Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

I swear, when 2 locals meet, the subject of food is like 100% guaranteed to pop up within the first few minutes of banter.

I was in Miami. Run out of town for an extended stay while someone in NOLA was busy finding the plug covering the drain hole in this bathtub of a city. While Miami was not a huge destination for evacuees, there were some. I was in a store one day and heard an interaction between 2 fellow evacuees that had just met. While their discussion turned into mostly complaints about the local diet, it did instantly go to food.

Got a busy garden day planned. Waterings and feedings. 3 transplants... to pots that still need painting. DDa seeds going down. Evaluation of Crit+ for harvest. Perlite recycling.
Work across the river beckons. I may ignore it today.
There are just soooooo many. One can't even cover all the "New Orleans Institutions" like a Brennans, Liuzza's, Irene's...... the list goes on forever! Then there are all the new places that pop up all the time. Hell.... I've been trying to make it over to Finn McCool's for years.

Of course, finding things outside the cajun/creole vein is an issue. If you want good Chinese food, ya gotta cross the damn lake... and even then it's not great. Thai can be had locally, but again, good but not great. Vietnamese food has become pretty common, but their diet is not one I appreciate much. Middle eastern food is represented pretty well.

Damn yats.... it's always about food with them. I swear, when 2 locals meet, the subject of food is like 100% guaranteed to pop up within the first few minutes of banter.

Have you tried JH Cafe in Metairie? It's a Chinese place that I am pretty fond of. I know it's a bit of a ways from you, but worth a try if you are in the area.
Oh my.... putting bells on shoes and heading over!

If you put cream and sugar in it, it's candy not coffee.

Guilty as charged, and proud of it. :cheesygrinsmiley: :love:
I love gator.... Man I had that shit cooked up before and isn't any better fare. Maybe snapping turtle,, or GOOD frog legs. But that gator on a stick is screamer... I've never been one for 'foreign' foods. But I will eat a good blackened steak or catfish.. Hope things are well in your world... Keepem Green
Guilty as charged, and proud of it. :cheesygrinsmiley: :love:

Somehow, I knew. All those fuufuu concoctions you got goin 'round your place. Of course.
Pardon us if we roll our eyes a bit as you order your double mochasippi with whipped cream and sprinkles.... really it's the sprinkles that kill us. We love you none the less and tho we will never understand, we accept and celebrate in your uniqueness... just not when you're ordering.
And yes, we expect you to respond with "but you forgot the carmel syrup!"......
I love gator.... Man I had that shit cooked up before and isn't any better fare. Maybe snapping turtle,, or GOOD frog legs. But that gator on a stick is screamer... I've never been one for 'foreign' foods. But I will eat a good blackened steak or catfish.. Hope things are well in your world... Keepem Green

I've filled my gullet with endless sticks of gator. For some reason, it seems to be the best way to eat gator. It just pops.
I've filled my gullet with endless sticks of gator. For some reason, it seems to be the best way to eat gator. It just pops.

I loved gator from the first bite. I spent some time early today trying to figure out why - with no good answer.

Gators scavenge dead fish and critters - like lobster, but also like vultures and hyenas. It doesn't seem a recipe for tasty flesh.

Gators also don't look much like anything I normally eat - I'd try an iguana but they are vegetarians. The closest land animal to a gator is a komodo dragon - those critters are nasty tasting if not truly poisonous.
It's a conundrum. I might need some help to think this through. :roorrip:
I loved gator from the first bite. I spent some time early today trying to figure out why - with no good answer.

Gators scavenge dead fish and critters - like lobster, but also like vultures and hyenas. It doesn't seem a recipe for tasty flesh.

Gators also don't look much like anything I normally eat - I'd try an iguana but they are vegetarians. The closest land animal to a gator is a komodo dragon - those critters are nasty tasting if not truly poisonous.
It's a conundrum. I might need some help to think this through. :roorrip:

I've never pondered the issue to that depth... I've tried, but then a stick of gator passes by and I find myself distracted.
You're spot on... I mean, one wouldn't imagine that gator might make good eatin. Then again, I'll sure inhale a pile o' crawfish, so apparently my personal standards are not so high on the clean eatin ideas.
Got a busy garden day planned. Waterings and feedings. 3 transplants... to pots that still need painting. DDa seeds going down. Evaluation of Crit+ for harvest. Perlite recycling.
Work across the river beckons. I may ignore it today

Watering/feeding.... check.
3 transplants.... not so much.
DDa seeds.... one 'accidentally' fell into my outdoor garden... but mostly not so much.
Eval of Crit+.... check. Gotta look at her more.
Perlite recycling... way not so much.
Work across the river.... big check. Got lots done over there yesterday. Painting. Cabinet doors. Room doors. Kitchen sink caulking. Created a microwave nook from some screwed up cabinets. Busy busy busy.

