SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Thanks @Bonsaiweed :high-five::hug::hug:

The daughter likes this one, and that's a good thing. What I needed was something that was indica enough that she felt comfortable and high enough in THC that it hit all her preferred notes the way Candy Cane does, because the Candy Cane won't yield enough to get her to the next harvest.

She's fond of the Black D.O.G. too, but it knocks her out. :rofl: I managed to have a good selection of chemovars for her to explore beyond the comfort of her Candy Cane favorite. Now it's time to grow some African sativas to meet my cobbing needs. Lol!

And it's way past time to have some DDA growing. I still have almost two months to wait on that joyful adventure.

I'm hoping to get some DDA seeds in the 420 sale (freebies). Most everything else is just some guesses to what I'll need. One mostly sativa, one mostly indica, and one in-between. I have some hybrids but as I remember they are mostly indica(70% indica -20% sativa -10% Ruderalis) Dwarfs.

I'm going all auto for now. But some of the freebies will be photo. I'll need to find what works best for me.

Want to try some cobs too, but that will be decided after the first grow (EDITED- that I finish). Then I can work on things with a little different focus.

I don't think I have any Malawi (I may or may not have a Seedsman African Buzz, which I think I read might be somehow connected). I do, however, have at least a couple of Zamaldelica seeds. "Baggie seed," I think, but they were a gift so I'm not sure (and don't remember what I was told when I received them). Is it a light-feeder, and the kind of strain that you stick into a one-gallon bucket instead of a five-gallon one so that it'll only fill half your house... only to later realized that you should have gone with a quart bottle, lol? I have never grown it. But I have become more and more tempted to see if it'll sprout (and be a girl, oh please, oh please ;) ). I'd appreciate any information you can and will be kind enough to provide on the strain.

I do not think Sue will mind if you post it here. It might even be useful to her in the future.

G'night, all!

Sorry TS, I missed this last night.

I ran two Zamaldelica fems last round and they weren't particularly stretchy - no more than a typical hybrid - maybe double? I didn't push nutes but they never seemed like they "needed" any less. Honestly, I was surprised at how tame they were. I'd recommend as much soil as you can provide though. I ran mine in 3 gallon pots and they could have yielded more. I only got an ounce each.

You should sprout one. :thumb:
"The Shape Of Water"

Done by a famous director/screenwriter/producer/novelist for a cost of $19,400,000, and it is art.

Done by some random guy for $600, and it would be a bestiality flick, lol.

That is one sticky gorilla......:high-five: :hug::hug:

Oh, is there already a sequel?

<~TS~ runs and hides from the storm of hurled rocks>
Done by a famous director/screenwriter/producer/novelist for a cost of $19,400,000, and it is art.

Done by some random guy for $600, and it would be a bestiality flick, lol.

Oh, is there already a sequel?

<~TS~ runs and hides from the storm of hurled rocks>


Only you TS.......
I couldn't resist. I'm glad my off-color comment provoked laughter instead of a pitchfork & torch party.
As I was closing up the tent this gem in the Timber tent caught my eye, so I grabbed a quick shot to share. :green_heart:

Holy chit Sue! Look at that ice baby :slide:
I couldn't resist. I'm glad my off-color comment provoked laughter instead of a pitchfork & torch party.

We'll issue you a pass on that one... only because we appreciate dark humor.
Geez... ya check out for a little while and roam back in to bestiality discussions.....
Great lookin buds lady!


Paint your wood white. It reflects light and protects the wood from water intrusion and rot.
High SweetSue, Amy, and all,

@Amy Gardner - I don't grow inside anymore except seedlings. So, I'm at the mercy of sunny days in a window. But, it won't be too long that way, as I start later than most. Putting plants outdoors while vegging in May, sun is already out 14.5 hrs so the sun is not in a flowering mode. I put them outdoors to get used to being outdoors a little at a time (get more sun). Then I use empty milk jugs (with bottom cut out) to create a mini-santuary for cannabis seedlings. Works for me. (44th parallel) I'm not a rich farmer, and this process works for me.

