SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Thank you TS. The daughter knows she’ll die an old and happy woman. This was a surprise, but we are strong and determined women and the girl’s blessed enough to be my daughter, and not the daughter of someone who’d embrace conventional medicine.

We’ll work up a cannabinoid therapy to reverse the damage. That’s really how we look at it. Im interested in hearing what course of treatment the liver specialist will put forth for consideration. Haven’t looked at the standard treatment protocols yet, but she’s not interested in pharmaceuticals.

I’ll be leaving her in charge of what’s still growing. By then the DC and Lemin haze will be in bloom, or close to ready to flip, but they’re easy hempies. There’ll be a few revegging root balls that’ll require a couple simple drenches. Easy stuff for her to deal with.

By the time I leave she’ll be comfortable with them. Any problems and we can Skype. The agreement is no frustration if anything dies while I’m gone.

The DDAs go into the perlite as soon as I return. I can’t start them an expect her to care for that many plants. She’ll be responsible for three of her own once we get up and running again, and there’s no reason to expect she’ll be able to care for my huge class the way I do.

Twelve plants in flower simultaneously was a bit much for SweetSue too. Lol! I was looking at the harvest schedule and realized I’ll have to empty the fridge and fill it with bags of buds to dry. Good thing I have a dehydrator too.

I tried to get everything broken down, but it didn’t work out that way. :battingeyelashes:

Good morning everyone :love:

Maybe I’ll skip the cob chewing today. Lol! I’ve discovered that they rev up my metabolism enough that at the end of the day I’m really tired.

But they create the most delicious buzz........ :rofl:

This feels like an excellent time to slip into a Callanetics session, before it gets too warm again. I don’t have the air conditioner mounted in the bedroom yet and yesterday’s temps had my tents creeping up to the high 80s. It may be time to consider getting it back in the window. I want to get the room rearranged without soil bins first. I don’t like having the air blowing across my bed.

One extreme season to the next. My girls sure will appreciate it when I have strict environmental control. One sweet day......:dreamy:

Sure do miss that particular emoticon. These too... :hmmmm:, :blunt:, and :laughtwo:. Looks like we won’t get them back after all, eh? :(

I can remember a time when I could communicate without emoticons, but it wasn’t nearly as much fun. Lol! I’m thankful for the ones they managed to key in.

Ok buckaroos, time to engage the cosmos in active play. Regardless of where you find yourself today do your best to notice those things that bring you joy. Stay in that mode and watch what happens as the universe goes out of its way to help you notice more.

More...... that’s what I like most about my still immature cobs. There’s a strong sense of “more” when I chew one - more colors, textures, sensations, happiness, love, joy. I feel like me, but “more.”

Talked myself into it, but not before I’m done with my Callanetics. :battingeyelashes:

I’ll be back later my friends, with the weekly update. :ciao:
and not the daughter of someone who’d embrace conventional medicine.

I used to think a combination of both conventional and traditional would be best. But...

I just read an article about a Goldman Sachs report stating that drugs/treatments that cured people were a bad idea, and that those the report was directed to should instead concentrate on treating chronic conditions.

And - in the financial sense - the guy is correct. It's one of the major reasons why healthcare - pretty much the entire healthcare industry - should never have been allowed to become a for-profit thing in the first place. I don't see things - as in the whole of the thing - significantly improving unless and until that profit motive is removed.

I've been known to favor some pretty radical political concepts now and then, lol, even if some of them were only intellectual thought-games... And even I can't figure out how to accomplish that. Unfortunately; it probably means that there won't be any realistic solutions to it, either.

We’ll work up a cannabinoid therapy to reverse the damage.

That kind of damage "should" largely heal, relatively soon afterwards, in large part. Sadly, we both know that both extreme acute and prolonged/chronic liver injury throws should right out the window.

I wish you both luck with using cannabinoid components to repair her liver damage - and will be interested in one day reading of what you will have discovered.

Haven’t looked at the standard treatment protocols yet, but she’s not interested in pharmaceuticals.

I wouldn't discard such things out of hand. However, I would be... Well, you know me, lol, I was born a skeptic.

