up. And that’s for most things on amazon, You guys have it pretty dang good down south there!
Nice, I just looked em up here on amz.ca and they start around 30.... amz.com is half the price but we get charged at the border and it gets marked back up. And that’s for most things on amazon, You guys have it pretty dang good down south there!

I'm near certain you can locate a similar product sold inside your country. For th^t reason, I refuse to purchase goods from outside the USA unless absolutely necessary. Just search for USB scope and see what comes up. I know a guy (internet friend) that has an electronics store in Vancouver I believe. If you can't find anything reasonably priced, let me know and I'll chase him down on social media to see if he sells that kind of stuff.
Looking good... I see some frost way down south in NOLA... But I wanna see the big rooms? I understand all takes time. I'm sending good vibes your ways that you and Sue do well. Keepem Green
I'm near certain you can locate a similar product sold inside your country. For th^t reason, I refuse to purchase goods from outside the USA unless absolutely necessary. Just search for USB scope and see what comes up. I know a guy (internet friend) that has an electronics store in Vancouver I believe. If you can't find anything reasonably priced, let me know and I'll chase him down on social media to see if he sells that kind of stuff.
I use one of them jewelry scopes, hand held little jobby with a bright ass light at the end... works ok, but I like USB capabilities o_O Boners for these sweet trichome pics Teads been sending out, so I did google “scope” ...... mostly those do-it-yourself rectal exam scopes “popped up”:eek::oops: butt I did finally find some, thanks for the quick and handy hook up offer, seriously appreciated:Namaste:

Awesome pics Tead! S-l-o-w G-o-l-f C -l-a-p:goodjob:
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