Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I don't buy the $2 Skillsaw but I had good luck with the $2 drill and $4 sawzall.
I saw a 1.5 HP 5-gallon air compressor go for $8 last saturday. The 20' hose was worth more than that, but I already have a 20' air hose.

It's always hit or miss at an auction. The last laser guided chop saw I saw went for $85, but the only visible wear was the saw blade itself. The one a month ago went for $135 and wasn't as clean.

Man... I gotta start trolling the 'public announcements' section for auction announcements. I'm just not really connected with that scene.
Till the wheels fall off,,, then grease up the hubs and continue down the roads. Way cool it wasn't your home.. Back in my young younger days,, I road with a Club outta Little Rock called the Road Barons. Satellite chapter of Banditos. I remember afew patches coming outta Shreveport La. I know I've been on acouple runs down to The French Quarter'' I don't know why I always was drawn to the biker lifestyle. Guess it's the no Bull Shit or Candy Coating talk. Now that I slowed down,, I've left that life alone. I can't ride anymore,, hell I have two nice scooters just gathering dust down in San Fransico. Got a 51' Pan and a Bicentennial Sporty that been parked since 96'. A close friend keeps them in his collection. This boy has everything.. Indians and Harleys only. Riding a Honda is kind of like doing a fat girl,,, alot of fun to be on,,, till your friends see ya on it... JK..

Sounds like your doing alittle revamping on houses? I use to have my contractors license back in Cali. Did mostly house painting,, dry wall, room additions. Then I hit a contract with the Hyatt Regency, Hotel Saint Claire in San Jose'. I was refinishing bath tubs. 350$ a pop. A kick back of 25$ per tub. They had 350 tubs.. And like 50 ere them claw foot tubs,, they were 450$ a pop. After those,,, I did the Silver Legacy in Reno, they had 400 tubs. I got 2 double rooms with house meals.. My help could eat anything on the menu,, lobster,, steak,, anything. I use to have my help mask and prep 10 tubs,, then I'd fly from SF get there spray the tubs, go home the next day. Twice a week I flew out there. Worked there and acouple other smaller hotels for almost a year.. Man I wish I had that money back. I pissed it off on wine, women, and song.

Count yourself lucky you haven't got caught up in te cycle of pain pills. If you can get by without them cool... At one point I was a garbage can dope fiend. My drug of choice was anything.. But I've always had bad pain,, so I leaned on opiates. I sure wasted ALOT of money on them.. Well hopefully you find a good deal on some tools.. Maybe someone in the neighborhood can sell you back yours ??? JK
GL and Keepem Green

Probably not to many pics of a clone with snow in the background
Till the wheels fall off,,, then grease up the hubs and continue down the roads. Way cool it wasn't your home.. Back in my young younger days,, I road with a Club outta Little Rock called the Road Barons. Satellite chapter of Banditos. I remember afew patches coming outta Shreveport La. I know I've been on acouple runs down to The French Quarter'' I don't know why I always was drawn to the biker lifestyle. Guess it's the no Bull Shit or Candy Coating talk. Now that I slowed down,, I've left that life alone. I can't ride anymore,, hell I have two nice scooters just gathering dust down in San Fransico. Got a 51' Pan and a Bicentennial Sporty that been parked since 96'. A close friend keeps them in his collection. This boy has everything.. Indians and Harleys only. Riding a Honda is kind of like doing a fat girl,,, alot of fun to be on,,, till your friends see ya on it... JK..

Sounds like your doing alittle revamping on houses? I use to have my contractors license back in Cali. Did mostly house painting,, dry wall, room additions. Then I hit a contract with the Hyatt Regency, Hotel Saint Claire in San Jose'. I was refinishing bath tubs. 350$ a pop. A kick back of 25$ per tub. They had 350 tubs.. And like 50 ere them claw foot tubs,, they were 450$ a pop. After those,,, I did the Silver Legacy in Reno, they had 400 tubs. I got 2 double rooms with house meals.. My help could eat anything on the menu,, lobster,, steak,, anything. I use to have my help mask and prep 10 tubs,, then I'd fly from SF get there spray the tubs, go home the next day. Twice a week I flew out there. Worked there and acouple other smaller hotels for almost a year.. Man I wish I had that money back. I pissed it off on wine, women, and song.

