Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

We use a crazy word when the pup does something exceptionally "creative" and makes us laugh. We call her a "Ding-us". When my wife or I do something funny, we laugh and call each other a "Ding-us".
I think you get a "Ding-us" point there... but if it makes you feel any better, I think we've all caught that same "Ding-us" point a time or two. I just collected that point again with the UDs.

Lol! I call my daughter dingus all the time. It makes us both laugh cuz it just sounds so funny.
Oh good gawd!
Isn't it fun when folk re-appear after an absence?
Same 'ol same 'ol. Different plants... tho the OGK strain has been around as long as you have. These days I'm enthralled with the UltraDogs.
You'll see some familiar folk... UltraDan is doing mod stuff.... Doc Bud is doing fancy soil instead of hempy... Lexort is around... Nivek as well....probably others. Many have disappeared.... I was thinking of Jojo just the other day.
Welcome home... be sure to send a flare when you crank up a journal. Any thoughts as to what you plan on growing and how? Indoor as I recall, tho the further details escape me.

Right on!! The people here are the BEST by far, glad y all are are still mastering the art. I ve started back with what I know best, Pro Mix recycled and washed from previous grows all indoor for now. Once I get back at er full time I think I ll venture out too other grow techniques, gotta give that Hempy a go that's for sure!!
Still waiting patiently to hear what the government s gonna do here in the spring in regards to legalization...... even build massive raised garden beds and a new 6' plus fence in anticipation for the good news!!
Thanks for the warm reception bud, glad to be back and can't wait to catch up on y all s gardens!
I do see pre-flower hairs on mine. It kinda freaked me out at first, thinking I'd somehow thrown the plant into flower. That blonde moment is recorded for all time on the pages of this forum. Lol!

This is my ancient OGK strain.... even pre-sugar. These 2 plants have not seen one moment of darkness.

Wow! That's an aggressive genetic strain! :thedoubletake:
Busy morning in the garden.
Notes from the grow log....

UD 1.1 created from UD1 clone. 2L with 8g Osmo
UD 2.1 created from UD2 clone. 2L with 8g Osmo
KaliAK created from KaK clone. 2L with 7g Osmo
PC created from PC clone. 2L with 7g Osmo
UD1 clone (of orig UD1) 2L Osmo moved to bloom
Created 2 OGK, 1 PC, and 1 KaliAK clones.

This is my ancient OGK strain.... even pre-sugar. These 2 plants have not seen one moment of darkness.


I had a mama Bubblelicious who went to flower after a year in veg. She was COVERED with preflowers, so I switched her and let her do her thing. In my limited experience, if given enough time, BBL will try to flower under veg. But they need the switch to fill out properly.

I do know that OGKs and their clones (sativa phenotype) need to be pinched back and tied down to control their legginess. Same with AK 48's and Arjan's Haze. I wonder, are the strains with close landrace ancestors all leggy like this?
I had a mama Bubblelicious who went to flower after a year in veg. She was COVERED with preflowers, so I switched her and let her do her thing. In my limited experience, if given enough time, BBL will try to flower under veg. But they need the switch to fill out properly.

I do know that OGKs and their clones (sativa phenotype) need to be pinched back and tied down to control their legginess. Same with AK 48's and Arjan's Haze. I wonder, are the strains with close landrace ancestors all leggy like this?

This is a big huge neon sign that the girl needs to bloom. I get this when I ride one in the veg tent too long... and I've been doing just that. One needs to hit bloom soon, but got a huge defoliation this morning. The other is gonna get cut back some and kept in a corner for clone source material.

My OGKs come from Dinafem. They're actually bushy and thick. They're Indica dominant and really show it. Here's the blah from Dinafem....

OG Kush cannabis seeds by Dinafem Seeds belong to a feminized Indica-dominant cannabis strain that results from the cross between a Lemon Thai/Pakistani and a Chemdawg. It is a high-quality, exotic hybrid that has achieved great success both in the USA and in the rest of the world.

Goooooood stuff. Good producer. Great smoke. Works in my heat. Clones well over years.
It survives the simple test in my garden... the test of time. Others have come and gone, but she remains... btichy, but steady as the northern star.
This is a big huge neon sign that the girl needs to bloom. I get this when I ride one in the veg tent too long... and I've been doing just that. One needs to hit bloom soon, but got a huge defoliation this morning. The other is gonna get cut back some and kept in a corner for clone source material.

