Tales From The Krip!

These plants are actually under a Mars Reflector 9600 so my girl, @SmokeSara will be happy to hear that!

I also have a sponsored grow going with another lighting sponsor right now that just got flipped a couple of weeks ago and you should keep your eyes on that one, too. They definitely have a HIGH bar to meet with the way the Mars have been performing!
Yeah, I shared the pictures two days ago in my thread already. :circle-of-love::laugh::laugh:
Wow, $1800! I thought the Perfect sun ones were pricey at almost 1/2 that. I also have 2 of the same Mars ones but I think you knew that. They work fine but one of them makes a really annoying rattling sound, coming from the fan. I also have 2 HID's 600w, dimmable with MH and HPS bulbs. They're all in storage right now, ha!:rofl:
Yes, you can PM me about the fan problem. Or you can just email our service: solutions@mars-hydro.com to get a new fan, :circle-of-love:
I'm just trying not to kill them lol, I've killed more than I've grown,
I just got caught up & sub'd to your grow. Let me know if there are any ways I can help. In the mean time, pick up some Cal-Mag to compliment your new R/O water supply! ;)

Just in along with their brand new catalog:

It will be a few more runs of the IHG gear (Apricot Jelly, Black Cherry Jelly & Zephyrus) before I get to it, but then I'm gonna do a round with A5 and Malawi.

Happy Harvests!

That OTH looks good to. :cool:
I agree 420%! I'll just be going through male menopause by the time they finish flowering! :rofl:
I'll be running those, at some point, with the Purple Haze x Malawi which is another 14+ week strain. I need to build up a HUGE stash before trying to flower those! :rolleyes:
Good thing you’ve got those yoyo’s brother those are looking like some heavy nugs :bravo::theband::rollit:
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