SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

If that would be the case.... No, 2 years ago i was plowing snow at work with one of those bobcats, well actually a gehl but they are the same. I was plowing along and manage to get hold of one of those sewage lids in cast iron. It was driving in to a rock... So the machine went from 25km/h to zero in one sec. So i ran my head through the windshield, which is almost bulletproof. Blacked out for a few sec.

Got very strange symptoms apart from the pain. Dizziness and hard to concentrate, ringing sounds in my ears and so on... And the last year it's gone from bad to wors. Now i do 50% time at work. Lots of painkillers, Tiparol (opiod) and Lyrica (pregabalin). No fun at all. Get very nervous and anxious sometimes.

Wow.....sorry to hear about the injury......I have run a Mustang (4.5 ton one with diesel), so I know how fast those things can stop.

I hope the meds help A LOT!!!!
Good Morning, SunShine,

Another cold icy day in the neighborhood, but that's just the weather.

I wanted to touch bases with you about liver cirrhosis. I found that healthy liver cells have very few CB1 receptors. As cirrhosis develops, CB1 and CB2 receptors increase a great amount, so it seems cannabis has plenty of opportunity to work there. Sorry for being so vague, but sifting through some biomedical jargon slows down the whole process, and understanding becomes difficult! I know you know this and you're probably far ahead of me on this. I just wanted to see if I could help. Spring hasn't sprung here yet, so I'm looking for things to do, lol. Ciao
I heard about this from somewhere before nice read sue :reading420magazine:
If I had one wish it would be to have a complete and total end to employer drug testing. Upper management isn’t subjected to this in almost every company. Considering what we now know about how the body heals, to punish people for using cannabis smacks of a violation of our right to pursue a common good.
Wow that voice is powerful.. go sue go ✊
Good Morning, SunShine,

Another cold icy day in the neighborhood, but that's just the weather.

I wanted to touch bases with you about liver cirrhosis. I found that healthy liver cells have very few CB1 receptors. As cirrhosis develops, CB1 and CB2 receptors increase a great amount, so it seems cannabis has plenty of opportunity to work there. Sorry for being so vague, but sifting through some biomedical jargon slows down the whole process, and understanding becomes difficult! I know you know this and you're probably far ahead of me on this. I just wanted to see if I could help. Spring hasn't sprung here yet, so I'm looking for things to do, lol. Ciao

Reading over this I was struck by the way the ECS responds to any deviation from healthy and strong by creating more CB1 and CB2 receptors in the “wounded” area. In brain injury CB2 receptors spontaneously rise up to receive the endocannabinoid required for repair and regeneration.

Damage an organ and receptors for the appropriate cannabinoids appear. Cancer cells express a higher presence of CB1 receptors, increasing the chance that anandamide will induce apoptosis.

I love cellular biology. :green_heart:
Wow - that’s a beautiful thing :slide: you must be stoked Sue :surf:

I cried Amy. Getting Carnival tested was something I'd desired from my first run of the chemovar, and Neiko made it come into being. The beauty of the cosmic orchestration that brought us all to that moment overwhelmed me.

See what you desire. Believe in its inevitability. Expect it with absolute faith, completely discounting any questioning of how, or when. Watch the universe move heaven and earth to make it so.

From befriending Graytail to meeting Neiko in Jamaica - and how improbable was it that a spunky little grandma living on a limited income would go hopping planes to Jamaica? - to these test results, the trail was littered with blissful moments of loving and laughter, of following impulse without question.

And now we know what's in this chemovar we all love so much, a mystery that's baffled us all along. I've smoked Jack Herer, and in my opinion Carnival is a sweeter high. Graytail was the one who recognized the potential. For some reason the excitement didn't translate to action until I grew it and started that thread, because I knew from the first hit that this was something special.

But I hold my breath when I find a new passion to share. "Am I making it up and fooling myself?" is kinda the way the internal dialog goes. Lol! Then I anxiously wait to see if others share my wonder at this new thing that attracted me to it.