Count yourself lucky you haven't got caught up in te cycle of pain pills. If you can get by without them cool... At one point I was a garbage can dope fiend. My drug of choice was anything.. But I've always had bad pain,, so I leaned on opiates. I sure wasted ALOT of money on them.. Well hopefully you find a good deal on some tools.. Maybe someone in the neighborhood can sell you back yours ??? JK
GL and Keepem Green

good ol Arkansas, i graduated there in '88 from a little town south of Conway named Perryville. Interesting stories, thats why i love this thread. Happy growing.
Man you've got some weird ass weather down there Tead.
Here too sort of. My grow normally runs on rainwater, but at this point I'm reduced to melting chunks of ice in a cauldron on the wood stove and hauling it in buckets. Fml. :)
HA Perryville. My Great Uncle was a bouncer all over that neck of the woods.. I use to run trotlines all over around Hazen and Devalles Bluff. I lived down on the river bottoms around Stuttgart. The Duck Capital of the World.. And is a ton of ducks.. Mississippi River, Arkansas River, and the White River all come together right in the middle of Riceland Foods Headquarters area. Ducks like rice, ducks like water,, flooded rice fields?? Stuttgart is also the Rice Capital of the World. I seen the skies turn dark with ducks. Sneak up on the water a shoot a .223 flat across the water and see how many ducks you kill with one shot. My families name around there is Snyder. There are alot of 'kin' of mine running around back there. I enjoyed living there. Growing Razorbud, hunting squirrels in the morning, and cut the beagle loose rabbit hunting along the railroad tracks the rest of the day. Maybe run the Walkers down some creekbank at night for acouple coon,,, Man big ass catfish,,, 30+ pounds, and some great black bass on rubber worms and spinner baits. Grabbing frogs by the tote sack full.. Man I loved it. I was like a kid in a candy store,, till I got in trouble... Imagine that... Busted making afew dollars brewing old corn squeezings. Had the stills in some duck blinds and a pot grow afew blocks off the river. They didn't find the pot or I'd still be in jail,, but a fine of 5,000$ and a 3 year outta state release. No formal charges were filed.. Other words,, the 5 grand is gone.. 5,000$ was alot around 77'. Hey, the world record German Brown Trout in from the Little Red River. I think the second prettiest place in the world is Heber Springs/Mountain House in the Ozarks. First is Lake Tahoe. Sorry I get babbling Keepem Green
HA Perryville. My Great Uncle was a bouncer all over that neck of the woods.. I use to run trotlines all over around Hazen and Devalles Bluff. I lived down on the river bottoms around Stuttgart. The Duck Capital of the World.. And is a ton of ducks.. Mississippi River, Arkansas River, and the White River all come together right in the middle of Riceland Foods Headquarters area. Ducks like rice, ducks like water,, flooded rice fields?? Stuttgart is also the Rice Capital of the World. I seen the skies turn dark with ducks. Sneak up on the water a shoot a .223 flat across the water and see how many ducks you kill with one shot. My families name around there is Snyder. There are alot of 'kin' of mine running around back there. I enjoyed living there. Growing Razorbud, hunting squirrels in the morning, and cut the beagle loose rabbit hunting along the railroad tracks the rest of the day. Maybe run the Walkers down some creekbank at night for acouple coon,,, Man big ass catfish,,, 30+ pounds, and some great black bass on rubber worms and spinner baits. Grabbing frogs by the tote sack full.. Man I loved it. I was like a kid in a candy store,, till I got in trouble... Imagine that... Busted making afew dollars brewing old corn squeezings. Had the stills in some duck blinds and a pot grow afew blocks off the river. They didn't find the pot or I'd still be in jail,, but a fine of 5,000$ and a 3 year outta state release. No formal charges were filed.. Other words,, the 5 grand is gone.. 5,000$ was alot around 77'. Hey, the world record German Brown Trout in from the Little Red River.

I think the second prettiest place in the world is Heber Springs/Mountain House in the Ozarks. First is Lake Tahoe. Sorry I get babbling Keepem Green

I've scrubbed a tire or two in that area. Still have some scooter trash family there. As nice as it is, I keep the mountains farther east closer to my heart. :)
I've scrubbed a tire or two in that area. Still have some scooter trash family there. As nice as it is, I keep the mountains farther east closer to my heart. :)

yeah, ive moved from the Ozarks to the foothills of the Appalachians (Northeast Alabama). The south is all i know other than a 4 year skit in the Marine Corps where i went to 13 different countries including that hell they call Southeast Asia, Dubai, Saudi, Yemen, Oman, Kuwait. Had a nice two day tour of Israel, got to see the Dead Sea and the birth place of Christ. Those tales of Arkansas bring back fine memories, you said it all in a nutshell Norcal. Thanks for the memories. Happy growing
It's a shame kids can't grow up like that anymore. All the people I see now wood freak out if your child even walked home down the tracks alone anymore. To many weirdos, or do we just hear more about them with all the media? Wood a person buy their child a chemistry set with actual chemicals in it? Or a tool set with a small saw in it. My little kid tool belt had actual tools in it,, just smaller.. Kids get thier first pocket knive at 7 years, and their first .22 rifle at 10 years old. Killed first deer,, by yourself, at 12. Most people won't even get a child a BB gun... Might get hurt............ I learned fire was hot by touching it.. One thing I liked about Arkanas was that it as a state, it's 25 years behind the rest of the states. Thing happen alittle slower back there. People arn't in a hurry for anything. When people come to vist, you sit at the kitchen table and have coffee, and a bite to eat... Then starts a serious day of drinking... JK NOT.. I'm from Arkasas,, and both my sons were born at Little Rock... We all ''''RazorBacks''''. yeeeeha... My first painting outfit was called Razorback Painting,,,
Look away[><] and Keepem Green
There are so many walking canes roaming this thread that I could use them for a bonfire.

