Swick, Soil, Photos - Multi Strain

I just reread the bottles again, doesn't say anything about frequency of use. The feed schedule I'm using calls for 1/2 strength nutes from manufacturer recommendation....maybe I'm OK every watering

The twonon the left, the small one and the one behind sre MC. I just upped their dosages to 3.5g and 4.5g respectively as I thiught they were a tad light too.

I plan to defoliate this weekend and flip later next week. Waiting on the late comer little one to produce it's 5th node.

So you are using a feeding sched from a source other than the manufacturer? If so, where did it originate?
So you are using a feeding sched from a source other than the manufacturer? If so, where did it originate?
Yes, actually found it in the forums here after reading about it on Grow Weed Easy where they have the schedule at 1/2nutes. Many use Nebula Haze feeding schedule and some Lucas (no idea who that is). All seemed to have great results.

Im following Nebula Haze of 1/2 strength through grow
Yes, actually found it in the forums here after reading about it on Grow Weed Easy where they have the schedule at 1/2nutes. Many use Nebula Haze feeding schedule and some Lucas (no idea who that is). All seemed to have great results.

Im following Nebula Haze of 1/2 strength through grow
Okay. You say you've been "feeding half strength every watering" but the schedule you posted says 1/2 of the manufacturer's recommendation for week one only. After that the ratios change. Do you mean you're feeding at 1/2 the dose of what the Nebula schedule recommends? I'm a little confused.
Okay. You say you've been "feeding half strength every watering" but the schedule you posted says 1/2 of the manufacturer's recommendation for week one only. After that the ratios change. Do you mean you're feeding at 1/2 the dose of what the Nebula schedule recommends? I'm a little confused.
Sorry for the confusion. Yes it's not exactly 1/2 manufacturer recommendation as the ratios do change, but still below manufacturer most times. I'm following the chart for.Nebula. The "easy" way is 1/2 strength from.manufacturer.
I'm good at confusing people, including myself :)
It's easy to do Tim! :)

I am not one who likes to tell folks how to grow. I don't see an upside to trying to convince folks to do things differently than the way they've decided to do them.

That said, I would not take the approach you are taking. If I did not want to follow the manufacturer's feed chart I might start out "the easy way," as you put it, using 1/2 of what they recommend and then gently easing upward as the plants' reactions dictate. (So the paleness you speak of would lead me to increase the GH component(s) containing N, for example.)

But I would not put much faith in a chart created by some guy who grew a Nebula Haze plant (successfully, I presume), unless I was also growing a Nebula Haze. (And I prolly wouldn't use his schedule even then.)

It may work out just fine for you. That is my hope! :Rasta:
It's easy to do Tim! :)

I am not one who likes to tell folks how to grow. I don't see an upside to trying to convince folks to do things differently than the way they've decided to do them.

That said, I would not take the approach you are taking. If I did not want to follow the manufacturer's feed chart I might start out "the easy way," as you put it, using 1/2 of what they recommend and then gently easing upward as the plants' reactions dictate. (So the paleness you speak of would lead me to increase the GH component(s) containing N, for example.)

But I would not put much faith in a chart created by some guy who grew a Nebula Haze plant (successfully, I presume), unless I was also growing a Nebula Haze. (And I prolly wouldn't use his schedule even then.)

It may work out just fine for you. That is my hope! :Rasta:
Or is "Nebula Haze" some guys handle and not the plant?
Or is "Nebula Haze" some guys handle and not the plant?
It's a person haha. I believe they run that grow weed easy website. What really convinced me to do that diluted nute.schedule was a thread on here and folks raving about it.
It's a person haha. I believe they run that grow weed easy website. What really convinced me to do that diluted nute.schedule was a thread on here and folks raving about it.
My bad! I was way off base! 🤪
The plants look good and new growth often comes in lighter at this stage and they green up a few days later, but there does seem to be something going on with the lighter edges of the new growth on the GH plants, as well as something possibly environmental with the leaf points in the one your holding.

Per your discussion with GDB about feeding schedules, I'd be happy to run some numbers for you if you're interested. All I need is which GH nute bottles you're using, since they come in a variety of flavors with similar names.
The plants look good and new growth often comes in lighter at this stage and they green up a few days later, but there does seem to be something going on with the lighter edges of the new growth on the GH plants, as well as something possibly environmental with the leaf points in the one your holding.

Per your discussion with GDB about feeding schedules, I'd be happy to run some numbers for you if you're interested. All I need is which GH nute bottles you're using, since they come in a variety of flavors with similar names.
I'd definitely take you up on that offer. I'm not home until tomorrow to take pics.of the bottles. I'm using Gro, Micro, and Bloom.

I accidentally turned off the exhaust fan for about 18 hours and the humidity went really high, 78 or so, wondering if that made the raised leaf edges
I'd definitely take you up on that offer. I'm not home until tomorrow to take pics.of the bottles. I'm using Gro, Micro, and Bloom.
Might not need bottle pics since I do have some of them in the database, but do you have the Flora line or the Maxi line?