I’ll be leaving her in charge of what’s still growing.

Oh. Cool. For some reason, I was thinking that you were both going on vacation together. They should be in good hands, then. It's not like you'll be on one of Saturn's moons, so she'll be able to contact you if needed.

By the time I leave she’ll be comfortable with them. Any problems and we can Skype.

One of these days I'll learn to read the entire post before beginning my reply ;) .

I can’t start them an expect her to care for that many plants. She’ll be responsible for three of her own once we get up and running again, and there’s no reason to expect she’ll be able to care for my huge class the way I do.

<LAUGHING> Yes, you do tend to have quite a brood growing in one stage or another. And made up of a combination of strains.

I was looking at the harvest schedule and realized I’ll have to empty the fridge and fill it with bags of buds to dry.


Maybe I’ll skip the cob chewing today.

I read sometime around 5:00am a report that a strain called Bubblegummer by... some breeder or other might have a bit of that Bazooka Joe flavor. I hope someone ends up growing it and then doing the cob thing. I must remain skeptical that bud can tastes like my favorite bubble gum, but I'd love to be proven wrong.

I can remember a time when I could communicate without emoticons

Yes... If I remember correctly, it was called speaking.

Have another one of your patented great days! I'm starting mine with a nap.
I have all these pretty plants waiting to be shown off. Let me take a few hits of Carnival before I get to it. :slide:

........ Ok, I'm back. I'm down to the last two buds of my last Carnival grown in soil, Carn 3. It had that lime snap we so cherish in the chemovar, a terpene tone I haven't replicated since. It's the sweetest of my Carnival buzzes, and I'll miss it when it's gone. Carn 4.6 is just now beginning to put out a smell, and it hasn't reached this stage of development yet. Let's all cross our fingers and toes. Lol!

Are we ready? Let's see what trouble we can stir up, shall we? :battingeyelashes: Stick close now, it can be easy to get lost. :rofl:

We'll begin our tour with the veg shelf.

Weekly Update: Veg Shelf - Friday, April 13, 2018

Where was I?........oh yeah, the update. Lol! Whew! This stuff is good. :green_heart:

Wait, the lights just went out and its time to drop the curtains. It's been over 80 degrees in The Burgh today. Everyone took a beating, but they all survived. BRB.....

Done! My apologies.... On with the tour. :battingeyelashes:

The veg shelf now has three residents, the revegging root ball of CBD CC 3 on the left, Lemon Haze in the middle, and Devil's Carnival 1.7 on the right. The successful rooting of that last little girl saves me from revegging one root ball I'd thought would be a definite .

There may be another root ball or two left to reveg so I can get cuttings, and the hempies will be close to flip before I go. Nothing the daughter can't manage. In fact, as I wrote that I just came up with a couple neat ideas to make the job easier for her, and artistically decorative for me.

The root ball is finally starting to show new growth away from the buds. It'll be confused for a while, but I have great faith that this will work out fine. All I need is one rooted clone cutting.

The poor Lemon Haze is struggling to keep her old leaves. I'm pretty certain they'll die off. I put her through a lot getting her into this pot. The intense heat of the past two days hasn't helped much either. I'm not certain she'll sprout roots the way I'd hoped, but I know she has roots into the reservoir, and that'll be good enough in the end to get her through to harvest, with a clone taken at flip. She doesn't have to be a top producer. She really only needs to give me one vibrant cutting that roots.

She's up to 3/4-strength nutrients. Her next watering, in two days, will be at full strength.

There's promising growth at the tip....

...and plenty of sweet new growth coming out all along that tall stem. This girl is gonna surprise us, methinks. ;)

DC 1.7 has impressive new growth herself. I suspect this vigorous specimen has exploded in root growth under the surface. She's also up to 3/4-strength nutes.

While we're over here let's take a peek into the closet.

Weekly Update: The tiny closet - Friday, April 13, 2016

The closet is full of Devil's Carnivals, in various stages of maturity.

