SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Do yourself a favor. Follow the link to the link with the laughs. :battingeyelashes:

A delicious laugh

You’re welcome. :kisstwo:
And then there was one......

Sue, I distinctly remember a time when you vowed to only ever have one plant in there! I think it had something to do with needing to spray milk? :eek::cool:

You’re welcome. :kisstwo:
I don’t often enjoy such things... but that one got a few chuckles!

Yes. Yes it does ... ;)

But I decided to leave it that way anyway - those who remember will hopefully know what I’m referring to ...

ROFLMAO! :rofl:
The Solo Cup Experiment: Results

About a year ago I first came across a postulation by Dr. William Courtney’s wife that one could supply at minimum a half ounce a day of fresh buds for juicing by growing in solo cups.

Her contention was that you could grow enough in a closet to supply this basic ingredient that, when juiced, provides a powerhouse of cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, chlorophyll....the list goes on. All these components interact with the body in a healing dance to homeostasis.

In homeostasis disease stands no chance. The body was evolved to heal spontaneously. Pervert the food supply enough to limit basic raw materials for systemic health and introduce stress at almost unthinkable levels and you have a blueprint for the sicknesses that surround us.

Drink a regular diet of cannabis buds and your body will heal itself. I’m convinced it’ll do that for any condition you find yourself facing.

But will that idea work in real life? That was the foundation question behind my solo cup grows. Obviously logistics are key to success, and a solid plan for stability, maybe some type of grid the cups set into, would go a long way to making it happen.

Her idea was to plant another seed every day, planning for an eventual daily harvest of at least 1/2 oz. My experiment proved that you can get that yield without much effort. :yahoo:

Nice, eh? Well... the winner was the teeny-looking Devil’s Carnival.

It surprised me too. I thought the Jamaican would yield better. I’ll be looking at learning to control them to budscicles next. That way I can fit them closer together.

The daughter and I will be looking into purchasing a lemongrass juicer and designing a schedule that has at least one harvested solo a week, so she can spread the harvest over days and get a steady supply of fresh cannabinoids.

I’m feeling really good about this. My brain is churning through some ideas. Eventually I’ll have something designed and running. This is exciting guys. I think this may be the way to heal the liver. :slide:

Back to the trimming. I still have the CBD CC to get bagged.
About a year ago I first came across a postulation by Dr. William Courtney’s wife that one could supply at minimum a half ounce a day of fresh buds for juicing by growing in solo cups.

Her contention was that you could grow enough in a closet

That's ~11.4 pounds per year. Doable... But doctors have large closets, methinks.

I'd pass on the Solo cups for a production grow. Yes, one can grow in them. But they aren't the best use of the space that they occupy, IMHO. A container with a true cylindrical shape would hold more media (I'd guess significantly so, in relation to the relatively small amount in the Solo cup, but I don't really feel like measuring the height of and diameter of the top of a Solo cup right now (the match for volume of a cylinder, OtOH, is simple and doesn't require me to go grab a tape measure), so it might not be significantly more - but obviously... more). Containers that don't have any gaps (IOW, square across the top two dimensions, or even hexagonal) would be even better. 3"x3" by 6" to 10" tall if you're into really dense SOGs, otherwise 4"x4" by same height range for "only" nine plants per square foot.

But clones instead of growing from seeds. Uniformity is important in this kind of grow, IMHO. So, of course, is picking a productive compact strain (bye bye landrace sativas ;) ). Ebb & flow hydroponics would be best, but drip-feed might serve well enough (how large is the closet?), I'd guess. No more hand-watered passive hydro (and definitely no soil).

Keep at least two identical (cloned siblings from the same mother) mother plants, but one or more additional ones would be better - depending on only one not only means that you've got to put more effort into its growth in order to be able to produce enough clones throughout the year, it leaves you open to a disaster if that one plant goes t*ts-up.

But will that idea work in real life?

Yes, but it's work in real life, lol.

maybe some type of grid the cups set into, would go a long way to making it happen.

<COUGH>Two-liter pop bottles<COUGH> - again, I'm not making the swim out to the shed to grab my tape measure, but three two-liter carriers form basically a square in area.

Lower your yield requirement - or increase the size of your closet, or run a double-decker grow - and you could do the "hempy thing" in those bottles easily enough, although many people would find that the hand-watering got old really quick. Especially people who did the regular "flush" thing.

Her idea was to plant another seed every day

Seed-grown vs. cuttings in small containers... The former takes longer, will have more wasted growth (and growth time - throw a bunch of rooted cuttings in the closet and they can be in flowering mode immediately), and (generally) less uniformity - which is a definite negative in a SOG.

budscicles next.

Not really my thing any more, but arguably the most efficient (depending on how one chooses to calculate such things).

Just my opinions, of course.
That's ~11.4 pounds per year. Doable... But doctors have large closets, methinks.

