Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Busy morning... busy day...

Ladies first, as always....

Then there's a comparison grow going.... 2 identical plants in different Osmo levels.... 7g vs 8g/2L. OGKs. The next test will be 6 vs 7 ... or maybe 5 vs 6.

A little one that came out with a hat on. Note the iridescent shell interior.


SSDC just clearing the surface...


Some UD1s clones caught in the weather fluctuations..... I suspect I'll be cutting more.

Off to the races...
Does the phrase "Big Red Truck" strike you as funny ? :rofl: Hell yes ask around ! Old retired guys need some danger and fun occasionally. :)

I'll dig... should be quite interesting.

Moved here when I was a teenager so it is "home" to me, as that was in the mid '70s ;)....last 40 days think we had two where it didn't rain all day/night...and one of those it snowed instead ;) :rofl: :rofl: as halfway thru February we had already hit "average rainfall" for that month, so lots of landslides and flooding and all that good stuff.

I was minted in Valsetz... do a little google digging if you're not familiar. Moved away early on, but it's fun to claim it as a birthplace.
Oh I know gloom my friend. Hell, we used to hop an Alaska flight down to PVR once a year just to discover sunlight again... usually around Apr/May when the days of gloom color the world just a touch too much.
I was minted in Valsetz... do a little google digging if you're not familiar. Moved away early on, but it's fun to claim it as a birthplace.
Oh I know gloom my friend. Hell, we used to hop an Alaska flight down to PVR once a year just to discover sunlight again... usually around Apr/May when the days of gloom color the world just a touch too much.

Used to fish up at Valsetz for Bass until they broke up the dam, that was a quite a few years ago when they decided dam was unsafe and whatever company that owned all that timber land put up a gate last I had heard.
hi Tead. i'm new here and i found your journal by way of weaselcracker.

first, i have a quick question for you cuz it pertains to an answer i have given over on a different thread...i think i see my beloved Reflectix in your pics...is that so?

2nd, Domilise's much? ;)

usta live 5 houses away literally a few hops skips and jumps to the front door--your thread...your pics....sigh.... so sigh.

beautiful beautiful growing by the way. i'm learning a lot, especially about hempy buckets. why are they called 'hempy'? sorry if it's something obvious but like i said i'm still learning my way around this joint.
Used to fish up at Valsetz for Bass until they broke up the dam, that was a quite a few years ago when they decided dam was unsafe and whatever company that owned all that timber land put up a gate last I had heard.

Crazy. I've not been out there since the changes. It's a bit out of my swim lane these days. My wife and I spent some time over in Pacific City a few years back, but a tour thru the backroads to a town that was nothing more than a bit of cement slab last I saw was not in the cards.
Shame... awesome territory. The lake was just historically a very good fishing hole.... even back when it was filled with logs.

hi Tead. i'm new here and i found your journal by way of weaselcracker.

first, i have a quick question for you cuz it pertains to an answer i have given over on a different thread...i think i see my beloved Reflectix in your pics...is that so?

2nd, Domilise's much? ;)

usta live 5 houses away literally a few hops skips and jumps to the front door--your thread...your pics....sigh.... so sigh.

beautiful beautiful growing by the way. i'm learning a lot, especially about hempy buckets. why are they called 'hempy'? sorry if it's something obvious but like i said i'm still learning my way around this joint.

Awesome... welcome along Bobsacamano!
There are so many... and they all change so fast. I don't think I've been to D's more than a few times. Plus, they always have great snacks for parades if you're in the area.

Sorry to make you sigh.... I hear ya.... the roots run deep 'round here. I stayed 1/2 block from the streetcar line down on Arabella when I first came to town a couple of decades ago-ish. These days I'm a block away from the front gate of Jazzfest.... coming up soon btw.... chat me up if you need parking.
There are frequent sights of NOLA to be seen here.... keep an eye peeled..... oh look... here's one now....

Hempy pots got their name from a user that popularized the concept. I suspect that humans have been doing such things in various places for many centuries and I know that the MJ community has deep history of passive hydro growing, so I don't give the user credit for creating it and neither did they, but they did popularize it. Of course, history is often a touch murky... so one never really knows.

