Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I did the conversion of sub-zero weather, and at 75 degrees it was, like, 2 percent. :(

"Fresh" air has 2% relative humidity in the winter.:rofl:

I have the same problem. I run an ultrasonic huey but I still have to vent heat , so poof goes the humidiy.
In the winter my area gets quite dry (like 30%rh) so i bought a little $6 reptile fogger and rigged up a 2gal bucket with a styrofoam island for the fogger to rest on and a pc fan to circulate the fog. It brings the rh up to around 55-60ish% and uses very little electricity. Works waaaay better than wet towels or open buckets of water. Mine finally died after 4 years of use and im going to purchase another for this winter, maybe. The new house has humidity controls so perhaps i wont have to.
Environment is so very important to getting the most out of what you have. Right up there with lights and nutes... Maybe even more important.

Ya know.... every aspect of my growing techniques revolves around the heat and humidity. I'm about to do some moving that will allow me to seal and properly insulate my growing space. I hope that my heat driven growing techniques don't cause me problems here. I can see how some small habit or way of doing something could play out poorly at lower temps and humidity.

The longer I grow the more I realize just how important environmental control is to the success of the grow.

By the time I get to NOLA you’re gonna have that part of it all worked out, won’t you Tead? How sweet that I get to benefit from your lessons. :hug:

Can’t wait to see what your qbs can do. The change in your grow has been dramatic and inspirational. Let me know if the early harvest DBS turns out to me a little more head high with all that clear in the trichomes. Just curious. :battingeyelashes:

A friend told me yesterday my skin would love NOLA.

Oh your skin will totally love you. Hell, you might just mold up all together.
I made the move by way of Birmingham for a few years. This allowed for a slower shift to the humidity.

I really look forward to the lessons and discoveries flowing both ways. So fun.

Reptile fogger huh? Never heard of it but I might look into that.

I assume that's one of the disc foggers. Love the idea, but have 0 need of such things. I was worried about the discs on them crudding up quickly. Good to hear from Laz that they run for 4 years. Some have replaceable discs.
Ya know how ya open your tent and you're like "hmmm.... shit. Too much again dammit!"
I sure hope those lights have some penetration power.

Ya know that keeps happening to me too. This run of blue dream is at eye level and filling the 36 inch tent. I got worried that the light I'm trying wasn't getting to the corners so I added four cobs just to make sure.
I've been a fan of side lighting with neon in the past. The low heat of if has been it's main attraction.
They'll be some changes rolling thru quite soon and I'll just suffer along without the sidelighting for the next few weeks.
I was drooling at your BD shots the other day. They don't work out in my world, but the coming changes may make them possible and I love the smoke.
I've been a fan of side lighting with neon in the past. The low heat of if has been it's main attraction.
They'll be some changes rolling thru quite soon and I'll just suffer along without the sidelighting for the next few weeks.
I was drooling at your BD shots the other day. They don't work out in my world, but the coming changes may make them possible and I love the smoke.
I hadn't heard of using neon. I have some 12 volt led strips that I was planning to use for side lighting but haven't had a chance.

I'm looking forward to seeing the changes.

I wasn't sure if this run was going to do OK after keeping them with minimal light and water all summer but they've bounced back. I think stretch is about done. Glad they made you drool. The contest harvest is cured so I need to remember to get some to you to try.



It's all blue dream except for the Columbian gold on the right.
I've been a fan of side lighting with neon in the past. The low heat of if has been it's main attraction.
They'll be some changes rolling thru quite soon and I'll just suffer along without the sidelighting for the next few weeks.
I was drooling at your BD shots the other day. They don't work out in my world, but the coming changes may make them possible and I love the smoke.

I know what u mean i have some bluedream auto beans but the buds grow so dam big and dense tht with my climate issue's here it makes it so i cant do tht strain. Reason being i end up having to chop super early so the buds wont rot on me due to to much humidity. So untill i get some of those humidity bags to try an suck up some moisture im guna hold off on my bluedream and gorilla glue auto beans those r my two show stoppers when it comes to the flower stage lol. Well atleast till i get this environment under control. I wanted to spend my nex check going all to the environment n gettn that as perfect as i can. But today i had a cob burn out on my 1000w cob light an then 2 of my dwc pumps took a shit on me some time in the middle of the night idk when exactly but when i went to do a res change yesterday everything was fine. But yea the garden is lookn great brotha congrats. And man tht outside one wen u take the wire off is hidden great i cud even see it in the pic n i was tryn to find it haha.
What does a sea of young ones turn into when they grow up? The new Sweet Sue National Forest?

Sweet Sue's National Forest.... oh yeah I'm stealing that!!!!
I need a big sign.

tryn to find it

Urban camouflage baby!!!
I've had visitors in my backyard with plants in it on several occasions. Only rarely does anyone ever detect them until I point them out. Funny.
Strange morning.
Apparently someone borrowed one of the Sewage and Water Board vehicles this morning. They abandoned it right across the street from me....

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You can imagine coming home to the scene and not knowing what's going on. I had some very real instant fear as I came around the corner of my little block and saw that unfolding. There were 3 more cruisers when I arrived.

Meanwhile, sitting on my desk...

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I hit the backyard and sucked down some general 'protest' bowls of course.
I haven't gotten to the cloning thing yet, that is in my future! If it was me - I'd take the entire clone and dunk it in a diluted mixture of food grade hydrogen peroxide, that will ensure no little mites have traveled with the clones.

Ok, this never occurred to me. This would be easy with a hempy clone, and before I transport my two I’ll be sure to do so.

Thank you. :hug: I know I don’t have mites but I desire some extra protection before I bring them anywhere near Tead’s garden.
I’ll also quarantine them Tead. :battingeyelashes:

Hey.... glad the cars weren’t there for your house. :hug::hug::hug:
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