Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Running 216W CFL my heat issue is that it gets cold at night!

Ya know.... I found some 63w (actual) curly CFs at the local Home Depot. They each run super damn hot. If you need heat, they make nice little heaters. They're huge and heavy, so the glass bulb can come loose from the base when it gets hot and the glass bulb is unsupported, but they do work well and have a huge heat signature.
Shots from a trichome investigation on a UD1 Boom...
I'd call it 50%clear, 40% cloudy, 10% amber.
That's so pretty. :battingeyelashes: :love: it just occurred to me that you have decent camera function. Now that I no longer have a journal to show them off in. :laughtwo: Ahhh..... The irony of life. I'll be growing better and we'll have to show it all off in your journal. Lol!

You're creeping up on spring and 200 pages. Thinking about starting the new edition sometime soon?
That's so pretty. :battingeyelashes: :love: it just occurred to me that you have decent camera function. Now that I no longer have a journal to show them off in. :laughtwo: Ahhh..... The irony of life. I'll be growing better and we'll have to show it all off in your journal. Lol!

You're creeping up on spring and 200 pages. Thinking about starting the new edition sometime soon?

Why can't you have a journal to show them off in?
You're creeping up on spring and 200 pages. Thinking about starting the new edition sometime soon?

The idea has bounced around the walls before. I see no reason to raise my lazy bar to meet that need. Besides... I'd feel the need to paint and spruce up the place... not happening... the beer rings remain on the coffee table.

Speaking of needed changes....


A smaller unit this year. Seems to be doing great so far.
The idea has bounced around the walls before. I see no reason to raise my lazy bar to meet that need. Besides... I'd feel the need to paint and spruce up the place... not happening... the beer rings remain on the coffee table.

beer rings add character. i vote for not raising your lazy bar...

that said, without new edition we never would have had bell biv devoe which means we never would have had 'poison'... :hmmmm:
Glad to see you were able to put those lights to work for you. Enjoy it, at least until the heat beats you down. Interested to see if you will have the increased bulk I believe you are looking for.
Holly molly you ve dialled things right IN wow man, looks awesome! Yea I just ordered a new set up with the enclosed 6 " ported light box for the 1000w. That parabolic reflector just allowed for way too much heat in a small area. Up in the snow here we ll run little 1500w heaters on a thermostat to help with the cool nights... works well and cheap fix. How you liken them led s , looks impressive my friend!
Why can't you have a journal to show them off in?

It simply a matter of time management. With the responsibilities of the job there's not enough time to give the journal the attention it deserves. If I kept the journal open I'd never get out to visit other yards. Although I miss the space and the interaction tremendously, it's been a relief to have the extra time.

You guys don't mind showing off my beauties for me, do you?


She's packing the buds on nice and dense Tead. It's gonna be another like that DDA that gave me the tightest, heaviest buds. :slide:

I discovered that I can't mix up the nutrients with the Terpinator and leave any for another feeding. The addition of the Terpinator makes the pH nosedive to about 5.2 after sitting for two days. I have no way to pH up with consistency. My solution was to mix up a quart at a time. She takes most of that if I water slowly and let the roots suck up the liquid.

Gosh, she smells so good.
Teady bake, Teady bake, grower man!
Pack me a bowl as fast as you can!
You pluck it, you grind it, mark it with a T,
Then put it in the bowl for Teady and me!

:high-five: +Reps
without new edition we never would have had bell biv devoe which means we never would have had 'poison'... :hmmmm:

A BBD reference after all these years. I would never have imagined I'd ever actually type the words "Bell Biv Devoe". Bonus points!

Glad to see you were able to put those lights to work for you. Enjoy it, at least until the heat beats you down. Interested to see if you will have the increased bulk I believe you are looking for.

They're all working out great! I'm so happy with them. Can't thank you enough.
I've got the 1000w riding at 750w for the time being. Temps are staying within range easily... but the summer is just cranking up. I've already perceived an explosion of growth, so I feel I'm pretty golden at the moment. As long as I can handle the heat.

Holly molly you ve dialled things right IN wow man, looks awesome! Yea I just ordered a new set up with the enclosed 6 " ported light box for the 1000w. That parabolic reflector just allowed for way too much heat in a small area. Up in the snow here we ll run little 1500w heaters on a thermostat to help with the cool nights... works well and cheap fix. How you liken them led s , looks impressive my friend!

Ya know... you might get away without using an enclosed hood in a huge garden or if you're using small lights, but you still have to have a good handle on heat extraction. The enclosed hoods work really well... especially if you have their airflow separated from the rest of the garden.
The CoolTubes are just friggin awesome. They have a small footprint and cool as well as any of the larger enclosed hoods. Plus, you don't have to deal with a huge square of glass hanging over your babies. It's just so damn easy to deal with in a smaller garden.
I use a couple of tiny heaters in the winter. They have thermostats on them and click on when needed. My garden kind of reflects the older houses in our city.... built for cooling rather than heating. Hell... my shed is even raised off the ground to allow for air flow and occasional minor flooding.... just like the houses.
Digging the added LEDs. They do contribute some heat, but not so much that I can't handle it. I picked up 3, put one in the bloom and 2 in the veg area. The addition in the bloom area may be pointless... we'll see.

Teady bake, Teady bake, grower man!
Pack me a bowl as fast as you can!
You pluck it, you grind it, mark it with a T,
Then put it in the bowl for Teady and me!

I'd have to concur with Rad.... Bravo!
While not unheard of, poetry of any form is rare around this thread and mostly falls into the 'obscene' category. We have to give it a nod when it passes thru.

I imagine that A/C unit helps with the R/H too.. Keepem Green

A touch... but not nearly as much as you might think.
In order to keep all the dehumidified air in the garden, things would have to be sealed. This would not work for me... I use part of the shed as storage and if it were sealed, everything would hold water and mold very quickly. Air exchange is actually very important for me.
It's kind of a magical balance you have to ride when you grow this close to the limits.
You guys don't mind showing off my beauties for me, do you?

Absolutely not... we love visitors!

She's packing the buds on nice and dense Tead. It's gonna be another like that DDA that gave me the tightest, heaviest buds. :slide:

I discovered that I can't mix up the nutrients with the Terpinator and leave any for another feeding. The addition of the Terpinator makes the pH nosedive to about 5.2 after sitting for two days. I have no way to pH up with consistency. My solution was to mix up a quart at a time. She takes most of that if I water slowly and let the roots suck up the liquid.

Gosh, she smells so good.

There are many little idiosyncrasies in hempy pots. PH is always an issue it seems. Finding the specific mix that really works well in one's own little world seems to be the magic. PH points and feeding schedules have SO many variables involved... it's really damn near impossible to deal with it in a purely scientific matter almost. If one tries to apply logic, problems can arise. I go with a more holistic approach to it letting plant growth and development guide my rates of nutrients and PH.
Of course, the lazy gardener resorts to finding a way to grow with Osmo or Dynamite avoiding all the issues generally.....
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