@SweetSue - your carnival looks awesome. Wished I lived near by, lol!
We'll issue you a pass on that one... only because we appreciate dark humor.
Geez... ya check out for a little while and roam back in to bestiality discussions.....
Great lookin buds lady!


Paint your wood white. It reflects light and protects the wood from water intrusion and rot.

Thank you. That didn't occur to me until you mentioned it. I have the paint and it was constructed to be a quick tear-down, so getting it done won't be difficult. I almost had us doing something very complicated when we realized it could be done this simply in less than ten minutes, total. The whole time I kept thinking of how you'd do this if you were here. Lol!

Good to see you roaming again wounded bird. I'm sure you have a greater appreciation for the power of gravity. :hug:

@TorturedSoul , didn't watch the movie yet, but now I'm more interested. Lol! The daughter has big screen viewing capacity where I'm limited to the iPad screen. She watched it last night with her partner, and today when he goes to work we're going to watch it together. She loved it, and wants to be with me when I read it myself. Her partner referred to it as "Grinding Nemo." :rofl:

Good morning everyone :love:

Wow! Slept for 7 hours! :eek: Not a common thing for me, but then I'm indulging in cobs, and they appear to rev up the metabolism in some mysterious way, so I may start sleeping longer. What a way to reset the internal clock, eh? :slide: I have another bit of the Malawi cob to chew on as soon as I get this morning joy out of the way.

So you're liking the Gorilla, eh? Well I'll tell ya, you wouldn't believe how beautiful she is in person. Here's a few other shots to demonstrate her power to entice.

Good God, I love what I do! :slide: How did I live so long without this pleasure in my life? You can be sure I'll continue growing until I die.

Ok buckaroos, get out there and play your heart out with your cosmic companions. See what they bring to surprise and delight you as you deliberately focus on those things that please you most. It's a bright and active universe, filled with all you desire, every bit of it making its way to you based on your ability to stop pushing it away.

Rumi's wise words on loving can be applied to all circumstances in life...

"Your task is not to seek for love,
but rather to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself
That you have built against it. "

There you have it in a nutshell. The resistance is within you. Ferret it out and release it and the true power of universal forces working on your behalf - on behalf of all of us - becomes so apparent you begin to wonder how you didn't notice it all along.

Life is meant to feel good. If it doesn't the power is all yours to make the energetic change so you can catch up. Not joy for the purpose of having wonderful things tumble into your life with abandon, but deliberate joy that allows the resistance to melt away.

I'm purchasing my ticket to San Diego tomorrow. :yahoo: The trip is on! :yahoo:
I almost had us doing something very complicated when we realized it could be done this simply in less than ten minutes, total. The whole time I kept thinking of how you'd do this if you were here. Lol!

I like to start things with a simple configuration and sometimes make minor changes and tweaks. You learn what you really want and what is important for the basic design. Then, you decide to keep the tweaked thing, or replace it with some grander version addressing all those tweaks and changes while trying a few others. That's the way it plays out in my world.

For example... right now I've got a working insulated shed going, but it was the first version and has some weaknesses that need to be addressed. I could get more hardcore with my tweaks and get some minor performance boost, but I'm really feeling that a basic change to a much more sealed design is called for. As such, there will be so banging in my backyard sometime this summer.
I could get more hardcore with my tweaks and get some minor performance boost, but I'm really feeling that a basic change to a much more sealed design is called for. As such, there will be so banging in my backyard sometime this summer.

Oh sweet! :high-five: I love to watch a friend expand or improve the grow. :slide:

I started in a closet with CFLs. Lol! Been through my own series of evolutionary steps.

I popped that cob into my mouth and though “Oh shit! I have a load of drenches to get done before this hits me!” :eek:

Mission accomplished. On with the buzz.

I’m gonna get me out into the sunshine. Catch you all later. :ciao:
Well....they smile SweetSue. We don't like anyone screaming......

