Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Is that the Dinafem version of OGK, Tead? If so, I can tell you, you will love this strain. Although, it took some additional curing to get the smell and taste where I like it, it's a nice night time smoke for me.


I don't know whose OGK it is, but he has had it going for years through clones.

The first line of the first post on this thread ..
Dinafem OGK from clones.
Hey Tead, if a man were to wander to the sweat coast around gator season do you know anyone that would take them out on a hunting boat for the day? Theoretical person supplying their own ammo and firearm of course. :) Those cats on Swamp People are having my kind of fun.

Ya know... I can't say I know one directly... but I got some friends that totally would know the good guides.
And I'm pretty sure a wayward Tead would jump into that boat.
Want me to dig a bit?
Is that the Dinafem version of OGK, Tead? If so, I can tell you, you will love this strain. Although, it took some additional curing to get the smell and taste where I like it, it's a nice night time smoke for me.


Yup... Dinafem... from 2015 or 14.... I forget. Clonin on it forever!. Sux to clone, but the output has been top notch for many years.
'ole Tead's been know to squeeze a penny or two.

Honestly, it's the survivor of many dramas. While others fall for one reason or another, she remains. I'd refer to her as 'bitch' but shit man, I dunno how to convert plant years to human years (think dog years), but I feel her hair may be a few shades greyer than mine, so I usually employ the phrase 'Mam'.

Welcome along DM. As you see, subjects vary and 'characters' abound. Feel free.
I dunno how to convert plant years to human years (think dog years)

Well as they don't live in the wild (well too many parts of the world) thru a whole year as cycle is shorter than that, must be pretty old ;).

Kinda hoping I can keep my Blue Widow cloning going, but new to this so it's a toss up ;). Flowered the Mother and both her Daughters, currently have 4 clones off one of the Daughters (1 in Flower as didn't expect all 4 cuttings to live :rofl: which explains why out of 4 cuttings off two other plants only one lived ;) ).
AKA "Glutton for Punishment" as I Volunteered for it ;) :rofl::rofl:

Bless you!

Kinda hoping I can keep my Blue Widow cloning going, but new to this so it's a toss up ;). Flowered the Mother and both her Daughters, currently have 4 clones off one of the Daughters (1 in Flower as didn't expect all 4 cuttings to live :rofl: which explains why out of 4 cuttings off two other plants only one lived ;) ).

Ya know... experience is your friend here of course. As you pass thru the generations, the opportunity to really study and know your babies abounds. Of course, we might assume you're a stoner like the rest of us (feel free to recuse yourself from this statement), so you might not see those lessons so clearly all the time, of maybe the messages are simply misunderstood on occasion.... but it's a forgiving plant really.
Get to know her... you might like her. Plus, you can use her as a source for other creative activities like crossbreeding.
Bless you!

Ya know... experience is your friend here of course. As you pass thru the generations, the opportunity to really study and know your babies abounds. Of course, we might assume you're a stoner like the rest of us (feel free to recuse yourself from this statement), so you might not see those lessons so clearly all the time, of maybe the messages are simply misunderstood on occasion.... but it's a forgiving plant really.
Get to know her... you might like her. Plus, you can use her as a source for other creative activities like crossbreeding.

I was away from Toking for 25 years due to jobs with monthly random drug tests (both places pulled 20% emplyoee numbers randomly drawn by the computer at a random day in the month, we called it "winning the company lottery" ;) "why did you have to go to office" "won the damn lottery" :rofl: ) so your number would come up 3-6 times a year and never with any warning ahead of it (they would bring the clinic folks to the Office or they would provide transportation to the clinic). Started up again recently (so a lightweight again for now) as all the body pains of being a Blue Collar Dog all them years and it legal here now, had to quit working in Dec 2011 to take care of my wife, so I"m home all the time so gives me a Hobby with trying to grow my own (well and bashing Bots too :rofl: as I'm home 23/7 most days). They are forgiving to a point for sure as I never had a green thumb so getting a House Plant was an instant death sentence for the poor plant ;), so far having better luck growing a weed.
Ya know.... I gotta quit posting in the evening.... I missed this...

@Dwight Monk

Location: Oregon

As a displaced Oregonian, I always have to toss some extra luv to those with webbed feet. We have sunlight in NOLA.... you know... that strange yellow orb that occasionally makes it's way thru the clouds.
I spent the days of my youth roaming the coastal range. I miss mountains and trees.
Ya know... I can't say I know one directly... but I got some friends that totally would know the good guides.
And I'm pretty sure a wayward Tead would jump into that boat.
Want me to dig a bit?

Does the phrase "Big Red Truck" strike you as funny ? :rofl: Hell yes ask around ! Old retired guys need some danger and fun occasionally. :)
Ya know.... I gotta quit posting in the evening.... I missed this...

@Dwight Monk

Location: Oregon

As a displaced Oregonian, I always have to toss some extra luv to those with webbed feet. We have sunlight in NOLA.... you know... that strange yellow orb that occasionally makes it's way thru the clouds.
I spent the days of my youth roaming the coastal range. I miss mountains and trees.

Moved here when I was a teenager so it is "home" to me, as that was in the mid '70s ;)....last 40 days think we had two where it didn't rain all day/night...and one of those it snowed instead ;) :rofl: :rofl: as halfway thru February we had already hit "average rainfall" for that month, so lots of landslides and flooding and all that good stuff.
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