On the far right, Devil's Carnival 1.6 is closing out her lifespan, being flushed every two days. She looks tired to me, but not quite ready to be taken. Her buds are all a deep chocolate.

All those tiny buds are like little gems glued along the curve of the branch.

Right next to her sits 1.5 finishing out the week with 14 ml of Parts A & B with 4 ml of Bulk per gallon of water. Her buds are still as green as they can be, although her hairs are starting to die back.

The star of the closet is 1.3, hands down. Her last drench was two days ago, when she sucked up a Growth Energy. The regional climate did a dramatic jump from winter to late spring, so this one may not go all colorful like we've witnessed recently.

She's starting to fill out rather nicely. :slide: She's been my primary source for those wonderful pain creams I've been giving away. You always wonder if people keep using them. It's amazing to me how many don't.

So dark she's almost black.

Next up, the spa and tents. But first, a righteous extension to my buzz. :ciao:
Weekly Update: The Spa - Friday, April 13, 2018

Jamaican 1.2 is still being flushed, and will likely continue along that path for another week. She's not showing any purple yet. I'm not certain they'll do that change in the hempy pots. There's also the possibility that it was influenced by the cold, but I don't think so.

CBD Critical Cure 2.8 is also in flush mode. I'll be waiting for her fans to start fading. I haven't yet checked trichomes, but she's still cranking it out, so another week of flushing ahead for her too.

She's incredibly thick with dense buds. I sure am glad I found that great fan for in here.

Jamaican 1.4 is drinking 14 ml Parts A & B with 4 ml of Bulk per gallon of water used. I'm so impressed with the vigor of this girl. Weeks to go with her.

She was falling over, so I wired her to the poles here and there.

She's really lacking the buds on, this one is. :slide:

On to the tents....:slide:
Weekly Update: The Tents - Friday, April 13, 2018

Tent # 1

Don't they look happy? :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Jamaican 1.3 had a Transplant drench on Monday and her first CAT drench today. Moving right along building buds and trichomes.

Black D.O.G. had her first CAT drench yesterday. This puppy is happy as can be. Lol!

Tent # 2

My sunny room in a box. Lol! I can't wait to be able to leave the closet open again and get the ambient light back.

Jamaican 1.5 is on the 14 ml Parts A & B plus 4 ml of Bulk per gallon of water as she begins the slide towards her harvest window. She's doing a good job of stacking buds along those lanky branches. The 3000K Timber COBs are doing a fine job of reaching all the way to the perlite surface.

She's still blooming at a rapid rate.

Candy Cane 4 happily drank up a Growth Energy drench on Wednesday. She's the first one I've grown that developed conical buds instead of the snowball ones I've always seen. Maybe thes'll round out in the end, but it doesn't look like it to me.

Still going strong. I may reveg this one. I like the looks of her. I'm hoping the effect won't vary much from what pleases the daughter. Cannabis is notoriously changeable, and this is one of her favorites.

And then there's Royal Gorilla. :battingeyelashes:

She had a Transplant drench on Monday and a TransWater one today. If I hadn't curled her leaves with the heat she'd have been magnificent. As it is I'll settle for stunning. Frosty as she can be. The daughter's developed a noticable preference for this chemovar and finished the last bit of the bud J left. She'll be down and ready for use before I leave town for Cali.

Tent # 3

Red Diesel looks a bit pale still to me, so her next drench will include a sprinkling of epsoms.

Carnival 4.6 is still cranking away like a mad woman. Lol! Those buds get significantly larger every week, don't they? I know I'm mighty impressed, and awfully excited. :yahoo: Wednesday she had a Transplant drench. I started giving her a full two gallons of water, although I'm still being conservative about the drenches, staying around half the max recommendations.

Cobs in the making. Keep on going baby. :slide: She's still kicking out more white hairs, although they're slowing down. The rule is supposed to be "when you think they're done, wait two weeks." If that's so, we have just over two weeks to go.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, brings us to the end of another joyous romp through my gardens. I do hope you found it worth your time to stop. I love showing them off, and I do believe they get their own thrill posing for the postings.

