SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

Those look yummy Sue. I consider any day that I can wake-n-bake
a fine day.

Today is a fine day. Lol.

Cheers friend.

Cheers Ditch. :hug: I heartily agree. Lol!

I have a busy day ahead - no surprise- but I’m planning to make your journal my mid-day stop, after lunch at the senior center. I have pages to catch up on. See you then. :ciao:
Angry Bird checked in today. She’s in a painful spot in life right now. I’d hope the energy of our love for her will bring her to safety. If you’re inclined, I’d ask you to see her strong, healthy, and free, and hold to that belief for the future she’s struggling to achieve.

It’s challenging sometimes to look beyond the painful present to the joyfully anticipated future you desire, but we can do it. I know we can. :circle-of-love:
I have no plans of wandering away from this virtual neighborhood. Sometimes I feel like a beacon of love, holding you all close to my heart. :green_heart:
Aww guys........ :hug::hug:
I have no plans of wandering away from this virtual neighborhood. Sometimes I feel like a beacon of love, holding you all close to my heart. :green_heart:
We will just follow you. Like a bunch of sad puppies following you around.

Creepy sounding I know.... :oops:
Angry Bird checked in today. She’s in a painful spot in life right now. I’d hope the energy of our love for her will bring her to safety. If you’re inclined, I’d ask you to see her strong, healthy, and free, and hold to that belief for the future she’s struggling to achieve.

It’s challenging sometimes to look beyond the painful present to the joyfully anticipated future you desire, but we can do it. I know we can. :circle-of-love:

Hi Sue,

Bummer AngryBird is in the hurt locker, I wondered where she has gone, several times. Please give her my best energies and love, we can all use assistance in that area.

I have no plans of wandering away from this virtual neighborhood. Sometimes I feel like a beacon of love, holding you all close to my heart. :green_heart:

I know my life has had it's paths and callings, and I think you have found yours at this place and time in your life Sue. Nothing lasts forever, but somehow it just seems this is where you are supposed to be dedicating your energies in the world right now. Please do keep your enthusiasm and love for this worldwide and important resource, you help many people, both known and unknown, and in those processes you enrich your own life.

Three times now... I have read bacon of love.... Which is just as nice if you ask me.

MMMMMmmmm ... I Love bacon! Best bacon topping? More bacon!


Good Morning SweetSue!

Wow you have so much good content, thanks so much.

I haven't had a chance to read too much yet but am taking some time today to read your thread on opiate tapering.

I suffer from PTSD, Bi-Polar, Anxiety and Depression. Along with chronic pain from a congenital deformity in my spine that causes nerve pain/sciatica.
Many years of hardcore opiates led to me ending up on Methadone for the last 9 years and it was cannabis that gave me hope that I can get off it. I have tapered from 245mg day to 90mg a day so far and counting...it's slow but before I would be so uncomfortable even a few mg a week would make things unbearable. Night sweats, no sleep, fibromyalgia/hyper sensitivity to pain...ya the air hurts lol. Try explaining that to someone:)

(BTW if someone is suffering the above night sweat issue and is into essential oils my wife has a recipe that is amazing. It doesn't stop them but lessons frequency and severity tremendously...Shoot that and a hit of some good indica and i'm back to normal in minutes)

Here's the thing, I wouldn't touch cannabis with a 10 foot pole until about a year ago. Not having smoked since I was younger I thought it would make my symptoms worse as I remember anxiety from weed and that's one of the worst parts of opiate tapering.

That has all changed. I had a favorite as a kid, it's likely northern lights but that is the one strain I remember from childhood that I would have called medicine. Now we have so much medicine and so many ways to treat with cannabis it's amazing.

Also hoping to reduce/stop the pharmaceutical anxiety pills as they are taking my mind and memory from me.

Since returning to cannabis another crazy thing has happened. I have lost 75 pounds. I mentioned this on PW thread.
When someone asked how I lost it, I think my metabolism reset. I am normally 165 pounds and 5'9 so when I started methadone I skyrocketed up to 230 in a few years and stayed until miraculously and painfully for my digestive system it all started coming off, I wasn't as hungry all the time etc.