Your kids... and every other kid in the world finds their own personal version of this. It occurs in the countryside and deep in the urban jungles. You folks are mistaking the issue. It's not the setting that makes the child... it's what the child does with what's around them. Your artist/child will paint any available canvas with the story of their lives and it really doesn't matter if that canvas is fancy fabric or the brick wall of an abandoned building... it's the art, not the canvas.
I've actually spent a good bit of time pondering these concepts. It's just so damn common. Almost everyone you chat with over the age of 40 will utter similar ideas.... yet the species continues.
The real question that I just can't seem to get a handle on..... why do we keep feeling this way? When I look around the world, I see it in every generation and every ethnic group. Some Asian folk seem to have a handle on it. The Amish deal with it in socially interesting ways. I suspect there are Egyptian hieroglyphs devoted to the subject.
While I can't seem to wrap my head fully around it, I continue to ponder. It forms one of the interesting bits of flotsam that occupy my stoned mind.

Toss your canes on the fire and dance a bit. Much better to make new memories than to swim in a sea of long lost days.
Till the wheels fall off,,, then grease up the hubs and continue down the roads. Way cool it wasn't your home.. Back in my young younger days,, I road with a Club outta Little Rock called the Road Barons. Satellite chapter of Banditos. I remember afew patches coming outta Shreveport La. I know I've been on acouple runs down to The French Quarter'' I don't know why I always was drawn to the biker lifestyle. Guess it's the no Bull Shit or Candy Coating talk. Now that I slowed down,, I've left that life alone. I can't ride anymore,, hell I have two nice scooters just gathering dust down in San Fransico. Got a 51' Pan and a Bicentennial Sporty that been parked since 96'. A close friend keeps them in his collection. This boy has everything.. Indians and Harleys only. Riding a Honda is kind of like doing a fat girl,,, alot of fun to be on,,, till your friends see ya on it... JK..

Sounds like your doing alittle revamping on houses? I use to have my contractors license back in Cali. Did mostly house painting,, dry wall, room additions. Then I hit a contract with the Hyatt Regency, Hotel Saint Claire in San Jose'. I was refinishing bath tubs. 350$ a pop. A kick back of 25$ per tub. They had 350 tubs.. And like 50 ere them claw foot tubs,, they were 450$ a pop. After those,,, I did the Silver Legacy in Reno, they had 400 tubs. I got 2 double rooms with house meals.. My help could eat anything on the menu,, lobster,, steak,, anything. I use to have my help mask and prep 10 tubs,, then I'd fly from SF get there spray the tubs, go home the next day. Twice a week I flew out there. Worked there and acouple other smaller hotels for almost a year.. Man I wish I had that money back. I pissed it off on wine, women, and song.

Count yourself lucky you haven't got caught up in te cycle of pain pills. If you can get by without them cool... At one point I was a garbage can dope fiend. My drug of choice was anything.. But I've always had bad pain,, so I leaned on opiates. I sure wasted ALOT of money on them.. Well hopefully you find a good deal on some tools.. Maybe someone in the neighborhood can sell you back yours ??? JK
GL and Keepem Green

Oh dude... knock the dust off the Pan and take her for a spin down south. Ya know ya wanna.... and you know ya gotta.... and ya know you're gonna....

I grew up a dirt bike rider. I used to head out the back roads and hit the clear cuts in the coast range. They made for stunning rides. Spent the days roaming old logging paths and trails, discovering hidden treasures. Sleeping under a clear summer sky in a small meadow overnight sometimes.
Tried hitting the roads on 2 wheels when I grew up, but I always felt so exposed and vulnerable. Love the idea, but apparently it's just not in my cards. Shame really.... it's an incredibly romantic idea to be riding across the country on an organized ride with the wind in your hair (yea... I never wore a helmet.... miraculously still here!) watching the country roll by.

