SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

TS you ever notice you sound alot like a lawyer when you type/talk ??? Very eloquent ;)

I personally love the way TS writes. I'll admit sometimes the length gives me pause, but it's like I'm actually talking to him. We've met in person, so I have a stronger attachment to the man than most of you do, and I hear his voice when I read. Lol!

Good morning everyone :love:

No cobs to chew...... Oh wait! Yes I do, although it's the Jamacian cob bits, right out of fermentation, so no euphoria, just energy. It's amazing, I tell ya, how those cobs fire up the metabolism. It occured to me this morning that that may be what's going on with them, in which case I should see the last 30 pounds I've been meaning to let go drop away sometime this year or next as I lose myself in daily cob chewing. :slide:

What a wonderful life I lead. :battingeyelashes: Nowhere in the days leading up to this time did I even catch a whiff of anything like "cobs!" in my future. This only goes to show that if you stay consistently happy, not fake happy because you hope it'll change your life for the better, but happy for the sheer pleasure of feeling happy, the universe will bring you the most amazing life experiences. WooHoo!

Time to jump in the steamy shower and get out to lunch with my senior buds. I volunteered to call the BINGO game since I won't be playing. I joined them on Wednesday and found that I'm still not comfortable with gambling that much money away. Ok, it was only $7, but my budget doesn't cover $14 a week on BINGO cards. I have nutrients to buy, and seeds to order. Lol!

But I have a deep and booming voice, a valuable trait when you're calling for a room full of people with slight to significant hearing impairment. Lets put the talent to use, why not?

Before I go I'd like to encourage you to join me in this adventure of unconditional living. You won't believe the benefits, and it's as easy as wake up every morning greeting the universe with joyful wonder and anticipation of good coming your way, and hold onto that feeling as long as you can without stressing. When it falls away because you got irritated at someone or something, let it go with a laugh, and remind yourself that tomorrow is another day to see if you can carry that wonder a little further along you path.

How easy is that? So easy most of you wont try, because you'll convince yourselves that its too easy, that it's not worth the effort, that life is meant to be a struggle, so this madness can't possibly work. I'm here to assure you that this sparkling life I share with you on these virtual pages comes directly from that daily practice. After more than a year of faithfully beginning my days with a hearty "Hell yeah, I'm ready to play!" joy has become my default. I may react poorly to something, but you can be certain that I'll pull back almost immediately and reasses my response, then default back to joy, where all the answers are.

Answers to life's questions, big or small, don't come to you when you're anxious, worried, fearful, angry, frustrated or disenchanted. The answers come when you're in the middle of laughing about something completely unrelated to the problem you were concerned about. Stop being concerned. Train yourself to accept that the answers are there, and of course they'll present themselves to you when you're ready to hear them. Then just have fun with life and see what wonder transpires.

With this band of happy cultivators the answers'll most likely come when you're mooning over a plant. Lol! Happiness is the key. Find a way to get there. I think we have a connection to joy that the greater population doesn't. We grow cannabis, and doing so we understand how that simple practice expands our connection with the universe. They don't call amandamide the "bliss molecule" for nothing.

Whew! That was a cosmic mouthful, wasn't it? I'll leave you with some bud eye candy, why not? You certainly deserve it after wading through all that. Lol!

The Timber tent was looking most luscious today. It got a little toasty in there the other day, hence the tacoing leaves on Royal Gorilla. Aren't they pretty though? :battingeyelashes:

Gotta run. The day's delights are calling me. Get out there. Have some fun sharing that joy you have oozing out of you. It's a brand new day filled with possibility. I'll catch up with you later with the updates, after I'm done with BINGO! :ciao:
Afternoon Sue! The thread and your girls look on point as always girly!! Awesome thing with the lights! Love seeing others pay it forward. Have a great day and take an extra long toke of whatever you are smoking for me!
Turns out I fibbed. Felt like I should acknowledge any replies that might have occurred. Will probably do the same to this one before I return to the past (where I belong).

TS you ever notice you sound alot like a lawyer when you type/talk ???

Yes, but only when I'm un-wasted and my disguise starts slipping ;) .

I personally love the way TS writes.

My fan club still fits into a telephone booth.

I'll admit sometimes the length gives me pause

Sry cud talk lik veg-hed cell usr.

No... I really couldn't.

I was just thinking last... awake time thing that my typing is probably in direct inverse proportion to my speaking. But I do remember promising (someone...?) to work on shortening my posts if/when they mentioned their length.

