Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Oh gawd.... we're exchanging crazy old folks tips. Shit. When did that start my threads? Geez I'm old.
The downhill slide has been slow but relentless up to this point. I suspect the future holds some acceleration for me to discover.
Had you not noticed the acceleration prior to this? I've been seeing it for some time now. I've been pondering time and relativity and purpose a lot lately and it all makes my brain hurty. I knew i was getting old the first time i uttered the words "Those goddamn stupid kids..." I actually laughed out loud the first time i said it.
Thinking i may be having some mid-life thing. Lol. I'm far too happy with my life to have a crisis though. That's for folks who feel unfulfilled with where their lives are.
Good day.... more dancing.
This is a DBS pre and post defol.

Too funny Tead, shelf standards made from split PVC pipe, I've seen much in my life, but that image has never crossed my sight! :laugh:

When ya got pvc....
I purchased nothing for the entire build.
I had purchased too much of the silver insulation for the last build.
The shelves themselves are cut ends from a much larger shelf installation.
All the wood was hanging around.
Wait... I think I purchased a 2x4... maybe 2.
Caulk was left over stuff.
Even the paint was left over.
Thinking i may be having some mid-life thing.

If I multiply my age x 2, that should mean indicate if I'm at mid-life or not right? 64 x 2 = 128 ... Hmmm ... I doubt I'll get to 128 years old! I've known a few centurions, I hope to not live that long and be a drag on the family, smelly with no teeth in my head. So Mid-Life is well in the rear-view mirror for me.

Pondering things after a bowl of Colombian and a freakin hot sound check ...

Few people consider 39 years old mid-life, but 39 x 2 is 78 years. Are folks fooling themselves on the half way point??? Usually IMHO! I did! I figure I'm at 3/4 life, but act like 1/4 life! :laugh:

OH DUDE... me too. Sometimes I just loose it all together and start 'crossing the streams' posting words meant for one thread on the wrong one.
I am so glad to hear that other cross thread as well. I was hoping that I wasn't just pull noob mistakes and everyone was laughing. Well, they might have still been laughing, but it's all in fun.
One thing tho Mister Tead,,, is if that was all the moths there was,,, be NP. That ain't one you got to worry about with weed.. Tomatoes yes. It's the little moths that leave them little inchworm caterpillars.
Another good product is safer insecticidal soap Great stuff.. You can spray plants and wait 15 minutes and rise them bugs right outta your,,, babies... They love it.
I'd hate to see your perlite bill.... Sure it cleans up,, but you got to lost abit...... And rotate in new stock... WTF am I talking about,,, you should see my soil bill?
I'd hate to see your perlite bill.... Sure it cleans up,, but you got to lost abit...... And rotate in new stock... WTF am I talking about,,, you should see my soil bill?

Ya know... it's not so bad.
In my 6L pots, I can get like 10ish out of a bag. Plus, I can carry it with one hand.
I'm not able to reuse it at all. I can't get the Osmo out of the mix. Tried everything... even gentle vibration.
I've been dumping it into big black contractor bags and passing it off to the local community garden. I'm gonna have to find another garden... their pile is getting big.

Your comment touches on the single significant reason in my mind that makes me want to go back to liquid.... I just hate the waste of it all.

Note the raised bed garden in the background... It was good for about 1 years worth of growing. After that, I had to go hunting for a new perlite dump spot.
I got some samples of megacrop that i havent tried yet but it seems comparable to maxigrow and bloom from gh and ive been having great success with that. Add calmag and between 3 and 7 grams of either grow or bloom, ph to where i want it and done. I havent had any burn or deficiencies and the plants love it. I use osmo on some of my container flowers outside but havent used it in perlite for the reasons you mentioned, Tead. I like to reuse my perlite at least 2 or 3 times. I try to keep my costs as low as possible so i can upgrade lights and other important things as i need to.
I'm a mighty lazy dude... and the Osmo pots work so well without all the liquid feeding fuss. Adding 20g of Osmo to a pot is a mighty lazy routine.
Having said that, I just went to the MegaCrop site and pulled a free sample. I could see using something this simple just fine. I really feel I have the lighting horsepower going to grow some monsters.
OK.... hang on.....

Veg tent removed. V2 in place....

The 2 Mars Hydro UFOs are sitting on top and outside of the room, thus venting heat outside the room.
The door just jambs into the open frame.
The vent tube is 6" PVC connected thru into the bloom room then fed with flexible hose from the AC.

Much of this is TSB's handy work. I dream... he implements. I teach him KISS lessons along the way.

Here's a shot of the new way I've mounted the big LED in the bloom room.

Here's the bloom room with the changes I've.... errrr we've implemented.
Godammit... now that he's here I've got to give him some credit when I speak of things he's had his fingers in. Makin my life complicated!

Dam brotha lookn nice that is what i gotta do with my veg area i built cause tht space is lookn sweet man great job u guys. The garden seems to have liked the switch huh? Ill have 2 catch up in the journal so off to get more punishment errr i mean reading done lol. Actually im only a few pages behind so its nt tht bad haha.
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