SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Hey Sue I just reupped on nutes and got the new RX Green catalog. In it they recommend using 1ml of Energy all the way through flowering. I hadn’t seen this mentioned before, do you do this?

It actually says that on the bottles, though not as a recommendation, just that it can be used all the way through. Next run I’ll do so and see if I notice any difference other than my money transferring to their accounts. :battingeyelashes:

Will you be doing this?

I think there’s great similarities between the Energy they sell and the Growth Energy drench I use for the kit soil. They smell nearly identical. I always tempted to try it in the drenches. I have two bottles and I won’t be using them for my plants anymore.

Maybe I’ll keep one and experiment. It’s already paid for and open. Might as well.
It actually says that on the bottles, though not as a recommendation, just that it can be used all the way through. Next run I’ll do so and see if I notice any difference other than my money transferring to their accounts. :battingeyelashes:

Will you be doing this?

I think there’s great similarities between the Energy they sell and the Growth Energy drench I use for the kit soil. They smell nearly identical. I always tempted to try it in the drenches. I have two bottles and I won’t be using them for my plants anymore.

Maybe I’ll keep one and experiment. It’s already paid for and open. Might as well.
Lol, it say’s it on the bottle, shows you how much I pay attention. :rolleyes: Yeah I’ve been adding it for about a week. I wasn’t having any issues, but I figure it can’t hurt. And it’s boring to not change it up a bit.
Lol, it say’s it on the bottle, shows you how much I pay attention. :rolleyes: Yeah I’ve been adding it for about a week. I wasn’t having any issues, but I figure it can’t hurt. And it’s boring to not change it up a bit.

Lol! I hear ya. :rofl:

Here, a bit of Carnival to add to the evening’s spice. :passitleft:
Now it's time to dive into the Carnival. :battingeyelashes: :love:
When you get there and start unpacking have a give-away box nearby. You may be surprised at what else you’re willing to part with.
Definitely this ^^^
I’ve moved heaps of times and always get rid of more during the unpacking. Sometimes stuff has to come with you as a kind of comfort during the separation anxiety of packing.

Congrats on settlement on the new place @KeifKeith - we managed to get our current without mortgage too (thanks to my partner’s dedication in earlier years before we even met). It feels really, really good. I hope the move and new beginning is all a great adventure for you!

Next run I’ll do so and see if I notice any difference other than my money transferring to their accounts. :battingeyelashes:

You, madam, are wise beyond your years ;) .

Never assume that the entity selling you a thing is correct when he/she/it recommends that you use more of it. Everyone likes vacations, lol.
I meant to ask you earlier: Is that a lemon haze, super lemon haze, ultra lemon haze, lemon haze "OG," or lemon shining silver haze (which, oddly enough, appears to be a cross between lemon skunk and amnesia haze - unlike most of the others, which DO use (super) silver haze as a parent plant <SCRATCHES HEAD> :rolleyes: )? And then there is a lemonade haze, a lemon juice haze, a...

I'm just curious as to the pedigree of yours. Started to look up its particular strain description and then I remembered that half the breeders out there sell a version. Or two.
I meant to ask you earlier: Is that a lemon haze, super lemon haze, ultra lemon haze, lemon haze "OG," or lemon shining silver haze (which, oddly enough, appears to be a cross between lemon skunk and amnesia haze - unlike most of the others, which DO use (super) silver haze as a parent plant <SCRATCHES HEAD> :rolleyes: )? And then there is a lemonade haze, a lemon juice haze, a...

I'm just curious as to the pedigree of yours. Started to look up its particular strain description and then I remembered that half the breeders out there sell a version. Or two.

Let me find out TS...... @Jgrowlove , can you share the pedigree of my Lemon Haze darling? :battingeyelashes:
Royal Queen's site calls it Lemon Shining Silver Haze! It says it's 75% sativa and is a cross between Lemon Skunk and Amnesia Haze. I have grown a few seeds of it before and have gotten both the stinky skunky version and the sweet lemon version! Both were frosty and top shelf IMO. This mother seed is in week 7 of flower and is smelling super lemony!! Which is the one Sweetsue preferred.
Amnesia Haze is a nice strain - a cross from Afghan/Hawaiian x Laos x Jamaica.. I have it in my Buddha Haze, which is half Manga Rosa, half AH. It won a ton of awards for years, and was used in a lot of crosses.

So, that half is legit -:thumb: good stuff.
Sue, I've been watching your sativa revelations and want to recommend the Africans. I shied away from them for years but both Malawi and Zamaldelica are well behaved for sativas and they have a really bright electric high. The Southeast Asians are maybe a tad better but it's just a little ridiculous to try to grow one in a house, much less a tent. These Ace Africans are a dream to grow inside, and there's nary a hint of lethargy in them - buzz buzz all the way. :slide:

Carnival aka "the Good Stuff" is finally getting the exposure it reserves, eh? It took 3 years but you got the word out enough that people are going to remember that strain. Thank you!

