SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Makes sense... You sure ain't going to make weed do anything.... Is what it is. And most of the time amber is that fruit just about rotten. But still I LOVE an unbruised brown banana? But I agree. Amber is a way of saying I'm past peak for some herbs. Like a sweet sativa, but a nice good night nurse''' might need to turn abit darker...... Once more,,, you need to know the plant, before you can know what she is.....
Keepem Green Ya'll
High SweetSue,

I wanted to say how nice your Carnival is looking. So gorgeous! The Royal Gorilla looks even better, but I'm not into 50/50 strains. You do so well! I'm not surprised you're giving up on soil. Hempy must be much easier for you. I look for easier ways to get things done all the time. Seems like a good fit for you.

I want to thank you for putting the info under your pictures. I like to see how I'm doing compared to other growers. That info makes it easier to evaluate.

Looks like your daughter will have enough to do while you're gone. Taking the stress out of it was a nice touch! Now she can tend buds with positive energy, and not obsessing over plants not doing well enough. You're so good.

I want to tell you I enjoy your posts and journals immensely. I hope you accomplish your goals while traveling, and manage to enjoy yourself as well. Ciao
Makes sense... You sure ain't going to make weed do anything.... Is what it is. And most of the time amber is that fruit just about rotten. But still I LOVE an unbruised brown banana? But I agree. Amber is a way of saying I'm past peak for some herbs. Like a sweet sativa, but a nice good night nurse''' might need to turn abit darker...... Once more,,, you need to know the plant, before you can know what she is.....
Keepem Green Ya'll

Amen to that Woody. I’ve spent the past year getting more familiar with the regulars, and I can see a marked difference in the way I watch them. After you grow a few you see the patterns of development t and develop a sense about what the girl is getting ready to do.

It’s always fascinated me how mine will call me from some completely different chore to check their trichomes because they know they’re done and I’m ignoring it. Lol!
Good morning everyone :love:

And then there was one......

Harvest day is it’s own special joy that I’ve noticed I typically combine with the deliciousness of a Sunday morning. :slide:

I’m obviously up and actively engaged with my delightful cosmic companions. The day ahead is filled with laughter and loving. May yours challenge mine for sheer pleasure, but you’re gonna have to do a lot of allowing to get to my happy place. Lol!

Oh.... I forgot to share a wonder.....remember my friend who sold her house overnight for $5000 more than her asking price after we worked up a deliberate mindset? Well, selling your house without another to move into can prove to be a dicey thing to survive.

Six months with one daughter and her family and I don’t need to tell you how family dynamics will need some time to adjust back to normal. Now she’s living with her other daughter, a single professional in the banking industry. That’s working out better for everyone but she’s been starting to get a little desperate about her own place.

She had her name in at a couple retirement communities, one just around the corner from me. :battingeyelashes: The last time we walked together - Wednesday that was - we worked up another deliberate mindset for her to focus on concerning the call to move in.

She got that call within 48 hours of our conversation, and it’s the one we were hoping for, within easy walking distance of my apartment.

See? I’m not fooling about this deliberate manifestation stuff. Sure, it sounds space-case bat-shit crazy, but it works, and does so with as much consistency as you yourself allow.

Find the feeling of having your dream manifested. Don’t worry a lick about how or when. Accept the inevitability of what you desire coming into your life. Then wait for it, expressing as much joyful anticipation as you can muster, drenched in gratitude to cosmic forces for working on your behalf.

See it. Believe it. Expect it. Make it so.

So simple it looks improbable, but I assure you, it works the way it always does, until doubt gets in the way. I’m getting really good at leaving doubt out of the formula, and my dear friend has demonstrated in dramatic fashion how effective the principle can operate when you go all in with joy.

It’s not magic, it’s cosmic law. You get what you vibrate. I make it a deliberate point to vibrate joy, love, appreciation, wonder, gratitude. You witness the wonder that tumbles into my lap all the time. It’ll do the same for you. :battingeyelashes:

Back to my harvest. I’ll catch up later.
Love that analog tempmeter. Oldschool is da shit. Do you have any livingspace left in your house? ;) It's so fun seeing you got so much going on. You have a true perpetual garden. :)

Hahaha! There's a little space for me too CraZyWeeD. Lol! This was the second time I pressed the bathroom into service as a flowering space, and the first time I promised myself it wouldn't happen again. Lol!

I find the analog devices hold up much better over time, dont you? :battingeyelashes:

It's a bit disconcerting to close a perpetual down. Im not completely closing it, but I'm nervous harvesting with no one to step into the open spaces. Getting a perpetual to run smoothly is a skill I haven't completely grasped, but every time I restart I'm stronger than the last start.

This past year I learned the chemovars I'll be keeping well enough to understand their cycles. That'll make a difference in how I schedule the next run. It'll also be nice that I won't be growing for the daughter anymore, but overseeing her training as she begins to take control of her own health.

New lights will be a little exciting too. :slide:
@SweetSue Awesome news about your friend and her new place. We’re going to have to buy lottery tickets when you’re here in San Diego.

Well.... there's a trick to winning the lottery, so let's start building the energy now.