LOL....my wife has some too......LOL.....I can't believe it!!!! :rofl:

I didn't know........ (hers are pink though).
Putting plants outdoors while vegging in May, sun is already out 14.5 hrs so the sun is not in a flowering mode. I put them outdoors to get used to being outdoors a little at a time (get more sun). Then I use empty milk jugs (with bottom cut out) to create a mini-santuary for cannabis seedlings. Works for me. (44th parallel) I'm not a rich farmer, and this process works for me.

Plants don't begin to flower until they're sexually mature, anyway, so you'd be safe to place seedlings out earlier (depending on the weather, of course). That's one reason that some people grow (from seed) plants under 12/12 lighting and still end up with 5'+ tall plants in the end. (And then gripe about how much the things stretched "in flower.")

@TorturedSoul , didn't watch the movie yet, but now I'm more interested. Lol!

I was just being my irreverent self. I haven't seen the movie (I watch about as many non-factual shows/movies as I do... I was going to type "two-headed fish," but that would be another exaggeration). I just looked on the movie's IMDB page and saw that the first sentence was "...a lonely janitor forms a unique relationship with an amphibious creature that is being held in captivity." I thought about adding more off-color ¿humor? - such as asking if she got wet after climbing into the tank, which one ended up smelling more fishy afterwards, et cetera. But there's a limit. Or so I have been told. (Irrelevant trivia fact #43,219: Human embryos have gills during part of their development.)

She watched it last night with her partner

How's he doing, lol? Did his tough-guy act get him a raise? Or some job security, at least? Tell him to be cautious when going that route - I once got read the riot act by a store manager for wearing a pistol to work (which was - and still is) legal. She told me I was scaring the customers. Two of which were standing there enjoying the show. One said, "We aint skeered," lol, and the other one chimed in, "Yeah, give the kid a break, lady, this aint New York City." (Was a long time ago, and I was in a hurry to get to work from the range and figured it'd be safer on my hip than in my car. And... I don't live in NYC ;) .) She sent me home to drop it off. I came back with no firearm - but a really ripping buzz (and plenty for later en pocket), so it worked out.

I'm purchasing my ticket to San Diego tomorrow. :yahoo: The trip is on! :yahoo:


Best Recreational marijuana dispensaries in San Diego, CA - Yelp
California Recreational Marijuana Dispensary Map & Directory | Kush Tourism

Pick one, act like you're some clueless grandma that has never tried cannabis before, "But heard it might be good for my rheumatism." Then insist on purchasing the strongest gram or pre-roll (some size that won't break the budget, I mean). THEN... return 15 minutes later complaining that it's crap that doesn't hold a candle to the herbal lettuce that your grandson grows out behind the barn.

You might make the evening news' human interest spot, lol.

right now I've got a working insulated shed going, but it was the first version and has some weaknesses that need to be addressed.

Hey, I keep meaning to ask (or already did, IDFK, brain... no... worky), what do you do about mold? Or is it not a problem? I've got black mold in my basement, and some suspicious gray on the main floor if I don't regularly clean (I mean like wash the walls. I'm not a slob, lol) and something is undisturbed for much time. It must be from all the water/humidity in the basement, combined with no basement door (or real easy way to install one, due to the way the house is laid out). I just wipe the walls more often when I see discoloration upstairs, and spray bleach-water and scrub with a broom in the basement every time I can afford to buy a gallon or two, and basically just live with it. But I'm always worried that it'll start colonizing any plants growing. It's the main reason I haven't gone back to DWC (raises the humidity, I'd guess).
Best Recreational marijuana dispensaries in San Diego, CA - Yelp
California Recreational Marijuana Dispensary Map & Directory | Kush Tourism

Pick one, act like you're some clueless grandma that has never tried cannabis before, "But heard it might be good for my rheumatism." Then insist on purchasing the strongest gram or pre-roll (some size that won't break the budget, I mean). THEN... return 15 minutes later complaining that it's crap that doesn't hold a candle to the herbal lettuce that your grandson grows out behind the barn.
Lol, don’t believe the hype. There is no “good” dispensaries in San Diego. If you go in as a clueless Grandma they will just sell you whatever they were told to push that day. Since recreational went legal in January they’ve all gotten too busy to make proper recommendations. The legal dispensaries here are all run like a cartel, it’s sad really.
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