Swick, Soil, Photos - Multi Strain

They're all looking great! When are you finding they usually start to give you problems?
decided to do my 3 week flower defoliation a little early hoping it stunts their vertical growth
Not sure of the logic there as I would think that it would want to replace that with new growth up top!
Is it a good idea to.add silica during flower??
I decrease the Si in flower, and I have a hard time believing extra silica makes a difference. I just had to stick 5 bamboo poles in my CapJunky pot and tie up the branches to keep them from touching the "grass."
I was wondering about super cropping.
Plenty of airspace to supercrop them into the middle. :thumb:
Happens to me all the time! Stuff I know I have around and just can't find. Maddening!
You'll find it when you pack and lose it after you unpack. :high-five:
They're all looking great! When are you finding they usually start to give you problems?
From around now for the next two weeks. It's usually when the buds start to transition from these little budlets into more of a defined structure. However, I usually have some issues in late veg with cal/mag issues and leaf spotting. I seemed to avoid that with all of them this time, the dolomite lime seems to be it.
Plenty of airspace to supercrop them into the middle. :thumb:
I did that to the two tallest colas earlier. I put those red bendy clips on them too but not sure those are needed. I'll take a pic tomorrow at lights on.

Not sure of the logic there as I would think that it would want to replace that with new growth up top!
Stoner logic? I thought maybe losing some leaves the plant would put energy into regrowing those and not growing vertical.
Here is the results of my first super cropping yesterday. The tips of the branches are already turning up so I think I did it right :)

Not sure those red.clips are needed but I had bought them a while.back so might as well try them too.
Here is the results of my first super cropping yesterday. The tips of the branches are already turning up so I think I did it right :)

Not sure those red.clips are needed but I had bought them a while.back so might as well try them too.
Tim, if you attach some weights to the super cropped branches you can hold them down. With the proper weight you can hold them in a horizontal position (sort of).
Tim, if you attach some weights to the super cropped branches you can hold them down. With the proper weight you can hold them in a horizontal position (sort of).
Great idea!!! I have plenty of fishing weights to do just that
We have the first sign of an early frost...OG Kush.

Super cropped the tall.girl, four mains. Wish I had done this with the back right. The tallest tips of the canopy are 14" from light with the lowest 20" away. I love looking in and seeing this :)

My outdoor plant is literally getting eaten by pests. I noticed many of the leaves have been hit.

Today I found the culprit. He even looks guilty after being caught red handed! Lil stoner
Such a great stage of flowering, when all the pistils are popping and the frost starts rolling in from the north!
I agree, I love this stage the most. The excitement of what the future holds. They are pur and innocent instead of rode hard and put up wet st the end of flower ha
day 64 above ground, day 19 from flip


girls are doing well. The back left Cookies Kush is drinking like crazy, more than any other. I'm debating about increasing her from 5.5g MC to 5.75g. Her older fans are a great color, the newer fans a bit light.

The Shed formula Cookies Kush, back right, has dark leaves.

Gelato OG, front right, has seen an increase in GH trio the past few feeds. I feel like she can go a little higher too. She will get another lifter when I take them out of the tent this weekend to help raise her canopy. Also, may defoliate some more fans in the middle

Cookies Kush, back left, and Acupulco Gold, front left are 5.5g MC

Front right Gelato OG:
Micro: 6ml
Grow: 3.5ml
Bloom: 8.5

Back right Cookies Kush, Shed formula:
Micro: 6.9ml
Grow: 12.5ml
Epsom salt: 1g

I'm on a trip in 2 weeks, the backup Reservoir will only.be able to.get one nutrient mix....decisions:)

I ordered two more AC Infinity cloud6 fans. They aren't cheap but work great with 10 variable.speeds, oscillation, various positions and clip on to the tent poles. They have a natural wind feature too where they will adjust fan speed continuously to simulate natural wind. Adding another above the canopy and I think I'll add one below the canopy to better circulate air below.
They all look like they're running with full-open throttles, Tim! :Rasta:
10 Gro with 5 and 5 of the other two will be sending your K very high for plants not even close to full flower, so I'd advise against it. You may notice that Bloom isn't even in my calculated numbers.

As a matter of fact I would never use the Bloom, since my full flower (post stretch) recommendation would be:
12.5ml Gro
6.9ml Micro
1g epsom salt.
Hello Tim ! Beautiful grow !! Girls are spreading out.

@InTheShed Would you mind sharing the available ppms for both your full veg and flower post stretch ?
@InTheShed Would you mind sharing the available ppms for both your full veg and flower post stretch ?
Be happy to Flatfish, but keep in mind that I don't recommend these numbers specifically unless you're using the exact same nutes as Tim. These are custom calculated using the GH Flora line (actually just Gro and Micro, along with epsom salt).

This would be full veg:

And full flower would be:

If the plants look like they need more phosphorous in flower I would add the Bloom back in, but only around 2.5ml/gal.
Be happy to Flatfish, but keep in mind that I don't recommend these numbers specifically unless you're using the exact same nutes as Tim. These are custom calculated using the GH Flora line (actually just Gro and Micro, along with epsom salt).

This would be full veg:

And full flower would be:

If the plants look like they need more phosphorous in flower I would add the Bloom back in, but only around 2.5ml/gal.
Thanks Shed ! Yes understand Re just GH. Just wanted to check my numbers and curious to see what ratios and upper limits you focused on to come up with these. They are working great for Tim !
Just a note for myself as much as anything. In 31 hours, the three older girls have either emptied their base or just about. I had 1 gal in there. Their pots have weight so still water in the soil....but I need to start watering more often or putting 2 gals in the bases. Crazy how much they are drinking.
Some night time pics right after lights out. Looking good and forming well

The MC is giving me signs of my usual issue. I upped feed to 5.75 yesterday and it seemed to improve....but I know these leaves will get pale an waxy soon.
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