SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

I like 12/12 from seed, some of my biggest yielding plants.
Great for keeping sativas in check. not much to lolly pop
Usually see hairs forming around 5 weeks

this is a Colombian Gold 12/12 from seed at 6 wks flowering
Wonderful! Huge for a 12/12 from seed! Good job!
when i did 12/12 from seed, I would usually see hairs forming around 5 weeks

Beautiful plant Hash! That’s good to know so I could veg inside for a few weeks under 12/12 in September and safely move it outside then (gently). September can be unstable weather wise so it might give me a stronger start...:hmmmm:

Excellent TS that’s a very important piece of the picture - not to be forgotten!


I got pieces of pictures all over the place. But I still haven't found my piece of the pie ;) .
when i did 12/12 from seed, I would usually see hairs forming around 5 weeks

Exactly, the critters don't start off by producing flowers. They're like cats, I guess, you don't have to worry too much about leaving the boy kitties in with the girl kitties. But wait ONE DAY too long, lol...
You still grow the Widow?

I'm tryin TS

I have 2 WW clones in the flower room right now, treating one with CS to try for some seeds.
And I just sprouted 2 of 3 from previous attempts at WW seed making.
I also have a Widow Querkle x Widow in the room now.
I'm hoping to back cross her again with some of the Widow pollen
It's a mission for me to keep this strain going.
Well Miss Sue, that plant that I showed you that we tried to bud, shoulda trimmed back more as you suggested... woke up this am to a complete meltdown of growth... Just all the sudden like... Had to pull it and downsize pot, root system seems good and after an extreme hair cut and amputation routine, I see promising new growth under all the dying material so I am gonna baby it to keep it alive and move it outside anyway... I have had worse looking plants turn out as the best... trying to keep my head up on that one, but I have over 20 going outside besides that one, just hard to watch the babies struggle... lol Green Days
Well Miss Sue, that plant that I showed you that we tried to bud, shoulda trimmed back more as you suggested... woke up this am to a complete meltdown of growth... Just all the sudden like... Had to pull it and downsize pot, root system seems good and after an extreme hair cut and amputation routine, I see promising new growth under all the dying material so I am gonna baby it to keep it alive and move it outside anyway... I have had worse looking plants turn out as the best... trying to keep my head up on that one, but I have over 20 going outside besides that one, just hard to watch the babies struggle... lol Green Days

It happens Hacker, and we learn from the experience. :hug: The first time I trimmed to the quick it scared the bejeezers out of me. It worked so well I kept going.

Good evening everyone :love:

Finally had a few extra moments. I wore myself down with so much running around and had to nap. Lol! I almost never nap.

I think it was too much sun. We had a clear, unusually hot day and I spent some time sunning in the Adirondack chairs in the local shopping area. It’s a good thing I have my infused cream, because the face got a tad pink. The cream counters any possible skin damage.

Hell, when I bang myself I slather it on and don’t bruise. This stuff is gold!

It’s been an emotional couple days. The daughter’s suicide attempt 14 years ago came back to haunt her. That bottle of Tylenol apparently damaged her liver enough that she’s showing early signs of cirrhosis.

We’ve already discussed the implications and determined to develop a specialized regimen, very high in CBD, which can cause apoptosis in fibrous hepatic cells. My biggest challenge will be finding the chemovar high enough in CBD that also has more indica than sativa terpenes in the profile. I’m looking at Harley-Tsu at the moment, but I’m really hoping she can tolerate either Harlequin or Candida, even though they’re sativas, because I already have those seeds. Thankfully, I have a source for some flower of each to try out before planting.

Never a dull moment, eh? Lol! It’s sobering, but no one’s panicking, and with my daughter that says a lot about her current cannabinoid therapy.

Right now I’m going to treat this slightly-stressed mom ( me :battingeyelashes:) to a nice salad bar. I haven’t been down to that restaurant in a while, and this feels like the perfect time.

