SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

I just stopped briefly to mention that I posted a new thread today, an article I found detailing the process of dry-ice QWET extraction. If I can find dry ice - @Jgrowlove and @Hash Hound, this might be fun, eh? - this is something I'm really interested in playing with. We'll be tracking down some Everclear 191 for this game. :slide:

Super-Cooled QWET Wash for Cannabis Extraction Using Dry Ice

I'll read up on this later, but I have made dry ice sift hash.
It was easy to do and turned out good.
The bad side is the price of dry ice is $25 for 10 lbs (minimum they sell).
Glad my suggestion sparked some creativity for you Sue. I like to address issues at the simplest level first if at all possible and move from there. And who doesn't like trimming plants that are easy to harvest!! A few snips here and there and bam! She's drying
Amy, have you considered trying to train the plants in a manner that leads to easier harvests?

I will be honest, I am not a fan of harvesting....at all. Love growing em, hate trimming em. You could try some of those main lining or even quadlining techniques (Asesino does a wonderful job with the quadline) that don't require a lot of manicuring.

Just offering up ideas that might make it easier for you but not require to reduce your grows. Or possibly grow more plants but keep em smaller (top twice for 4 mains and flip quicker? You could stagger a plant for harvest about every 2-3 weeks. It would just be the 4 mains and relatively quick and easy to trim.
Thanks VS - I appreciate the thought! Sounds like you sparked something for Sue too!

For myself, I have considered doing it that way - and indeed that’s kind of how I planned this season and it’s what isn’t really working. Don’t get me wrong, I actually really enjoy the harvest! I just have a particular condition to manage and have realised I need to factor in more recovery time. I’ve been talking it over with my partner and our helper, and myself. Every 2-3 weeks is too often, and it’s the continual repeating small harvests that are problematic (accumulative depletion). Next year it’ll be 2-3 small autos starting them 4-6weeks apart and making sure the last one doesn’t finish too close to the photo period. That means 2-3 small harvests mid season and one big one at end of season. Should get me plenty of weed with less gardening pressure and less frequent harvests. (So probably 2 autos will be enough - depending on how well I grow them!). I can get help for the big harvest and have a little harvest party. I prefer to dry trim so that gives me a break between activity. I have a helper who recently learnt how to trim for the first time - she was good at it too! That bodes well for the future :)

One big photoperiod to look after is going to be way less taxing than 3-4 like I’ve done this season.
Good morning SweetSue and All :hug: even tho it’s early afternoon for most of you! It’s 530am for me (I’m an early riser). I’m wishing everyone a great Saturday night!

Ooh! Just realised it’s sunday morning - the day I can wake n bake :slide: Sundays are my ‘SweetSue’ days - haha! Where I get to stay high all day! And a journal updat to finish an post too - yay! Great day! I’m ready to play! :surf::surf::surf:

High SweetSue,

The carnival is gorgeous. Actually, they all are! Royal gorilla is looking so nice also!

I do enjoy your nickel tours. Your energy is so infectious. And you're right about spreading cheer, and tuning into the cosmos. Life gets better and more enjoyable with every day. I get my dose of your zeal every day. :hug::hug:
Amy Gardner said:
Ooh! Just realised it’s sunday morning - the day I can wake n bake :slide: Sundays are my ‘SweetSue’ days - haha! Where I get to stay high all day! And a journal update to finish an post too - yay! Great day! I’m ready to play! :surf::surf::surf:

:rofl: Your SweetSue day. :rofl: I hear you. Lol! The daughter shakes her head in wonder sometimes.

Hope yours lives up to your expectations. I liked your thoughts on staggering your harvests. It looks like a good plan.

High SweetSue,

The carnival is gorgeous. Actually, they all are! Royal gorilla is looking so nice also!

I do enjoy your nickel tours. Your energy is so infectious. And you're right about spreading cheer, and tuning into the cosmos. Life gets better and more enjoyable with every day. I get my dose of your zeal every day. :hug::hug:

If your intent was to generate a warm smile @Bode, you accomplished your goal. :hug::hug:
Good morning everyone :love:

So what does the day hold in store? Well, it's sunny and bright, so a walk along the river I'd definately in the plans. That'll be directly after breakfast, but first a shower and some time meditating my cells back to a joyful harmony.

As I jump into the shower I'll be chewing on a small bit of this beauty, to test her effectiveness after the second week in cure.

I'll be reporting the effects on the cob thread. :slide:

Later, after my walk, I'm planning to start a small tincture. We need to determine if it'll work for the daughter, and it's been a long time since I tried one myself. There are a lot of people out there using tinctures effectively. I think it's time to give them another try. I'm hoping the spiced rum will be a better taste than my first attempt with vodka.

