Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Sue and Brixnewb spoke very highly of you. the fact that you live in my second home city makes you awesome in my book. if you and Sue ever get going on the roommate situation, should make for an interesting story.

Ya know... it's 80f and smack in the middle of the Gras..... just sayin.
Be sure to drop a line next time you're around. I'll force MJ and fried shrimp or crawfish into ya.
It's not a roommate situation RedDragon, I'll be renting.
I'm calling them "Weas's butt plates"....


And Betty's screamin for the AC

As Mardi Gras season rolls along, Tead points out that he has an empty duplex over in Algiers that might be used for impromptu sleeping purposes....
And in case Tead isn't crystal clear... feel free to chime in and grab a square... it's empty thru Mardi Gras.

How far from the Ferry?

I used to do firewood tree rounds (for later splitting) with my chainsaw - I'd say that was more of a sawsall job. Whole lot of shaking going on :)
if only I didn't live in Washington now. when I was in Texas, I was in New Orleans 3 or 4 times a year. oh do I miss the food and music...

hmmmm... seems like a good opportunity to roll back the hands of time a touch and head out for an epic road trip.... pretend you're a teen again.... don't do it in a good rig, get a hoopty and a roll of bailing wire... maybe wash some dishes for gas money along the way.
So... pondering some auto action this afternoon.
AKGramma reminded me that autos veg until the roots hit the bottom. This has me pondering an outdoor grow.
Time seems right. It should finish before the evil heat hits. No freezes in the foreseeable future and this winter has been warm anyway.
It's a mighty challenging world outdoors... bugs, dogs, storms, heat.
I suspect a seed may have to accidentally fall into the raised bed.
Hey Tead wondering if you can help put want to run a osc perlite run and everybody told me ur the man to talk to. Jus wondering what ratios do you put together for stable nutrients throughout grow. Thanks and ur help would b appriciated. Started a coco grow but having nothing but problems. Want a easier route!!
Hey Tead wondering if you can help put want to run a osc perlite run and everybody told me ur the man to talk to. Jus wondering what ratios do you put together for stable nutrients throughout grow. Thanks and ur help would b appriciated. Started a coco grow but having nothing but problems. Want a easier route!!

What???? You want me to talk about growing?!?! I dunnoooooo.... we just met and all. Who sent ya... and what lies have they been spreading? You sure there's not a spider mite hanging around in ur pocket?
No? Oakily doakily then.... roam right in and let's chat us a storm this morning.

First... I gotta toss out some warnings to any newbies. I grow in New Orleans... in a tin shed... directly in the sun. We're below sea level and built upon swamplands a river basin. The humidity is regularly at 99%. The temps my garden lives in are incredible. I battle the temps with AC and insulation techniques. I gotta toss out those warnings because the heat impacts every single aspect of my grow... starting from seed selection and ending in my drying choices.

Since I've always been a fan of pictures rather than words.....

Veg tent

Makeshift bloom room

And just some gratuitous bud porn from my Crit+2.0

I've been playing with Osmo for a year or more now. Started with one.... moved on from that. These days I'm phasing out all the traditionally fed plants (DynaGro) and migrating everything to the 2L Osmocote+ fed babies. I've had several good harvests using the Osmo+ and I'm pretty comfortable with the idea moving forward.

My 2Ls are filled with pure perlite. I don't use anything else in my garden. It's been working well for me for a long time now. It's a good medium choice for my hot stanky swamp, but your mileage may vary. I've tried some other mixes... tho not coco. Need to get off my ass and try coco.

I have some seeds going... but I'm a big cloner. Most of my babies are clones. Both suffer the same issue when moving from 'baby' to 'teen' status... you can't start clones or seeds in your final Osmo+ mix because it's just too strong... so a transplant is called for. I move clones into their final containers once they establish good roots and show new growth. Seedlings get replanted at about 4 or 5 leaf sets. The seedlings pictured in my veg tent are overdue. I often give the teens a touch of liquid nutes before their move to a permanent home.

When I put my perlite and Osmo pots together, I layer the Osmo thru the perl starting with a layer below my hempy drain hole and trying to even the distribution of the Osmo as I fill up the pot. There are many thoughts as to the most effective distribution method. Some say to put a bunch in the bottom... some only Osmo the bottom 1/2 of the pot.

