SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

I forgot to mention...
My hippie friend, turned me on to this shilajit resin. I ordered 150 grams bulk that should last a long time. I dilute .5g morning and night and throw in some to my feed schedule to the ladies. Speaking about keeping the ladies happy. Instantly, (next day or two- beautiful, waxy, vibrant, lush green and sheen surface on the leaves!)
Organic Ag Solutions

And don't forget to air prune your roots (I use net cups) and .50 Walmart bags
I’m getting ready to wind my grow to a halt, more or less, so I know the agnsty feeling you’re living with. It feels so wrong, doesn’t it? Lol!

It does feel like I forgot to pick up the kids from school, missed an appointment or something like that! But the last 8 weeks have been nothing but change so I'm already in the mode of nothing is routine. I like it both ways, settled and regular and the daily unknowns. I miss playing music most of all right now, I was poking around the house Saturday night like a lost puppy.

I usually spend at least an hour or two a day tending plants (not just cannabis) around the house and yard. I have a LOT of potted plants outside and need to figure which ones can survive the heat where we are moving, and gift the rest or just plant them in the ground for the new owners. I have some really nice outdoor pots, and some of the big colored glossy ceramic pots are very pricey, too pricey to not transport to the new home.

How long before you head to San Diego Sue? No way you can go 5 months without a new Carnival harvest huh? It's like your favorite! I still never got my seeds from the Ministry and really wanted to grow one and check out your favorite strain ... CHEMOVAR ... I remembered. I'm sure the new home owners will laugh when they start getting my random cannabis related stuff in the mail! :laugh:

Question to you and your followers Sue. I was curious about the do's and don'ts of transitioning an indoor plant outdoors? It will be on a 18/6 schedule up until I move it outdoors. Is there a minimum on the amount of daylight hours my area should have before moving them? By this time next month well be at 14 1/2 hrs daylight, maybe an hr more if you count the 30 min light before and after sun rises/sets. Thanks :Namaste:
Question to you and your followers Sue. I was curious about the do's and don'ts of transitioning an indoor plant outdoors? It will be on a 18/6 schedule up until I move it outdoors. Is there a minimum on the amount of daylight hours my area should have before moving them? By this time next month well be at 14 1/2 hrs daylight, maybe an hr more if you count the 30 min light before and after sun rises/sets. Thanks :Namaste:

I hope someone else can answer from experience Laquerhead, because I have none with outdoor grows. Amy will know. She’s finishing an outdoor grow.

Well, I’ve had an interesting day. Lol! My plan was to wind the garden down, and yet it keeps expanding.

Remember Red Diesel? I called her, but I didn’t chop her, just moved her out of the light.

Today, after 20 days of total neglect, I decided to listen for her pleas to be allowed to flower out and I upcanned her.

I don’t think I ever documented this. When I transplant, before watering in I mound extra soil all along the outer edge to form a little roll.

After careful watering this compresses to flatten out the surface. It allows me to squeeze a teeny bit more into the pot, and when you work with smaller pots you want every advantage you can find.

The face that made me relent. Lol!

She’s in with Carnival 4.6, the only available space, and not much at that.

Time for an extension to my buzz. :bongrip:

Hi Laquerhead,

Are going to plant it in the ground or just relocate it outdoors in the pot?

Happy Monday! I've enjoyed this thread. @SweetSue
Been working like the dickens to get things back in order on a level than not many can handle. I can't stress enough the importance of keeping all your ladies happy. Regardless of which ones you spend more time with. .

Happy Monday AirPruneRoots. :hug: :welcome: to my joyful little garden journal. Are you referring to you or me? Lol! Not many could juggle the classes I run through my garden and still be sane on the other end. Most give it up after a couple cycles. I seem to feed on it.

I add nothing special to my plants. Won a gallon of Terpinator with the last MOTY contest but gave it away to a grower who would use it.

Someday I may change that, but for now I’m happy with the trichomes they’re producing. My money goes to the expensive nutrients. :battingeyelashes:

Using the Walmart bags, eh? A thrifty gardener, I take it. I had a good supply of the Geopots when I started, and they worked so well that I stuck with them, or variations on the theme, but never tried the frugal option. I’ve seen them perform well for others though.
curious about the do's and don'ts of transitioning an indoor plant outdoors
Amy will know. She’s finishing an outdoor grow.
Haha - that’s funny because I read you question LH and thought ‘cool, I hope someone pops up who can answer’! I don’t know, and I want to. Shed does it all the time but he’s working with autos - so not relevant to photoperiod. I know that heaps of outdoor growers start inside to get a headstart on the season so obviously it can work. I’m yet to research the ins and outs. I think Cola Monster might be one of those growers but I could be wrong about that. It’s on my list to check out his grows and see.
It seems to make sense though that you don’t want to be massively reducing the light hours when you do this. So I’ve been thinking of an indoor start under only 12 hours of light... that’s just an idea though, it’s not based on any research at all!