Anyway hope that you all have a great day and hopefully I can help in some way. I will shut up and read up ;) Thanks again!
Good Morning SweetSue!

Wow you have so much good content, thanks so much.

I haven't had a chance to read too much yet but am taking some time today to read your thread on opiate tapering.

I suffer from PTSD, Bi-Polar, Anxiety and Depression. Along with chronic pain from a congenital deformity in my spine that causes nerve pain/sciatica.
Many years of hardcore opiates led to me ending up on Methadone for the last 9 years and it was cannabis that gave me hope that I can get off it. I have tapered from 245mg day to 90mg a day so far and counting...it's slow but before I would be so uncomfortable even a few mg a week would make things unbearable. Night sweats, no sleep, fibromyalgia/hyper sensitivity to pain...ya the air hurts lol. Try explaining that to someone:)

(BTW if someone is suffering the above night sweat issue and is into essential oils my wife has a recipe that is amazing. It doesn't stop them but lessons frequency and severity tremendously...Shoot that and a hit of some good indica and i'm back to normal in minutes)

Here's the thing, I wouldn't touch cannabis with a 10 foot pole until about a year ago. Not having smoked since I was younger I thought it would make my symptoms worse as I remember anxiety from weed and that's one of the worst parts of opiate tapering.

That has all changed. I had a favorite as a kid, it's likely northern lights but that is the one strain I remember from childhood that I would have called medicine. Now we have so much medicine and so many ways to treat with cannabis it's amazing.

Also hoping to reduce/stop the pharmaceutical anxiety pills as they are taking my mind and memory from me.

Since returning to cannabis another crazy thing has happened. I have lost 75 pounds. I mentioned this on PW thread.
When someone asked how I lost it, I think my metabolism reset. I am normally 165 pounds and 5'9 so when I started methadone I skyrocketed up to 230 in a few years and stayed until miraculously and painfully for my digestive system it all started coming off, I wasn't as hungry all the time etc.

Anyway hope that you all have a great day and hopefully I can help in some way. I will shut up and read up ;) Thanks again!

:welcome: Phenoman. :hug::hug::hug: I’d appreciate it if you’d share your wife’s recipe on the opioid tapering thread. I’m sure others will thank you for it.

Good to meet you and make yourself at home. It’s a friendly band of cannabis warriors that visits. I think you’ll get along just fine.

My daughter’s anxiety issues are held in check with an aggressive cannabinoid therapy that included 8 capsules a day with additions of brownie and vaping as she feels the need. Her anxiety was off the charts, the worst case her doc had come across in 30 years of practice.

It took three hits to start letting that anxiety go. Thankfully she never had a tolerance for the psych drugs, so her “conventional meds” never got beyond Effexor and Xanax. Damned pills are poison. She avoids the Xanax after the last suicide attempt while on them. The Effexor is a hell in its own right. Don’t ever miss a dose......

I believe the tapering regimen will be most helpful to you. The crew that watches that thread has a unique dedication to helping others find freedom.

The regimen should counter much of the PTSD discomfort too.
Good Morning SweetSue!

Wow you have so much good content, thanks so much.

I haven't had a chance to read too much yet but am taking some time today to read your thread on opiate tapering.

I suffer from PTSD, Bi-Polar, Anxiety and Depression. Along with chronic pain from a congenital deformity in my spine that causes nerve pain/sciatica.
Many years of hardcore opiates led to me ending up on Methadone for the last 9 years and it was cannabis that gave me hope that I can get off it. I have tapered from 245mg day to 90mg a day so far and counting...it's slow but before I would be so uncomfortable even a few mg a week would make things unbearable. Night sweats, no sleep, fibromyalgia/hyper sensitivity to pain...ya the air hurts lol. Try explaining that to someone:)

(BTW if someone is suffering the above night sweat issue and is into essential oils my wife has a recipe that is amazing. It doesn't stop them but lessons frequency and severity tremendously...Shoot that and a hit of some good indica and i'm back to normal in minutes)

Here's the thing, I wouldn't touch cannabis with a 10 foot pole until about a year ago. Not having smoked since I was younger I thought it would make my symptoms worse as I remember anxiety from weed and that's one of the worst parts of opiate tapering.