Sure is a shame I cannot recall who that someone was, lol.

but it's like I'm actually talking to him. We've met in person

Which is ironic in the extreme. If memory serves... I didn't say 50 words that day (most of them were probably spoken in your home, though). I've noticed that when I'm at a low point in my depressive cycle, that getting a sentence out can sometimes take many seconds, all told - and most people either can't stand the pauses while I hunt for each word or assume that they are an invitation to start talking, lol. So I have gotten out of the habit of talking. Those who knew me up until age three or four probably wouldn't recognize me. (Although I did finally saw off the facial beard.) That's why I made sure to bring along a friendly hillbilly to fill in the audio gaps. Well, that and the fact that I did not feel like walking ~360 miles.

More irony: Today, I DO. But, sadly, I cannot.

and I hear his voice when I read.

Are you sure it's mine, heh?

I hope it's not that voice. I usually keep it behind double-walled glass. Sealed... for your protection ;) .

Might I suggest a replacement voice? I hear that Dean Martin's isn't being used much these days. Most notably, not by its owner...

BtW, you are as (very) kind as ever.

No cobs to chew...... Oh wait! Yes I do

Cobs... chew... Hmm. I sure miss being physically able to chew bubblegum. Maybe it's time to break out a Serious Seeds Bubble Gum seed?

Oh, <BLEEP!> I put another round of seeds into cups to soak back on the... March, I think. It sure is a RPitA to scrape dried stems/roots/dead seedlings out of Solo cups. I need to switch to a shallower type.

no euphoria, just energy.

There's a lot to be said for having something that can hold one's head up. Right now, I'm using one of my hands. It's making... Yeah, this message will not be so lengthy, methinks. In terms of novels... it wouldn't even qualify as a decent Foreward. Now, why is "foreward" underlined? It's not misspelled... is it? Oh. Whoops. I need a mental hand... prop... thing. Aha! It is no longer underlined. Neither is the other one. FOREWORD. Because novels have words in them? Oh, look, the underlines are back under the other two now. This spell-checker thinks it's my refrigerator - can't decide whether or not it wants to produce cottage cheese.

I should see the last 30 pounds I've been meaning to let go drop away sometime this year or next as I lose myself in daily cob chewing.

whew, that would end me. A weeble-wobble I aint. Knock me over, I'm pretty much going to stay down.

BtW, when they do liposuction, do they sell the harvest to skinny people, lol? Or just throw it away like they do the unwanted embryos? Hey, there's a thought. EDIT: One I have decided to keep to myself.

I volunteered to call the BINGO game since I won't be playing. I joined them on Wednesday and found that I'm still not comfortable with gambling that much money away. Ok, it was only $7, but my budget doesn't cover $14 a week on BINGO cards.

Try poker. That's how Dad (RiP) got his gas money for years, down at the local union hall, when he didn't have work (and, often, when there was, lol, because he used to come home, sign his paycheck, and throw it onto the living room shelf - and never see that money again). I don't think he ever really considered it to be gambling. At least not those games where some cards were dealt face-up, a large portion of the deck got used each time, and/or when the odds of getting any given (potentially) winning combination have been known for (figurative) eons. I'm guessing it would have been more like getting paid for babysitting a slightly rowdy group of infants, without the diaper changes.

Before I go I'd like to encourage you to join me in this adventure of unconditional living.

I think mine has conditions. I seem to have mislaid the paperwork, lol, but I'm pretty sure there was mention of an expiration date...?

Have some fun sharing that joy you have oozing out of you.

But, first... Please make doubly sure that the substance you have oozing out is, in fact, joy. Other oozes may not be quite so shareable.
TS..... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Let's get this show started, shall we? :battingeyelashes:

Weekly Update: Clone Cuttings, Veg Shelf, Tiny Closet, and Spa - Friday, April 6, 2018

The cuttings were opened yesterday. No roots that can be seen by the naked eye yet. I keep forgetting to take pictures, and I don't like to disturb them during this stage.

If they don't come through - and I'd be really surprised if they didn't - I'll have roots revegging I can grow long enough to clone. Just like I'm doing with this one. This pot won't need anything for a while longer. It's under low light, just giving it time to get its bearings and realize it's function in life has changed.

The Tiny Closet

Filled with Devils :slide:

Devil's Carnival 1.6 Tucked back in the corner, she's turned into a little gem. Smells incredible and sparkles like a jewel. She's finishing up a week at 12 ml of Parts A & B, but no Bulk. Next week she begins the flush cycle.

Very close to being finished. This chemovar can finish well before Day 50)

Devil's Carnival 1.5 The baby in the group. Lol! She's tapering off bloom nutes, working the end of 16 ml Parts A & B with 4 ml of Bulk. These little hempy girls aren't shy at all.

Devil's Carnival 1.3 The largest of the three, flipped on the same day as her companion in the other corner. She's loving this soil. Today she got her first drench since she finished the CATs, a sweet and gentle TransWater.

She bears all the frosty hallmarks of my pheno.

The Spa

I'm getting close to the harvest of two of the three residents.

