Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I still don't know how I changed my journals name.. JK NOT.... One day I'll change it,, if I ever learn how too.. Till then we just stuck with mine..Keepem Green
Good morning all, yep ole Rooster strolled on down to the Big Easy and got himself lost and found....... A big THANKS to Tead and his lovely lady for the hospitality shown to me. A large time was had by all ! From the moment I arrived and and up to the moment I left the bowls never really cooled off! I must say to all our 420 friends and family if in the Humidity Dome area you really need to stop in for some great conversation, food and drink. Tead and his wife made me feel like I was a life long friend and a bonus was a nize lil sack of beans as a parting gift!:thanks:
So again my friend I thank you for a most enjoyable day.......
So again my friend I thank you for a most enjoyable day.......

What can I say... you happened to hit some good times in the hood. Excellent timing on your part!
You caught day 1... it gets more fun as the days go by. The last weekend has house parties at many local abodes with cool bands poping up in folk's back yards. Sometimes even with visiting names we know. Fun stuff. The top of my list has to be one night Rebirth Brass Band was jaming in one of the houses that border the event. That list needs to be changed by Willie stopping by my back yard for a bowl and good banter.... I sure bet he has awesome stories.
Good morning all, yep ole Rooster strolled on down to the Big Easy and got himself lost and found....... A big THANKS to Tead and his lovely lady for the hospitality shown to me. A large time was had by all ! From the moment I arrived and and up to the moment I left the bowls never really cooled off! I must say to all our 420 friends and family if in the Humidity Dome area you really need to stop in for some great conversation, food and drink. Tead and his wife made me feel like I was a life long friend and a bonus was a nize lil sack of beans as a parting gift!:thanks:
So again my friend I thank you for a most enjoyable day.......

It's people like this that restore my faith in humanity..... seriously though, it's the little things like sharing something together like time, food, stories and maybe even the odd pipe full or 10 that truly mean the most deep down. The type of stuff that feeds your soul and that money can't buy, your an inspiration bud, you and the misses and if your ever up in Canuck-vil (maybe checking out our igloos or dog sleds:);) ) you ll have all the above mentioned at YOUR disposal!
That's so funny how you said the lil woman dabbled in the devils lettuce using a vape! I d love to get mine to try some for the first time, especially with the vape style technology out nowadays. She s not a fan of smoke and the only other exp she s had involved some home made edibles and REALLY didn't go well..... yes there was vomit!:)
Aaaand on that note.... lol, thanks for being great examples of humanity at its best, we need more people in this world like y all...... NOW GET MAKEN BABIES;) hahaha Peace brotha!
Wow! Way not makin babies... trust me, but wow!

There are some core ideas in Tead's world. He tries to stay true to them. When they're workin right, everything else just falls like candy from a pinata that we all catch. Of course, it can be challenging to keep the magic going some days... but ya know... whatever... tomorrow's another day.

My sweetie found it fairly easy. She coughed a touch after exhaling of course. She didn't really get high. She did have the slightest touch of a goofy smile going.... something only her sweetie would notice... but not so much altogether. She may dabble a touch more tonight... I may have created a stash suckin monster. I mean... I'm all good with sharin, but it sure has been nice having the garden to myself. And don't think I wouldn't put her ass to work in the garden.... boostin my lazy factor, but still, no so sure about this sharing bit.

We were in Tahoe the other day. Went with the snowmobile, but they had dog sledding somewhere as well. The sweetie will be dragging me there next time we visit.
looking good, you can learn alot off of here:goodjob:
norcaliwoods son

Fun. I've actually never seen that before around here.... at least not that I'm aware of.
We could bribe you for embarrassing family stories!
Whatcha growin?
Welcome 'round!

remember it ain't funny unless yur blown snot bubbles in your drink

Been tryin to slide her in slowly. I'll keep ya posted.
It really kinda is an extra special thing. One doesn't get a the chance to introduce someone to the herb often... and when it's your sweetie, it's just that much more fun.
Wow! Way not makin babies... trust me, but wow!

There are some core ideas in Tead's world. He tries to stay true to them. When they're workin right, everything else just falls like candy from a pinata that we all catch. Of course, it can be challenging to keep the magic going some days... but ya know... whatever... tomorrow's another day.

My sweetie found it fairly easy. She coughed a touch after exhaling of course. She didn't really get high. She did have the slightest touch of a goofy smile going.... something only her sweetie would notice... but not so much altogether. She may dabble a touch more tonight... I may have created a stash suckin monster. I mean... I'm all good with sharin, but it sure has been nice having the garden to myself. And don't think I wouldn't put her ass to work in the garden.... boostin my lazy factor, but still, no so sure about this sharing bit.

We were in Tahoe the other day. Went with the snowmobile, but they had dog sledding somewhere as well. The sweetie will be dragging me there next time we visit.

