Tead's Indoor-ish, Winter, Hempy, OGK, SOG

Haha some things just never change lol. I have seen many of your old post purely by accident lol I will be doing some research and find a thread i think will help and then I read it and next i know i see comments from you. Surprises me everytime lol. You still doing anything pertaining to the grow support? Im intrested to see how that light does for ya, on the plus side it shouldn't take up much space so that is a bonus.
Haha some things just never change lol. I have seen many of your old post purely by accident lol I will be doing some research and find a thread i think will help and then I read it and next i know i see comments from you. Surprises me everytime lol. You still doing anything pertaining to the grow support? Im intrested to see how that light does for ya, on the plus side it shouldn't take up much space so that is a bonus.

I can't help but wonder... what are our word counts? Shit.... how many words have just you and I exchanged? Might make for a frightening metric... tho I'm certain SS has me beat. Sometimes I wander and run into old words here and there... mine or others... makes me chuckle too.
Oh no... no site support duties for Tead. He chipped in back in the day when such things were volunteer based. I think they actually pay these days.... crazy. I was a slacker and dropped off the map when life gave me some changes. Running support for a website with volunteers must have been a nightmare for Rob.
Stoned history in printed (well... whatever) format. Fun.
So... I was roaming the forums looking for the right forum to chat about a subject.
In my strange travels, I ran across this really old thread..

Please Welcome Tead To Grow Support

Good lord that was ages ago!
I've been bumping around these rooms for a day/year/decade or two and it makes me laugh to run into old words like that.

This reminds me of my old journal thread back in 2011, i was Gator1 and i was doing Hempy with straight perlite then. I havent went back to even see if its still on here. Hmmm think i will take a gander, i remember doing Lemon Skunk Afghan kush and white widow.
Hey Tead, you wanna see some old school Hempy in 100% perlite, go check out my old shit from 2011. It under gator1 even some cool pics under plant and bud photos under gator1. You will get a kick out of it because i did the Osmocote + mixed with my perlite like you do now., Its cool to look back at that stuff, i cant seem to dial in what i had going on back then, only difference is i was using Fox Farm nutes instead of Blue Planet. HMMM, maybe thats the ticket.
Hey Tead, you wanna see some old school Hempy in 100% perlite, go check out my old shit from 2011. It under gator1 even some cool pics under plant and bud photos under gator1. You will get a kick out of it because i did the Osmocote + mixed with my perlite like you do now., Its cool to look back at that stuff, i cant seem to dial in what i had going on back then, only difference is i was using Fox Farm nutes instead of Blue Planet. HMMM, maybe thats the ticket.

I'll go dig. I think I've dug there before... it rings bells.
Dialing it in seems to be the core of the dance... and it's different for different strains dammit. I'm in the 6-8 grams of Osmo/2L ranges at the moment. The UDs and OGKs are bigger eaters. The PC and KaliAK are light feeders. Crit+ seems to fall in between.
Alrighty.... there's been tons of activity in my garden and my world. I've been very negligent in updating things.
Oh... plus, I harvested the first UD and it's smoke is sending my mind wandering beyond the normal boundaries... so things are getting pretty random. You'll have to bear with me thru today's spew.

Speaking of Critical + , its the one strain i have that always has this shiny coating on the leaves like they are made of wax, really beautiful.

In my OGKs, I see the shine as a sign of over feeding and forms the upper limit of my feeding routine... but that's a completely different strain. I see the shine in my Crit+2.0's as well. I'm not sure I've really got them figured out yet. Still working on it.

I cut the Ultra Dog the other day.
Entries from the grow log...
10/8 - Planted 2 UltraDog seeds (reg) in PVC planters
10/10 - UD1 Seed popped
12/9 - Moved UD1 to bloom
1/27 - Harvested UD1
Overall, I liked her grow. Happy with the speed. The quality of product seems quite high. Quantity seems to have suffered some from a light feeding routine and some less than adequate lighting. I'll be working on the next versions to try to adjust some of the knobs that control the grow. They seem to do really well in my hot/wet world.
Trimmed it all up and stuck it inside a brown paper bag in front of my dehumidifier to dry.
Rolled the grower's hash into a nice little ball and enjoyed the hell out of it.
I've already been smokin on it. Trimmed some branches... broke one. It's been very nice. Even without a cure it's got a deep diesel taste.


A touch of cold weather moved in from up north a couple days ago. The humidity really dropped dramatically the next day. The warm air from the gulf is slowly re-establishing itself and the temps are getting back to the 70's with an associated return of the humidity.
I actually changed some airflow and added a bowl of water with rags inside the veg room. My uncovered clones were starting to show the effects of the low humidity. I expect to be back in my normal non-AC configuration today or tomorrow.

Betty's been wearin too much...