I forgot to mention that J stopped yesterday and left me a new clone, one I've been salivating over from the start. Lol!

@nivek has been a fan for years, and his effusive prose about the euphoric effects have been pushing me to this point for a couple years now. Well, I finally get my own try at one. :yahoo: I'm considering knocking the roots free of the dirt and making her a hempy later today. The daughter could easily keep it going while I'm on vacation.

Then again, I can keep her going in the soil until I get back. Decisions, decisions. Don't be surprised if she goes all hempy within the next few hours. :battingeyelashes:

I'll leave you this morning with some daily shots of the breath-taking beauty in tent # 3.

Now I ask you, didn't that get the day off to a blissful start? I thought it might. Now get out there and have some fun. Share that joy we jumpstarted. All those lucky folks that're going to be in your personal atmosphere today will thank you for it, in their own ways.

I'll be back later, buzzed and beautiful myself. Lol! :ciao:
OOOhh Lemon haze! I'll bet you will love it. When is the carnival ready? a week?

I'm thinking 2-3 weeks. She's gonna cut it close on me. I'll do the cob at harvest or get the daughter to monitor them while I'm traveling. Geez....I didn't factor in the trip. That's gonna complicate the production of my most desired cobs. Hmmm...the daughter and I will have to talk.

I try not to get her responsible for my crazy projects, but this one is too special to miss out on. It'll be a good 5-6 months before I have another Carnival coming down.

That Carnival is looking fabulous! Have a great Sunday! :thumb:

My best Carnival specimen to date. I'm hoping for something close to 4 oz out of her. She'll beef up substantially in the next couple weeks.

You have a great Sunday too Doob. :hug:
Another 5-6 month’s before my next Carnival harvest. WTH am I thinking? This will never do. I’ll go nuts by then. Lol!

Hmmm..... how can it be this hard to stay ahead of the euphoric desires of a single 64-yr old woman? :rofl:

Incidentally, does it sometimes surprise anyone else how often you reach for cannabis out of habit? Lol! I’m resisting the pull of habit to get a better grasp on what the cob is offering today. It’s a struggle with so much available.
Happy Sunday Folks!

Well, It's been several years since this has occurred ... I have no cannabis growing, and all grow spaces are torn down and packed up. Last night was harvest time for the flower tent, and the veg tents were already closed. I sold the house we are in right now and closed on a new one yesterday morning. Dang, it always makes me cringe to sign 30+ thick documents and not be able to read every word. But that's what Title insurance if for right? Luckily, our new forever home didn't include a mortgage, so a few less documents needed signing than when a bank lender is involved. Gulf Coast here we come, legal or not! :laugh: The plan is for this moving thing to never occur again, we want to really taking root this time.

So strange to have no cannabis plants to tend too, it feels odd as I normally keep perpetual in play.

Back to the packing, but at least I don't have to physically move everything this time around, I coughed up the cash to have a moving company handle the heavy lifting. Is 94 medium moving boxes, and still counting, rather absurd for 2 people ? ... I think so. Even after two garage sales and gifting of much stuff, we likely still have too much stuff. We are blessed for sure, not complaining, but dang stuff divides and multiplies on it's own.

I'm thinking 2-3 weeks. She's gonna cut it close on me. I'll do the cob at harvest or get the daughter to monitor them while I'm traveling. Geez....I didn't factor in the trip. That's gonna complicate the production of my most desired cobs.

Take some with you. They're vacuum packed, right? Scrub the exterior of the bag(s) well with 91% isopropyl alcohol once or twice and you could walk past a K9 officer (and his/her partner) without giving either a woody.

By the way, I owe you an apology. I'll have to send it via PM, though.
Take some with you. They're vacuum packed, right? Scrub the exterior of the bag(s) well with 91% isopropyl alcohol once or twice and you could walk past a K9 officer (and his/her partner) without giving either a woody.

By the way, I owe you an apology. I'll have to send it via PM, though.

You owe me no apology TS. I have no problem with you being you. :hug::hug::hug:

@KeifKeith, congratulations on letting go of so much stuff. :thumb: When Dale and I moved into this small space we let go 75% of our belongings and still had 125 boxes and the furniture. I think you did well. :battingeyelashes:

I’m glad to hear that you found a home close to your family roots. It felt like the direction all along. When you get there and start unpacking have a give-away box nearby. You may be surprised at what else you’re willing to part with.

I’m getting ready to wind my grow to a halt, more or less, so I know the agnsty feeling you’re living with. It feels so wrong, doesn’t it? Lol!
You owe me no apology TS. I have no problem with you being you. :hug::hug::hug:

Yeah, well... I never did learn how to follow directions ;) . Also... I agree with just about everything I read/hear from you. But on this, I fear I must respectfully disagree.
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