My OGKs come from Dinafem. They're actually bushy and thick. They're Indica dominant and really show it. Here's the blah from Dinafem....

Goooooood stuff. Good producer. Great smoke. Works in my heat. Clones well over years.
It survives the simple test in my garden... the test of time. Others have come and gone, but she remains... btichy, but steady as the northern star.

Ok, I gotta ask, what sativas have you noticed grow best in the humidity and heat of your area? I can't get into Indicas for myself, though I could see the possibility of running some for others. Hmmm.... CBD strains for the heat and humidity too...... I bet the CBD Critical Cure would do well. She's drought resistant to the extreme. That would have to be an advantage in NOLA, wouldn't it? I could see her pulling moisture from the air. Lol! Might be a challenge to get the drenches in.... aww hell, life's a big experiment anyway. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Ok, I gotta ask, what sativas have you noticed grow best in the humidity and heat of your area? I can't get into Indicas for myself, though I could see the possibility of running some for others. Hmmm.... CBD strains for the heat and humidity too...... I bet the CBD Critical Cure would do well. She's drought resistant to the extreme. That would have to be an advantage in NOLA, wouldn't it? I could see her pulling moisture from the air. Lol! Might be a challenge to get the drenches in.... aww hell, life's a big experiment anyway. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Ya know... I've always worried about drenches or any other water on the leaves in my world. To be avoided.

So... Stains that do well.... hmmmmm.
Indica leaning plants do well.
Dinafem OGK. 75% Indica. It's Indica roots are in the Chemdawg strain, so Chemdawg offshoots get my attention.
Pineapple Chunk. Indica leaning, but with strong Sativa indicators. Indica roots in the Skunk line.
KaliAK (KaliMist x AK47) is my one surviving Sativa dominant plant. It seems to be doing very well.
UltraDog. Roots in Chemdawg and OGK. Very Indica dominant.
Critical+. Skunk and BigBud.

Strains that have done poorly....
Black Domania
Deep Cheese
Delicious Candy

I can't address the CBD angle... not really anything I've been paying much attention to. I might suspect CBD Critical Cure would do well... I assume it has Crit genetics.
LOL... Must be the same vendor...... I got one of them freebie Candy's vegging as I type. Did ya just grow one? Sounds like I can hope for a good pheno maybe. Did you journal it? I'd imagine, you been here forever too.. Truth be said,, I really don't like her looks,,, she has a plain jane look and she di get a twist in the transition point, stem to root. Guess she got alittle bent somewhere.. So it's a possibility that she'll get culled. Besides, I really like this one strain,,, Mind Cantrol and I have a mother plant of Blue Dream going. Both are nice single big cola plants, that got me thinking about a SOG maybe 20-24, 4 cola plants wood fill up the room nicely.
Sorry, I haven't been keeping up with some threads, but I see your girl flowering like that,, kind of like the 'Purp's' from BC Bud did to me. I'm trying to rememeber.. That's a scary thought', but these girls were like 50-60 days old and started to flower under a 20/4 cycle, that's what I do my aggressive veg's under. Hey sounds good. But I flowered her all season outdoors. Never came to much, great big I mean big 'looking' airy buds that dried to be 3-4 gramers. But I always wanted that strain,,, so I bought another,, guess what? Wasn't anything near what the breeder claimed... Have you grown this OGK variant out before?
I drive thru McMinnville???? Never learned to spell.. They don't teach all that back in Arkansas... But I go that way heading to Lincon City and the casinos on the coast.. I live NE of Portland,, Gresham area or Troutdale area.. I tell ya, it's a hard grow outdoors around here.. Everyone says it rains alot in Portland,, I say we don't get anymore rainfall than most,, it's just finer drops. Which means more drops to the gallon... It get wet you know.. Mold on everyone's roofs and sidewalks. Hell, it will grow over your truck in afew years... JK kind of.
Well, I babbled enough. Pretty soon I'm going to do alittle read and see what you did with some of the UD. Now I'm gonna look at some pic's you got in the past. Hope alls good,,, Keepem Green
Hairy rip :bong:
Get down it's a drive by!