Let me find out TS...... @Jgrowlove , can you share the pedigree of my Lemon Haze darling? :battingeyelashes:

LOL, <WHOOPS!> Got my wires crossed. Shorted out, even.

Let's see, where was I? Oh, yes, in the wrong thread :rolleyes:

Okay... Thank you for checking for me. Again, I am just curious and was not picking on the newest addition to your cannabis family.

Royal Queen's site calls it Lemon Shining Silver Haze! It says it's 75% sativa and is a cross between Lemon Skunk and Amnesia Haze. I have grown a few seeds of it before and have gotten both the stinky skunky version and the sweet lemon version! Both were frosty and top shelf IMO. This mother seed is in week 7 of flower and is smelling super lemony!! Which is the one Sweetsue preferred.

And thank you for the quick response. I saw that one listed. I have had what I can only assume were multiple versions of "lemon haze" (generally referred to as "super lemon haze" here) at various times, because some were decent (IMHO), but some were not. Which is the root of my curiosity, lol. I tend to trust Sue's opinion of a strain, so if she ends up raving about this specific version, well... I'll put it on my list.

I assume that you, Jgrowlove, are also a person whose opinions on such things can be trusted, BtW. The "super lemony" aspect has already advanced it a few lengths across the starting line, IMHO. Although I'm more of a "pucker you up and touch the two wires to the hinges of your jaws after plugging the other ends into the electrical outlet" kind of guy, more than a "sweet lemon" one. At least in terms of not really being over the top about lemon flavored foods(, dish-washing detergent, soaps, et cetera). But hand me a lemon - and a shaker full of salt to diminish that electricity on the jaw effect - and I'll be happily occupied for... well, not very long, actually. These days I live in fear of what might happen when I eat one, and I tend to lay with my head sideways to eat one. But I still will if given the opportunity.

So... Lemon. Nae, LEMON. Yeah, that's a plus :thumb: .

Amnesia Haze is a nice strain

I thought for a moment that I had (or had had, at any rate; I've since given so many of the seeds that once visited here away to others that I know offline) one seed of that strain in my personal seed collection. But I then realized that what I had was a single seed (each) of Amnesia Lemon and Liberty Haze (both by Barney's Farm). I've said it before (hmm... maybe, lofl?), but I'll say it again: I think I lose a few IQ points and a few million memory cells each and every day.

It must be getting late, so I shall try to fall asleep. I just wish the people zooming past on the highway would do the same (after pulling off the road, first, c'mon, lol, what did you THINK I meant?) so I could be alone with the ringing in my ears. It's not quite loud enough to drown out all the background noises, for once. Time to start a playlist. I think I'll go with scientific documentaries over music this time. That seems to work about as well as anything else, at least if I've already heard, mentally argued about, and digested the subject matter (CHECK, lol).

Have a good... time, everyone! If you hear a little screaming, it's just me....
Quickly (halfway horizontal):

Sue, I've been watching your sativa revelations and want to recommend the Africans. I shied away from them for years but both Malawi and Zamaldelica are well behaved for sativas and they have a really bright electric high. The Southeast Asians are maybe a tad better but it's just a little ridiculous to try to grow one in a house, much less a tent. These Ace Africans are a dream to grow inside, and there's nary a hint of lethargy in them - buzz buzz all the way.

I miss my unnamed Thai strain from days of yore. I don't miss the opposite-sex flowers, but they became just another thing. (I used to throw those seeds away. Now... I MISS my unnamed Thai!) That one made everything all right. I mean... I can't say that, if i found myself staring at the blood spurting from the stump where my hand used to be <KNOCKS WOOD>, that it would have made that okay - but I can say with some assuredness that, if i was smoking it right now, I'd be laughing my hind end off at the mental image I just had.

I don't think I have any Malawi (I may or may not have a Seedsman African Buzz, which I think I read might be somehow connected). I do, however, have at least a couple of Zamaldelica seeds. "Baggie seed," I think, but they were a gift so I'm not sure (and don't remember what I was told when I received them). Is it a light-feeder, and the kind of strain that you stick into a one-gallon bucket instead of a five-gallon one so that it'll only fill half your house... only to later realized that you should have gone with a quart bottle, lol? I have never grown it. But I have become more and more tempted to see if it'll sprout (and be a girl, oh please, oh please ;) ). I'd appreciate any information you can and will be kind enough to provide on the strain.

I do not think Sue will mind if you post it here. It might even be useful to her in the future.

G'night, all!
A problem.

Well, sleep isn't happening. But that's not it, lol.