Most people look at the lottery as a big windfall that'll make them sooooo much happier. That's a good way to keep from ever winning. You're paying more attention to what you don't have - enough money to make you really happy - than what you seek - the freedom to do, have, be whatever you desire as abundance flows freely into your life from all possible sources.

So winning the lottery becomes the next logical thing to happen to you. Because you were already happy where you were, and just decided that it'd be fun to have abundance manifest in your life as a big, old stack of money. Can you feel the difference between "Oh thank God we finally won" and "Well... isn't that a delicious thing to have happen on a day I was feeling so delighted?" Yep, we're reaching for the latter.

When I go to visit my friend in AZ she always makes certain to take me with her when she buys her lottery tickets. I'm her good luck charm. Lol! Yes, she always buys a winning ticket in the hundreds. Same thing happened in Vegas too. She sat down at the first machine and won $400. Two days later we did that again and she won $300.

So yeah.... we'll make sure to get a ticket when I'm there. :battingeyelashes:
Hey sue question for you ?

When it comes time to chop do you wash your buds/fruits?

Just wondering as my method I use docs bud washing modified based on size f my harvest .

But you are the second peroson who hangs their plants upside down . How long do you do it for and I’d like to hear your reasoning behind it . See if what I heard is accurate. As I cut my plant sorry and then cut main branches so I can clean then I hang for 2-3 days before giving a more formal trim. Then on drying rack til hit the desired rh in a jar say 62% if my buds hold there I inwk they are good to be jarred wothoit paranoia due to mold.

So I guess in short blah blah blah joe lol

Did you hang how long / why?

And do you and when do you clean ?

Thanks sue trying to make sure I’m doing this right . And the more I get conformation from multiple players then it make me feel a sense of closure so to speak.

Thanks sue lovely update as always and top shelf of a day to yah:ciao:
Lol I was just kidding, but hey I’ve got a dollar for it. Wouldn’t that be a great way to fund your future world travels? But seriously, I am going to Vegas on Tuesday, send those goodluck vibes. I don’t really gamble much, but it’s a trade show and those are always a gamble.
Lol I was just kidding, but hey I’ve got a dollar for it. Wouldn’t that be a great way to fund your future world travels? But seriously, I am going to Vegas on Tuesday, send those goodluck vibes. I don’t really gamble much, but it’s a trade show and those are always a gamble.
Best of luck man win big for us small people :goodluck:
This was the second time I pressed the bathroom into service as a flowering space, and the first time I promised myself it wouldn't happen again.

Confucius say it is far easier to crap into bag and grow a pound in one's bathroom than it is to grow a pound in a bag, regardless of where one chooses to squat.

This past year I learned the chemovars I'll be keeping well enough to understand their cycles.

It's nice to have grown a particular genetic line (or at least the strain) enough times that you know how it behaves and how it will react to various changes, isn't it? One learns things that following a simple "How to Grow Cannabis" FAQ cannot really teach (although such things certainly have their place).
Well.... there's a trick to winning the lottery

Absolutely! For example, with the Powerball, that trick is to purchase 292,000,000 tickets. Guaranteed to hit the jackpot. (For best results, lol, wait until the post-tax jackpot amount is > $292,000,002 - and hope really hard that no one else hits it, too.)

Otherwise... who was it that said that the lottery was a tax on the poor and uneducated, François-Marie Arouet (aka Voltaire)?

I'm bad about throwing my money down the government hole, too. Every time I see the jackpot rise to over the odds, and I cannot think of anything else to spend the money on, I go but a ticket. Actually, come to think of it, it costs $2 now, doesn't it? I should probably start waiting until the jackpot hits $584,000,000 instead of $292,000,000. That happens rarely enough that my... odds of successfully having $2 in my pocket will be higher ;) .

Although not sure who actually made the statement about the poor and uneducated, I'm pretty sure that Pop once said that the lottery was for people who couldn't play poker, lol.
But you are the second peroson who hangs their plants upside down . How long do you do it for and I’d like to hear your reasoning behind it .

I'm guessing that she's far too intelligent to believe the old wives' tale (who were those poor dumb ladies anyway, lol?) about THC(a) "running down to the buds," :rolleyes: - so it is probably just that a branched plant, harvested and hung upside-down, occupies less space than one that has been harvested and hung right side up. Kind of like the opposite of an umbrella.
I guess to be truly perpetual you need lots of space. I am not spoiled with that, yet anyway. I am always little nervous when i chop down. The last time i took the harvest out of my closet to trim. When I later went for a walk with the dog i could smell the sweetnes of my whitewidow in the whole staircase in my apartment building. You can't be too carlful in my part of the world. Lets say they haven't come to that enlightenment here yet and maybe never will.... but who cares. I'm happy i can make a few bucks of i every time i grow. :thumb:
@CraZysWeeD I hear ya on that one. I tend to do my harvesting and drying when the roommate is at work on the weekends. He’s knows about it, I just try to be considerate. I’ve had the buds in the dehydrator, left for a bit and could smell the buds in the garage before I opened the door of the house. Lol
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