CBD Critical Cure 2.8 will be the first to come down, in all likelihood. Both she and Jamaican 1.2 are on the same schedule of 12 ml Parts A & B and both start the flush next week. I'm expecting the Jamaican to take a bit longer, but we'll see. This girl is definately a couple weeks out.

Beginning to go chunky. :slide:

Jamaican 1.2 is looking a little long in the tooth, but her blossoms haven't yet begun to change to chocolate purple. This is my first in hempy, so I'm not sure if they will turn. That's part of the experiment.

Her buds are getting to be rather chunky themselves.

The apical bud is on the end of that long branch that snakes up into the middle of Jamaican 1.4.

And what a beauty Jamaican 1.4 has become, with her strong, straight branches. This girl turned out to be so much more than I expected.

I keep intending to trim the undercarriage, but then I get distracted. Now I'm thinking let it all go. I'll turn it into something delicious.

Can we say "frosty?" :battingeyelashes:

I'll be back with the tents in a few minutes. I need a buzz first. :ciao:
Weekly Update: The Tents - Friday, April 6, 2018

Tent #1

Things are moving along nicely in here. Both girls had a Recharge topdressing, Jamaican 1.4 got a TransWater drench with hers, and Black D.O.G. Had a Growth Energy one.

I think they look happy. :battingeyelashes:

Jamaican 1.4 has taken well to her restraints. All the tops are now upturned and aggressively blooming.

I'm right at the limit. I think they'll be ok at this distance.

One of the advantages of tying her down in this manner is that all those bud sites will become big, fat colas. :slide:

As will these back here.

Black D.O.G. has set her eyes on becoming the most beautiful plant in the tent. Lol! I'm more impressed with her every morning.

Both tent residents are gearing up for their CAT drenches. We definately have bud set.

Tent # 3

Carnival 4.6 continues to roar into the harvest stage. The cool nights are giving us a rare show in my garden. She had a deep drink of TransWater today. I was planning a Transplant, but she looked like she'd had too much to eat recently, so I opted for a milder drink.

Beauty, everywhere you look.

She's not giving off much smell yet, that always comes closer to the end. Looking at her I'm thinking it could easily be another two weeks. I need her down far enough in advance to get a cob fermented before I head off on vacation. I can leave it curing without opening while I'm gone, but I can't keep it fermenting that long.

She twinkles in the light. :battingeyelashes:

Tent #2

My favorite sunny spot. :battingeyelashes:

Candy Cane 4 is smaller than I'd hoped, but then she still has a good month to go before harvest, so I shouldn't get concerned. I keep looking for another chemovar to use in tandem for brownies, but all the attempts don't do for the daughter what Candy Cane does. Next run I'll make certain to keep the line going with clones.

She just had a TransWater drench to follow her CATs.

An elegantly beautiful specimen.

Jamaican 1.5 is beginning the taper off bloom nutes, at 16 ml Parts A & B with 4 ml of Bulk. Lanky though she is, it appears she's going to do a decent job if contributing to the inventory.

Royal Gorilla is the undisputed star of this cycle. "Stunning" comes to mind with great regularity. She also had a TransWater drench to follow her own CATs.

This is the view from my bed. No I ask you, how lucky am I? :battingeyelashes:

Ok.... We made it in one piece. Lol! Thank you for stopping for the nickle tour. I did my best to make it worth your while to stop, so I hope smiles abound. It takes a lot to pull this together, but you're all worth the effort, and I take great pleasure in the creative process. It never feels like work. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Plants are looking fine!

That chunky plant seems to be pretty leafy maybe she got a high dose of somethink? N?

Is there a difference between the 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 etc Jamaicans???


That's how I keep track of the clones. The first number is the mother, the second number is the cloning order. So 1.1 would be the first clone, 1.2 the second, and so on. CBD CC 2.8, for example, is the 8th clone in the line beginning with CBD CC 2, which was the second seed of the chemovar I planted.

I take one cutting at flip, and this system helps me easily track the genetic lines.

The chunky Jamaican is stressed in that solo cup. The nutrient line I use doesn't create any deficiencies or problems that I've noticed.
Love the update Sue! It is definitely proving to be a very time consuming endeavor (updating and what not)! Love the people and all of the generosity I find throughout it tho :circle-of-love:. Your going to have quite the cabinet full of meds before long! Any idea when your gonna drop a DDA? I think I remember you saying something about it here recently?
That's how I keep track of the clones. The first number is the mother, the second number is the cloning order. So 1.1 would be the first clone, 1.2 the second, and so on. CBD CC 2.8, for example, is the 8th clone in the line beginning with CBD CC 2, which was the second seed of the chemovar I planted.

I take one cutting at flip, and this system helps me easily track the genetic lines.
Love the update Sue! It is definitely proving to be a very time consuming endeavor (updating and what not)! Love the people and all of the generosity I find throughout it tho :circle-of-love:. Your going to have quite the cabinet full of meds before long! Any idea when your gonna drop a DDA? I think I remember you saying something about it here recently?

