Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Parting shots of a mystery UD.... lost the tag.
The itchy finger needs some salve.... I find the sticky buds resolve the itch well.


Coulda let her go longer.... but many reasons called for her downfall, and the trich investigation put me over the edge.
Look s like ya got Life dialed in man, things are clickn & bangn away for ya and it all looks fabulous!:);) Thanks for bringing us along for the ride..... the cool things you do and see are inspirational my friend!!

The concept of 'dialed in' may be elusive when a gardener leans to the experimental side like myself... but I sure do know how to feed my need ehh?
This UD is makin my clippy finger itch....



I'm with your itchy finger on this one. Amber will send me to the bonsai cutter and Fiskar's every time. How long do you typically let it dry before that first taste? I know we're supposed to wait, but I'm always too anxious to wait very long and I like the taste of fresh. Now you have the option of vaping wet. Not sure how I feel about that particular buzz yet. Two days seems like my minimum dry. I have used the microwave on occassion. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Rain washing the perlite for me you say.....

The perlite is kinda overwhelming. I could just toss it, but I haven't quite hit that point... yet.
I have a huge snail issue in the garden. They really don't like sliding over the rough perlite. It's been hugely effective in that aspect. I haven't even seen one this year.

It's not so much not liking, but unable to. Snails need to lay down a smooth slime trail in order to effectively travel without harming their undersides. Not possible on rough, sharp surfaces. course perlite/ fine (but not smooth) gravel, crushed rock/ sand/ etc are all effective.
I'm with your itchy finger on this one. Amber will send me to the bonsai cutter and Fiskar's every time. How long do you typically let it dry before that first taste? I know we're supposed to wait, but I'm always too anxious to wait very long and I like the taste of fresh. Now you have the option of vaping wet. Not sure how I feel about that particular buzz yet. Two days seems like my minimum dry. I have used the microwave on occassion. :cheesygrinsmiley:

I've only used the microwave on cannabis once, to infuse oil with shake and trim to quickly make up some capsules. Was there any difference in the result (smoking, when compared with naturally curing) when nuked?

Of course, microwaves are going to make the trics pop, because of the internal heat generated, but there isn't time for the cannabinoids to mature.

Just my thoughts on the subject of nuking buds to hurry up the process. But, does it really, or just "cook" them, without much change in the cannabinoids themselves?
I'm with your itchy finger on this one. Amber will send me to the bonsai cutter and Fiskar's every time. How long do you typically let it dry before that first taste? I know we're supposed to wait, but I'm always too anxious to wait very long and I like the taste of fresh. Now you have the option of vaping wet. Not sure how I feel about that particular buzz yet. Two days seems like my minimum dry. I have used the microwave on occassion. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Drying is a bit weather dependent. Somewhere between 3 and 5 days in the box with the dehumidifier running near it set to 55... the the box floats lower around 45ish.
I've used the microwave. Not recently. I prefer the oven when I need to. Such things should surely be avoided of course. I'm of the opinion that it drops effectiveness by about 50% and just ruins any flavor potential. Sometimes I try to steal some from the dry box a day early and pop a branch in the oven at 170 for 5 min... but don't ever tell anyone!

It's not so much not liking, but unable to. Snails need to lay down a smooth slime trail in order to effectively travel without harming their undersides. Not possible on rough, sharp surfaces. course perlite/ fine (but not smooth) gravel, crushed rock/ sand/ etc are all effective.

Good... little bastards! I've used diatomaceous earth before, but it washes away fast. 3" of perlite seems to be staying pretty well put. We'll see what happens when the torrential rains blow thru... I might have a lawn full of perlite. Thanks for the info!

thought i would show you the outdoor Ultra baby. Shes a girl.

HOLY CRAP. You're totally gonna have a tree come September. It sure is gonna be fun to watch.
Congrats on a 200 page thread, wowzers!!

Oh! Wow... I hadn't noticed it's approach.
Seems like 200 of mostly bs... but whatever... it's fun enough. Someone was poking me to start a new thread the other day.... this one's long in the tooth and way mislabeled... but perhaps that's just a reflection of the originator's general laziness and lack of concern.
Since I had her out... man... the UD1 pheno I got runnin is awesome! One would think I sacrificed a virgin to get such a good pheno on the first seed.

Well you were really lucky by getting a primer right at the start, but it happens. I usually do get my favourite phenos easily, but I pop like 30-50 seeds at once.
What type of device are you using for those close ups?

Welcome along H. It's a friendly room with good folks and bad jokes.

I've been using a little usb microscope thing... they run about $10-$15 on Amazon.
There are some other options. You can get a magnifier lens that clips onto your cell phone... they work well but didn't magnify as much as I wanted.
Well you were really lucky by getting a primer right at the start, but it happens. I usually do get my favourite phenos easily, but I pop like 30-50 seeds at once.

I guess mathematically, it has to happen.... I'm just happy it happened to me!
I've been watching others growing them and wondering what phenos will pop up.... it's a bit like growing a huge garden, but it's virtual and I don't have to feed 'em.
Oh! Wow... I hadn't noticed it's approach.
Seems like 200 of mostly bs... but whatever... it's fun enough. Someone was poking me to start a new thread the other day.... this one's long in the tooth and way mislabeled... but perhaps that's just a reflection of the originator's general laziness and lack of concern.

SweetSue doesn't switch until 500 pages. I think I'm just going to go by calendar year. No need to rush into a new thread :)
Allllll righty.....
Big day.
Rooster showed up. We drank. We ate. We ogled young ladies coming and going from Jazzfest. We talked herb. We found visiting Philadelphian tourist to get stoned (parents of 3 escaping to Jazzfest... they deserved some NOLA luv). We even managed to get Mrs. Tead to try a touch off the vaporizer.
A good time was had by all. Nice mellow Jazzfest day.
Allllll righty.....
Big day.
Rooster showed up. We drank. We ate. We ogled young ladies coming and going from Jazzfest. We talked herb. We found visiting Philadelphian tourist to get stoned (parents of 3 escaping to Jazzfest... they deserved some NOLA luv). We even managed to get Mrs. Tead to try a touch off the vaporizer.
A good time was had by all. Nice mellow Jazzfest day.

Excellent. :cheesygrinsmiley:

200 pages Tead? Well done buckaroo. Mine fly, but then I have that itchy finger with the camera. :laughtwo:
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