I'm going back to my buzz now before I go visiting around the yards.
Every week I mention I'll stop to catch a buzz between posts. Every week I go straight back to composing the post instead. You'd think I'd stop saying that. :rofl:

Now I'll catch the rest of that buzz. Lol!
Looking great as usual. That Carnival is gorgeous. makes my lungs water just looking at it! :welldone:


That's one I've never heard before Doob. Lol! Thank you. Lol!
Wow Sue,

You have so much to update! When do you leave for Cali?

And, the lemon looks burnt? How are you comfortable with upping the ferts?

Oh boy thats a big beautiful garden.. you owe me a new keyboard I drooled all over this one.... :drool::rofl::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:


Thank you. *giggle*

The Lemon Haze is unhappy with the transition to hempy. I expected she’d rebel at first, coming from living organic soil, but all the new growth will be more acclimated to the nutrients.

I leave on May 16th for San Diego. :yahoo: I’m not excited at all, as you can see. Lol!
Your grows are AWESOME, Sue! I'm glad you're still growing in soil, so I can still learn something from you. :hug:

What do you do to reveg? Mine always dry up and die. I think something happens to the roots first, because when I finally pull the dead stems from the soil, about all is left is the main taproot and a small scattering of roots. How much water do you give? Do you add any nutes? How much leaf and buds do you have to leave inorder to keep it alive till it starts growing again? What temp do you let it sit at?
Good afternoon everyone :love:

Had an interesting morning with the writer's group. Part of the gathering is reading your own stuff and listening to the constructive feedback, and this morning, after listening to a rant about the shift of American business away from manufacturing to data industries, I decided to share with them my rant thread, "This Fear of Euphoria Confuses Me." It lead to an interesting exchange where I revealed that there's not a moment in the day that I'm not high. Lol!

Every time that thought crosses my mind I realize how blessed I am to have a strong personality and the confidence to kinda thumb my nose at the prohibitionary restrictions. I had 12 plants in flower at once. That wouldn't have passed legislative muster in any currently legal state.

My retirement plan, if I had one, was to stay high for the rest of my life. I think I'm doing that in spades. Lol! This morning I started with a bit of Malawi cob and about four hours later followed up with a Carnival brownie. That worked better than the other way 'round, which is what I tried on Thursday. From now on its cob, then brownie, until the cobs carry the entire day. :slide:

This cob adventure has to be the single most fun thing I've learned here, aside from the sheer delight of cannabis cultivation.

Harvest Alert!

The Spa gets a major change tomorrow, losing two of the three residents. Jamaican 1.2 is showing a significant amount of amber throughout the plant.

She has some trichomes scattered about that not only have red in the stalks, but red in the caps. :yahoo: I'll learn to get the plants to express this, now that I know it's a possibility.

She's also sending out a nanner, so yep..... tomorrow's her big day.

CBD Critical Cure 2.8 is also showing more amber trichomes than I expected to find today, so she comes down too.

I still have plenty of oil on hand so she'll get dried low and slow, along with the Jamaican. Ahhh.....who doesn't love a harvest? :slide:

I have to run. The daughter stopped to share a buzz. Life is sweet indeed. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
Nanners boo.....harvest yay!!!

Nanners boo.....harvest yay!!!

I've learned that the pollen of late flower nanners is usually sterile. The Labyrinth I harvested last week had one visible nanner. Underneath were the dried remains of many. Only seeds that developed were from the UD pollen that I chucked. Now that I think of it, that Labyrinth needs to be jarred and I might get a taste of that treasure. :love: :bongrip:
I've learned that the pollen of late flower nanners is usually sterile. The Labyrinth I harvested last week had one visible nanner. Underneath were the dried remains of many. Only seeds that developed were from the UD pollen that I chucked. Now that I think of it, that Labyrinth needs to be jarred and I might get a taste of that treasure. :love: :bongrip:

I've heard that is why Rhodelization doesn't work well. But still..... I don't want to see nanners on my girls....

I do however plan to do some "breeding" (I use that loosely) with some auto's in the future if I ever break out of my slump.

Thanks for the information @MagicJim !!
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