I love doing the updates, so it's heartwarming to hear they're appreciated. :hug:

I'm holding off on dropping anything until I return from my travels, likely the end of May. A couple DDAs will be my first seeds planted. Lol! From now on they'll be in continuious production. I'll be cobbing almost all of the DDA harvests.
I love doing the updates, so it's heartwarming to hear they're appreciated. :hug:
And I love enjoying them :hug:
:thanks: Sue - that colourful carnival is a wonderful sight isn’t she? You must be thrilled thinking about the cob(s) in her future :love:
DC 1.3 is looking the goods too, I’m liking the look of her very much :yummy: . You’ve sure got a few harvests to get through before you go!

I so wish the harvests didn’t sap my energy and immune function so much. I’m realising I need to organise things very differently for next season. Think I’ll aim for one large photoperiod in the raised bed (perhaps Cinderella ;) ) and then some scattered Autos in pots (a Jack Herer and a couple of DDAs) through the season, trying to get their harvests about a month apart. 1-2weeks between harvests is too much for me! I guess it’s the overall gardening that’s taxing me too. I’m learning a lot about how to set things up for next year!

It’ll probably be your morning when you see this so, good morning - hope your Saturday is wonderful.

Amy, have you considered trying to train the plants in a manner that leads to easier harvests?

I will be honest, I am not a fan of harvesting....at all. Love growing em, hate trimming em. You could try some of those main lining or even quadlining techniques (Asesino does a wonderful job with the quadline) that don't require a lot of manicuring.

Just offering up ideas that might make it easier for you but not require to reduce your grows. Or possibly grow more plants but keep em smaller (top twice for 4 mains and flip quicker? You could stagger a plant for harvest about every 2-3 weeks. It would just be the 4 mains and relatively quick and easy to trim.
I'm holding off on dropping anything until I return from my travels, likely the end of May.

I forgot that you'll be taking a (well-earned) vacation soon. Thousands of people will be in withdrawal by the end of May. Wait, is that when you are returning or when you plant to leave.

It doesn't matter, come to think of it. I assume you'll have iPad in hand at some point, lol.
Amy, have you considered trying to train the plants in a manner that leads to easier harvests?

I will be honest, I am not a fan of harvesting....at all. Love growing em, hate trimming em. You could try some of those main lining or even quadlining techniques (Asesino does a wonderful job with the quadline) that don't require a lot of manicuring.

Just offering up ideas that might make it easier for you but not require to reduce your grows. Or possibly grow more plants but keep em smaller (top twice for 4 mains and flip quicker? You could stagger a plant for harvest about every 2-3 weeks. It would just be the 4 mains and relatively quick and easy to trim.

I like this idea myself Van. You have my brain in overdrive right now, considering what I can do differently when the daughter and I set back up after vacation. I've never checked out Asesino's work. Later today I'll take time.

Thank you for the creative nudge. :hug:

I forgot that you'll be taking a (well-earned) vacation soon. Thousands of people will be in withdrawal by the end of May. Wait, is that when you are returning or when you plant to leave.

It doesn't matter, come to think of it. I assume you'll have iPad in hand at some point, lol.

:rofl: I read the first part and laughed right out loud "You forgot the iPad." :rofl:

I never go anywhere without the devices and my virtual family is only a click away at all times. It would surprise you all how many call me. :battingeyelashes: I suppose I'm not the standard :420: member, am I? Lol! My stated goal is to meet as many of you as I can before I'm finished playing in this sandbox we call Earth.

Good morning everyone :love:

Carnival wanted to say good morning too. I didn't think anyone would mind.

I just stopped briefly to mention that I posted a new thread today, an article I found detailing the process of dry-ice QWET extraction. If I can find dry ice - @Jgrowlove and @Hash Hound, this might be fun, eh? - this is something I'm really interested in playing with. We'll be tracking down some Everclear 191 for this game. :slide:

Super-Cooled QWET Wash for Cannabis Extraction Using Dry Ice

Ok, show of hands.... how many read that and their heart skipped a little beat? :laughtwo: Ahhhh..... I love what we do in this neighborhood. :circle-of-love:

Get out there and have some fun. I have sunshine today. Cold temps or not I'm taking advantage while I can. Grab a hug when you can. Nothing heals quite the same way. :battingeyelashes: :love:
I just stopped briefly to mention that I posted a new thread today, an article I found detailing the process of dry-ice QWET extraction. If I can find dry ice - @Jgrowlove and @Hash Hound, this might be fun, eh? - this is something I'm really interested in playing with. We'll be tracking down some Everclear 191 for this game. :slide:

Just in case you check this thread before checking your PMs, lol: I sent you a couple of local suggestions.
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