I accidentally turned off the exhaust fan for about 18 hours and the humidity went really high, 78 or so, wondering if that made the raised leaf edges
That might have done it since that kind of response is usually to the environment.
Might not need bottle pics since I do have some of them in the database, but do you have the Flora line or the Maxi line?

That might have done it since that kind of response is usually to the environment.
Using the Flora line



Day 38 above ground


The three big girls are drinking from their bases. I'm letting the base go dry for 24hrs as well as picking up the pots and rotating every couple of days.

The Cookies Kush being fed MC, back left, had a light pot too. She's drinking the most and looking the best. A few roots were starting to attach to the wicks

Last watering I gave the front right, Gelato OG, 5ml of each: Gro, Bloom, Micro and shes looking better.

Did the same today to both GH fed plants. Back right Cookies kush

Plants are 18-22" tall.

Topped the littlest one after the 5th node today.

This weekend I'll defoliate and then flip tp 12/12 a few days after. That will be the real test with the nutes as MC always gives me.issues in early to mid flower. Hopefully the dolomite lime in the soil.helps. I did notice some early leaf spotting before last watering and added some.cal/mag.

Moving along well
Day 38 above ground


The three big girls are drinking from their bases. I'm letting the base go dry for 24hrs as well as picking up the pots and rotating every couple of days.

The Cookies Kush being fed MC, back left, had a light pot too. She's drinking the most and looking the best. A few roots were starting to attach to the wicks

Last watering I gave the front right, Gelato OG, 5ml of each: Gro, Bloom, Micro and shes looking better.

Did the same today to both GH fed plants. Back right Cookies kush

Plants are 18-22" tall.

Topped the littlest one after the 5th node today.

This weekend I'll defoliate and then flip tp 12/12 a few days after. That will be the real test with the nutes as MC always gives me.issues in early to mid flower. Hopefully the dolomite lime in the soil.helps. I did notice some early leaf spotting before last watering and added some.cal/mag.

Moving along well
Yes your plants are "moving along well". I have been quite curious about when to flip my plants (first time grower) I'm growing from veg to flower and have decided that i too want to wait until they are at least 18" tall above the buckets. I will try and follow along and gain as much knowledge from you and the folks who are giving you advice as they seem like they are VERY KNOWLEDGABLE.
Anyhow, your girls look awesome.
Yes your plants are "moving along well". I have been quite curious about when to flip my plants (first time grower) I'm growing from veg to flower and have decided that i too want to wait until they are at least 18" tall above the buckets. I will try and follow along and gain as much knowledge from you and the folks who are giving you advice as they seem like they are VERY KNOWLEDGABLE.
Anyhow, your girls look awesome.
While this is only my second photoperiod grow (rest were autos), typically flipping between 6-8 weeks works well, depending on the height of the tent. You'll have to account for stretch which can cause the plant to double in height (typically alot less than double).

A plant is mature and ready to.be flipped to.12/12 once you see alternating nodes. Even if you flip too soon...no harm done
My littlest one is almost 3 weeks.behind the rest so when I flip to 12/12 she will not really be ready and will just take a little longer to flower and will be smaller through the grow than the rest.

I'll check out your journal.

Can you tell if moisture is reaching the top of your the pots? Mine seem to stay rather dry up top even though they drink well.
Thanks for the bottle pics and the plants are looking good! I just ran some numbers and Nebula's amounts would be way too low for regular veg, and if I had those bottles my full veg would be:

Gro: 9.4
Micro: 5.2
Epsom salt: 0.8

That's just my 2 cents!
I can offer that those numbers are worth more than 2 cents, Tim! :Rasta:

Can you tell if moisture is reaching the top of your the pots? Mine seem to stay rather dry up top even though they drink well.
I can't really feel.much moisture yet on the lower sides of the pots...just.the bottom. It was like that last time until they were on the bases about 4 weeks. Top stayed bone.dry last grow...which may.have been part of the issues. I'm not going to be afraid to mix in top watering this time.

However, I do feel like water is.making it high up into the pots. 2 of the three were heavy when lifting/turning today, the soil certainly had a good amount of.water. the third plant (back left) was very light when I lifted it. Never had that last grow, stayed heavy, so I think leaving the bases dry for a day helping with a wet/dry.cycle.....although that defeats the purpose.with swick/SIP right?

I do love how.quickly I can water the garden through the bases :)

Thanks for the bottle pics and the plants are looking good! I just ran some numbers and Nebula's amounts would be way too low for regular veg, and if I had those bottles my full veg would be:

Gro: 9.4
Micro: 5.2
Epsom salt: 0.8

That's just my 2 cents!
Thanks! I think I didn't account for "aggressive.veg" on the labels. Halving that formula (and really 1/3 with Grow) was 5ml of all three. Halving Grow would have been 10ml Grow and 5ml of micro and Bloom. I may do the 10, 5,5 next feed before flip. As always thanks!
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