Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Ok, I thought you had DDAs going. The little one outside might surprise you yet. The other looks superb. How old are they? Mine hit 65 today, no where near done yet. :laughtwo:

You sir, have quite the bevy of beauties. Do you find yourself shaking the head in wonder? The system churns along. :adore:

Oh I do.... it's in the veg room still... I think.
It's not moving nearly as fast and strong as the SSDC autos.... and the one I've got going outside is fubar.... bad bean I believe.... but it sure is getting pretty red. I'll do some photos of them next time I do a photo run.

Right now, the 2L flow is really stabilizing and normalizing. It's starting to get a touch yawn-o-riffic. I want to get really super stable with my established strains and then start some creative dancing. Kind of getting back to some of the grandiose ideas I had before I really understood things... so that's really cool.
Oh.... and those damn crazy SSDC autos are frickin monsters! Fast. Huge trunk and branches. Totally shaking my head.

Here are the tops of my two SSDC on day 70. A quick harvest would be a plus. Here's to chopping by day 85. :passitleft:

So.... roots.
Left, overfed. Right, properly fed.
'nuff said?

I'm calling this one DD dud.... but she's got a nice color to her, so the shears stay at bay.

Look at how optimistic I was putting a tom cage around her upon planting. Fun.
Well.... in my world, I just don't worry about nutes. Osmo baby!
But when using liquid nutes, I'd kind of just roll back the clock and treat them as vegging babies after a couple of good flushes. Maybe re-start them at 1/2 the full strength they normally consume and then work the way back up as the new growth gets bigger.

It can be rough.... you have a good bit of plant mass, but it's not actively growing, thus not eating really, so one can easily be tempted to be heavy handed with the nutes. One must remember that the growth consuming nutrients is only the new growth... not the entire plant mass. Kind of like you have a much smaller girl than what it looks like.

I rarely actually regrow the plants... I usually just grow them to get clones. All that messy grown out bud mass just dies off and makes a huge mess. Plus, the plants are crazy shaped with shoots going everywhere. Messy.

Timely conversation.

I have a Bubba's Gift that failed to clone in veg, and the flowering clone is not yet showing roots. She is now 46 days into flower, so I plan to reveg her until the harvest is dry and we can decide if she is a keeper.

I started 5 sativs and 5 indica seeds, but both non-fem indica went male. One of the 3 remaining indica is a high CBD intended for medicinal lotions - so if I lose the Bubba's gift I'm down to Borderliner as my only 'normal' indica dominant strain. 5/2 is a good sativa/indica ratio for summer. 5/1 is a bit too much sativa :)

Anyway thanks for the info. I seem to have left too little foliage on my unsuccessful reveg attempts. Thanks Tead!
Anyway thanks for the info. I seem to have left too little foliage on my unsuccessful reveg attempts. Thanks Tead!

Happy it was timely. I've been guilty of trying to reveg sticks too.... tho rarely successful.

An attempt at redemption and another seed run come Oct.

That points at one aspect of autos that I'm digging.
I can't always put plants outdoors... depends on the whims and needs of the other 1/2 of the double... plus, the normal planting times for photos is just too damn hot. With an auto, I can pop a plant outside whenever the weather permits. Awesome! I'm gonna put one more auto outside this year, but the heat nears.
Trying me best to slide off to NO this Friday, you'll probably be at the fest, I have your # . Ole Rooster needing to fluff some feathers and get myself lost and found way down in your town! :peace:

U know the way.... don't drive off the bridge.

In my opinion the HEAT is Al Ready Here

Oh no... this is a hugely elongated spring I've been totally diggin.
We've barely hit 90 yet.... and the humidity has been crazy low. We'll chat later in the year. Your perspective will have changed no doubt.
If I can get ONE plant to reveg, it will be interesting to see if I CAN successfully clone it, and/or if it will outgrow it's weirdness. Since harvesting 3 plants, I freed up the smaller shelving unit and put the 2 harvested photos under 16/8.
If I can get ONE plant to reveg, it will be interesting to see if I CAN successfully clone it, and/or if it will outgrow it's weirdness. Since harvesting 3 plants, I freed up the smaller shelving unit and put the 2 harvested photos under 16/8.

Save a third. It'll get there. The hard part is watching 1/3 of your plant turn from very smokable stuff to grown out crap.
Note for self....
cut 4 clones from 2nd gen BDs.

Sorry y'all... the memory fades and I really want to remember this. The BDs really need to go into the bloom room.
Speaking of which... they're really stretching in the veg room. Nothing else is, so I would suspect it's not a light issue. Could be that the BD clones just have really large node spacing... dunno. I'm looking at the mom I sent outside and wondering.
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