Busy day. BrixNewb and the newbette stopped by for a meal. We went middle eastern instead of cajun.
Spent a good bit of time with garden banter. Pulled the roots out of a UD2 grown in the PVC buckets....


Good friends, good food, good garden banter..... good day!
oh look... here's one now....

awesome pic. looks just like i remember. had a good friend usta live corner of royal and frenchmen so spent many afternoons in envie. i am enjoying your thread greatly although i'm old enough for it to be a little bittersweet. such is life.

and MAD props to you growing there. i...just...can't...say...that...enough. i don't think if one hasn't lived there could they really understand the weather and how utterly batcrap "challenging" it can be. imagine what you could do in a quote unquote forgiving climate. :circle-of-love:

oh and thanks greatly for the explanation of the name 'hempy'.
Moved here when I was a teenager so it is "home" to me, as that was in the mid '70s ;)....last 40 days think we had two where it didn't rain all day/night...and one of those it snowed instead ;) :rofl: :rofl: as halfway thru February we had already hit "average rainfall" for that month, so lots of landslides and flooding and all that good stuff.

Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain, sun, rain
Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain, rain, sun
I must be, I must be in Oregon.

'I must be in Oregon' - Greg Brown. Describes my home well too. When it's not snowing.

Edit- a blizzard just hit and we've got three inches already since I posted that, lol
There's this strange thing in my veg tent. It has funny brown stuff around it's roots....


A little girl from BN's neck of the swamp. Blue Dream. I plan on clipping her viciously once she gets used to the weather.
We'll see what happens to momma.... perhaps a move to perlite after the cloning.

That's a pretty new girl.

I wonder how she'll look after a few days in your shed... a lot of ridden hard and put away wet in there :)
Nice new addition :thumb:
hey Tead. good afternoon, or late morning there, as the case may be. :). i have a sort of curious for curious' sake question for you so no rush, whenever you feel like it...how in the bleepity bleep do you keep all the various critters out, esp since you're outdoors? i mean, when i was there, in my kitchen ALONE, which was INDOORS, i encountered 1 smallcat-sized rat (once), 20-40 mice (not all at once), hundreds of smallmouse-sized roaches (many variations), those crazy swarming termites that come around for a month and then leave...you know. and so when you add in all the plant-specific ADDITIONAL pests, god, the fungus gnats alone--holy crap!!!--HOW do you do it, man???

like i said, i'm just curious... thank you!
It was a good day. Happy to be able to come over and bring some gifts and get some gifts. Always a good time and a new place to taste when we come.

Meh, I guess we are ok to hang with. You can always come visit the city.

She likes sitting and talking about cannabis and whatever else comes up. I am the quiet one. She had fun checking out your grow.

Don't tempt me. I'm already talking to my lady about going south to visit.
There's this strange thing in my veg tent. It has funny brown stuff around it's roots....


A little girl from BN's neck of the swamp. Blue Dream. I plan on clipping her viciously once she gets used to the weather.
We'll see what happens to momma.... perhaps a move to perlite after the cloning.

Soil? in Tead's garden? Uh oh. And it's HB soil to boot? should be interesting. Looking forward to the future.
awesome pic. looks just like i remember.

Man... you know nuttin ever changes down in the Qtr. I take that back, a building fell a year or two ago... new construction about 2 blocks down from Esplanade on Dauphine.... looks very much like the old, but NEW construction in the Qtr.... crazy!

and MAD props to you growing there. i...just...can't...say...that...enough. i don't think if one hasn't lived there could they really understand the weather and how utterly batcrap "challenging" it can be. imagine what you could do in a quote unquote forgiving climate.

I use words to explain it... I use photos... finally I've made peace with the idea that it just can't really be communicated and requires a spin for a year or two.

Here's a little local slice for ya... the damn caterpillars are already afoot. The little bastards!!!
Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain, sun, rain
Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain
Rain, rain, rain, rain, sun
I must be, I must be in Oregon.

'I must be in Oregon' - Greg Brown. Describes my home well too. When it's not snowing.

Edit- a blizzard just hit and we've got three inches already since I posted that, lol

Good lord!
Got a trip to Tahoe laid on for next week with a touch of snowboarding. I'll get to witness some myself... oh, and remember what mountains look like.
Nice poem! There are many words that bounce around here, but formal poetry has been rare indeed.
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