So... sorry to ask, but I got a crappy tub. It's been re-coated at some point in the past, but that coating is retreating from around the drain and there are quite a few chips. Anything I can do to save it?
Man you've got some weird ass weather down there Tead.
Here too sort of. My grow normally runs on rainwater, but at this point I'm reduced to melting chunks of ice in a cauldron on the wood stove and hauling it in buckets. Fml. :)

I got an ice maker in my fridge... that's about as close as I get to melting ice. If I need pure water, I hit the res in my dehumidifier.
Got up around 3:30 this morning. Put on shorts and hit the 'on' button on the AC before I started my morning pot 'o joe.
Got a unit out in Michoud available. New everything including double pane windows. You just let me know when you feel the need to slide on down.
A warm front moved in and it's all melting finally, after giving us a little snow dump first. This has been by far the frozenest winter I've seen here. I have lots of rainwater cisterns and limped along by drilling into the centers of them with a long bit. Tapped them all out a week ago though so it's nice to have it falling out of the sky again, like normal.
Allllllll righty.
Been ignoring my own thread along with most others. I'm shooting for a nice quiet day. Gotta do a feeding. Gotta BBQ some pork. Gotta tackle 1000 unfinished projects around the house. Photos later today no doubt.

I completely flaked on the Krewe du Vieux parade last night. The sweetheart and I were exhausted and just couldn't seem to muster the energy to surf the crowds. I feel a touch bad because I had a lot of friends walking in it... but I doubt any of them will notice my absence thankfully. They have a huge ball at the end of the parade with good music and crazy folk... I had wanted to attend that as well, but the cards were not falling that way.
Shit... now I'm the grumpy old bastard!

I had 4 seeds that didn't sprout in a new configuration I was trying. I put them in the garden after they failed to sprout. Now I have some mystery volunteers.



Not sure what to do with them.... but there they are.

So, some auto seeds fell into my world the other day. Exciting! Never grown an auto.
I'm slightly concerned. First, I run my bloom room at 11.5 hrs/day. Then, while my veg room runs at 24hrs or 16hrs depending on the time of year (heat), it is just flouro really.
Neither of these places seems optimal for an auto grow.
Light levels outside are on the rise..... hmmmm.
Plus, if you want a decent plant out of an auto you gotta put 'em in a decent sized bucket.... and I've got the whole Osmo2L roll going.
Maybe one of my 6" PVC tubes would be best.
Much pondering over burning bowls will fill the next few days no doubt.
A warm front moved in and it's all melting finally, after giving us a little snow dump first. This has been by far the frozenest winter I've seen here. I have lots of rainwater cisterns and limped along by drilling into the centers of them with a long bit. Tapped them all out a week ago though so it's nice to have it falling out of the sky again, like normal.

That's just like.... you know... so removed from my world that it makes me laugh just trying to imagine it.
While I've spent much time in cold environments, I sure am happy that those memories have become pretty cloudy.
The sweetheart and I have a trip to Lake Tahoe scheduled with a lift ticket for the slopes. I get to rediscover both snow and mountains. Should be fun.
..........So, some auto seeds fell into my world the other day. Exciting! Never grown an auto.

WooHoo, :cheer: so what did you get ? I received a few unreleased autos last week. Short Stuff Auto Jedi Kush. They are in paper towels now and probably be placed in buckets this afternoon.:)
WooHoo, :cheer: so what did you get ? I received a few unreleased autos last week. Short Stuff Auto Jedi Kush. They are in paper towels now and probably be placed in buckets this afternoon.:)

Well now... all those DDa's growing everywhere had some fallout in my little neck of the woods.... so that's awesome.
Then, they were holding hands with some Mephisto Sour Crack x DDa named "Sweet & Sour Devil's Crack".
I'm familiar with all the DDa grows and seen the green versions and purple versions. They all look incredible. The Sour Crack was unfamiliar to me, but some investigation sure has my interest piqued.
I'm currently contemplating a DynaGro fed PVC tube grow... more of a traditional hempy config.
I think it's gonna have to grow in my bloom room under 11.5hrs of HPS. Growing it big in the veg tent is just not feasible.
I'm gonna use one of my shorter PVC tubes... about 1' tall.
Damn Napoleonic Code!
And yea, they're stunning humans... the lot of them. I take their editorial comment as well deserved.

OK... hang on...

Ladies first...

Overview of bloom

Overview of veg

Some clones trying to make roots. PC and KaliAK

More clones trying to make roots. Both OGKs.

A mighty hairy one.

Rooted PC in 2L Osmo

Rooted UD2 in 2L Osmo

Rooted KaliAK in 2L Osmo

OGK in 2L Osmo

Rooted UD1 in 2L Osmo

UD2 in 2L Osmo. Getting close to bloom time.

KaliAK in 2L Osmo. Another one nearing bloom.

An OGK I'm using as a mother. She may get a replant and move to bloom. She's in a cut off gallon jug and a good bit of the paint has fallen off.

And her crazy blooms... again, she's seen nothing but 24hr light.

UD-Boom just moved to bloom


Critical+ 2.0 in 2L Osmo

OGK in 2L DynaGro. Just moved to bloom.

PC in 2L Osmo


Ahhhh... done with feeding and photos. Even Betty appreciates it and shows her approval with some clothing removal.
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