I’ll let you know if I come across anything relevant.

Hi Laquerhead,

Are going to plant it in the ground or just relocate it outdoors in the pot?

I'm just going to relocate it outdoors into the pot, after a month or so of 18/6- which will happen in a 4"-5" nursery pot!
Haha - that’s funny because I read you question LH and thought ‘cool, I hope someone pops up who can answer’! I don’t know, and I want to. Shed does it all the time but he’s working with autos - so not relevant to photoperiod. I know that heaps of outdoor growers start inside to get a headstart on the season so obviously it can work. I’m yet to research the ins and outs. I think Cola Monster might be one of those growers but I could be wrong about that. It’s on my list to check out his grows and see.
It seems to make sense though that you don’t want to be massively reducing the light hours when you do this. So I’ve been thinking of an indoor start under only 12 hours of light... that’s just an idea though, it’s not based on any research at all!

I’ll let you know if I come across anything relevant.

Haha, I almost posted on your thread! Just hadnt seen mention of that during my reading of your journal so figured I would ask on Sues! Being it has such a wonderful audience and all :battingeyelashes::laugh:...but seriously!
I'm sure the new home owners will laugh when they start getting my random cannabis related stuff in the mail!

Both Conradino and Lester Freeman have force flowered indoors and then relocated them outside. The Spring period can confuse them with the lengthening days, so be aware of that.
Question to you and your followers Sue. I was curious about the do's and don'ts of transitioning an indoor plant outdoors? It will be on a 18/6 schedule up until I move it outdoors. Is there a minimum on the amount of daylight hours my area should have before moving them? By this time next month well be at 14 1/2 hrs daylight, maybe an hr more if you count the 30 min light before and after sun rises/sets. Thanks :Namaste:

Are you worried about the possibility of your plants transitioning to flowering way too early? Knock a half-hour off your lights-on time, wait a little while and do it again. You'll be at seven hours of darkness per 24. You should be able to repeat this twice more to end up with eight hours of darkness per. You'll be moving the plants into a grow environment that has ten hours of darkness - but maybe, as you mentioned, only nine. And during the two to four weeks of indoor transition, of course, the "days will be getting longer" outdoors (placed phrase within quotes because one day is still (roughly) 24 hours on Terra). So the various time periods will be much closer each other.

You might - either in addition to the above or instead of it - hit the plants with a bit of light during their outdoor dark period in other to prohibit the production of... I cannot remember offhand, but by interrupting the process, you'll tend to inhibit flowering. This may not be an option, depending on circumstances.

Or you could stick them out but pull them back in for a bit each day when the sun is going down, to artificially limit the number of uninterrupted hours of darkness each night.

Finally, you could just stick them out there, lol. You might see an issue. I hate to say, "Flip a coin," but some strains require lengthier dark periods for flowering to begin.

The more abrupt change (from short drak-period lengths to relatively long ones) would make this more likely, but it is still not guaranteed. We used to adjust the indoor schedule from 18/6 to 20/4 or even less dark hours for a couple weeks prior to placing plants outside in the Spring in order to cause it. Sometimes it worked, sometimes they just kept on trucking in vegetative growth mode. Of the ones that did start to flower, some continued to as the night periods grew shorter - but some did not. But I think it was '89, '90, somewhere around then when I/we last did it. So I'm operating more off of "hunch" than memory here, but: I'm wanting to say that the more sativa types were easier to "shock" into beginning the flowering phase with an abrupt switch from only four (or less) hours of darkness to the much higher amount of it outdoors... but that it was the more indica ones that easily continued to flower once it began.

Again, that is not memory speaking :rolleyes: .Treat it as an opinion/guess only.

You might find something by browsing in the Outdoor Growing section. Or even, perhaps, the How to Grow Marijuana or Frequently Asked Questions one.
High SweetSue, LH, Amy, and all,

Putting plants outdoors involves climatizing (getting used to outdoor environment) the girls a little each day. Build up over a week to be able to stay out. At least, that's what I do. Cheers
Are you worried about the possibility of your plants transitioning to flowering way too early? Knock a half-hour off your lights-on time, wait a little while and do it again. You'll be at seven hours of darkness per 24. You should be able to repeat this twice more to end up with eight hours of darkness per. You'll be moving the plants into a grow environment that has ten hours of darkness - but maybe, as you mentioned, only nine. And during the two to four weeks of indoor transition, of course, the "days will be getting longer" outdoors (placed phrase within quotes because one day is still (roughly) 24 hours on Terra). So the various time periods will be much closer each other.

