Swick, Soil, Photos - Multi Strain

I can't really feel.much moisture yet on the lower sides of the pots...just.the bottom. It was like that last time until they were on the bases about 4 weeks. Top stayed bone.dry last grow...which may.have been part of the issues. I'm not going to be afraid to mix in top watering this time.

However, I do feel like water is.making it high up into the pots. 2 of the three were heavy when lifting/turning today, the soil certainly had a good amount of.water. the third plant (back left) was very light when I lifted it. Never had that last grow, stayed heavy, so I think leaving the bases dry for a day helping with a wet/dry.cycle.....although that defeats the purpose.with swick/SIP right?

I do love how.quickly I can water the garden through the bases :)

Thanks! I think I didn't account for "aggressive.veg" on the labels. Halving that formula (and really 1/3 with Grow) was 5ml of all three. Halving Grow would have been 10ml Grow and 5ml of micro and Bloom. I may do the 10, 5,5 next feed before flip. As always thanks!
Yeah, my pots get heavy too. But the topsoil is nearly crusty. I've been giving periodic liters on top.

I do love how.quickly I can water the garden through the bases :)
Me too! I use my battery-operated siphon to pull water from a 5 gallon bucket and hose it right into the bases. Easy peasy! :)
Me too! I use my battery-operated siphon to pull water from a 5 gallon bucket and hose it right into the bases. Easy peasy!
Takes all of 5 minutes to water 4 plants. I'd rather mess with replacing and cleaning wicks every 2 weeks with the time saved at every watering. I'll have to.remind myself.of this when that wick cleaning time comes haha
10 Gro with 5 and 5 of the other two will be sending your K very high for plants not even close to full flower, so I'd advise against it. You may notice that Bloom isn't even in my calculated numbers.

As a matter of fact I would never use the Bloom, since my full flower (post stretch) recommendation would be:
12.5ml Gro
6.9ml Micro
1g epsom salt
I.was thinking it may have been a typo with no bloom :)

Interesting you came to the conclusion just Gro and Micro. This chart I had found here on the forums. Whomever made it had an error in Nebula formula at "transition". However, the folks on the thread who did the Lucas formula with just two bottles, raved about it. Granted it's Bloom and Micro.

I may try the Shed formula with one :)
Forgot the chart ")
Those folks may not have actually calculated what they were feeding them and still be buying into the old adage about boosting P in flower.

Entirely up to you, and all I can do is tell you what I would run on my plants if I was using those nutes!
I'm definitely doing one with your formula....you have always given great advice. This.grow is about learning new things, including using liquid nutes.

Ironically, the MC girl looks the best. If the dolomite lime works for my mid flower issues, I may be MC full time ha
Day 41 above ground.

The three older girls are all 20-22" tall. I'll be flipping to 12/12 in a few days since I did a little defoliation today. Some got more than others but didn't really go crazy. Removed short branches and any nodes that most likely would not reach the canopy. I left a few questionable ones but will do another defoliation 18-20 days after flip.

Out of tent cameos
Front right girls before and after


Didn't do much to the back right, she is sparse


Added some risers to even out the canopy


As for the wicking system. A few roots did stick to the wicks. @Grand Daddy Black the one with the "X" pattern was the one that stuck. The two square patterns had less roots sticking and pulled off easy.

I have been letting the bases go dry for about 24hrs before refilled. 2 of the 3 had light pots when lifted, the third medium weight. Last grow I kept water in the bases and the pots were always heavy. I feel they are growing better this time.around too. GDB for the score!


Surprisingly, I'm not feeling much moisture on the sides of the pots, May be due to using AC Infinity pots? Either way, drinking well.

As for nutes:
Back left: 4.5g MC

Back Right: Shed formula
5.2ml micro
9.4ml gro
.8g epsom

Front Right:
5ml micro
5ml grow
2.5ml Bloom

Flip in a few days and let's see what happens :)
day 45 above ground

Yesterday was flip day to 12/12. Raised the light to 20" above canopy, increased intensity and lowered DLI to 26-28. The three older girls are 22" tall

Feeding as follows:
Front right: GH trio-nebula formula
5ml Micro
5ml grow
5ml bloom

Back right: Shed formula
5.8ml micro
10.5ml grow
.9g epsom salt

Back left: MC, 5g and 1ml calmag

Front left: she's younger but boosted her to 4.5g MC

Your tent is looking sweet Tim! :Rasta:
A little update on the outside reject. Mixed in Geoflora Veg before transplanting a few days ago and shes growing well. Although, her nodes are all alternating so not sure if she's worth topping or not. Heck, without rain she may die while I'm away for 5 days next week :) I have learned that 1 gal of water into the soil doesn't last as long with outdoor plants in 95 degree heat ha.


Whatever happens with her happens, more of a fun side project
A little update on the outside reject. Mixed in Geoflora Veg before transplanting a few days ago and shes growing well. Although, her nodes are all alternating so not sure if she's worth topping or not. Heck, without rain she may die while I'm away for 5 days next week :) I have learned that 1 gal of water into the soil doesn't last as long with outdoor plants in 95 degree heat ha.


Whatever happens with her happens, more of a fun side project
Depending on where u are, you should be able to get something from it. Probably wont be a huge harvest. But something should happen.
A little update on the outside reject. Mixed in Geoflora Veg before transplanting a few days ago and shes growing well. Although, her nodes are all alternating so not sure if she's worth topping or not. Heck, without rain she may die while I'm away for 5 days next week :) I have learned that 1 gal of water into the soil doesn't last as long with outdoor plants in 95 degree heat ha.


Whatever happens with her happens, more of a fun side project
Tim, you could try filling that saucer with perlite & water (jerry rig a swick) for her while you're away. Most of the water would probably get sucked up or evaporate before you return from your trip, but it might help a little.
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