Lights are coming on in 40min... gotta pull some more bits of Crit+ and check her out. She's showing some old trichomes but I'm not so happy with her mass yet.
Those transplants must happen today as well.
Critical+ 2.0
Some amber... some cloudy... many clear. Let 'er ride.



OK.... knocked out some garden chores today.

Ah Betty... I see you tellin me that summer's coming.

Then there's the Critical+ 2.0 that I'm looking hard at. She's got "that smell"... you know... the one we previously spoke of. The last one I harvested moved thru that smell to a very nice bouquet. Letting her ride.


Then we'll chat about the veg tent. I put 2 DDa's into the red perlite bucket. I also put a Pakistan Valley fem from World of Seeds into a 2L perlite. 2 UD seedlings got moved from their sprouting bucket into permanent 2Ls with Osmo... one at 7g, the other at 8g. The Pineapple Chunk clone went into a 2L with 6g of Osmo.


I'll be cutting clones from the UD1s soon. I'll be letting the UD2 lineage finish their runs without cloning them.... same with the KaliAk.
Everything has moved to Osmo and 2L. There are 2 OGKs and a Northern Lights in the bloom room that are still sucking down DynaGro, but they'll finish off soon enough and then I'll be 100% Osmo.
UD4 might be a male, but you'll see.
Fuck me.
I heard all the words during his campaign... "Oh Trump's positive on MJ"....blah blah blah.
I knew they were lies at the time, but I hoped... silly me.

This morning I read the following.....

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was asked Thursday (Feb. 23) how the Justice Department would treat states that have legalized medical marijuana. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it known he opposes legalizing marijuana and in confirmation hearings said he would enforce federal laws on pot unless Congress changed them.

Spicer's said that President Trump supports the medicinal use of marijuana, noting that Congress stipulated in 2014 that Justice funding would not be used to enforce the law in that area. Louisiana is one of 28 states that have made medical marijuana legal.

"There is a big difference between that and recreational marijuana," Spicer said. "And I think that when you see something like the opioid addiction crisis blossoming in so many states around this country, the last thing that we should be doing is encouraging people. There is still a federal law that we need to abide by ... when it comes to recreational marijuana and other drugs of that nature."

Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I drug under federal law, placing it alongside heroin, MDMA (ecstasy) and LSD.

"I do believe that you'll see greater enforcement of it," Spicer said in answering a follow-up question.

I'd continue to rant, but it's pointless... 50 years of inanity and the resulting damage to citizen's lives regarding this subject literally makes me want to vomit.... and yes, I did mean "literally".
In this day and age, we're still comparing MJ to opiods.... FUCK!!!!!!!!! How are these people so stupid?!?! I just don't even begin to understand how these folks can defend their positions logically. It doesn't make one fucking bit of sense. One can only assume that money is greasing those decisions.

OK.... stop now Tead... it really is completely useless and just darkens the backdrop of your life.
Dude I remember Oh whatever his name was.. Promised DEA wood leave states rights alone regrading cannabis... Way cool... Till the DEA started raiding dispecerieries in Washingington.... Don't ask me if there laws are with good reasoning... But that's the first thing I seen with my own eyes with Obama??? Good thing I'm an Isolationist myself... I wish the whole country was,,, but then,,, I'm just a little old peckerwood myself............. But as bad as it sounds,,,, I think all drugs should be legal. Hell, just as many dope fiends now as ever... More so RX drugs... I mean all making marijuana illegal ever did was make cartels rich.... I like to think we are putting the cartels outta business,,, one closet at a time.......... Dude,, Trump? I say give him a term.......... I like alot of his ideas... Some not.. He remains to be seen... I have to agree he has WAY to big a mouth for his own good.. I don't care about none of any of all that,,, least give him a chance? Keepem Green
Well... we differ in opinions a touch. I simply don't listen to liars. As such, any ideas or promises published are really just pointless in my world and simply are ignored. When one rolls all those variables together and does the math, one ends with a touch of a different equation than the one that others may be using.
Perhaps a pessimism vs optimism based equation... perhaps an experience based equation... perhaps a wisdom based equation... perhaps utter insanity.
At any rate, I leave others to do their own math and wonder if, in the end, we all end up at 1+1=2 or if we find a way to deploy some fancier kind of math as we often do.
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