That is what I was concerned with but that sounds pretty accurate! I know the first time I ever did it I paid no mind to it but thought I might try and do it right if there was a "right" way! Thanks for the writeup! :thumb:

High SweetSue, LH, Amy, and all,

Putting plants outdoors involves climatizing (getting used to outdoor environment) the girls a little each day. Build up over a week to be able to stay out. At least, that's what I do. Cheers

Thanks man, ill do some more research into it! :thanks:
High SweetSue, LH, Amy, and all,

Putting plants outdoors involves climatizing (getting used to outdoor environment) the girls a little each day. Build up over a week to be able to stay out. At least, that's what I do. Cheers

Thanks Bode :thumb:

Do you wait till a certain time of year in terms of outdoor light schedule? Or run a particular light schedule inside before moving them?

Only thing I’ve read was Nebula Haze - who talks about the acclimation and easing them into sunlight (through shade) and trying to match the light hours to avoid the early flower and then reveg (if the days are still getting longer) which can take some time out of the growing process...
LH - sounds like a bit of everything needs to come into the equation. If you want it to just keep vegging when it transitions to outside consider trying to match the light time. What schedule is it in now? Or haven’t you planted the ones you want to move yet?

LH - sounds like a bit of everything needs to come into the equation. If you want it to just keep vegging when it transitions to outside consider trying to match the light time. What schedule is it in now? Or haven’t you planted the ones you want to move yet?

It is actually about to be planted in about an hr. And will go in with the LA Con and DDA on an 18/6 light schedule! Hopefully my LA Con is ready to transition to flower by the time I need to start cutting the hours down...might be tricky but should work! The LA Con still might be a tad smaller than id like but we'll see. Thanks for all the help :high-five:
Good evening everyone :love:

Been a busy, buzzy day, brought on by the chewing of a Malawi cob, followed a couple hours later with a Carnival brownie. I can feel I need to pace myself better. Lol! This is gonna wear me out today, so good thing I had no garden duties. I have access to "The Shape Of Water" this evening, and I may just treat myself to it.

Hash Hound stopped today to help me out with a modification of my veg shelf. We picked up another 2'x4' sheet of pine to create a truer 2x4 veg area with as little effort as possible. I'll be hanging curtains that reach to the floor and enclose the space better. The bottom panel was to protect the floor and just make me feel better about stability concerns.

I'll stack risers off to each side of the metal shelf for smaller plants like newly-planted clones and new seedlings as needed. Larger plants will take the inner space. It doesn't increase shelf space so much as it does increase interior space, which is all I need for this area. Dan and his team are designing lights to fit a 2x4 space and that's what I was determined to have ready to go. Now pots can go all the way to the edge and branches will have more room before hitting the curtains.

We drilled some holes to zip-tie the plank to the top for stability. I'm planning some hooks to hang the curtains with, but these bag clips are working pretty good, and they're a quick release if things have to be broken down quickly. I'm lazy. This works. What expend energy messing with it? :battingeyelashes:

I moved the cob hot box up here, in an attempt to consolidate the grow. It's nice to have a shelf this wide and solid. It won't be holding anything of substance, just the modem and some rizers for the veg shelf.

In other news, Red Diesel is looking significantly stronger and more alert today. Nothing like some living soil to make a plant feel more loved. :battingeyelashes:

Carnival wasn't looking too bad herself. :slide:

She looks like at least another two weeks. :yahoo:

As I was closing up the tent this gem in the Timber tent caught my eye, so I grabbed a quick shot to share. :green_heart:

Having fun today? Yeah....so am I. Lol! I'm gonna grab some food and pull up this movie. I'll catch you later. :ciao:
Nice upgrades @SweetSue !!!!!:thumb:

That is one sticky gorilla......:high-five: :hug::hug:

Thanks @Bonsaiweed :high-five: :hug::hug:

The daughter likes this one, and that's a good thing. What I needed was something that was indica enough that she felt comfortable and high enough in THC that it hit all her preferred notes the way Candy Cane does, because the Candy Cane won't yield enough to get her to the next harvest.

She's fond of the Black D.O.G. too, but it knocks her out. :rofl: I managed to have a good selection of chemovars for her to explore beyond the comfort of her Candy Cane favorite. Now it's time to grow some African sativas to meet my cobbing needs. Lol!

And it's way past time to have some DDA growing. I still have almost two months to wait on that joyful adventure.
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