SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

I have no idea what Dan has in mind or if they’ll be assembled. If not, I have your number. Lol! I’ll be visiting their facility while I’m in California. How cool is that? I’ll get a one-on-one explaination of what I’m going to be working with. :slide:

Now that is some really cool stuff there Sue.... It amazing the Small things you do everyday to put joy into others life, you deserve some joy in yours.. I would love and cant wait to see those pics..
I love a room filled with conversation when I show up after a refreshing night’s sleep. :battingeyelashes:

Good morning everyone :love:

Another busy day ahead, but I like to start here, if I can. There've been many days lately when my start's been the cob thread, and to be honest, that was where I was a moment ago. Lol!

But I have a special morning montage for you. :battingeyelashes: The days sometimes get away from me, and with so many charges I sometimes miss one of the drenches. Not so much miss, as underestimate the time it'll take to dry. When you run all the same plant this isn't so much of an issue, but we all know my garden isn't a monoculture.

Yesterday Royal Gorilla called me from the other side of the apartment. When I unzipped the tent I found this sad sight.

She got a deep drink of a TransWater drench and today she's all recovered. It scares the bejezzers out of an obsessive cannabis cultivator to find such an oversight when they're this deep into bloom, but experience reassures that by tomorrow....

. this is what you'll find.

Everyone's perky and upright again....

...and frosty. Don't forget frosty. :yahoo: Oh, I hope the daughter likes this one. I need a close match to what she gets with Candy Cane for brownies.

Praying to the indoor sun as though she was never neglected.

Whew! I always feel like I dodged a bullet when that happens. All the bookkeeping and documentation in the world doesn't replace eyes on the prize. This one pulled through with flying colors.

Time to meditate and get to the senior center. Get out there and start sharing some of that joy I know that girl caused to stir in the core of you and bubble to the surface. Ready to play? Good. Have a splendiferous day. I'll catch up later. :ciao:
Sue: it makes me wonder if a little bit of stress is good for our plants. Not enough to stunt them, but enough so they really start thinking “fuck, I need to make more resin to protect my seeds!”

I've contemplated this uncomfortable thought all along BigBear. They respond to stress by rewarding us with resin. The trick is to figure out how to cause just the right amount of stress at the just right time.

One of the stresses I'm trying to avoid is light bleaching. The Carnival showed me that the canopy needs to stay around 18" away from the light panel. When I looked into the first tent yesterday I could see I was in trouble. My guide beads are only a foot long. Awk!

A new guide line was installed to show an 18" buffer and the tops of the Jamaican were fastened down to get below that level.

That's how I left them last night. The tall branch you see was manipulated a bit too aggressively, so I left her alone overnight.

This morning she got tied down below the guide beads too.

With the exception of that lone branch everyone else is once again upturned and praying to the indoor sun.

The node spacing in Black DOG has me really excited. :slide:

Gotta run or I'll be late for lunch. :ciao:
Morning @SweetSue

Sorry for clogging up your thread..

Morning @SweetSue

Sorry for clogging up your thread..


I don’t think you ever need apologize for leaving hugs on any of my threads Bonsaiweed. Hugs are a healing force in their own right. The full therapeutic effects of hugging kick in at three slow breath’s worth of time.

That means your “clutter” is really a clear demonstration of how to do it right in real life. Too often we uncomfortably pull away right before the good stuff starts and the chemical cascades that embolden the ECS begin.

My personal, unproven theory, mind you. :battingeyelashes:

I don’t think you ever need apologize for leaving hugs on any of my threads Bonsaiweed. Hugs are a healing force in their own right. The full therapeutic effects of hugging kick in at three slow breath’s worth of time.

That means your “clutter” is really a clear demonstration of how to do it right in real life. Too often we uncomfortably pull away right before the good stuff starts and the chemical cascades that embolden the ECS begin.

My personal, unproven theory, mind you. :battingeyelashes:


Well, I was talking about the motorcycle hijack, but you brighten my day with the "hugs".

Hope you are doing well today.

Well, I was talking about the motorcycle hijack, but you brighten my day with the "hugs".

Hope you are doing well today.


Lol! I go off-topic so often on my own threads - and everywhere else- I don’t notice anymore. :rofl:
They respond to stress

I learned long ago, cannabis plants produce is usually better when she gets stressed at optimal times. If grow time is of the essence to you, stressing them is not your friend, but if you don't mind an extra 4-8 weeks added to total grow time, stress is the best at making her shine! I torture the hell out of my plants, but never before 6 weeks old from seed. Torturing babies is usually counter productive.

I learned long ago, cannabis plants produce is usually better when she gets stressed at optimal times. If grow time is of the essence to you, stressing them is not your friend, but if you don't mind an extra 4-8 weeks added to total grow time, stress is the best at making her shine! I torture the hell out of my plants, but never before 6 weeks old from seed. Torturing babies is usually counter productive.


I'll make a note of that Keith. Six weeks from seed...... set me to thinkin' if I play with mine earlier, and I may. Hmmmm......... I take lots of notes, but I've yet to start looking for patterns other than life expectancy. I'm learning lots this year.

Do you ever work with clones? A six week wait with a clone and you've lost control. Lol!
Now doesn't that feel good?!! :hug:

Yes it did. All assigned and waiting for the switch-over. :slide: All medicinal gardens too, a special sweetness to the joy. :battingeyelashes::green_heart:

But then, all cannabis gardens are medicinal.
I’ll be visiting their facility while I’m in California. How cool is that? I’ll get a one-on-one explaination of what I’m going to be working with. :slide:

Super sweet. :cool: I dont need any new lights but i would love to see the man I emailed with when I built the COB kit. . . . Please them him sorry for my obsessive questions.:Namaste:

I hope you get lots of learnin' done about lights:high-five:
Change is afoot

Nah, change is ahead, lol - my shoe is... afoot. Verily I have cast a spell and ensorcelled the beast. Ensorcelled, and now encircled. But... <PSHEW!> it refuses to be tamed. And its brother, that I call "Left shoe," still unleashed - and untaped - has given itself airs, and is more easily aired, though a ragged beast it be.

Hi, I decided to dive back into your thread, even though I am hopelessly far behind (and probably missed a bunch of posts even before that, due to various things). Let's see... I am on post #2,445. I'm going to try to not ruin the experience by skipping ahead. So I guess it will be a while before I see this post and any later ones (I've opened this reply in a separate tab so that I can click on the Post reply button and then close the tab without peeking ;) ).
I'm subscribed to 133 threads at last count. Lol! It may be time to cut back somewhat.

That's all? I had the impression that you were everywhere. But it does explain how you can be so cheerful all the time. I have 117 pages of subscribed threads (and I unsubscribed from 100 or more threads immediately prior to the forum change) and still cannot figure out how to get a list of the ones that have unread posts in them. I had hoped to move many more of the ones I'm subscribed to into the custom folders that I had long ago set up (and then started to kind of procrastinate about "filing" every single thread, as I subscribed to it) so to make the information contained within said threads much easier for me to find/reference/use, but ran out of time. But it appears that any time spent on such filing would have been wasted anyway, because there does not seem to be any kind of "folders for subscribed threads" option now. Or else I just missed it - which is entirely possible. I am thinking it might finally be time to break down and post a thread asking for a staff member to explain how to do this stuff with this new forum.

Back to back... reading.
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