Before I head out again I thought you’d enjoy another peek at Carn 4.6. She grows more beautifully colorful every day. :slide:

Cobs in the making. :yahoo:

Have a wonderful end to a delicious day my friends. I’ll catch you later. :ciao:

Thanks.....:passitleft: I needed this too.

I opted to stay home. Didn't have it in me to get dressed to go out. This is what I plan to do for the rest of the evening until I can't any more, and then I'm gonna sleep like a babe. :battingeyelashes:
I purchased my ticket to San Diego today. SweetSue is on track to walk the beach for days and days. Gosh....I love wandering through the waves rolling up onto the sandy beach. :slide:

Plus, I'll get to meet Dan at Timber Grow Lights, among many others. I mean, how cool is that? :battingeyelashes:
I purchased my ticket to San Diego today. SweetSue is on track to walk the beach for days and days. Gosh....I love wandering through the waves rolling up onto the sandy beach. :slide:

Plus, I'll get to meet Dan at Timber Grow Lights, among many others. I mean, how cool is that? :battingeyelashes:
That is real cool. :love::love::yahoo::slide:

I'm not big on the Cali beaches. They seem to be more shell than the gulf beaches. But I had fun for the four years I was there.

But I was in southern Cali
I purchased my ticket to San Diego today. SweetSue is on track to walk the beach for days and days. Gosh....I love wandering through the waves rolling up onto the sandy beach. :slide:

Plus, I'll get to meet Dan at Timber Grow Lights, among many others. I mean, how cool is that? :battingeyelashes:
You’re going to have a blast I’m sure. Water might be a bit cold but I bet it’s still warmer then the air outside your house right now.

Be sure to wear lots of sunscreen, especially if it’s cloudy (which it will be in the mornings at least).
Water might be a bit cold but I bet it’s still warmer then the air outside your house right now.


How much, lol?

You picked the wrong day to post that, methinks.

EDIT: It's close, though, lol. Any other year - this date - you'd probably have taken all my imaginary money. Or even if you'd waited another 45 minutes, I expect.

How much, lol?

You picked the wrong day to post that, methinks.

EDIT: It's close, though, lol. Any other year - this date - you'd probably have taken all my imaginary money. Or even if you'd waited another 45 minutes, I expect.
Lol, guess I should’ve checked first. Looks like if I wait until Monday to say it again my odds will be a lot better. :thumb:
You’re going to have a blast I’m sure. Water might be a bit cold but I bet it’s still warmer then the air outside your house right now.

Be sure to wear lots of sunscreen, especially if it’s cloudy (which it will be in the mornings at least).

I'm more interested in walking along the beach and feeling the ebb and flow of the waves than in getting out there and swimming much. The pain creams we make are excellent sunscreens. They're great if you burn too, so I'll be bringing some with me.
Lol, guess I should’ve checked first. Looks like if I wait until Monday to say it again my odds will be a lot better. :thumb:

I think I'd have only won by about six tenths of a degree. I only posted that because there was a pretty significant temperature spike in this part of the country today (and, well, because I can be a bit of a smart-@ss from time to time), and I read once that the water temperature, as measured at Scripps Pier, reached its warmest in August (makes sense) when it hits an average of 68°F. So I was pretty smug, since it was warmer than that just a bit earlier. Than I thought to check the current temperature in her neck of the woods and started to panic :laugh:.

But it worked out by a nose.

Sue, are you completely shutting down your garden of paradise before you leave? Or have you worked out some sort of strategy to keep it going, maybe some sort of automatic watering setup? I know you are fond of the Dark Devil Auto, and was thinking it'd be neat to have been able to time things so you walked through your doorway just in time to begin harvesting some, lol. But I suppose something like that would be a... PitA, even if you had a clean 55-gallon drum and a float valve laying around, plus a bunch of material to use for wicking devices.

It was just one of those thoughts that go zooming by, that I made the mistake of reaching out and grabbing.

BtW, I hope things work out with your daughter and her liver issue.
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