Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

HLG 260xl

The price is rough that I saw from HLG.... $383. I picked up the Asian version at $500 for 600w. You can find much better deals, but there are language and money exchange issues. Still tho, my price per watt was $0.833 vs the $1.4 HLG rate.... I'm pretty happy with my choice and really only had to call the credit card company to warn them of the overseas purchase.
I found it for $350. Still rough on the pockets but i figure will pay for itself in electricity over time. I have to run big extraction fans using hps and even my dwarf star gets the temps up where i dont like em for long. I tend to stay away from chinamarts... I am impatient and the last time i ordered from one it took forever to get to my door.
Yea thats what i like about my growant light i can put the little ballast mounted outside the tent/ grow area and then very little heat. An the performance is outstanding. But still my dwarf stars are my best lights jus way more frost and way denser buds then other lights. But yea ive been lookn at some qb for awhile now jus havnt been able 2 pull the trigger n get em alil pricey so gotta save up alil ata time for them about 125 to go then its qb time.
No doubt the dwarf stars make frosty, dense buds. I will keep that light til the wheels fall off it. Lol. I just need somthing to replace my 400w hid. Been saving every penny for the past 3 weeks ro get the qbs. Cant use house money cuz you know... New roof and electrical rewiring tajes precedence over a new light... So sayeth the old lady.
No doubt the dwarf stars make frosty, dense buds. I will keep that light til the wheels fall off it. Lol. I just need somthing to replace my 400w hid. Been saving every penny for the past 3 weeks ro get the qbs. Cant use house money cuz you know... New roof and electrical rewiring tajes precedence over a new light... So sayeth the old lady.

Oh yeah been there my man. Good thing ima free agent now lol. I member havn to ask the oldlady if i cud start my garden in the (at the time her xtra room) back room now its a full on garden that has stretched out to the living room hahaha. I remember havn to save up for MONTHS to get my first dwarf star lol. Now i got 2. I love running my dual stars over the autos man they pull in some beasts. I cant wait to get the qbs or a goliath/1000w cob either one wud be fine with me lol from perfect sun.
Red spider mite?
Have u taken her down yet? If so about what u think u got for a yield roughly off tht one?

44g of dried and well trimmed bud. Pretty damn good in my world. My Osmo pots rarely rose to 30g. I'm currently witnessing the effects of MegaCrop in 5gal buckets, so I'll have some data in a month or two.

Trichome shots from the last plant in my backyard. A Jack H in Osmo.

The backyard grow shed is now officially empty. I've taken some time this morning to thank all the equipment that's served me so well over the years. Sounds odd, but I have some Native American blood in me somewhere. It's kinda hitting me hard to shut it down. It's been a big fixture in my world for a very long time.

Last girls... 2 Jack H mother plants sharing a pot.

Goodbye shed. Goodbye Osmo. Goodbye crazy growing climate. I'll miss you all. Thanks for all the herb!
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