In the case of Carnival, there hasn't been anyone yet, other than my daughter, of who tried it and said "No..... this one doesn't do it." The reaction has consistently been, "Carnival... the good stuff." :battingeyelashes:

When I ask myself what it is I personally like about Carnival it comes back to the motivating energy and the total lack of any crash as you float down from the soaring buzz. Sooner or later I'll stop growing all the rest and focus on Carnival and Dark Devil Auto. Someday we'll get a DDA tested too. :slide:
It's snowing outside this morning. WTH???
Duh! Double post...

Night, night Amy. :hug::hug::hug:

Had to share a giggle..... all day long I'll jump up off the floor, head to another room, get there and stop, confused at what my goal was "Why did I come in here?" and the giggles start. Short-term memory loss is one of the anticipated side effects of cannabis consumption, and precisely why it's so sought after for the treatment of PTSD.

So every time I think "I came in here for.....?????" I find myself laughing that I must be doing something right. :rofl:
Good Morning Sue.... Those cobs that you " cobblers " are doing are turning out almost exactly as I expected.... Kinda reminds me , happily I might add, of the bud I smoked In Afghanistan... Went there years ago as a visitor with a local friend and found that even though it did not look as green as the ones here they were super potent... Had me chasing the heat waves on the desert for a few ill tell you that... Kinda looked like a candy I use to eat call Chico Sticks... Kinda a Peanut butter and coconut mix formed into a stick... Green Mornings and Day.. Not snowing here yet but it must be coming, tho After the last few days of rain and ice I really hope not... :hug::rollit:
I cried Amy. Getting Carnival tested was something I'd desired from my first run of the chemovar, and Neiko made it come into being. The beauty of the cosmic orchestration that brought us all to that moment overwhelmed me.

See what you desire. Believe in its inevitability. Expect it with absolute faith, completely discounting any questioning of how, or when. Watch the universe move heaven and earth to make it so.

From befriending Graytail to meeting Neiko in Jamaica - and how improbable was it that a spunky little grandma living on a limited income would go hopping planes to Jamaica? - to these test results, the trail was littered with blissful moments of loving and laughter, of following impulse without question.

And now we know what's in this chemovar we all love so much, a mystery that's baffled us all along. I've smoked Jack Herer, and in my opinion Carnival is a sweeter high. Graytail was the one who recognized the potential. For some reason the excitement didn't translate to action until I grew it and started that thread, because I knew from the first hit that this was something special.

But I hold my breath when I find a new passion to share. "Am I making it up and fooling myself?" is kinda the way the internal dialog goes. Lol! Then I anxiously wait to see if others share my wonder at this new thing that attracted me to it.

In the case of Carnival, there hasn't been anyone yet, other than my daughter, of who tried it and said "No..... this one doesn't do it." The reaction has consistently been, "Carnival... the good stuff." :battingeyelashes:

When I ask myself what it is I personally like about Carnival it comes back to the motivating energy and the total lack of any crash as you float down from the soaring buzz. Sooner or later I'll stop growing all the rest and focus on Carnival and Dark Devil Auto. Someday we'll get a DDA tested too. :slide:
I've missed it somewhere. Neiko sent off carnival to get tested? Can you one new to the results please? My wife and I are really enjoying my first harvest of it.
Accidentally hit the Reply button instead of the Like one. Just clearing out the wall of text that appeared in the reply box because of it. Move along, nothing to see here...
If I had one wish it would be to have a complete and total end to employer drug testing.

Not me. I'd like to know that the guy tending the dials in the reactor control room over at the power plant isn't a m3th-head, for example, because I'd rather not find out that I have to leave my house for the next 125,000 years :rolleyes: . They probably shouldn't let the cr@ck-heads work there, either, because they'd just end up selling the fuel rods for $20/each.

But I think the concept requires a lot of work.
I'm in with torturedsoul on this one. They never should have built plutonium power plants.... Molten salt reactor driven with Thorium, any stoner can drift them and NO chance of meltdown....

Why does drugs like meth and crack even exist. When we have real powerful stuff already in nature....
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