I swear to god you have about 3 different kinds of hair in there. Do you own a white haired animal? And also do you have blondish brown hair? Besides that looks good!

HA! I actually didn't notice that in the photo. I always peek at my bowls before I apply the flame.... for exactly these reasons.
Of course, any animal owner will admit... it tends to be a hair filled world when one invites a pet into their family... just part of the deal. No doubt I've burnt up quite a few piles of it inadvertently over the years.
Get down it's a drive by!

I swear to god you have about 3 different kinds of hair in there. Do you own a white haired animal? And also do you have blondish brown hair? Besides that looks good!

:rofl::rofl::rofl: yer killin me.
LOL... Must be the same vendor...... I got one of them freebie Candy's vegging as I type. Did ya just grow one? Sounds like I can hope for a good pheno maybe. Did you journal it? I'd imagine, you been here forever too.. Truth be said,, I really don't like her looks,,, she has a plain jane look and she di get a twist in the transition point, stem to root. Guess she got alittle bent somewhere.. So it's a possibility that she'll get culled. Besides, I really like this one strain,,, Mind Cantrol and I have a mother plant of Blue Dream going. Both are nice single big cola plants, that got me thinking about a SOG maybe 20-24, 4 cola plants wood fill up the room nicely.

Ya know... I should remove the Del Candy from the 'bad' list. It's in the 'failure' category because of a seed issue rather than a growing issue. It's not really fair for me to say it doesn't work in my world.
Yup... apparently we've both been shopping at Herbie's.
Blue Dream is in my outer ring of seed desires. I ran into it a while back and enjoyed it. Not a huge body hit... more of a mind spinner. Had an odd odor as I recall.

Have you grown this OGK variant out before?

For years now... this exact cloned strain has been a real survivor in my garden forever. Others come and go, but she remains and continues to hurdle the challenges I send her way.

I drive thru McMinnville???? Never learned to spell.. They don't teach all that back in Arkansas... But I go that way heading to Lincon City and the casinos on the coast.. I live NE of Portland,, Gresham area or Troutdale area.. I tell ya, it's a hard grow outdoors around here.. Everyone says it rains alot in Portland,, I say we don't get anymore rainfall than most,, it's just finer drops. Which means more drops to the gallon... It get wet you know.. Mold on everyone's roofs and sidewalks. Hell, it will grow over your truck in afew years... JK kind of.

Actually, you probably drive around Mac. You used to have to drive right thru the middle of it on 99W... but they put a bypass in around the city and you don't have to go thru the middle anymore. You used to have to go thru the middle of Newberg as well... but I think they built a bypass a few years back as well. I did the drive from Mac to PDX for years... snooze.
Spent a lot of time around Lincoln City in my youth. There used to be a big amusement park outside the city. Pixie Land. My sis used to work summers on the log flume. Someday I may find myself back in that neck of the woods... some place along the Nestucca up in the hills... on a piece of land with a bend in the river so I can run a grow off of river water power... wood stove for grow room heat.
Our local rainfall is actually higher than PDX on average... of course, it happens in 6 days instead of 6 months, but our average is slightly higher.

It always seemed to me that Gresham and especially Troutdale were cooler and windier on average than the areas to the west of PDX. I bet that can toss challenges into an outdoor grow. Then, the constant rain of course. Have you investigated mold resistant strains? I always try to lean that way... humidity can sure cause similar issues.
While I sympathize with your challenges, I'm really just damn jealous that you can grow. Damn jealous.
What drew you to PDX? Work? Love? A driving need to explore rust?
I'm gonna go with that driving desire for rust. :rofl:
So you got Boom pheno, which is sativa or Chemdawg expression. High comes creeping, but once it hits it blows away like a rocket. Boom is zippy, has little body stone indeed and usually lasts longer too. May cause total mind-drifting and waves of creative thoughts. UD is basically more sativa or more indica depending on a pheno to the extent that sometimes two different ones seem almost like different strains.

Humid yeah very, RH can be as high as 70-80% in early spring through 50-65% in the summer up to 95% in late October. In terms of getting an even canopy I'd suggest topping twice and LST until middle flowering.

Ok... so, I'm gonna write another chapter in the ongoing UltraDog love story here... sorry y'all.