That has all changed. I had a favorite as a kid, it's likely northern lights but that is the one strain I remember from childhood that I would have called medicine. Now we have so much medicine and so many ways to treat with cannabis it's amazing.

Also hoping to reduce/stop the pharmaceutical anxiety pills as they are taking my mind and memory from me.

Since returning to cannabis another crazy thing has happened. I have lost 75 pounds. I mentioned this on PW thread.
When someone asked how I lost it, I think my metabolism reset. I am normally 165 pounds and 5'9 so when I started methadone I skyrocketed up to 230 in a few years and stayed until miraculously and painfully for my digestive system it all started coming off, I wasn't as hungry all the time etc.

Anyway hope that you all have a great day and hopefully I can help in some way. I will shut up and read up ;) Thanks again!

Sup Pheno, i am gonna check out your journal later this after noon plz post that recipe on my journal thread so I can copy in down... I have chronic seizures and along with smoking buds I am trying to use natural remedies... I have the proverbial broke down body from too much fun as a younger person... thx in advance
Sup Pheno, i am gonna check out your journal later this after noon plz post that recipe on my journal thread so I can copy in down... I have chronic seizures and along with smoking buds I am trying to use natural remedies... I have the proverbial broke down body from too much fun as a younger person... thx in advance
Will do! I just texted my wife to remind me this evening. She applies it on my spine so when she does later i'm sure we will remember. I'll make sure to get it on the opiate taper thread as well:)
Good morning everyone :love:

It's a quiet day in the garden. I might actually get my Callanetics session in today. Lol! We've had just about any weather you can imagine in the Mon valley over the past few days, and today is howling winds and snow flurries. I think I'll stay in for the most part. :battingeyelashes:

Those Malawi cob bits yesterday wore me out, putting me to bed before midnight. Lol! It's an amazing thing to chew a chemovar noted for a happy buzz and have it be incredibly energetic as well, like speed in plant form. Tangwena tells us that energy is an expected side effect of just about any cobs.

Cob and ferment an indica and you get a sweet body buzz and no couch lock, just energy, or so we hear. I'm beginning to look at the jars of too-dry bud and consider some vacuum sealing to get them modified. I have some Blue Dream I'm dying to give a shot, but I don't have enough for a proper cob. This might be my ticket to exploring in small scale. When I get it done I'll post a picture. Some of the Dinachem will likely find its way into a vacuum seal too. :battingeyelashes:

It changes the way you look at your plants. Lol!

The Carnival is looking absolutely stellar today. Thought you'd all appreciate a peek into the tent.

Yeah.... she has my heart beating faster.

Ok buckaroos, time to get out there and play with the cosmos. Over a year in and I still wake with a grin and a "Hell yeah, I'm ready to play!" I strongly advise you follow suit. Life out here on the creative edge is more fun than even I imagined. :slide:

Oh..... nearly forgot. When I get back from my trip in May I'll be starting the garden back up as a sponsored grow for Timber Grow Lights. Dan and his crew are designing to meet my gardening needs, and he's told me I can feel free to gift out the lights already in my possession. If you, or a gardener you know of is in need of an upgrade for nothing more than the cost of shipping, please pm me and we can make arrangements.

I have:
* 1 GROWant GR 480 (already spoken for)
* 2 GROWant GR 240
* 1 Timber Grow Lights 3000K 200 watt Citizen COB (50x4)
* 1 Timber Grow Lights 3500K 200 watt Citizen COB (50x4)
* 1 Timber Grow Lights 3500K 200 watt Citizen COB (100x2)
* 1 set of Timber Grow Lights 4000k quantum boards

Let's find these lights some new homes. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:

Deliberate joy, my friends. No matter what situation we find ourselves looking at, we choose to be joyful and find the best. In this way we keep moving forward without all the resistance that keeps us from our desires. We don't want resistence, we want joy. Just because it feels better.

Now get out there. Have fun. I insist. :hug:
Sup Pheno, i am gonna check out your journal later this after noon plz post that recipe on my journal thread so I can copy in down... I have chronic seizures and along with smoking buds I am trying to use natural remedies... I have the proverbial broke down body from too much fun as a younger person... thx in advance

I'm thinkin' dirt bikes? :battingeyelashes:
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