Starting someone new it sometimes, if not always, takes a few times for the ECS to get a grip on the idea that reserve troops have arrived. That's why some don't get very high until the second or third time. Me? Totally blasted, but then that was their intent, and obviously I've always had a decent tolerance. My intent is always over the edge into free fall. :laughtwo:

Kuddos on her exploratory nature. My daughter finally got comfortable enough to play a bit with THC. Now she's going through one brownie a day. Lol! I'll have to grow another good indica. Hey..... UltraDog is an indica, right? I need something for another hempy. I love the way this Osmo Plus grow is going already.
That's cool ya'll met... He did feed you crawdads did he? Rooster hope you got a chance to eat some of that local exotic foods... I wood've gotten him acouple different pieces of snapping turtle to try.. And I'm not talking about the local honeys either.. They say there is alot of different flavors of meat in a turtle... But I'm glad to hear that...
Billy don't give up to much info.. I give up to much as is... JK Keepem Green
Starting someone new it sometimes, if not always, takes a few times for the ECS to get a grip on the idea that reserve troops have arrived. That's why some don't get very high until the second or third time. Me? Totally blasted, but then that was their intent, and obviously I've always had a decent tolerance. My intent is always over the edge into free fall. :laughtwo:

Kuddos on her exploratory nature. My daughter finally got comfortable enough to play a bit with THC. Now she's going through one brownie a day. Lol! I'll have to grow another good indica. Hey..... UltraDog is an indica, right? I need something for another hempy. I love the way this Osmo Plus grow is going already.

She's a wonderful woman and I appreciate any chance to hold her hand down any path she follows.
I'm going for a more traditional introduction tonight.... we ordered pizza!

The UDs are a mix, but heavily Indica in both form and function... mostly. A lot of variation on the theme, but way leaning that way. Perhaps others will find Sativa variations, but I wouldn't ever expect to see skinny leaves.
I forget... do u have those genetics at hand?
She's a wonderful woman and I appreciate any chance to hold her hand down any path she follows.
I'm going for a more traditional introduction tonight.... we ordered pizza!

The UDs are a mix, but heavily Indica in both form and function... mostly. A lot of variation on the theme, but way leaning that way. Perhaps others will find Sativa variations, but I wouldn't ever expect to see skinny leaves.
I forget... do u have those genetics at hand?

No I do not. I reorganized my apartment recently. I'll learn not to do that. :laughtwo:
No samples for the Mrs. last night.... today is another stormy day. It's about to get hardcore out there.... dark as night.... flashes... booms nearing.... wind howling.... rain kickin up.

This morning before it got ugly...


And that damn SSDC by itself....

The Nichole Kush was way Nick... not Nichole. He went outside. I shoulda been checkin it... lots of pollen sacks before I caught it.
Put it outside to see what happens when an active hempy pot does in a rainstorm outside... don't ask.


The clone is in there too.
No samples for the Mrs. last night.... today is another stormy day. It's about to get hardcore out there.... dark as night.... flashes... booms nearing.... wind howling.... rain kickin up.

This morning before it got ugly...


And that damn SSDC by itself....

The Nichole Kush was way Nick... not Nichole. He went outside. I shoulda been checkin it... lots of pollen sacks before I caught it.
Put it outside to see what happens when an active hempy pot does in a rainstorm outside... don't ask.


The clone is in there too.

That clone and Nick kinda remind me of Buffalo Bills little set up he had going on..... " It puts the lotion in the basket!" :rofl::rofl: Watch out for Jodie Foster...... hahaha
The misses is a lucky lady to have such a compassionate feller such as yourself watching out,:thumb: she ll be guaranteed to enjoy such an enlightening experience f show with her bow!
Garden looks fantablious bud:goodjob:
Tead said:
The Nichole Kush was way Nick... not Nichole. He went outside. I shoulda been checkin it... lots of pollen sacks before I caught it.
Put it outside to see what happens when an active hempy pot does in a rainstorm outside... don't ask.


The clone is in there too.

That clone and Nick kinda remind me of Buffalo Bills little set up he had going on..... " It puts the lotion in the basket!" :rofl::rofl: Watch out for Jodie Foster...... hahaha

I tmagine Tead is expecting the outcome to be more Custer's little setup . . . . . Y'all cavalry really underestimated the power of who you was messing with ... didn'tcha :rofl: :rofl:

I assume littleTead made his plastic army men go suicidal . . . in days of yore.. . . and mebbe a couple of years ago with a friend :)
That clone and Nick kinda remind me of Buffalo Bills little set up he had going on..... " It puts the lotion in the basket!" :rofl::rofl: Watch out for Jodie Foster...... hahaha
The misses is a lucky lady to have such a compassionate feller such as yourself watching out,:thumb: she ll be guaranteed to enjoy such an enlightening experience f show with her bow!
Garden looks fantablious bud:goodjob:

Thanks BB. I like it... it puts the lotion in the basket..." Yup, I'm that twisted.
The sweetie will be along soon enough. She has some health issues in play that can be best to avoid. I can't wait... cause I know my shit's killer, so when it hits it'll flatten her... should be funny.

Well... 3 hours and 3 inches of rain later... Jazzfest has yet to crank up. I think Petty was on the schedule tonight. They might open.
The outdoor hempies did nothing of note.
I tmagine Tead is expecting the outcome to be more Custer's little setup . . . . . Y'all cavalry really underestimated the power of who you was messing with ... didn'tcha :rofl: :rofl:

I assume littleTead made his plastic army men go suicidal . . . in days of yore.. . . and mebbe a couple of years ago with a friend :)

Wow... you folks are breathin a lot of life into a photo of me hiding plants from prying eyes. That round brick thing is the pier to my fireplace bench. Usually, the fleur-de-lis squares cover the hole, but I take out the seat to mow under it.

Gotta admit.... if I had me some green plastic soldiers, a war would surely break out!
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