I was kind of screwing with someone at the store yesterday, talking in a hillbilly kind of voice. And not the... edge-u-cated hillbilly voice, either :rolleyes: . No... I just walked past my cat and she wanted some attention, so I started talking to her, just so she'd get the tone of voice and feel appreciated or whatever - and the voice came out. The words were a draggin' cross the floor like that ol' dog you got out back that you have to drag 'long behiiiiind you just a bouncin' when you go ta take it fer a walk, an' stuff... you kno-oh?

Only worse. Or better, maybe, ifn yer stu-upid.

So I stopped! And kind of laughed at myself. And said something to my caAAt, ya know? And help, it won't go away!!!

Well, it will, of course. But only through conscious choice. And I only talked to the ol' feller I mean the guy for about 25 minutes. What is this, karma has an instant payback, now?! I'm going to have to dig out the Igor voice just to wipe this one from active memory and stick it back into the vault where it belongs.

Thank goodness I wasn't trying to sound like a chick yesterday. I have to go interact with people today. . . .

Now, where'd he get to? Igor? Igor! Igor!

I bet I've got time for a quick 90 minute nap. Why can't the voices I hear be ones that I can't tell aren't actually real. You know, like normal people have, lofl? These <BLEEPS> are all mine. Doggone it!
OOOh! She’s sooo elegant!

Yes she is Amy. Look how well she took to the Hempy. :slide:

Royal Queen's site calls it Lemon Shining Silver Haze! It says it's 75% sativa and is a cross between Lemon Skunk and Amnesia Haze. I have grown a few seeds of it before and have gotten both the stinky skunky version and the sweet lemon version! Both were frosty and top shelf IMO. This mother seed is in week 7 of flower and is smelling super lemony!! Which is the one Sweetsue preferred.

I’m so thrilled to finally get to grow one. :yahoo: The daughter agreed to be responsible for keeping the couple hempies I’ll have planted going too while I’m away. The LH will be in bloom by then. She’ll enjoy watching it bloom.

Sue, I've been watching your sativa revelations and want to recommend the Africans. I shied away from them for years but both Malawi and Zamaldelica are well behaved for sativas and they have a really bright electric high. The Southeast Asians are maybe a tad better but it's just a little ridiculous to try to grow one in a house, much less a tent. These Ace Africans are a dream to grow inside, and there's nary a hint of lethargy in them - buzz buzz all the way. :slide:

Carnival aka "the Good Stuff" is finally getting the exposure it reserves, eh? It took 3 years but you got the word out enough that people are going to remember that strain. Thank you!


I plan to start some of the seeds Morglie shared with me when I start up again Graytail. Your suggestion sealed the deal. :kisstwo:

It makes my heart swell a little every time we entice someone else to grow Carnival. Think I’ve generated enough interest that they might consider sponsoring me some seeds? Lol! I’m down to my last one, and that makes me a little nervous.

Good morning everyone :love:

I did another hempy planting this morning. The Jamaican clone cutting didn’t make it, but the DC finally sent out roots. :slide:

Another charge for the daughter. I’ll have to find a real easy way to keep her on track while I’m gone.

Time to get my butt out the door to the store. I need to be back to accompany the daughter to an appointment and I’m out of all the basics. If I don’t get some food in this house.... we’ll, it won’t be pretty. Lol!

Before I go, let me take a moment to remind you that no one else shines the way you do, so be kind to the world and share yourself with them. :hug::hug::hug:

I’ll catch you later my friends. :ciao:
Huh, already learned something today and its early... LOL thx Sue... I am putting that transplant methodology in memory banks.... IRONY i have a couple of outta control clones I gotta transplant today... Had been waiting to see if I could make it to the outside move, but they are RRROROROROOOOt bound... So decided to just transplant now to a 25 gallon home for outside... I guess they will be above ground, and we kinda wanna have the ability to follow sun around in the early stages of Spring.. Wish me luck, hope I dont need the Kevlar ha ha
Huh, already learned something today and its early... LOL thx Sue... I am putting that transplant methodology in memory banks.... IRONY i have a couple of outta control clones I gotta transplant today... Had been waiting to see if I could make it to the outside move, but they are RRROROROROOOOt bound... So decided to just transplant now to a 25 gallon home for outside... I guess they will be above ground, and we kinda wanna have the ability to follow sun around in the early stages of Spring.. Wish me luck, hope I dont need the Kevlar ha ha

They'll thank you for the 25 gallons. How do you plan to move them around?
How do you plan to move them around?

Interesting you should ask, I am just inside, working outside today prepping and such... Took some pics I am gonna post later on my journal, but I give you an idea.... We got three old but usable wheelbarrows, and one old but usable wagon... also have a couple of antique cast iron set ups with good wheels and axles... Mind you by move I am talking a few feet in either direction as outlying vegetation grows up and out.... That is also for cover against unwanted looky lous lol ... I will get into that later, but anyway on my way outside again, nice and toasty/ windy... Green Day all :cool:
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