Speaking of the clones....
Left to right... OGK, KaliAK, Pineapple Chunk.
Friggin PCs... weird from day1.

UD1 and UD2 clones... they have roots already. Waiting for more signs of new growth before transplanting to their permanent homes.

2 UltraDog seeds

All these plants are currently in pure perlite with no nutes in the medium. All of them are destined for 2L Osmocote+ fed pots.

KaliAK. I thought she was gonna do poorly in my world, but she's turned out quite nice. I'm happy I cloned her.

2L Osmo Critical+2.0 that I let get too dry.... my bad. She perked right back after feeding.

UltraDog2. She has a spike top as well, but I bent her over (Phrasing!) to fit her under the lights better.

Northern Lights just moved to bloom.

I was planning to do a round up of all the plants, but then a friend showed up and bowls got in the way. Another day.
The Carnival you inspired me to clone and hempy. :battingeyelashes: :love: I find myself considering putting her in with the Candy Cane that turned out to be a photo and flipping that tent to flower. Oooo...... That's a great idea. I believe I'll do that right now. :slide:


Bet you have to empty your dehumidifier afew times per day? Right now as cold as she's been here, humidity hasn't gone over 40% for a month or two... I use to grow in a swamp. I was telling Con about it. I have seen similar setups on the net, under Swamp Tubes. If you can find them, Kind of like what you call a hempy I guess. Except it was a whick system.. Keepem Green
Bet you have to empty your dehumidifier afew times per day? Right now as cold as she's been here, humidity hasn't gone over 40% for a month or two... I use to grow in a swamp. I was telling Con about it. I have seen similar setups on the net, under Swamp Tubes. If you can find them, Kind of like what you call a hempy I guess. Except it was a whick system.. Keepem Green

Swamp tubes you say....... I like a chance to learn anything new. Thanks!

And on a completely different note, I was mowing the lawn this morning and noticed my first Buck moth caterpillar.... mean little bastards!

Alrighty.... there's been tons of activity in my garden and my world. I've been very negligent in updating things.
Oh... plus, I harvested the first UD and it's smoke is sending my mind wandering beyond the normal boundaries... so things are getting pretty random. You'll have to bear with me thru today's spew.

In my OGKs, I see the shine as a sign of over feeding and forms the upper limit of my feeding routine... but that's a completely different strain. I see the shine in my Crit+2.0's as well. I'm not sure I've really got them figured out yet. Still working on it.

I cut the Ultra Dog the other day.
Entries from the grow log...
10/8 - Planted 2 UltraDog seeds (reg) in PVC planters
10/10 - UD1 Seed popped
12/9 - Moved UD1 to bloom
1/27 - Harvested UD1
Overall, I liked her grow. Happy with the speed. The quality of product seems quite high. Quantity seems to have suffered some from a light feeding routine and some less than adequate lighting. I'll be working on the next versions to try to adjust some of the knobs that control the grow. They seem to do really well in my hot/wet world.
Trimmed it all up and stuck it inside a brown paper bag in front of my dehumidifier to dry.
Rolled the grower's hash into a nice little ball and enjoyed the hell out of it.
I've already been smokin on it. Trimmed some branches... broke one. It's been very nice. Even without a cure it's got a deep diesel taste.

Yep Diesel is strong with this one... sometimes I think it's got so many variations of it going that you just can tell the high. There's the fruit with biodiesel one, which usually comes through as piney/gassy/candied ginger/roasted chestnuts smoke, but there's also a lemoney one, earthy/musky one, and also very spicy/diesel expression.

Glad flowering time was acceptable too, and she didn't mind high RH, but it's kinda logical as she's a fast finisher most of the time, and NorItal is humid as hell .

I can see you're liking this damn scissor hash :laughtwo: Yep my favourite thing actually from everything I grow. UD makes a great one, however dry sift always came out screwed, but never made a UD bubble or rosin, so don't know here.

Swamp tubes you say....... I like a chance to learn anything new. Thanks!

And on a completely different note, I was mowing the lawn this morning and noticed my first Buck moth caterpillar.... mean little bastards!


Whoa cool pic!
Emerald looks great! She's a Carnival as I recall.... yes? And correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't she remained bug free in a world currently suffering some visitors of the plant munching variety?
I sure see a lot of good lookin bud sights waiting to bloom out. Do you usually see hairs while still in veg? I see a good bit of that in my world.

Yes, she is a Carnival clone. She's the sativa-dominant structure. The mites have avoided her, and the Candy Cane, thank goodness, part of my reason for flipping them as partners. I'm hoping to halt the advancement from tent to tent. Difficult to do with tiny earthlings and their tinier eggs, but I keep plugging away.