I 'feed' with a tap water mix containing CalMag and PHDown added every 3rd day. I shoot for a pretty low PH, but find I now need to move it back up as the 2Ls dry much faster and my mix doesn't drift as far over their 3 day cycle. I'll be doing 5.5 from now on instead of my low 5.3. I've also recently been thinking of a 2 day cycle instead of 3... seeing some mighty dry pots and temps are on the rise.

My 2L's have been set up with 7 or 8 grams of Osmocote+. I think it's high and I'm gonna shift down a gram. The other thing to keep in mind with Osmo+... it's temp sensitive. As the temps rise, so do the nutrient levels. I was running average garden temps in the 70s. As that rises, I'm starting to see a touch of burning, so it's time to move down apparently.

So, there's the quick overview.

Again... Welcome round... it's a super friendly and helpful space filled with folks that combine to form a really cool vibe.
I love it when you start teaching. :hug: :love:
Well I jus feel like I put me down with the knowledge!! So appriciate it!! I nee I was in the right place and ur right the vibe is great here I bookmarked my lesson today and will b moving forward with it. Is there a certain brand you use? Is it slow release or jus normol osco? Thanks again for the great lesson and I better not have no spidermite in my pocket!! Lol!! The beginning of your response had my rolling!! Hope u dont mind but I would like to pull a chair up n hang for awhile!!
Plus, every now and then the Right Reverend roams out and starts pontificating upon the joys of the Hempy religion..... and that's always fun to do.

The Right Reverend did a heck of a lot of postng in the last 24 hours. I figured you needed a day job :rofl: But it was a Sunday and you are having your month of dance parties all around outside, so I'll chalk all this talking up to the probability that you aren't outside doing your New Orleans share of partying :party:

I sure wish they sold aliigator PoBoys in my town. They sell Cafe Du Monde coffee at the Asian Mart.
:hmmmm: Maybe I could talk someone into making alligator brats.
Well I jus feel like I put me down with the knowledge!! So appriciate it!! I nee I was in the right place and ur right the vibe is great here I bookmarked my lesson today and will b moving forward with it. Is there a certain brand you use? Is it slow release or jus normol osco? Thanks again for the great lesson and I better not have no spidermite in my pocket!! Lol!! The beginning of your response had my rolling!! Hope u dont mind but I would like to pull a chair up n hang for awhile!!

"Osmocote Plus Smart-Release Plant Food" says the label.
Dynamite is another option. When my Osmo bottle runs thin, I might replace it with Dynamite. I'm told that Dynamite doesn't suffer the temperature sensitivity that Osmo does.
The Right Reverend did a heck of a lot of postng in the last 24 hours. I figured you needed a day job :rofl: But it was a Sunday and you are having your month of dance parties all around outside, so I'll chalk all this talking up to the probability that you aren't outside doing your New Orleans share of partying :party:

I sure wish they sold aliigator PoBoys in my town. They sell Cafe Du Monde coffee at the Asian Mart.
:hmmmm: Maybe I could talk someone into making alligator brats.

It was a nice quiet Sunday indeed. Barkus was rolling thru the Qtr., but my pup is not such a fan of the crowds. We tried it one year... she was just so uncomfortable and thus twitchy. She had a parade of 1 all the way home in her Sock Monkey outfit. Shame... I mean... a dog parade is just old fashioned fun I dig in a campy sorta way.

My wife has Portuguese sausage made by a local meat market. I know you can actually have stuff like that made, so I'm certain you can have some crafted. If ya find a yat, ya know they're good for some Boudin.

Having been raised upon the teat of the java industry in the Great NW, I have certain standards regarding the bean I love. Personally, I'm of the opinion that mixing Chicory into one's brew is an abomination that should be scoured from the face of the planet... violently. Having said that, I point every visitor towards a cup.... no accounting for taste and I 'try' not to judge.

The Mrs. might manage to drag me to Muses next weekend. Shoe floats... she just can't resist. Endymion is within walking distance. Most locals hide on Fat Tuesday... it's just impossible to get anywhere... the city is bifurcated and the highways are full of floats moving to or from parades. I like to go out in the mornings on Fat Tuesday and chase the Indians, but then I hide.
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