When I look back at UD during her life, I can see heavy Indica traits in her appearance and structure, but Sativa traits in her budding and smoke.
I'll describe the high with a story. I was smokin some with my buddy as we were beginning a little work on a side project. He loaded a bowl in a glass pipe and took 2 hits from the bowl before he started futzing with his task at hand. About 15 minutes later, he comes over to me and tells me he's too high and has to take a break and get a drink for a bit. This is incredibly uncharacteristic for him. We often smoke together and I've never seen him do that before. He usually shuts down a bit and has problems communicating around 5 or 6 hits... but calling it quits and needing to focus for a bit... that's quite odd.
I've been loving the UD Boom. Smallish buds, but very dense. The combination of the two traits actually is not optimal. The Sativa traits coming thru include smaller overall bud size, while the Indica traits coming thru include a smaller number of buds. This combines in a poor way, but not too bad. They had a huge number of red hairs. Raining keef into my grinder's lower chamber.
The plant finished with beautiful structure. The central spike and lower plateau developed fairly early and remained thru the entire grow. I might start referring to it as "Auto-Scrog"... the evenness of the plateau was striking.
The smell is still developing. It retained the fruit tones during drying. The diesel smell is quickly joining in as the plant begins cure.
The taste really mirrors the development of the smell.
Then there's the high. Fuck me.... and I smoke many bowls all day long. You've got to reach a significant hurdle to get my attention. Said hurdle has been exceeded.... like a pole vaulter baby! It's really not such a body hit.... I get a touch clumsy... but just a touch. The head hit is another story altogether. I looked at some of my posts and can even detect when the UD Boom hit. It's barely done drying and it's just deadly. I'm gonna share a touch with another buddy that is just an occasional smoker.... should be interesting.

UltraDog 2 is entering mid-bloom. She's a very different plant in blooming aspects... tho it's structure looks very similar to the first one. I don't see a single red hair on her yet. She's not blooming as quickly as the first. I suspect the buds will be larger.

OK... enough love songs to the UltraDog... gotta get to work and earn me some dinner.
Ok... so, I'm gonna write another chapter in the ongoing UltraDog love story here... sorry y'all.

When I look back at UD during her life, I can see heavy Indica traits in her appearance and structure, but Sativa traits in her budding and smoke.
I'll describe the high with a story. I was smokin some with my buddy as we were beginning a little work on a side project. He loaded a bowl in a glass pipe and took 2 hits from the bowl before he started futzing with his task at hand. About 15 minutes later, he comes over to me and tells me he's too high and has to take a break and get a drink for a bit. This is incredibly uncharacteristic for him. We often smoke together and I've never seen him do that before. He usually shuts down a bit and has problems communicating around 5 or 6 hits... but calling it quits and needing to focus for a bit... that's quite odd.
I've been loving the UD Boom. Smallish buds, but very dense. The combination of the two traits actually is not optimal. The Sativa traits coming thru include smaller overall bud size, while the Indica traits coming thru include a smaller number of buds. This combines in a poor way, but not too bad. They had a huge number of red hairs. Raining keef into my grinder's lower chamber.
The plant finished with beautiful structure. The central spike and lower plateau developed fairly early and remained thru the entire grow. I might start referring to it as "Auto-Scrog"... the evenness of the plateau was striking.
The smell is still developing. It retained the fruit tones during drying. The diesel smell is quickly joining in as the plant begins cure.
The taste really mirrors the development of the smell.
Then there's the high. Fuck me.... and I smoke many bowls all day long. You've got to reach a significant hurdle to get my attention. Said hurdle has been exceeded.... like a pole vaulter baby! It's really not such a body hit.... I get a touch clumsy... but just a touch. The head hit is another story altogether. I looked at some of my posts and can even detect when the UD Boom hit. It's barely done drying and it's just deadly. I'm gonna share a touch with another buddy that is just an occasional smoker.... should be interesting.

UltraDog 2 is entering mid-bloom. She's a very different plant in blooming aspects... tho it's structure looks very similar to the first one. I don't see a single red hair on her yet. She's not blooming as quickly as the first. I suspect the buds will be larger.

OK... enough love songs to the UltraDog... gotta get to work and earn me some dinner.

Oooo..... This was good to hear when I was thinking about what to plant next.
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