Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Soil? in Tead's garden? Uh oh. And it's HB soil to boot? should be interesting. Looking forward to the future.

I know!
Crazy as hell!

Not armed and really not motivated to dip my toe into the HB world, otherwise I'd be tempted to stay the course with her. It's a touch funny to me. Doc Bud is the HB dude, but he was also dipping his toes into hempy when I was first experimenting. It's a double touch on DBs' world toady. I'd hit him up for words of advice on moving the HB to hempy, but I got this one.

hmmmmm Brixahempy.... strangest grow method out there.
hey Tead. good afternoon, or late morning there, as the case may be. :). i have a sort of curious for curious' sake question for you so no rush, whenever you feel like it...how in the bleepity bleep do you keep all the various critters out, esp since you're outdoors? i mean, when i was there, in my kitchen ALONE, which was INDOORS, i encountered 1 smallcat-sized rat (once), 20-40 mice (not all at once), hundreds of smallmouse-sized roaches (many variations), those crazy swarming termites that come around for a month and then leave...you know. and so when you add in all the plant-specific ADDITIONAL pests, god, the fungus gnats alone--holy crap!!!--HOW do you do it, man???

like i said, i'm just curious... thank you!

Gooooood question. I kinda feel my answer to the subject is lacking really.... I know that sounds odd.
There are many passive steps involved really. They apparently combine to form a very protective barrier. And as with any Gumbo, identification of the most important ingredient becomes impossible and probably pointless (Oh yeah baby.... it's always about food!).

First, and I just can't preach about it enough, it's the medium. The complete lack of soil (hmmmm.... well... until yesterday) in my really leaves many beasts without a home for part of their life cycle. Many insects spend part of their lives in the soil. When one doesn't have a soil environment in place, life gets significantly simpler in the bug department.

Second, light discipline. Many bugs are attracted to light. I use a tent inside a shed for the 24hr light and I run the bloom light during the day to avoid the issue. I'd be much better off running the bloom room at night, but I haven't got a handle on the light yet.

Third, I have a simple double barrier going. The shed forms one physical barrier and the veg tent and bloom chamber form another. When combined, it appears quite effective.

Fourth, I go nuclear on first detection of the enemy. It's actually very rare, but if I see a buggin I think is established, I assume it has buddies and I take whatever steps needed. The single sighting of a spider mite would bring out the pyrethrin immediately.

Fifth, I don't bring any foreign anything into the shed... ususally.... kinda broke that rule yesterday after a good scan of a new girl. I took some LEDs off BN's hands yesterday... I'm so anal that I pulled them apart to check for hiding bugs and to clean up the glass.

Sixth, I keep fans pushing air out of the exhaust holes and lots of other fans stirring everything up.... this keeps flying insects at bay some. I avoid anything that might be a home for or attract any buggins. Fans are also important to avoid any fungus or mold growth in the humidity.

It's all just passive stuff, but it's working, and it's been working for a very long time now.
I'm happy to have that angle recognized fully by someone that has experienced growing anything in NOLA. It really is filled with a stunning variety of beasties that wanna eat my girls.
And as with any Gumbo, identification of the most important ingredient becomes impossible and probably pointless (Oh yeah baby.... it's always about food!).

HA HA HA!!! *SO TRUE*!!! great analogy...

I'm happy to have that angle recognized fully by someone that has experienced growing anything in NOLA. It really is filled with a stunning variety of beasties that wanna eat my girls.

i germinated my first seed there. then, when it was a boy, said eeenhh not worth gettin' caught...i was a renter and i had The World's Worst Landlord and so...eennh. just wasn't worth it...

but i did grow a 'ishton of other things....and never ever have i seen as many pesties and beasties....the caterpillars alone (stinging not other kinds). but, the plants that i chose grew w/such gusto that the beasty damage was insignificant...plus it's not like i was feeding a family of four or anything...i suppose if that'd been the case i woulda had to go half nuclear LOLLL

but in all seriousness, all the respect in the world....your NOLA grow game is on LOCK!

oh and that post you wrote should be like a permanent mini-tutorial on how to prevent pests in a grow space...
I know!
Crazy as hell!

Not armed and really not motivated to dip my toe into the HB world, otherwise I'd be tempted to stay the course with her. It's a touch funny to me. Doc Bud is the HB dude, but he was also dipping his toes into hempy when I was first experimenting. It's a double touch on DBs' world toady. I'd hit him up for words of advice on moving the HB to hempy, but I got this one.

hmmmmm Brixahempy.... strangest grow method out there.

Hey, if you are getting high brix readings with your hempy, why switch it up? I get it. Plus you have your system dialed in. It should still be an interesting addition to your garden.
I'd like to claim some magic, but my actions were limited to putting her on the floor.... but yeah, she looks nice.

I have another Blue Dream clone from the same mother, just a little taller, both got droopy at the same time. Mine is still droopy and yours isn't. Sounds like your house has the magic touch is all I am saying.
5 days dry ? :thedoubletake: Not in over three years. I do have an extended road trip coming up in a couple of months and have worried about carrying enough to get through two weeks and 5000 miles.

Maybe I'll cancel my trip. :rofl::rofl:

After the seven weeks dry in Phoenix in 2015 I cringe when I hear any of you have to go without. It's almost like low-level PTSD. :straightface:

Glad you're back Tead. :hug: :love:
5 days dry ? :thedoubletake: Not in over three years. I do have an extended road trip coming up in a couple of months and have worried about carrying enough to get through two weeks and 5000 miles.

Maybe I'll cancel my trip. :rofl::rofl:

I hate to be around my wife after 12 hours without toking - too much pain.

For our last road trip, by train, we booked an Amtrak roomette and she hit the vape with a little homegrown infused VG - not the best stuff - fouls the wick in about a tank full, low THC, but it got her through to the other end where a friend was waiting with weed.

I'm betting SweetSue has a better aroma-free vape solution :)

Medical vape juice would be perfect for a road trip. Never been available where I've traveled.
I hate to be around my wife after 12 hours without toking - too much pain.

For our last road trip, by train, we booked an Amtrak roomette and she hit the vape with a little homegrown infused VG - not the best stuff - fouls the wick in about a tank full, low THC, but it got her through to the other end where a friend was waiting with weed.

I'm betting SweetSue has a better aroma-free vape solution :)

Medical vape juice would be perfect for a road trip. Never been available where I've traveled.
It's fairly easy to make, if you'd like pm me and I'll send you a couple links. I made some with an oz of my last batch. One oz gave me about 30ml of some potent liquid. Sorry to hear about your wife and her ailments.

Good people inspire you to do great things. :Namaste:
I ran into a dude the other day that was importing pre-loaded disposable vape pens from OR.
Good for nuthin Oregonians... spreading that sort of luv around... shame on them!

Like a Dryad and it's tree - A yat can't be away from New Orleans for too long or something inside them dries up. Welcome home!

Never envisioned myself as a Dryad... but I like the idea! Unfortunately, most of the drying occurred at the outer layer turning my skin into sandpaper for a few days. No worries, back in the gumbo now.

Thanks for the welcome home words y'all.
It's fairly easy to make, if you'd like pm me and I'll send you a couple links. I made some with an oz of my last batch. One oz gave me about 30ml of some potent liquid. Sorry to hear about your wife and her ailments.

Good people inspire you to do great things. :Namaste:

Welcome along sizz0e! It's been a quiet thread for a week or two, but it will get strange sooner rather than later.
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