I'd pass on the Solo cups for a production grow. Yes, one can grow in them. But they aren't the best use of the space that they occupy, IMHO. A container with a true cylindrical shape would hold more media (I'd guess significantly so, in relation to the relatively small amount in the Solo cup, but I don't really feel like measuring the height of and diameter of the top of a Solo cup right now (the match for volume of a cylinder, OtOH, is simple and doesn't require me to go grab a tape measure), so it might not be significantly more - but obviously... more). Containers that don't have any gaps (IOW, square across the top two dimensions, or even hexagonal) would be even better. 3"x3" by 6" to 10" tall if you're into really dense SOGs, otherwise 4"x4" by same height range for "only" nine plants per square foot.

But clones instead of growing from seeds. Uniformity is important in this kind of grow, IMHO. So, of course, is picking a productive compact strain (bye bye landrace sativas ;) ). Ebb & flow hydroponics would be best, but drip-feed might serve well enough (how large is the closet?), I'd guess. No more hand-watered passive hydro (and definitely no soil).

Keep at least two identical (cloned siblings from the same mother) mother plants, but one or more additional ones would be better - depending on only one not only means that you've got to put more effort into its growth in order to be able to produce enough clones throughout the year, it leaves you open to a disaster if that one plant goes t*ts-up.

Yes, but it's work in real life, lol.

<COUGH>Two-liter pop bottles<COUGH> - again, I'm not making the swim out to the shed to grab my tape measure, but three two-liter carriers form basically a square in area.

Lower your yield requirement - or increase the size of your closet, or run a double-decker grow - and you could do the "hempy thing" in those bottles easily enough, although many people would find that the hand-watering got old really quick. Especially people who did the regular "flush" thing.

Seed-grown vs. cuttings in small containers... The former takes longer, will have more wasted growth (and growth time - throw a bunch of rooted cuttings in the closet and they can be in flowering mode immediately), and (generally) less uniformity - which is a definite negative in a SOG.

Not really my thing any more, but arguably the most efficient (depending on how one chooses to calculate such things).

Just my opinions, of course.

The advantage to budscicles is that the apical buds hold the greatest number of trichomes, so focusing on them brings the greatest oil reserves.

The advantage of solo cups over a larger container is controlling the schedule. Yes, I can get better yields in larger containers - I'm already doing so in less than a gallon of perlite - but it's having one ready to harvest on a daily basis.

Although..... plan the grow right and I can have one plant a month that gets harvested on a roll to supply juicing. Hmmmm...... I'll take a look at my records and see what my expected harvest is in my gallon hempies. It's not simply growing, but growing enough of the chemovars that'll offer her the greatest healing potential.

Incidentally, THCa is an excellent cannbinoids for healing the gut. I figure if we heal her gut it'll stop broadcasting its dissatisfaction to the rest of her body and the liver has a better chance of healing without that distraction. If I can work it out right I'll start juicing for myself too. I don't think I need 1/2 oz of cannabis buds filled with essential oils every day, but a few grams certainly won't hurt to add into the diet.

HARVEST WRAP-UP: Triple harvest - CBD Critical Cure 2.8, Devil's Carnival 1.6, and Jamaican 1.2

Well that was a fun day. Let me get this posted so I can celebrate with a cup of green tea and a couple hoots of.......Carnival. :slide: Bring out the good stuff. Lol!

The bags are all loaded and in the fridge.

Wet totals were:
* Jamaican 1.2 - 29 grams
* Devil’s Carnival 1.6 - 36 grams
* CBD Critical Cure 2.8 - 205 grams

One of the things I was tracking was the CBD CCs grown in different mediums. In soil I got 217 grams wet. In hempy she pulled 205. Next hempy will be in the small trash can pot, which should yield something very close to these. Only time will tell.

The wall is filling up. Lol!

Time for that buzz I keep neglecting. :ciao:
Oh.......this Carnival is good. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

I'll be finishing this bud tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest, and it's the tail end of Carn 3. Mmm, mmm good. I still have a small amount set aside from the last Carnival harvest, but I'm leaving that for the BIL, since I'll be cobbing so much of the next harvest.

That means this is the last of my personal stash of Carnival until I have some cured, so...... 4 months? :rofl:

How the hell does it come to SweetSue out of both DDA and Carnival? Lol! I'll learn to plan better, but for the moment, back to my buzz. :bongrip:
Sunday night ramblings. Blame it on the Carnival. :rofl:

One of the lessons I finally learned was that I personally need to stay away from indicas, unless it's absolutely necessary that I go to sleep now!. I'm clicking along much more smoothly when my system is amped up on a good sativa, something high in pinene and limonene.

The very opposite of what we grow for the daughter. Lol! She's actually allergic to pine oil, and if she goes to the Carolinas or anywhere near a live pine she breaks out in hives. Oh yeah, she can't breathe either. That tends to keep her close to the safety of her home.

When we start up again she grows for herself, I grow for me and the BIL, and we share the middle tent, which will always have a CBD CC in bloom. We can flip a coin for that second spot in the middle tent.

