Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG


Good people inspire you to do great things. :Namaste:

Yea... Weas is always poopin little sheep nuggets of wisdom everywhere he goes. We'd call him messy and revoke his invitation, but we keep collecting the little round nuggets and using them..... so the invitation gets gilded in gold instead of revoked.

Welcome along sizz0e! By the words above, you can see we like to "keep it weird" on occasion. Feel free to babble upon any subject that tickles you soul. Plus, sometimes we cook!
Pot size makes all the difference. More mass = longer time between required waterings. I was running 2.5g hempy pots with pure perlite for many years. They could do 6 days without watering any time. The water wicking up from the res kept the mix damp 1" under the top at all times. The 2L pots dry very quickly tho. They can go 3 days.... 4 max but limp plants will occur.

Really, the direct source of the magic of hempy is the res and the wicking.

I've always been a hand watering kinda guy. It only takes me a few hours. I'm currently doing it every 2 days in the 2Ls. It gives me a regular chance to pull the girls out of the small grow area and check them out.
Since the local heat eliminates my active hydro options, the passive hyrdo hempy pots give me the speed of hydro in a world where active hydro is simply not possible.
Pot size makes all the difference. More mass = longer time between required waterings. I was running 2.5g hempy pots with pure perlite for many years. They could do 6 days without watering any time. The water wicking up from the res kept the mix damp 1" under the top at all times. The 2L pots dry very quickly tho. They can go 3 days.... 4 max but limp plants will occur.

Really, the direct source of the magic of hempy is the res and the wicking.

I've always been a hand watering kinda guy. It only takes me a few hours. I'm currently doing it every 2 days in the 2Ls. It gives me a regular chance to pull the girls out of the small grow area and check them out.
Since the local heat eliminates my active hydro options, the passive hyrdo hempy pots give me the speed of hydro in a world where active hydro is simply not possible.

What kind of lights are you using Tead? I can just imagine the kind of heat you're producing outside in a tin shed. And in the swampy south? I would have to get some AC in there before spring. If you're growing a lot of sativa strains, it shouldn't bother them too much. I'm not a hempy guy so forgive me of I'm overlooking something.
What kind of lights are you using Tead? I can just imagine the kind of heat you're producing outside in a tin shed. And in the swampy south? I would have to get some AC in there before spring. If you're growing a lot of sativa strains, it shouldn't bother them too much. I'm not a hempy guy so forgive me of I'm overlooking something.

Bloom.... 400w HPS. In a CoolTube vented outside, so it actually stays quite cool. I can touch all over the fixture comfortably. Love the cool tube.
Veg... various flouro and 2 old ass LED panels (like.... first gen old.).
Without AC, the garden hits about 10f hotter than the outside temps. And yes, AC is just around the corner. These past few weeks have been rough. I try to delay the yearly implementation as long as possible, but the day surely nears.
There are many little tricks involved. The venting is always 'creative'. The CoolTube allows me to get right up on the plants almost. I use the LEDs for side lighting. Shelving raising smaller plants up higher. Lots of tweaks.
More heat related issues than you can shake a stick at.
If one were aeronautical in thinking, one might think of it as growing at the edge of the envelope.
Optionally, you might consider in an exercise in fully exploring a poor idea.

I have some lighting changes afoot. Stay tuned.
Bloom.... 400w HPS. In a CoolTube vented outside, so it actually stays quite cool. I can touch all over the fixture comfortably. Love the cool tube.
Veg... various flouro and 2 old ass LED panels (like.... first gen old.).
Without AC, the garden hits about 10f hotter than the outside temps. And yes, AC is just around the corner. These past few weeks have been rough. I try to delay the yearly implementation as long as possible, but the day surely nears.
There are many little tricks involved. The venting is always 'creative'. The CoolTube allows me to get right up on the plants almost. I use the LEDs for side lighting. Shelving raising smaller plants up higher. Lots of tweaks.
More heat related issues than you can shake a stick at.
If one were aeronautical in thinking, one might think of it as growing at the edge of the envelope.
Optionally, you might consider in an exercise in fully exploring a poor idea.

I have some lighting changes afoot. Stay tuned.

Does the hempy allow you to handle the heat better than soil? I've always wanted to run hydro. In fact, I have all the nutes and everything but then I started growing in Docs soil and I love it. It's kind of hard to break away when I've had so much success. But I can hear my depression Era Grandmother yelling at me from the ether to not waste things. lol
Does the hempy allow you to handle the heat better than soil? I've always wanted to run hydro. In fact, I have all the nutes and everything but then I started growing in Docs soil and I love it. It's kind of hard to break away when I've had so much success. But I can hear my depression Era Grandmother yelling at me from the ether to not waste things. lol

... says the fly to the spider not realizing he'd already entered the web....
Sorry to call you a 'fly'... but the regulars see the writing on the wall and know that The Right Rev. Tead must be lurking somewhere....

The Right Rev. sees that you've not graced the halls of the Church of Hempy. For shame!
No worries, the Right Rev. carries a virtual pulpit and pews. Settle for a moment... and listen to to a short sermon from on high.

