Re: Sweetsue's Tiny Closet - Second Grow - Sweet Dark Devil & Bomb Berry Bomb - CFL -
Don't you love it when the hit unexpectedly explodes from your lungs? That moment when you are reminded of how much more potent well-grown cannabis is and the joy and pride of knowing it was grown by you?
I have to smile at the amount of time I spend on this site. There's something very special going on in this community. I've noticed a strong proclivity to drop any pretense and just be ourselves here. It's a safe zone, populated by others who share our daily frustrations and respond with laughter instead of anger.
I think it's the cannabis. This amazing plant helps each and every one of us here, either directly or through the loved ones we grow for. Farmers are optimists by nature, so here we are, this merry band of medicinal farmers trying our best to make the world a better place, one beautiful plant at a time.
I find that responsibility humbling and joyful.
We're also, for the most part on this journal, organic gardeners, or on our way to that end. That adds another layer of magic and ease to the formula. Less stress. More laughter and joy. Better harvest.
Something magical happens when you use that first harvest. There's a sudden and irrestible urge to share that with others - to make it possible for others to grow healthier plants too. And so begins The
Great Sharing. It's the living expression of a concept my grandpa taught us:
If I own it but don't need it, and you need it, how quickly can I get it into your hands?
It's a thing of beauty to watch in action, and you find evidence of it happening all over this site. Journal after journal of the free flow of resources and knowledge to help each other make the world better. Always encouraging each other. Laughing and crying together, but always working for a solution for this particular case. Generosity and optimism working hand-in-hand.
Makes me proud to be counted among your numbers.
I frequent other sites, on cannabis cultivation and other topics. I visit there. I proudly live on