Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

The garden seems mostly well... or at least mostly unchanged. There was some minor overheat while I was away.

A very busy veg tent

A crazy bloom room

Some shots of a UD1 Boom...

Some OGK

And my 'dirty' little Blue Dream. I totally screwed up and forgot to have my guy water her while I was away. She recovered very well.

Off to the races!
You sure do pack em in there lol! Everything looks great brother! I definitely understand the dry phase been that way for me for awhile now. Makes it a little hard to stick around the site lol.
Some bud shots of UD1 Boom in the garden during watering this morning....


Gettin there fast.

Very pretty. I love this stage, when they get all prickly with oil containment. I was thinking I need to consider when to pop one of those. Might not get it done before I relocate. If so, I'll have you by my side to keep me from mucking it up. :laughtwo:

Good morning, by the way. I keep getting so busy I miss visiting everyone. I have a feeling that's going to be more of a challenge going forward.
Sad news from PDX this morning. Jack's shop is closing. Such a shame. Oddly, it's basically caused by the legalization that he battled so hard for.

Iconic Portland head shop Third Eye Shoppe will soon close its doors | KATU

Don't you wish you could go up and participate in the block party? How cool would that be. It was shocking how much they lost in sales one year to the next. As an entrepreneur myself, reading that physically hurt. :straightface: The cool mil for the property will take the sting right out of that, I'm sure. :laughtwo:
Drive bye,,,, Shame they have to shut that one down... I'm going to go take a peak before she's totally gone.. Hey my friend,, how you like my icon? Remind ya of somewhere???? Keepem Green
Ok.... let's check back in a bit here.... so gone for so long.

Very pretty. I love this stage, when they get all prickly with oil containment. I was thinking I need to consider when to pop one of those. Might not get it done before I relocate. If so, I'll have you by my side to keep me from mucking it up. :laughtwo:

Good morning, by the way. I keep getting so busy I miss visiting everyone. I have a feeling that's going to be more of a challenge going forward.

A change of moniker and a change of photo... I'm not such a fan of change sometimes and this may be one of those times.
Alas, out with the 'SweetSue' and in with 'Sue Sweets'. I'll adjust but bitch just a touch.

I've got a few things fattening up in the bloom area. The OGKs are workin it hard. UD1 got clipped a touch to feed the need. Pineapple Chunk is getting very thick and sticky.

Don't you wish you could go up and participate in the block party? How cool would that be. It was shocking how much they lost in sales one year to the next. As an entrepreneur myself, reading that physically hurt. :straightface: The cool mil for the property will take the sting right out of that, I'm sure. :laughtwo:

Makes my heart cry a touch. Such a huge local institution swept by the wayside overnight. I sure wish it could find a way to live on, but I can understand how it might not.

Drive bye,,,, Shame they have to shut that one down... I'm going to go take a peak before she's totally gone.. Hey my friend,, how you like my icon? Remind ya of somewhere???? Keepem Green

There's just something wrong when you can't look around and see a mountain. Mt Hood is always a comforting sight whenever the skies are clear.

lots of folks are gonna have to take the good with the bad on the legalization, i hate that it happened to good folks like you mentioned. On another note, im loving UltraDogs right now, looks like a good hearty plant, keeping my fingers crossed for a real good pheno.

I'm up to 4 phenos of UDs growing so far. The first 2 were fem with the first being an amazing pheno. #2 was decent. #3 and #4 are still mystery plants.

Off to water.
Hang on... it's yet another tour of the veg tent today...

Some of the plants are pulled out. The visiting Blue Dream (a.k.a. 'Dirty Girl') and 2 clones from her can be seen front right.

A Critical+ 2.0 in re-veg

SSDC (reg auto) imported from far away

Dark Devils (auto reg)

UltraDog4 (reg seed) - sex unknown

UltraDog3 (reg seed) - sex unknown

UltraDog1 Boom

Pineapple Chunk in 6g of Osmo

Pineapple Chunk in 7g Osmo

DDA in the garden

Unknown volunteer in the garden

An Osmo OGK I took down this morning...

