Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Dam bro that is a great way to weigh out ur whole plant lol. Now thts macgyver methods at its finest lmao. Conegrats on the nice little harvest there bro. Now im off to finish catching up its been a min since i was last over so i was like 12 pages behind lol. Do i hear u got a new garden spot or did u move homes?

I'm right in the middle of changes with new climate controlled spaces. Just yesterday another door in my world opened and the opportunity to shift to an even better space has come around. Added sqft and better located. I've gotta buy some more lights, but the tears are not flowing over those pennies.

Tead, you hear about the “cigar/massive doobie” The aliens sent us! I knew there was always intelligent life out there , I Did!o_O:oops::p “Take me to your dealer” you just wait....

There can be many signs that the weed is thick and good in one's world. I see you've found yours. Here was mine this morning.....

(there's a nug in there.... not off topic)
Probably an UltraDog... maybe Ox (UltraDog x OGK), both equally evil indicas.

Hmmm evil indica? Yeah kind of :laugh:
I'm right in the middle of changes with new climate controlled spaces. Just yesterday another door in my world opened and the opportunity to shift to an even better space has come around. Added sqft and better located. I've gotta buy some more lights, but the tears are not flowing over those pennies.

There can be many signs that the weed is thick and good in one's world. I see you've found yours. Here was mine this morning.....

(there's a nug in there.... not off topic)

Well shit man nuthn better then a new garden area specially if its bigger to fit more plants it wuda been a dun deal for me to lol. Well good luck bro hope it all works out for ya. Now jus waiting to see pics of the new garden up an running.
Lmao tht had me rolln wen i seen this at the end after readn ur post to funny man.

To her credit she did leave it set up in the middle of the kitchen for quite a while. But she never seemed to find it nearly as funny as I did and I’m pretty sure I saw her glare at it and possibly ‘accidently’ step on it a couple times. :rofl:
Say hello to your common Buck Moth Caterpillar (or larvae).

Looks friendly enough.
"The larvae are covered in hollow spines that are attached to a poison sac."
Not so friendly.
Not a common visitor in my world. Mostly harmless compared to other wormies. It chomps lightly on fan leaves, but are easy to spot, thus super easy to deal with.... tho I did remove him with a pair of pliers rather than my fingers.
I use clothes pins to remove the giant tomato worms in the Summer. The crows appreciate the easy meal too. Although they've never brought a clothes pin back to me.
Maybe you forgot to write return address? :laugh::rofl::laugh:
What I meant by workable isn't that far from how you took it. Something you can use year round. Here in the upper right, we get mild to moderate winters and temps avg from single digits to teens, way too cold to even think about a shed.

Dr. H00k grows in a shed - right on the bank of Lake Superior. The northern side.

There are sheds, and then there are sheds, lol...
@dr.h00k has the prettiest shed. I've had many moments of envy regarding that specific building. Plus, it's always funny to see heavy insulation in play... I use it for the complete opposite reason, so I chuckle some.

Takin this one down. GrandDaddyPurple.
She's the first MegaCrop I've grown and the first non-osmo I've done in many years.
Not bad. Should have tested on one of my indicas that I'm more familiar with... strategic error, but I'm still pleased with the results. I shoved her in a dark place for 2 days. Flushed her yesterday.

Anyone have any creative ideas regarding 1ft lengths of PVC? I'd hate to see that stuff hit the recycle circuit (can PVC be recycled?), reuse is always environmentally cheaper. I keep trying to think of some sort of Mardi Gras costume involving PVC, but nothing yet. Perhaps we can make a float with it. hmmmm.....
Looks like megacrop does pretty well. I have 2 sample bags to try out when my maxi series is used up. Just calmag and mega for the whole grow, right? No bloom boosters?
I am like $50 away from a qb setup. My xmas present to myself. The excitement is palpable. Lol

Referencing GL's feed chart for MegaCrop and crunching the numbers with Hydro Buddy, I generated the numbers for MC@ 4grams per gallon for veg and 6 grams per gallon of mid bloom which will give you very good reference material for that line. Generally speaking, it's my opinion that this line is high in N, K, Ca and low in P and Mg. That said, I wouldn't add CalMag, but rather just Epsom salt to bump up the Mg and sulfur as well as Epsom is Magnesium Sulfate.

MegaCrop 4 grams.JPGMegaCrop 6 grams.JPG

Feeding Calculator

Edit - I just notice that Iron (Fe) is very low as well. That should be around 1.5-2 ppm throughout the grow.

Edit2 - Zinc looks toxic as well. All of my opinions are merely based on my limited studies of this topic, so please take them with a grain of salt. Still, if you run into problems with toxicities or deficiencies, consider this post when determining corrective steps.
Hey tead tht megacrop gdp looks beautiful brotha congrats. Have u taken her down yet? If so about what u think u got for a yield roughly off tht one? Oh yeah i almost forgot to ask how is the new garden area working out 4 u brotha? Hope everything is going smooth for ya man wishn u the best an sending all the good juju i can lol here ya go :passitleft:
Just calmag and mega for the whole grow, right? No bloom boosters?

Yup... first try... no additions.

I am like $50 away from a qb setup. My xmas present to myself. The excitement is palpable.

I can totally relate. You'll be reloading that shipping status page over and over real soon.
What did you end up with?

Referencing GL's feed chart for MegaCrop.....

Well... I've not seen any dietary issues at this point. I dug into an iron deficiency and checked the symptoms... not in my world yet. Time will tell.
Plus, their numbers are low. I'm 1/2 way thru veg and already feeding 8g/gal. I've been higher than their numbers all along. I do clone water and newly planted clones at 2g/gal and boost them up to 4 as soon as their roots have settled in.
As you can see, I'm not one of those dudes married to a feeding chart... more of the 'watching the plant' type.
I gotta say, at this point in time I'm pretty impressed by the performance. It should be noted tho... I was feeding a fixed Osmo diet, so any variable diet is going to be a huge boost up.

Hey tead tht megacrop gdp looks beautiful brotha congrats. Have u taken her down yet? If so about what u think u got for a yield roughly off tht one? Oh yeah i almost forgot to ask how is the new garden area working out 4 u brotha? Hope everything is going smooth for ya man wishn u the best an sending all the good juju i can lol here ya go :passitleft:

Thanks baby! I flushed the bejezzus out of her and shoved her in a dark place for a few days. I suspect tomorrow will be it's day with the shears.
The new-new space is coming together. I had another option open up that provided a better space, so the whole setup got moved again on a very rainy morning. Right now, the plants are driving the work as their numbers grow.
I'm not all that sure what I've been seeing out of previous GDP (or any others really) grows in Osmo, but I feel I've gotten about 40g off of the previous ones, and this one looks at least 2.5x the Osmo versions.

Man... I gotta get around to other folk's gardens. Too busy to even peek in.
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