I do see pre-flower hairs on mine. It kinda freaked me out at first, thinking I'd somehow thrown the plant into flower. That blonde moment is recorded for all time on the pages of this forum. Lol!

She looks totally different from any other Carnivals I've grown. I find it so fascinating how differently the same pheno can express itself when you change the variables.
Bet you have to empty your dehumidifier afew times per day? Right now as cold as she's been here, humidity hasn't gone over 40% for a month or two... I use to grow in a swamp. I was telling Con about it. I have seen similar setups on the net, under Swamp Tubes. If you can find them, Kind of like what you call a hempy I guess. Except it was a whick system.. Keepem Green

So... you triggered a side story... sorry.... your bad.
Tead's digging thru a bunch of swamp tube info yesterday. One note Tead saw was a suggestion for finding swampish areas around you... use google earth to find areas. Decent idea Tead figures... so he goes looking. He fires up his browser and scrolls around his neighborhood looking for damp earth, zooming in and out noting different local areas as he goes. He notes a huge parking lot in his area and the thought strikes him.... "Gee I sure wonder why all those cars are parked at the horse track...". He scrolls and zooms a touch more when he discovers that the 'parked cars' in the parking lot were actually 'parked humans' in a big above ground cemetery. The above ground crypts look almost exactly like a parking lot full of cars from above.
Tead chuckled and moved on.

I'm liking the swamp tube idea. I never realized it, but I think I may have come across some of those empty planters in the swamps and just not realized what was going on. I've got a good buddy that runs a kayak tour business... I bet he knows of a quiet damp corner.
Whoa cool pic!

Those little bastards are evil!!! They fall out of the oak trees in massive numbers... and we got oak trees everywhere. I've seen them fully cover the sidewalk under heavily infested trees. Each of their little hairs is a barbed stinger. The leave huge red welts that sting and itch like hell wherever they touch you. The often seem to climb, so you run into them in strange places... like a doorknob or lawn chair seat. They fall from above, so they can get down your shirt... horrible.

Stinging caterpillars.... mother nature kickin you ass with a cute fuzzy worm!
I find it so fascinating how differently the same pheno can express itself when you change the variables.

Me too. I kinda like it when you know a strain real well and can start tweaking the knobs.

It kinda freaked me out at first, thinking I'd somehow thrown the plant into flower. That blonde moment is recorded for all time on the pages of this forum.

We use a crazy word when the pup does something exceptionally "creative" and makes us laugh. We call her a "Ding-us". When my wife or I do something funny, we laugh and call each other a "Ding-us".
I think you get a "Ding-us" point there... but if it makes you feel any better, I think we've all caught that same "Ding-us" point a time or two. I just collected that point again with the UDs.
Yep Diesel is strong with this one... sometimes I think it's got so many variations of it going that you just can tell the high. There's the fruit with biodiesel one, which usually comes through as piney/gassy/candied ginger/roasted chestnuts smoke, but there's also a lemoney one, earthy/musky one, and also very spicy/diesel expression.

Glad flowering time was acceptable too, and she didn't mind high RH, but it's kinda logical as she's a fast finisher most of the time, and NorItal is humid as hell .

I can see you're liking this damn scissor hash :laughtwo: Yep my favourite thing actually from everything I grow. UD makes a great one, however dry sift always came out screwed, but never made a UD bubble or rosin, so don't know here.

Oh man... I usually just don't get much taste this soon after harvest. It's blowing me away. So deep and rich this early. Amazing.
It's a cerebral smoke instead of the body hit. Yesterday, I was mixing 50/50 with some Crit+2.0 that's been a big body hit for me... it's an evil mix.
Hell, I've even noticed how my posts have changed nuance since the UD smoke hit the scene. Too funny.

What are your summer/winter RH ranges? "Humid as hell" can mean many different things to many different folk. I'd like to wrap some numbers around the UD's growing ranges.

I know you previously spoke of the lack of amber on them. That's not really what I saw. I harvested at about 40% amber. She had about 20% clear still which is a little unusual in my world. I'll try to document that aspect better when the next one nears harvest.

The other interesting aspect of the plant in the pronounced center spike above the 2nd layer plateau. It's really quite notable. On my second UD I've bent it over to the same level as the 2nd layer plateau. Oh... and the nice level 2nd layer plateau... friggin awesome too.
So you got Boom pheno, which is sativa or Chemdawg expression. High comes creeping, but once it hits it blows away like a rocket. Boom is zippy, has little body stone indeed and usually lasts longer too. May cause total mind-drifting and waves of creative thoughts. UD is basically more sativa or more indica depending on a pheno to the extent that sometimes two different ones seem almost like different strains.

Humid yeah very, RH can be as high as 70-80% in early spring through 50-65% in the summer up to 95% in late October. In terms of getting an even canopy I'd suggest topping twice and LST until middle flowering.
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