... and her rootball

I think AC is gonna come into play today.
O how it warms my heart to see so many 2L in one place lol. And that picture of the roots tells me it still had plenty of space left.
O how it warms my heart to see so many 2L in one place lol. And that picture of the roots tells me it still had plenty of space left.

I might roll around slowly, but once the waves change, the seas have no choice but to follow. The 2L ocean has landed and the waves are nice!

Gorgeous plant. I t almost looks tailor made for your Steambath Sea of Green locale.

I hope it's a girl. :)

A wise eye notices the potential and growth of a notable youth. To see how it will fulfill it's potential and sample it's product is the magic....
Fun how a good fit one's garden really pops out. A fem with good smoke would be a 2nd winner in the UD pheno department.

Bill Withers runs thru my head today... Use Me Up.
Bill Withers runs thru my head today... Use Me Up.

Now I'll have to pull it up, cause it won't stop playing in my head. :laughtwo:

You got a lot going on in the steam box. I'm getting anxious to see the sex of the unknown UDs. This waiting makes me nervous.
Until ya use me up baby!

Lighting changes recently. I deployed 2 Mars 300's in the veg tent.
Removed 3x63w curly CFs, 1x42w curly CF, 2x21w T5 tubes.
Current lights 2x300w (150 actual consumption) Mars LEDs, 2x24w T5 tubes, 2 ancient LED panels with 1/2 the lights working.
Veg tent upgraded from 400wHPS to 1000wHPS running at 60% and 1xMars 300 LED.
Monitoring temps. One of the Mars panels in the veg tent is on a timer that shuts it off during the heat of the day.
Until ya use me up baby!

Lighting changes recently. I deployed 2 Mars 300's in the veg tent.
Removed 3x63w curly CFs, 1x42w curly CF, 2x21w T5 tubes.
Current lights 2x300w (150 actual consumption) Mars LEDs, 2x24w T5 tubes, 2 ancient LED panels with 1/2 the lights working.
Veg tent upgraded from 400wHPS to 1000wHPS running at 60% and 1xMars 300 LED.
Monitoring temps. One of the Mars panels in the veg tent is on a timer that shuts it off during the heat of the day.

You have 1000w HPS in the veg tent? Plus the MARS 300 LEDs and the other lights?

I veg with a 216w (4 bulb) T5 HO. I'm only doing 10-ish plants to feed 4 in a 6x4' flower area.
With your wattage, I could probably veg in 50 days instead of 100+ days, but it's no hurry, the flower area is the space that needs to keep full.

Running 216W CFL my heat issue is that it gets cold at night!
Interested to see how the plants respond to the lighting changes over there.

Me too. I've always suffered from thin buds in bloom. I generally attribute it to the 400w lighting. Now I have a chance to see if I put the blame in the right department.

Bloom tent went from 400w to 600w + ~150w LED for a current (teehee) total of 750w with minimal temp difference. I had the option of laying in a big-ass enclosed reflector with the new 1000w HPS but opted to stay with the CoolTube because it keeps things so very cool. The boost in lighting horsepower may cause some very interesting effects. I really look forward to it. It's been frustrating over the years to see such beautiful plants with chronically thin-ish buds. I want buds as big as my arms dammit!

The veg tent was sporting 341w of CF, T5s, and 2 old LED panels. Now it's floating at 48wT5 + 320LED = ~370w. Not much change really, but I suspect the 300w Mars units are much more efficient lighting than the flouros, so we might see some minor changes in the veg tent.
A shot of the new lights hanging in the veg tent. There's about 12" between the lights and the plant canopy.

The tent as a whole. Looking very nice all around.

A comparison grow.... 2L Osmo OGK clones taken at the same time. 7g vs 8g Osmo. The 7g girl seems to be the current winner.

A fun shot of the Blue Dream dirty girl with her clean clones. I took some clones before I left on vacation, but they didn't make it. These are the replacements.
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