Swick, Soil, Photos - Multi Strain

What a nice view to come home to Tim!

They're all looking healthy and lush.

You glad you left the AC in there? I know I am! đź‘€
Absolutely glad I decided to use AC bases again! It's not easy for me to lift them daily as it's tight in the tent. Also, sometimes I'll lift and pull the wicks up. I read where more than one person tied the wick in a knot under the top of the base to the wicks stay in place while lifting. I may try that next grow.
Absolutely glad I decided to use AC bases again! It's not easy for me to lift them daily as it's tight in the tent. Also, sometimes I'll lift and pull the wicks up. I read where more than one person tied the wick in a knot under the top of the base to the wicks stay in place while lifting. I may try that next grow.
I was asking about the Acapulco Gold (AC) plant, Tim. You were considering culling her at one point due to crowding and/or height, I can't recall which.
I was asking about the Acapulco Gold (AC) plant, Tim. You were considering culling her at one point due to crowding and/or height, I can't recall which.
Yea, glad I kept her. She's way too close to the light bit it doesn't seem to bother her
Cruising along in there! :surf:
I need to visit the beach more often :)
I know this may be nit picky, a new luxury for me this grow, but I noticed on the MC girl some up turned leaf tips. This happened when I was gone and it received GH shed formula.

Anything to adjust with my MC dosage or leave it be at 5.75?

I noticed it Sunday and today looks like some.new leaves with the upped tips.

Looks like they either got a bit dry while you were gone or the nutes are generally a bit hot for them. And I max out at 5.5g/gal with my version of MC (9-6-17).
Most likely both. She did get a bit dry.
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