I wonder what terpenes the DDA has? They have the berry and fuel mix in my garden, but I've never found a terpene lab test of the chemovar.

I have the closet, of course, filled with DDAs, and at that point I get production back in balance with my needs. Until then I'll have to be content with Malawi cobs and Blue Dream. Lol! I know... times are tough. ;)

I'll have Red Diesel in flower when I get back. She'll do well filling in the gaps. Lemon Haze and DC 1.7 will be ready to flip, so no down time. I'll be cloning CBD CC, a Devil's Carnival, and a Jamaican as soon as I get unpacked. Carnival is a must in the first run, but what to run with it? I'm thinking Columbian Gold. :slide: I want a cob and well-cured bud for my birthday, which means she's first place on the dance card.

DDAs take about 3 months, start to finish, and I'll start with 2 and then plant the next 2 on the veg shelf a month before the harvest. That'll yield a DDA cob or two every 2 months. I have a feeling about them. :battingeyelashes: The Carnival ones too.

What an interesting year this is turning out to be, eh?

Hell, we're just getting started. :hug::hug::hug:
MMMMmmmm good looking Critical my lady.... Good news on your friend... You are infectious ummm in a good way llllooollll.... Happy Harvests and Green Day... Gotta finish my weekly I got started yesterday, then got bored lol:green_heart:

How is this possible? I can't even imagine......the updates thrill me. You notice I do them all the time. Lol! I get completely lost in the process. Picture-taking alone is an hour of bliss.

This was all new to me when I came here - the growing, the journaling, all of it. It was like I was made to do this. Sometimes I'm in awe at the output the same way the rest of you are, but we sure are having fun with it. :slide:
Hey sue question for you ?

When it comes time to chop do you wash your buds/fruits?

Just wondering as my method I use docs bud washing modified based on size f my harvest .

But you are the second peroson who hangs their plants upside down . How long do you do it for and I’d like to hear your reasoning behind it . See if what I heard is accurate. As I cut my plant sorry and then cut main branches so I can clean then I hang for 2-3 days before giving a more formal trim. Then on drying rack til hit the desired rh in a jar say 62% if my buds hold there I inwk they are good to be jarred wothoit paranoia due to mold.

So I guess in short blah blah blah joe lol

Did you hang how long / why?

And do you and when do you clean ?

Thanks sue trying to make sure I’m doing this right . And the more I get conformation from multiple players then it make me feel a sense of closure so to speak.

Thanks sue lovely update as always and top shelf of a day to yah:ciao:

In the spirit of transparency I'll admit that these three didn't get washed, just trimmed and cut from the branches into the bags. When I grow a plant that gets a foliar spray I always wash. If the plant got an inordinate amount of dust, I'll wash. If there's mold or pest I'll wash.

But these plants had pampered and protected lives with good air circulation, so I'm comfortable not washing them.

When I do wash I use a dilution of hydrogen peroxide, 3% - one 32 oz bottle to every 5 gallons of water - in the first bucket and follow with at least one rinse, if not two. Those rinses are clear water. All buckets are room temp water, so they can be set up the night before. I no longer use lemon juice or baking soda. I'm happier with a cleaner wash.

I hang upside down because you want the water to drip off the plants. The branches are cut to a length that'll fit the buckets without bouncing off the bottom or sides. For low and slo drying the buds are trimmed from the branches into the bags after 4 hours. That drying technique gives you the purest tasting product, IMO.

When I hang to dry I prefer to not wash the plant, but rather cut at the surface and hang upside down, removing only already dead or seriously necrotic leaves. In this way the fans embrace the buds and slow down the water loss, as well as protect the terpenes, to some extent.

I usually hang for 4 days to a week, depending on what the humidity is in my apartment. I store with Boveda packs, and I've learned what that 62-68% feels like. I trim when I jar.

Cobbing is done anywhere from harvest to two days later, using plants that're hanging, or buds dried a week low and slo.

Everybody finds their own techniques and processes Joe. It'll be interesting to look back at how you evolved after a few years.
:passitleft:Hi Sue,

Why do you keep leafs on your wall like that?

:passitleft: Hey lazyfish

Those cards are a record of my harvests. I can stand there and do a quick analysis of a chemovar and how it's performed historically. This helps me plan my grows and keep myself from running out of necessary medicine.

Plus, to me it's beautiful art. I love the shape and linear quality of cannabis leaves. I live alone, with few visitors, so it's safe to hang them there. They're held by magnets. Taking them down in a rush will be easy. :passitleft:
@CraZysWeeD I hear ya on that one. I tend to do my harvesting and drying when the roommate is at work on the weekends. He’s knows about it, I just try to be considerate. I’ve had the buds in the dehydrator, left for a bit and could smell the buds in the garage before I opened the door of the house. Lol

I don't even smell it anymore. Lol! My olfactory system registers cannabis as "normal atmosphere." :rofl: When I go out and come back in I smell it, but then it fades back to normal.
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