Like you, I was once a heathen wandering in the forests. I was even worse. I once stuck my toes into the evil waters of active hydro.
Lo, they were sad times. Heat from the depths of Hell itself caused me no end of torment. Winged creatures descended upon my potential bounty and devoured it greatly. The Gods of Rot painted my crops with a wicked and smelly concoction. There were many forms of prayers and offerings, but no goodness ever shined upon his worship of the pump.
I returned to my original soil based worship. Some joy was delivered and some harvests were bountiful, but there were always nagging issues with my soil worship. It often supported various winged and non-winged plagues. Offerings made (nutrients) often had a result that was not expected. Speed seemed always to be less that what I wanted.
One day, another grower passed on the Bible of Hempy to him. He read... carefully, not really sure if to believe the words or not. Many aspects of the Hempy religion attracted him. He decided to give it a try... tho shifting religions can be a dicey proposition, so he maintained his soil worship while answering to the Hempy Godz as well.
Tead was a skeptic. As a horrible pessimist at heart, he was sure the new religion would not work. He was sure the bowels of Hell would open to devour his bounty. He was sure that the evil God of Rot would return. He was absolutely positive that it was going to be much more work that he was willing to undertake.
He was wrong... dead wrong and on every point.
He has found that he can collect a much larger bounty much more often and with less effort than his soil based worship.
He now basks in the Holy Light of Growing known as Hempy Pots.

The Right Rev. will now step from the pulpit.

Non-theist version....

Does the hempy allow you to handle the heat better than soil?

No, but it's a hydro method giving better growing speed and flexibility. Active hydro is a complete nightmare in my heat. Passive hydro has worked very well in the heat and seems to be just as good soil in that aspect.

Isn't the non-theist version boring?
Optionally, you might consider in an exercise in fully exploring a poor idea.
Ha! That got a good chuckle out of me this morning. Thanks for that.
You know, everytime you describe your environmental growing conditions i respect your growing abilities a little more. You do great things in, often, not so great conditions.
Reps due when I'm at a computer.

"A house divided against itself cannot stand"
So... heading to Tahoe next week. Free trip... thanks Harrahs.
I believe both CA and NV are recreational legal. No need to travel with concentrate.... very nice.

Nevada won't be recreational until late summer. Hash Hound and his lady are going in April and were very disappointed to hear that.
Can I get an AMEN!!!

We love it when the Rev steps up to the podium. :hug: :love:
Nevada won't be recreational until late summer. Hash Hound and his lady are going in April and were very disappointed to hear that.

South Lake Tahoe city council has been anti-recreational, and recently rolled back medical grow guidelines to follow the new personal recreational rules. Effective Jan 1 2018, they won't allow commercial cultivation by the medical dispensaries anymore.

Spending a little time with Google - Over 60% of the population of South Lake Tahoe supports recreational dispensaries and unlimited grows, but they just elected a city council in November that disagrees with them on Marijuana issues - so things look bad for cannabis in South Lake Tahoe.

Can I get an AMEN!!!

We love it when the Rev steps up to the podium. :hug: :love:

The Right Reverend Tead is a fine preacher :)
... says the fly to the spider not realizing he'd already entered the web....
Sorry to call you a 'fly'... but the regulars see the writing on the wall and know that The Right Rev. Tead must be lurking somewhere....

The Right Rev. sees that you've not graced the halls of the Church of Hempy. For shame!
No worries, the Right Rev. carries a virtual pulpit and pews. Settle for a moment... and listen to to a short sermon from on high.

Like you, I was once a heathen wandering in the forests. I was even worse. I once stuck my toes into the evil waters of active hydro.
Lo, they were sad times. Heat from the depths of Hell itself caused me no end of torment. Winged creatures descended upon my potential bounty and devoured it greatly. The Gods of Rot painted my crops with a wicked and smelly concoction. There were many forms of prayers and offerings, but no goodness ever shined upon his worship of the pump.
I returned to my original soil based worship. Some joy was delivered and some harvests were bountiful, but there were always nagging issues with my soil worship. It often supported various winged and non-winged plagues. Offerings made (nutrients) often had a result that was not expected. Speed seemed always to be less that what I wanted.
One day, another grower passed on the Bible of Hempy to him. He read... carefully, not really sure if to believe the words or not. Many aspects of the Hempy religion attracted him. He decided to give it a try... tho shifting religions can be a dicey proposition, so he maintained his soil worship while answering to the Hempy Godz as well.
Tead was a skeptic. As a horrible pessimist at heart, he was sure the new religion would not work. He was sure the bowels of Hell would open to devour his bounty. He was sure that the evil God of Rot would return. He was absolutely positive that it was going to be much more work that he was willing to undertake.
He was wrong... dead wrong and on every point.
He has found that he can collect a much larger bounty much more often and with less effort than his soil based worship.
He now basks in the Holy Light of Growing known as Hempy Pots.

The Right Rev. will now step from the pulpit.

Non-theist version....

No, but it's a hydro method giving better growing speed and flexibility. Active hydro is a complete nightmare in my heat. Passive hydro has worked very well in the heat and seems to be just as good soil in that aspect.

Isn't the non-theist version boring?

I've come to expect your words of panache.
OGK budporn.
She's nearing a month since 12/12

Hey Tead, if a man were to wander to the sweat coast around gator season do you know anyone that would take them out on a hunting boat for the day? Theoretical person supplying their own ammo and firearm of course. :) Those cats on Swamp People are having my kind of fun.
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